Monthly Archives: August 2009

Executive Order 13489 – Presidential Records

Obama Conspiracy Theories received an email from a visitor expressing concerns about an executive order by President Obama: I’d like for OCT to comment on Executive Order 13489, one of Obama’s first official acts in office, and which is largely … Continue reading

Posted in Ask a Theorist, Debunking, Misc. Conspiracies | Tagged , | 73 Comments

John Marshall comments

While Chief Justice John Marshall wrote an important and applicable decision in the case of The Exchange saying that the jurisdiction of the United States was absolute within its borders, he also made a comment in another case that I … Continue reading

Posted in Lounge | Tagged , | 140 Comments

Doubters Poll

Please read all the choices bef0re making your selection.

Posted in Reader Pollls | 73 Comments

Jesus v. Obama

I refer to the curious case of The Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri et al v. Obama et al that was sealed by the court. The defendant, Pastor Martin L. D. Lindstedt of the aforementioned church, published … Continue reading

Posted in Lawsuits | Tagged , , , , , , , | 62 Comments

To what extent are Obama denialists a cult?

It seems to me that the nObama tribe is not really a cult, but a few of the items from the following list that I collected some years ago fit. I’ll let you decide which.

Posted in Polls | Tagged , | 31 Comments

Straining at a gnat

My “proofer” buddy sent me a link in email to the “American Thinker blog“. The article said in part: No man or woman in this Country today could successfully apply for a high-level executive position with any corporation without submitting … Continue reading

Posted in Lounge, The Blogs | Tagged , , , , , | 136 Comments