Marking up Jeff Schwilk

I received an email a little while ago from Orly Taitz. She was forwarding the following from Jeff Schwilk of the “San Diego Minutemen.” Normally, I let what others say stand intact and comment on it. However, just for fun, I’ll mark this one up a little.

The expedited trial has been set for Jan. 26, 2010, just 4 1/2 months from now! [Actually Orly asked for the trial to be expedited and the Court refused. The January 26 date is not expedited, and this tentative trial date presupposes that the government’s motion to dismiss is not granted, and that is a huge assumption.]

I and many other concerned veterans and citizens attended the hearing today in Federal Court in Santa Ana in the lawsuit against Barack Obama to determine his eligibility to be President and Commander in Chief. About 150 people showed up, almost all in support of the lawsuit [did you take a poll, or did you bring them all with you on a bus?] to demand that Obama release his birth certificate and other records that he has hidden from the American people.

Judge David Carter refused to hear Obama’s request for dismissal today, instead setting a hearing date for Oct. 5, since Obama’s attorneys had just filed the motion on Friday. He indicated there was almost no chance that this case would be dismissed. [How did the Judge indicate this, by tugging his ear lobe?] Obama is arguing this lawsuit was filed in the wrong court if you can believe that. [Orly’s suit is a hodgepodge of claims. One of them was indeed filed with the wrong court. The US Attorneys argued that this one part of the suit should be dismissed because it was in the wrong court.] Obama would prefer a “kangaroo court” instead of a Federal court! [The motion to dismiss doesn’t say that.] Assuming Judge Carter denies Obama’s motion for dismissal, he will likely then order expedited discovery which will force Obama to release his birth certificate in a timely manner (if he has one). [No. The Court has already scheduled the calendar events should the motion to dismiss be rejected. Orly asked multiple times for things to be expedited and was refused.]

The judge, who is a former U.S. Marine, repeated several times that this is a very serious case which must be resolved quickly so that the troops know that their Commander in Chief is eligible to hold that position and issue lawful orders to our military in this time of war. [Another way to interpret his remarks is that Orly’s lawsuit is a threat to the country, and the Judge wants it out of his court as soon as possible.] He basically said Obama must prove his eligibility to the court! [Jeff must have fell asleep and dreamed that] He said Americans deserve to know the truth about their President! [And not the crazy, fantasies of Orly Taitz and her tribe.]

The two U.S. Attorneys representing Barack Obama tried everything they could to sway the judge that this case was frivolous, but Carter would have none of it and cut them off several times. [In truth the Court thanked the US Attorneys for “nurturing the case” along. It was Taitz who was repeatedly cut off as she tried to get things expedited, hear unscheduled witnesses, and have discovery while the motion to dismiss was still pending.] Obama’s attorneys left the courtroom after about the 90 minute hearing looking defeated and nervous. [That must have had something to do with another case. Nothing happened in this hearing that would have been the least surprising to the US Attorneys. The only thing remotely disappointing was that the judge had not had a chance to read their motion to dismiss. I should point out that these attorneys represent the United States, not just President Obama.]

Great day in America for the U.S. Constitution!!! The truth about Barack Obama’s eligibility will be known fairly soon – Judge Carter practically guaranteed it! [The case will be dismissed October 5. I practically guarantee it.]

Video from the press conference after the hearing coming soon. Congratulations to plaintiffs attorney Dr. Orly Taitz! She did a great job and won some huge victories today. She was fearless! [She lost all her motions, except that the Government agreed that they (finally) had been served with the complaint. There are mental patients suing the president that have done a better job at service.]

The expedited trial has been set for Jan. 26, 2010, just 4 1/2 months from now!
I and many other concerned veterans and citizens attended the hearing today in Federal Court in Santa Ana in the lawsuit against Barack Obama to determine his eligibility to be President and Commander in Chief.  About 150 people showed up, almost all in support of the lawsuit to demand that Obama release his birth certificate and other records that he has hidden from the American people.
Judge David Carter refused to hear Obama’s request for dismissal today, instead setting a hearing date for Oct. 5, since Obama’s attorneys had just filed the motion on Friday.  He indicated there was almost no chance that this case would be dismissed.  Obama is arguing this lawsuit was filed in the wrong court if you can believe that.  I guess Obama would prefer a “kangaroo court” instead of a Federal court!  Assuming Judge Carter denies Obama’s motion for dismissal, he will likely then order expedited discovery which will force Obama to release his birth certificate in a timely manner (if he has one).
The judge, who is a former U.S. Marine, repeated several times that this is a very serious case which must be resolved quickly so that the troops know that their Commander in Chief is eligible to hold that position and issue lawful orders to our military in this time of war.  He basically said Obama must prove his eligibility to the court!  He said Americans deserve to know the truth about their President!
The two U.S. Attorneys representing Barack Obama tried everything they could to sway the judge that this case was frivolous, but Carter would have none of it and cut them off several times.  Obama’s attorneys left the courtroom after about the 90 minute hearing looking defeated and nervous.
Great day in America for the U.S. Constitution!!!   The truth about Barack Obama’s eligibility will be known fairly soon – Judge Carter practically guaranteed it!
Video from the press conference after the hearing coming soon.  Congratulations to plaintiffs attorney Dr. Orly Taitz!  She did a great job and won some huge victories today.  She was fearless!

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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54 Responses to Marking up Jeff Schwilk

  1. wondering says:

    where you in the court today Dr. C or someone relayed the info to you

  2. Expelliarmus says:

    The motion to dismiss was not calendared for today — the motion filed on Friday was calendared for October 5th to begin with.

    All the above missive illustrates is the abysmal ignorance of Orly for not comprehending the basic elements of civil procedure — both in that she didn’t understand that the motion to dismiss was not on calendar… and she also apparently did not understand that the testimony of witnesses would not be allowed at this hearing.

  3. richCares says:

    Amazing, our resident trolls will completely fall for this garbage, and that’s really sad!
    Jeff Schwilk certainly doesn’t believe what he wrote, but hey, you got to feed the squirrels with nuts.

  4. euphgeek says:

    I actually hope that one of these loony tunes lawyers gets through to the discovery phase. Then when they ask for the birth certificate, Obama can show them the Certification of Live Birth that everyone has seen since June 2008 and the judge will say, “Looks like everything is in order here. Case dismissed!” And I want that to keep happening until these delusional nuts are bled dry from paying back for all those frivolous lawsuits or they grow a brain (unlikely).

  5. Lupin says:

    I was going to observe the same thing. Even though I’m not a litigator but a contract lawyer, it doesn’t strike me as there is much to “discover” in that case.

    The certified Hawaiian CLB will almost certainly be deemed sufficient evidence by the Court. The Kenyan documents have no reliable provenance and may even be determined to be forgeries.

    What else is there to be “discovered”?

    If you can’t argue the fact, argue the Law, I suppose. I’m convinced that the “natural-born” argument based on a distinction between two hypothetical classes of “jus sanguinis” citizens will be soundly rejected by the Court. And further just soli trumps jus sanguinis anyway. In fact didn’t SCOTUS refused to hear this argument twice already?

    In any event, the result of the elections was certified by Congress, and I don’t think you could remove a sitting president without an act of Congress. And that’s a dead end.

    The whole thing strikes me as a new scam, a method found by some unscrupulous individuals to fleece naive, ill-informed racists out of their savings.

    A friend of mine with whom I was sharing the news (the entire Birther phenomenon has been, as far as I know, mercifully not mentioned in the French media) reminded me of those quack doctors that used to roam the old West in their covered wagons, selling fake medicines and elixirs, with the help of a planted accomplice in the crowd who would pretend to be cured etc.

    Obviously P.T. Barnum’s famous quip about suckers still holds true today.

  6. Black Lion says:

    Of course her and her followers would be deluded…Look at what one of them wrote regarding the chance of dismissal…

    “After reviewing the latest motion to dismiss against Dr. Taitz we have looked at it and found that the arguments the Department of Justice are not supported by the case law they cite and that the premise of their objections is clearly seen that the Attorney General is advocating a suspension of our Constitutional Republic with no recourse to the courts.”

    Of course they are from “the birthers” site so there is a bit if bias there…But the delusions of these people are astounding…

  7. Sally Hill says:

    From personal experience – the truth probably lies somewhere in the middle of all that typing.

  8. TheyCallMeRINO says:

    *Obama can show them the Certification of Live Birth that everyone has seen since June 2008 and the judge will say, “Looks like everything is in order here. Case dismissed!”*

    This may, actually, be a necessary step to finally get a legal judgement on the books that we do, in fact, accept States’ documents as 100% proof of a citizens birth … and we do not question that without specific evidence of how the State intentionally (or not) has made a mistake. I could even see officials from Hawaii being called as witnesses to say “Yes, it’s legit – there are no errors” and that closing out the case.

    While we’d have to put up with a ridiculous amount of celebratory gloating from the likes of WND for a while … eventually, this may be necessary.

    It also may be necessary, to start putting some people in jail for forging documents … which might be part of the reason the judge has allowed this to go forward. Would be great to see the judge issue some bench warrants for contempt of court.

  9. misha says:

    Ah, yesss. My *famous* snake oil remedy that cures everythingggg. Just one dollarrrr.”

    Apologies to WC Fields.

  10. misha says:

    That’s exactly how I feel. It’s time to prosecute for forgery, and sanction Orly. Berg got sanctioned, and it shut him up.

    The guy wrote he gave a bribe to a military officer. You couldn’t make this up. Let’s see his passport. Let’s contact the airline. And I’m tired of Orly, that nogoodnik shonde.

  11. misha says:

    You mean like the weapons in Iraq? Or the mobile labs of bioweapons? Or Iraq’s nuclear bomb program? Or Colin Powell’s presentation at the UN, which was made from whole cloth? Or Saddam Hussein’s involvment in 9/11? Or “Mission Accomplished”? Or holding people for more than 48 hours, and throwing away habeas corpus? Or by convicting people by throwing away the Bill Of Rights?

    Or that Bush is a case of affirmative action for the wealthy?

    Minor things like that.

  12. Lupin says:

    I’m (mildly) curious.

    Are people like Ms Taitz and Mr Apuzzo funded by:
    (i) their own personal fortunes;
    (ii) credulous idiots (deserving of the Darwin Awards), or
    (iii) some nefarious entity like Richard Scaife, the Likud Party or SPECTRE?

  13. Bob says:

    Taitz has admitted her case is “self-funded.” Although she accept donations, she has to be spending out of her own pocket as well.

    Apuzzo too appears to be self-funded (although his costs appear to be much lower). Apuzzo’s clients have sought donations to fund their newspaper ad “campaign.”

    There’s no evidence that anyone is paying either of them for their legal services.

  14. AdrianInFlorida says:

    In the Navy we called those people “Sea Lawyers”, and they could ruin your career in a heartbeat if you took their ‘Legal’ advice.

  15. kimba says:

    Here’s what the OC Weekly reported, reporter was in the courtroom.

    The reporter says:
    “Judge David Carter, though, didn’t seem to want to allow any theatrics in the courtroom other than his own. ”
    “Carter’s got an interesting act going on. He appears extremely sympathetic to the idea that the question of Barack Obama’s legitimacy needs to be examined in court. ”

    I wonder the same thing. What is this judge’s deal? Is he f@cking with Orly? Like when he made her and Kreep move their chairs closer together? Is he really interested in letting this thing get to where he can declare that Obama’s COLB is really a legitimate piece of identification? ( By the way, I love how a section of an *Orange* County paper is called “navel-gazing”.)

  16. euphgeek says:

    My dream scenario goes something like this:

    Judge: “This birth certificate from the state of Hawaii shows that he was born in the U.S. And these sworn statements from the Hawaii Department of Health backs it up. Therefore, I’m dismissing the lawsuit.”

    Orly: “But judge, we haven’t seen his real birth certificate with the doctor’s signature!”

    J: “What does that have to do with anything? The lack of a doctor’s signature doesn’t prove that he’s not a natural born citizen.”

    O: “It means he could have been born anywhere and then his mother just called the Department of Health to report the birth!”

    J: “My patience with you is wearing thin, Ms. Taitz. Come up here and read this part of the certificate right below ‘City, Town or Location of Birth.'”

    O: “Honolulu.”

    J: “That’s right. And what does it say here in the upper left hand corner?”

    O: “State of Hawaii.”

    J: “So since this certificate says he was born in Honolulu, Hawaii and the state swears that the document is valid then that’s all the evidence I need to determine that Barack Obama is a natural-born citizen of the United States. Case dismissed!”

    O: “But judge, I don’t accept that! I want to see his original birth certificate that the hospital filled out when he was born!”

    J: “If you can’t accept it, then that’s a personal problem on your part. This court recognizes the legal ability of the state of Hawaii to determine who is and who is not a natural-born citizen.”

    O: “But…”

    J: “There will be no more discussion of this. I have rendered my verdict. And I also order you to pay the defendant back for the money they spent on this frivolous lawsuit.”

    O: “Judge, you can’t…”

    J: “I have made my decision, Ms. Taitz. Any further word from you will result in sanctions and possible disbarment.”

    O: “I understand, judge, but I just wanted to say that I think you’re wrong…”

    J: “That’s it, I’m filing sanctions. Congratulations, Ms. Taitz, you may have just lost your law license from tilting at these windmills. Bailiff, escort this lady out of my courtroom.”

    O: (as she’s being dragged out of the courtroom) “You haven’t heard the last of me!”


  17. ballantine says:

    Judge probably thinks he can order the cerificate and that’s that. Probably not aware the multitude of theories he will hear.

    Orly got a long way to go. She has to survive the motion to dismiss involving complex justiciability issue over the heads of most experienced lawyers. She would then have to prevail in the immediate interlocatory appeal of such issues to the ninth circuit and perhaps the supreme court, as the administration will not concede easily on an important separation of power issues. Then she would get to request discovery.

  18. Black Lion says:

    SPECTRE…With Orly, Apuzzo and Donofrio all wanting to be #1 and stroking the cat….But to be honest it is probably all of the above…

  19. New Jersey General says:

    Speaking of some delusional individuals, here was an interesting comment from Phil over at tROSL (the right side of life). They are so convinced that Orly has a chance and that there is some so called light at the end of the tunnel that it is painful…

    “At this point, nobody knows what the Plaintiffs will bring to the table in requesting what documentation and/or other evidence for discovery. However, there is just as much of a chance that the case is decided in discovery as it is not (meaning it is not just opening sealed documentation that is at issue here).”

    “Furthermore, it can be unequivocally said that this case — by way of Judge Carter’s Orders — has progressed further than any other Court case, be it federal or State in jurisdiction (I’ve been covering them since late 2008). While this is not to say that an upcoming Court appointment won’t singlehandedly have the case dismissed, we have plenty of anecdotal evidence — from eye-witnesses on both “sides” of this issue — that Judge Carter is interested in moving forward with the case. To date, no other Judge has given any such indication.”

    “I’ve also noticed very little opposition to this posting on my blog. While I’d like to think it’s the incredible reporting that I’m doing (!), I think it’s more likely that the opposition is merely looking at ways to move the goalposts to help save face, should things progress to a trial.”

    I guess he thinks that because no one opposes his views, that somehow the President Obama supporters are moving the goalposts? I thought that was a birther action. Always move the goalposts…I just found that interesting…Especially after he banned pro President Obama posters but never challenges birthers or people that he agrees with…Very unlike Dr. C, who with the exception of specific trolls, allows constructive discourse.

    It was also interesting to read Phil’s so called reasoning on why he does what he does….

  20. Black Lion says:

    Orly is totally unprepared for what she needs to do. She really thinks that she will be able to just introduce any sort of evidence and witnesses just because she wants to. She has no clue about all of the motions that will be submitted before she would ever get the chance to put any of her crap in front of a judge…

  21. kimba says:

    By the way, didn’t the birthers think there was going to be a “Perry Mason moment” at the Supreme Court’s rehearing of the “Hillary: the movie” case? Wasn’t that hearing supposed to be just *cover* * wink-wink-nudge-nudge* for the Justices to bring the usurpermuslimcommiefascist to account for his crimes? Hey, birthers, how’d that work out for you? Cuz he’s in the Oval Office right now brushing up his health care speech after a trip to the Walter Cronkite service earlier. I guess today wasn’t the day after all for frog-marching him out of the White House.

  22. richCares says:

    those Orlyians are a strange breed, they fall in a pile of poop and shout “We found fertilizer”, that’s what hate does to them.

  23. kimba says:

    It seems like birthers seem to think they have at last found a judge who is a birther, and they read that into everything that happened yesterday. They don’t understand the judge can only rule on the law.

    As far as “anecdotal evidence”, the birther write-ups from yesterday’s hearing seem to have a lot of wishful thinking. For example, I’d like to know what the judge did or said anything that made them think he indicated there is almost no chance the case would be dismissed. Plus they left out the parts where the judge told Orly to go bond with Kreep, and move their chairs together. That must have been comedy gold.

  24. June bug says:

    FYI – good ol’ Jeff Schwilk is one of Orly’s plaintiffs in this suit. So, not only is he a birther, but he’s got a dog in this hunt! Really likely to be an “objective” reporter, isn’t he?

  25. misha says:

    I nurse this scenario all the time, and I believe it will become reality.

    Prediction: if Orly is ordered to pay sanctions, she will flee to Israel like Meyer Lansky. Bon voyage, and don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

    She and Kach can comiserate over schnapps. BTW, Kach makes Falwell look like a liberal.

  26. H.S. Thompson says:

    If y’all didn’t see this, Gilligan at the Cesspool dug up some very interesting info. on this Schwilk character that goes a long way in showing the disturbing racist undertones to the whole Birfer group (as if being a Minuteman wasn’t enough):

    San Diego Minutemen Leader Ordered to Pay $135,000 for Defaming Woman
    Posted in Anti-Immigrant by David Holthouse on May 22, 2009

    Jeff Schwilk — the hot-tempered leader of the San Diego Minutemen, a nativist extremist organization with a reputation for violent confrontations and crude insults — has been ordered to pay $135,000 to a Korean-American civil rights activist who filed a defamation lawsuit against Schwilk and SDMM founding member and former spokesman Ray Carney in 2007.

    Joanne Yoon sued Carney and Schwilk for $1 million after the men circulated photos of her in late 2006 along with comments referring to her as “the Korean anorexic ACLU slut.” Yoon, who was then 24, helped monitor SDMM rallies for the American Civil Liberties Union. The images of her were posted to a Yahoo group titled “Korean Kommie Kunt.” Ever the sensitive soul, Schwilk changed the name of the group to “Joanne Yoon ACLU Goon” after female SDMM activists objected. But that didn’t stop Carney from sending a mass E-mail to SDMM members suggesting that Yoon was interested in protecting the civil rights of Mexican immigrants because of her fondness for “Brown Schlong.”

    Schwilk was ordered to pay compensatory damages yesterday after a Superior Court jury decided against him. Punitive damages will be decided May 26. The court also entered a default judgment against Carney, who did not file a response to Yoon’s lawsuit.

    Schwilk’s attorney called the decision “an injustice” and vowed to file an appeal.

  27. Bob says:

    A google search leads to a treasure trove of information.

    The links between the S.D. Minutemen and the white supremacist movement are easy enough to find.

  28. misha says:

    Why am I not surprised?

  29. Rickey says:

    kimba: It seems like birthers seem to think they have at last found a judge who is a birther, and they read that into everything that happened yesterday. They don’t understand the judge can only rule on the law.
    As far as “anecdotal evidence”, the birther write-ups from yesterday’s hearing seem to have a lot of wishful thinking. For example, I’d like to know what the judge did or said anything that made them think he indicated there is almost no chance the case would be dismissed.Plus they left out the parts where the judge told Orly to go bond with Kreep, and move their chairs together. That must have been comedy gold.

    My guess is that Judge Carter may be intrigued about the possibility on ruling on a significant Constitutional issue. However, he made it clear that Orly and Kreep have enormous hurdles to overcome. Even without having had the opportunity to review the motion to dismiss, the judge reportedly said to Orly, “We still have the whole issue of subject matter jurisdiction, standing, etc. in the government motion. No discovery can go forward while the motion to dismiss is pending.”

  30. Sally Hill says:

    No – I was referring more to common sense…you know – that issue that your parents tried to teach you – can’t always believe what you hear and read – the truth usually lays somewhere in the middle.

  31. misha says:

    Like Glenn Becks’s shows?

    Hey, I heard Glenn Beck raped and murdered a girl in 1990. I’m not saying he did, but he refused to release a criminal record abstract. What’s he hiding?

    I have an abstract from the DMV which is stamped “subject has clear record to date.” Why won’t Beck do the same? It only costs $3. And I keep it in a plastic ziplock bag.

    And there are two Glenn Becks in Asbury Park, NJ who have drug convictions, and assault convictions. I sent Beck an e-mail asking him if these are different people with the same name, and I never got a reply. Why?

  32. …[Quoting tRSOL]“Furthermore, it can be unequivocally said that this case — by way of Judge Carter’s Orders — has progressed further than any other Court case, be it federal or State in jurisdiction (”

    This is absurd. Other cases have been dismissed, and appealed all the way to the Supreme Court. Orly hasn’t even gotten to the dismissal yet.

  33. nbc says:

    Orly, in most cases has not even gotten to service… Most of her suits get thrown out on her unfamiliarity with US law.

  34. dunstvangeet says:

    Don’t even go there with tRSOL.

    I personally love my exchange with Phil.
    Phil, just wanting to ask you one question.

    Where does it say that Obama must do something more to prove that he’s qualified? Please show me the specific law in either U.S. Law, or the Constitution, where it says that Obama must do something that he has not done, in order to be considered eligible. As far as I can tell, Obama has done everything that is constitutionally required of him.

    More than what, precisely? He has done absolutely nothing, to date, to substantiate his eligibility regarding Article 2, Section 1, Clause 5 of the American Constitution.

    Would you mind sharing exactly what he has done to prove his eligibility?

    Phil, would you mind sharing what exactly Barack Obama hasn’t done that is required of him to prove his citizenship? I’d really like to know.

    Absolutely. Mr. Obama has provided zero original documentation establishing his citizenship as that of being a natural born citizen.

    And could you show me to what authority he’s required to submit it to? Please show me federal law, or the constitution. Please show me the exact law that requires him to present any more information than he’s already done. Be specific, and the law must show the authority that he’s required to present it to.

    Article 2, Section 1, Clause 5 of the American Constitution shows the standard to which an ambitious individual must be eligible for the presidency.

    Since the Constitution provides no answers to the questions of how and to what extent such substantiation must occur, then all such questions must flow through the 10th Amendment (at the very least), whereby the States and/or the People must make such a decision. And while you could say that the mere holding of an election was such a vetting, I would simply counter that if there are some of us who don’t think that’s good enough, then there’s also nothing that says we’re wrong in thinking the way we do.

    Phil, basically, you’re saying that Obama has to comply with a law that does not specify what he must do to comply with it?

    Funny, that’s not what I said. Go read what I actually said again, especially the part referencing the 10th Amendment.

    And what laws via the state does he have to comply with, Phil? Please be specific on what entities, and what documents he has to produce for which states.

    Here’s something for you to chew on: whatever we, the People, demand (as long as the demands aren’t unlawful)!


    It was at this point that I stopped.

    Basically, Phil believes that any person can go upto the President and request a document that may or may not prove the eligibility, and the President must comply with that request, and turn over that document. It doesn’t matter if that document doesn’t have to do with eligibility. As long as one person demands it, Obama must comply with it.

    There are so many things wrong with that demand. I’ve done a direct copy and paste from me. I just asked him what documents, and to which authority does he present him. Phil just gave me the generic birther diatribe.

    It just makes my head hurt his pseudo-logic.

    I asked him what law that Obama hasn’t complied with on eligibility. Phil couldn’t provide one single law.

  35. richCares says:

    a note from the AXJ trolls:

    September 7th, 2009 at 9:59 pm
    Apparently the Hawaiian Chapter of AXJ has discovered the original divorce documents filed in 1964, and among them has discovered that Stanley Ann Dunham (with the help of others) did in fact present a Certificate of Live Birth of a child born in Mobassa, Kenya, which is being studied to see if in fact it belongs to a child by the name of Barack Hussein Obama, II, although Barack Hussein Obama Sr. never admitted to having a son, was never notified of any divorce documents filed against him, and was killed in Kenya for political reasons.

    The document presented by the Hawaiian Authorities includes a number “19‘ that does not correspond to any numbering order in the documents recorded in 1961, and they know it. They possibly could be responsible for Fraud against the American People if this preliminary investigation turns out to be true.
    would you be surprized that no link or documentaion nor any valid proof available to support this story. They want web vistotrs to sign up for stuff they sell. This phony story designed to bring suckers to them.

    AXJ is basically a scheme for global marketing. Companies get to use the AXJ logo and Web site to drum up business for whatever they want to sell — from discounted airline tickets to laptops shipped directly from China to “Marijuana, Hachis from AXJ-Holland? No problem. Just be sure to know and understand the laws and rights in your local country.” AXJ takes a piece of every transaction.
    Strongly suggest you don’t visit any AJX site without MalWare protection.

  36. myson says:

    I rarely visit Phil now. He used to be 40% fair but now has taken up the birther cause completely as his state succession thingy hasnt worked. His fairness has dropped to 10% because he want Obama out no more about the constitution

  37. Shrieking Wombat says:

    Apparently he also wears bikinis.

  38. milspec says:

    Why did I click on that link. Please pass the brain bleach.

  39. Sorry about that. I did not click the link myself.

  40. Black Lion says:

    Duns, I did see that exchange with you and Phil. He used to be more fair but he has totally gone over to the side of the birthers. When he went to banning Sue and Historian Dude because they made too much sense I lost a lot of respect for him. He allows people to say anything about the President (because he is a public official he is fair game was his comment) but if you call out one of his supportive posters, you are called out by him. And then he made the comment that the so called “opposition posters” look like they are afraid to post due to the results of the court case and are looking to move the goalposts I just laughed…You are correct, you really cannot win over there…I still post, but definately not as much…

  41. Black Lion says:

    Here is something funny from Orly’s house of horrors….

    “September 8th, 2009
    Tuesday, September 8, 2009 7:37 PM
    This sender is DomainKeys verified
    “Theresa Padgett”

    I am so proud of what happened today! God is merciful and will prevail! Any chance I could attend the hearing? Also the Machine Gun Shoot is coming up in October if you are interested in coming.”

    There is nothing like referencing God in one sentence and discussing the machine gun shoot in another. You just can’t make this stuff up. Pure comedy.

  42. Nullifidian says:

    Sally Hill: No – I was referring more to common sense…you know – that issue that your parents tried to teach you – can’t always believe what you hear and read – the truth usually lays somewhere in the middle.

    The birthers claim Barack Obama was born in Kenya and everyone else claims he was born in Honolulu, so the truth is that he was born just off the coast of Palawan Island, Philippines.

    There are people who say the earth is round and those who say the earth is flat, so the earth must be shaped like an egg.

    I see how this works. Yes, very interesting.

  43. Greg says:

    It’s actually pear-shaped. The earth that is.

  44. ballantine says:

    That site has become useless. Phil’s just become a jerk. It’s useless to argue with these people, as they all have invested too much time in this to let it go. They have cognitive dissonance. No matter what new information or legal authority you cite, it has not impact on them. An Hawanian offical emphatically stating he was born in Hawaii had no impact at all on the Birthers. The revelation that there was no Law of Nations at the founding including natural born didn’t even dent in the belief of the Two’fers. Their theories just get more and more implausible.

  45. That is deeply strange.

  46. kimba says:

    What a freakshow! Red bikini, ok, no problem. Black ladies’ one-piece? Well, that’s just wrong. What is with these right-wingers and their sexual weirdness? Bunch of toe-tapping, Appalachia-trail-walking hypocrites. Birtherdom should be real proud of this poster boy.

  47. misha says:

    No, it is shaped like a trapezoid. Where were you in science class?

  48. ballantine says:

    “You just can’t make this stuff up. Pure comedy.”

    It really is. Just stand back and think how really bizarre this freak circus really is. It’s more entertaining than anything on TV. Imagine trying to pitch this story to hollywood a few years ago, they would have thought you were absolutely nuts.

    How’s this for a pitch:

    How about we take an unhinged, dentist/real estate agent with an on-line law degree who has never tried a case. We give her a deranged hatred for the president and the wingnutiest of political leanings. We give her the paranoia to think that mulitudes of cyber-criminals, evil law clerks and even google and facebook are out to get her and give her grandiose delusion that she’s going to lead some kind of citizens militia.

    Then we’ll have thousands of equally deranged wingnuts worship her as some kind of lady liberty to the point of almost being a cult and think she’s the perfect person to take down the evil, usurper president, at least as soon as she can figure our how to serve process or to comply with the most basic rules of civil procedure.

    We’ll have her multitude of fans convinced that she has the goods on the evil usurper after she has acquired a widely debunked birth certificate from, you guessed it, a convicted forger that she doesn’t hesitate to rush into court. As a fall-back, she has the two parent theory that a professional gambler and DWI lawyer from Jersey dreamed up when they realized that pretty much every scholar and court case in our history fell for the foolish notion that the common law lawyers who wrote the constitution were using a common law terms of art. They somehow devined that the founders were rather interpreting a french book and somehow know they all translated in the same, non-literal manner. Gambler and DWI guy are, of course, jealous of lady liberty’s following and fame.

    The story lines kind of write themselves, don’t they? Could have 5 or 6 episodes just about trying to effect proper service, but always screwing something up. We could have her ruinng the career of some military personnal every other week by forgetting to sign the complaint, failuring to file in the right court or generally failing to refrain from melting down. We could have her finally land the big TV interview only to find that the TV anchors don’t like being called brown-shirts. Of course, a few episodes need to have her stalking supreme court justices and serving their frightened, bewildered security with her dossiers 1-7. I’m thinking something like the Lucille Ball’s stalking Hollywood actors behind Ricky’s back, but with an almost religious derangement thrown in. Of course, after each failure, she has to have her patanted temper tantrum threatening everyone with charges of treason, misprison and otherwise abetting usurperdom.

    The sad thing is, nothing here is even much of an exaggeration.

  49. Bob Weber says:

    Black Lion wrote:

    “Duns, I did see that exchange with you and Phil. He used to be more fair but he has totally gone over to the side of the birthers. When he went to banning Sue and Historian Dude because they made too much sense I lost a lot of respect for him”


    The birfer sites are going into the final stages of cult behavior, banning all dissent and looking for infiltrators and agents. They’re even dissing Gary Kreep, following the lead of their Queen. Kreep, IMHO, would be wise to watch his back. I’m old enough to remember what happened to one of the Manson Family lawyers when Ol’ Charlie turned on him.

    I got banned from FreeRepubic for debunking easily-debunked stories like the “Pakistan travel ban.” One person, with the handle “ComeOnNow” got banned on the first day for the following post (original was scrubbed by Freep, so I can’t link to it):

    “Everybody calm down – this is not a VICTORY as some think. Many judges schedule trials long before dispositive motions have been filed and fully briefed. It is fairly common that judges grant motions for summary judgment the day before a trial is set to go. All this means is that there is a date. That is all.”

    “As for delaying a ruling on the Motion to Dismiss that was expected considering the Department of Justice (who represents the federal government and the President) filed the motion last Friday. Orly has a right to respond with an opposition, and the DOJ gets a final right to file a reply. In many cases, as in this case, the Judge granted a hearing on the motion.”

    “So on October 5 there will be a hearing, and the judge will subsequently make a ruling from the bench or not. Who knows.”

    “But to get excited is premature. I find it odd that so many on these boards claim to know the ins and outs of federal law, particular constitutional law and what the Constitution requires, yet do not know the basics on trial practice and motions practice.”

    “Then again, it looks like some of you have already decided any ruling outside what you want the ruling to be is the result of fraud, coercion, consipracy, etc.”


    Yep, that posting got a person banned. As I’ve mentioned, I got interested in this topic as a sociological “Why Do People Believe Weird Things?” But frankly, the birfers are beginning to scare me. It only takes a few nuts to do tremendous damage.

  50. PB says:

    Not unexpected Phil is a young earth creationist so he is more comfortably living in a bubble of irreality.

  51. Bob says:

    Phil is a young earth creationist

    It is odd that Phil will unquestionably accept that the Earth is 6000 years old, but will quibble about almost everything else. (I guess to him you can’t argue with former’s source material.)

    He also stated (in a recent interview) that it was divine providence that led him to create his web site. Why would the Almighty direct him to catalog failed eligibility lawsuits and pointless sovereignty resolutions? Talk about working in mysterious ways….

  52. myson says:

    God know how 2 keep mischevious minds busy with nonsense !!!.

  53. Patrick Cardwell says:

    It is amazing to me how these .. nuts .. keep this going and going. Don’ they think if there was something to this, the Republicans would have found it long before the election.

    Nothing has been said or done to Bush and his ilk who lied to Congress and more importantly to the American people concerning Iraq. This resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi citizens as well as over 4000 US military personnel. If these nuts want to have a real suit, then it should be the US VS GW Bush and Company.

  54. Advocate54 says:

    Jeff “Bikini Boy” Schwilk still hasn’t learned his lesson and is being sued for defamation once again by Joanne Yoon.

    Hell, the deadbeat hasn’t satisfied the first judgment against him yet

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