Orly accuses judge of conspiracy

Orly Taitz

Orly Taitz

In a filing August 6, 2009 in the United States District Court Middle District of Florida, Tae Kwando Black Belt Attorney Orly Taitz moved that judge Richard A. Lazzara recuse himself in the case of Cook v. Simtech because:

Judge RICHARD A. LAZZARA has unconstitutionally denied Plaintiff’s access to the courts by and through a coordinated government course of action.

Them’s gol darn conspiracy words!

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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30 Responses to Orly accuses judge of conspiracy

  1. strikefighter says:

    So, at this point, is there anybody, other than the birthers, who is not part of the conspiracy? The admin, the Congress, the courts, the state of Hawaii and its government, Obama’s family, the media, bloggers, various websites, numerous organizations, and apparently a substantial number of the American people.

    They just don’t comprehend how ridiculous that sounds. But hey, I need a daily laugh or three. Hell, Taitz herself takes care of that.

  2. Bob says:

    Andy Martin (and others) have suggested Taitz is part of the conspiracy….

  3. Bob says:

    Undaunted, Taitz is going after this “Bomford” character.

  4. misha says:

    Your link is broken.

  5. misha says:

    “So, at this point, is there anybody, other than the birthers, who is not part of the conspiracy?”

    My cat.

  6. Greg says:

    Has it been rejected yet?

    Sorry, Orly, you don’t actually have to read very much of the complaint to realize that someone attempting to challenge the “order of the military” doesn’t have particularized or concrete injury and thus, does not have standing.

    Also, if she’s swearing that a “reasonable person” would find the judge’s actions to be biased, is that perjury? Or could her inability to perceive the “reasonable person” evidence of sanctionable incompetence?

  7. Greg says:

    I just answered my own question by continuing to read on the http://nativeborncitizen.wordpress.com/ blog. All her motions were denied! That was quick!

    Filing motions that are frivolous and wholly without merit certainly sounds like a sanctionable offense.

    08/06/2009 10 ENDORSED ORDER denying 8 Motion for Recusal as frivolous and wholly without merit. Signed by Judge Richard A. Lazzara on 8/6/2009. (DMB) (Entered: 08/06/2009)
    08/06/2009 11 ENDORSED ORDER denying as frivolous and wholly without merit 9 Plaintiff’s Motion to Alter Judgment and 9 Motion for Rehearing re: 6 Order on Motion for Reconsideration of 3 Order on Motion for Temporary Restraining Order. Signed by Judge Richard A. Lazzara on 8/6/2009. (DMB) (Entered: 08/06/2009)

  8. Bob says:

    Warning: It is to Taitz’s site.

  9. Bob says:

    A warning, for sure. The judge is daring Taitz to take it up with the 11th Circuit.

  10. dunstvangeet says:

    Don’t you know anything. Your cat was the one who conjured up the fake birth certificate to embarrass Orly Taitz!

  11. John says:

    I am not too suprised with Judge Lazzara. He is a murderer (Judicially speaking) in my opinion. Lazzara was party to the killing of Terri Schiavo in 2005. In that case, Lazzara denied Terri Schiavo her due process rights when her life was put it the hands of Judge Lazzara.

  12. John says:

    Judge Lazzara looks he one of these sticking obots judges like Judge James Robertson. Both Lazzara and Robertson need to be removed. Especially, Lazzara, since he was the party of the killing of Terri Schiavo in 2005. These judges are absolute slimeballs.

  13. Greg says:

    What you mean to say is that he didn’t subvert due process and the law in order to get the result you wanted!

  14. misha says:

    You are of course opposed to the death penalty, correct? And you are actively engaged in supporting relief efforts for civilian casualties in Gaza, Iraq and Afghanistan, correct?

  15. Welsh Dragon says:

    No she’s not – she’s going after ‘Bowford’ but I suppose by Orly’s standards that’s close enough!

  16. Bob says:

    Both Lazzara and Robertson need to be removed.

    Will their impeachments occur before or after Obama’s?

  17. Bob says:

    Seriously, she’s gift that keeps on giving….

  18. Maybe she throw some malaware at him. Is that anything like Melmac?

  19. Good grief. She’s trying to get us into war with Australia!

  20. Rickey says:

    Judge Lazzara stood up for the principle of states’ rights when he ruled that the Federal Court had no jurisdiction in the Schiavo case. You right-wingers seem to have no principles whatsoever — you cast them aside in a minute if they lead to a result with which you disagree. You want the Federal Government to stay out of our lives except when you want the Federal Government to intrude in our lives.

    Besides, Terri Schiavo was effectively already dead when her feeding tube was disconnected.

    Terri Schiavo suffered severe, irreversible brain damage that left that organ discolored and scarred, shriveled to half its normal size, and damaged in nearly all its regions, including the one responsible for vision, according to an autopsy report released yesterday…Schiavo’s brain damage “was irreversible . . . no amount of treatment or rehabilitation would have reversed” it, said Jon R. Thogmartin, the pathologist in Florida’s sixth judicial district who performed the autopsy and announced his findings at a news conference in Largo, Fla.


  21. strikefighter says:

    So, he’s an “Obot” (stupidest.insult.ever.) because he threw out motions written by a horrible excuse for a lawyer and someone who is clearly deranged and filled with inexplicable hatred for a person? Yeah, sounds like an “Obot” to me. Or maybe an excellent jurist who understands the laws of this nation, unlike Orly Taitz, who apparently just makes it all up as she goes along.

  22. Bob says:

    Report of the Liberi v. Taitz TRO hearing.

  23. misha says:


  24. misha says:

    We need True Christians™ running the country, just like Sarah Palin’s BFF Bishop Muthee says.

  25. misha says:

    ” just makes it all up as she goes along”

    Why not? That’s what they did in the USSR.

  26. nbc says:

    In that case, Lazzara denied Terri Schiavo her due process rights when her life was put it the hands of Judge Lazzara.

    Nice revisionism.

  27. nbc says:

    These judges are absolute slimeballs.

    Tough when the facts are not on your side eh?

  28. Shrieking wombat says:

    Bow down to your new imperial overlords.

  29. Bob says:

    Taitz claims (on her site) that the judge put the “actual orders” under seal.

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