The Obama Kenyan birth certificate Orly Taitz filed in the California District Court is:
- fake evidence by a birther to get Obama out of office. (60%, 134 Votes)
- a hoax meant to discredit the birthers as credulous after it was exposed (15%, 33 Votes)
- authentic proof that Obama was born in Kenya (15%, 33 Votes)
- a scam to get money from Orly Taitz. (11%, 24 Votes)
Total Voters: 224
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It’s possible that the document was a hoax intended to credit Taitz, and also a scam to make money from her. By doing this, the hoaxer can take the money from the suckers who paid Taitz money and pocket it, while discrediting the birther movement at the same time. Pretty sharp stuff.
I had written this before: the creator of that BC probably tried to shake her down for $10K.
My authentic Kenyan birth certificate is here.
You need to wash your mouth out with lye soap to try to remove all those untruths. You obviously have no idea what you’re talking about.
All of you cheating, lying Flying Monkeys need to blink your eyes and think twice since the real issue is not any BC (those are just issues of fact which the courts will eventually clarify) but the legal eligibility of the man to hold the office he now occupies.
None of you fools seem to realize that!!
Two Words: Herbal Teas. Dude, you’re getting more aggressive and belligerent with every passing day. Barack Obama is eligible. The fools are the ones who fell for the Kenya BC. Remember what your momma tried to tell you, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Birthers are so gullible. Now go take a powder.
Hey Doc, for some reason it’s not allowing me to click on neither of the first two options. What’s going on?
Anyways I think it’s a scam to get money from Orly Taitz
Same here. And ditto.
OOps never mind I see. I changed my vote as fake evidence by a birther to get Obama out of office.
Wow, the liar accuses someone of lying, how ironic! Take that advice and get that herbal tea!
Calling people who disagree with you “fools” and “cheating, lying Flying Monkeys” is a really mature way to argue your case.
Unfortunately for you, an actual mature response would require you to cite some statutes and case law to back up your contention that Obama is not eligible to be president.
One must click on the text rather than the bubble. It’s odd that way.
“All of you cheating, lying Flying Monkeys. . .”
“None of you fools. . .”
Temper, temper. Someone might get the impression that you have become unhinged.
Worse, they might start calling you “Cujo.”
My my, are we a little grumpy today?.. What with the fake Kenyan BC and all I do understand.
And of course the President is eligible, he is born on US soil and thus natural born.
Or even worse call you Orly!
Just $10k? There was a guy posting on the ledger-examiner who said he was flying over to Kenya to pay $1M for a birth certificate to use in the case he and Donofrio and Dan Burton (and a couple of other “high power lawyers”) were bringing.
If it doesn’t have anything to do with birth certificates, then you shouldn’t mind if this one is debunked.
(But, if you think that this is ever going to see the inside of a courtroom, you should research standing and political question doctrines more.)
Everyone excels in something, as for jtx, he excels in sheer paranoid fantasy. He is very good at being an idiot, correction: babbling idiot! Amazing, I wonder if he can tie his shoes just before that court case he tells us about. (the one that will never happen)
by the way, Flying Monkeys were in Kansas (during Dorthy’s trip to see the Wizard of Oz) jtx is a big fan, he played the guy behind the curtain!
You really are uninformed. To date your hero has not shown himself to be eligible for the office he now holds – not one single day.
You all are merely disgracinmg yourselves and dishonoring your country by supporting such a person – but you really think that’s “neat” don’t you???
Does your mother know you’re playing with the keyboard so late at night??
As for citations, I’ll leave those to the Federal Court or higher – you should try it some time.
None of you have ever responded rationally to what your beliefs would be were the man proved to be ineligible to hold the office he now occupies.
Think about it.
Jeff R:
Sticks and stones …
… or maybe even “Obama”???
Your attempts at diversions to change the subject really accomplish nothing.
The issue still remains the legal eligibility of the man to hold the office he now occupies.
So you really don’t know what a natural born citizen is I see.
And you saying the KOLB image is “fake” means nothing at all either. I’m sure it will be verified soon enough – though the Flying Monkey Squadron will keep right on flapping their wings (and mouths).
He showed his COLB, an official state document. But, more importantly, he got himself elected. 69 million people voted for him. The people are sovereign, remember. They knew of the allegations about his birth certificate, and weighed them and found them wanting. Ditto the fact of his father’s citizenship.
In a criminal trial, you only need 12 votes for guilty, and only 1 vote for innocent. How does that compare with 69 million votes?
You should come to grips with that equation, because that’s as close to a court-room as you’re going to get.
By all means, I’d love to see it scrutinized in a competent legal setting – which of course eliminates this kangaroo court.
And yes, I certainly do think the eligibilioty issue will be heard in Federal Court or higher on its merits.
All you and b=your anti-American buddies try on this blog is to divert and misdirect. Won’t work.
The issue remains as to the legal eligibility of the man to hold the office he now occupies. And it WILL not be kept hidden forever.
I’ll bet cold hard cash that it won’t. If Michael Newdow, the father of a child made to pledge allegiance to the flag doesn’t have standing, then someone asserting 1/300 millionth of an injury doesn’t have standing.
Darn that Constitution!
The case of his “eligibility” will be heard in one court, and one court only, the court of public opinion. If you convince more people to vote for someone else, then it will be settled.
“Does your mother know you’re playing with the keyboard so late at night??”
My mother died a long time ago. I’ll wager that I’m considerably older than you, not to mention smarter, better-educated and better-informed. I certainly have too much class to engage in sophomoric insults with the likes of you.
“As for citations, I’ll leave those to the Federal Court or higher – you should try it some time.”
In other words, you cannot cite a single statute or judicial precedent which makes the case that a person born in the United States of a parent who was not a citizen is not a natural born citizen. On the other hand, I can cite United States v. Wong Kim Ark (1898), in which even the two dissenting justices agreed that the Court’s decision meant that Ark (both of whose parents were non-citizens) was eligible to be president because he was born in the U.S.
“None of you have ever responded rationally to what your beliefs would be were the man proved to be ineligible to hold the office he now occupies.”
That’s because he’s never going to proven to be ineligible, since he IS eligible.
“All you and b=your anti-American buddies “try
me snd and my buddies are US Marines, we served America, don’t project your ignorance and hate on to others, you idiot! You are no patriot, you probably dropped out of boy scouts.
“You need to wash your mouth out with lye soap”
And you should bite your tongue. I just don’t know if vermin has a tongue big enough to choke on.
I know you’re thick witted, so I’ll try one last time, which probably is a waste of electrons. Born on US soil = NBC, irrespective of parents’ citizenship. THE END. SCOTUS made this ruling in Ark. The Court is NOT going to reverse itself on this – it is in NO WAY analagous to Dred Scott. It’s NOT going to happen, so STFU.
And I’m tired of hearing Nazi and Brown Shirts. I was raised by survivors, so you don’t know shit. And my wife’s parents survived the Japanese occupation of China. Screaming fascist about someone who worked for social justice after college, instead of a law firm, is ignorant and demeaning to those who lived through that time.
You are a shallow, naive, little boy.
None of you have ever responded rationally to what your beliefs would be were the man proved to be ineligible to hold the office he now occupies.
Before having an opinion on the matter, I would have to know the rationale, and by what authority.
If for example, SCOTUS suddenly agreed with Donofrio, I would be very surprised, say such a decision was wrong decided, but I would accept it. And wish President Biden good luck.
I would not call everyone who disagrees with me a Brown-Shirt thug to be tried for treason.
But I do my confused pal. It’s you who remains shrouded in foggy ignorance.
And no Kerchner will not manage to make any difference.
Settled already. nothing to worry about my dear friend, it will all go away while courts will continue to enforce our Constitution and reject the challenges.
Annoying thought, isn’t it?
At least poor Cujo had an excuse.
Courtesy of the website Translation City, here is JTX’s message in its original Orc/Troll lanhguage:
You miij to wazl your noutl out wetl hyi zoap to try to rinovi ahh tlozi umtrutlz. You obveouzhy lavi mo ejia wlat you’ri tahkemg about.
Ahh of you qliatemg, hyemg Fhyemg Nomkiyz miij to bhemk your iyiz amj tlemk tweqi zemqi tli riah ezzui ez mot amy BQ (tlozi ari duzt ezzuiz of faqt wleql tli qourtz wehh ivimtuahhy qharefy) but tli higah ihegebehety of tli nam to lohj tli offeqi li mow oqqupeiz.
Momi of you foohz ziin to riahesi tlat!!
I think it makes a lot more sense in the original.
Even if the Supreme Court agreed with Donofrio, that wouldn’t make Barack Obama “not president”. Only Congress has the power to remove the President.
Think about it?
Let’s see, the Federal Judiciary is throwing the Birther cases out as fast as they hit the courtroom. How many have even reached the discovery phase? Just because you file a lawsuit, it doesn’t mean what you are saying is true.
Great article regarding this issue and our friends at WND…
“As ConWebWatch has detailed, Farah and WND had reported numerous claims regarding the birth certificate that have been proven false, but WND has made no effort to correct the record. WND has also told numerous falsehoods about Obama in general.”
Technically, you need 12 votes for innocent as well. Everything else is a mistrial, that can be retried…
I voted for the first one because Taitz is definitely stupid enough to fall for it, and to paraphrase and old saying “a fool and her money are soon parted.” Anyone too stupid to realize that Stephen Colbert is mocking her would be too good of a target to pass up.
The second theory is good, but after I thought about it I realized that birthers need no help in discrediting themselves.
Don’t worry about that, I would NEVER call you “Obama”
No, jtx’s rantings sound MUCH better in Pig Latin:
Ethay issueway emainsray asway otay ethay egallay eligibilityway
ofway ethay anmay otay oldhay ethay officeway ehay ownay
occupiesway. Andway itway ILLWAY otnay ebay eptkay iddenhay
Looks like option #2 — a hoax:
You’ll see that the images include a photograph of the fake Kenya birth certificate at a slightly different angle and significantly higher resolution than the one included on Orly’s motion, with the PDF submitted to pacer.