Million man mistake

It gets more & more bizarre as Obama conspiracies start to look like fantasy role-playing games.

Some blogger said a couple million folks showed up in DC for an anti-Obama rally and the rumor mill generated a fake ABC news report to support it.

Now photos have surfaced showing a few people at the Obama inauguration in contrast to this massive turnout.

Truth, according to real ABC report: 60,000-70,000 (DCFD est.)

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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76 Responses to Million man mistake

  1. kimba says:

    A concerted effort to pump up the numbers and try to re-write history.
    – Circulating a picture of the Promise Keepers march in 1995, where it clearly shows the stage was on the Mall. Oh with Jumbotrons. The stage Saturday was ON the Capitol steps. No Jumbotrons.
    – The “Dan Bana of the Park Service quote? “This is the biggest we’ve ever seen”. Well, it was Dan Barna, but he was talking about the Inaug back in January.
    – The time lapse video from the traffic camera? It’s doctored to loop when the people walk up Penn Ave to the Capitol. It isn’t running at the same rate of frames per second the whole time. You can see the jump in the clouds and in the movement of the flag, and how the street several blocks up magically empties and re-fills.
    – I watched Fox News for a little bit on Sat and noticed that at about noon, they stopped showing a view from the Capitol steps that showed back along the Mall. The reason? The crowd stopped just past the Grant Memorial, a few around and behind the Reflecting Pool, but definitely few people past 3rd street. The grouping of tents further back on the Mall? Was the ‘Black Family Reunion’ complex. Fenced in. They are trying to claim the people who were in that area were tea partiers.
    – On Friday, FreedomWorks said they had 30,000 people signed up to attend. How could the crowd have grown by 60 fold overnight?
    – Nate Silver at fivethirtyeight says telling the crowd there were 2 million people there was like Kibbe telling them his d!ck was 53 inches long.
    – Glen Beck told F&F on Monday there were 30,000. then he got the memo from Ailes.
    This isn’t some mistake or misunderstanding or miscommunication, this is a coordinated effort by the sponsors who spent millions on this event trying to pump up the faithful.

    Ok, sorry for the rant. It’s just I was there in January. I know what 2 million people looks like. No one could move on the Mall, no one could have been having a family reunion on the Mall. No one could have navigated to an event in the Kennedy Center that was going on Sat. Did I mention how much it p!ssed me off to see dozens of people climbing on and hanging off the horses on the Grant Memorial?

  2. Bob says:

    When challenged on the numbers, Phil at tRSoL made this funny: “While I realize that a discussion must be had over the turnout numbers because the protest regarding individual freedoms and liberty is a strange one for statists to seriously consider….”

    Calling someone on repeating lies makes one a “statist”?

  3. Expelliarmus says:

    What’s a “statist”? Sounds to me like the opposite of “anarchist”…..

  4. Expelliarmus says:

    Now photos have surfaced showing a few people at the Obama inauguration in contrast to this massive turnout.

    You do mean at the “protest”, don’t you?

    Somehow I think those satellite photos of the inauguration are legit. See:

  5. Epectitus says:

    Actually…. it was DAVID Barna, but that’s neither here nor there.


  6. Mary Brown says:

    They wanted to scare the government and did not. Now they have to lie. It is an emotive movement. Facts do not matter. And then you have Fox News facing a failure.

  7. JM says:

    “Now photos have surfaced showing a few people at the Obama inauguration in contrast to this massive turnout.”

    Can anybody post a link?

  8. richCares says:

    here’s a 1959 protest scene that is uncanny in it’s resemblance to the tea party protest, actually appears to be the same people:

  9. SvenMagnussen says:

    A Statist is a proponent of State’s Rights or the 10th Amendment.

  10. Bob says:

    A Statist is a proponent of State’s Rights or the 10th Amendment.

    You couldn’t be more wrong.

  11. TRUTH says:

    I agree with all you said, about the number inflating. Although, lots of the inflated numbers were from people that have “no standing”, a term most of you are familiar with, so why sweat it?

    However, one thing in your comment I find questionable is the next sentence.

    “This isn’t some mistake or misunderstanding or miscommunication, this is a coordinated effort by the sponsors who spent millions on this event trying to pump up the faithful.”

    SPENT MILLIONS?! Ummm….now you sound like the BerFer that say’s “Obama has spent Millions to protect his birth certificate.. . . . ” Your ABSOLUTELY Sure they spent Millions on that event? REALLY?! Because I KNOW you wouldn’t post it unless it is the truth.

    And quite frankly, if it were just 30,000, thats a LOT of People. It’s not supposed to be a contest against who was there in January. The “LARGE” number of people that did go REPRESENT many millions, we couldn’t all make it.

  12. BlackLion says:

    Regarding Orly there seems to be trouble in paradise…It seems like everyone’s favorite liar next to Lucas Smith is now accusing Orly of having him lie under oath…I guess Orly is finding out what happens when she lies down with mangy dogs….

    “Larry Sinclair has filed an affidavit with Judge Carter stating that Orly Taitz urged him to lie under oath in Barnett v Obama. This might explain why Orly was late for her court appearance the morning of 9/8.”

    “Second, it also appears that Orly Taitz and her star witness Lucas Smith (The fake Kenyan birth certificate guy) have parted ways for similar reasons:

    From Arlen Williams blog…

    InspectorSmith Im sorry everyone but, I cannot work with Orly Taitz any longer. She wants me to lie under oath.


    InspectorSmith (19 minutes ago)
    Orly Taitz does not feel it is important to investigate further into any documents that backup Obama’s claim to Hawaiian birth. She says that she does not have the money to do so However, her legal team is free to pay their own way. Her whole legal team works for free and pays their own expenses. She had the nerve to tell me to get a job when I requested that she send me her another of her free legal team to Sacramento, CA to investigate the birth announcenment of Obama. All this after she tells the court that she fears for my life. I’ve been running around the world, blowing through thousands of dollars while this lady has been selling her body to legal team members rather than cough up expenses. She wont pay for anything unless I testify to her version of the STORY. No thanks Orly, I’ll find my own my home. Keep your plane ticket.

    It is interesting stuff…They are starting to turn on each other…Very entertaining…

  13. misha says:

    “They are starting to turn on each other…Very entertaining”

    Orly has ties to Israel’s Kach Party. It was a Kach member who assassinated Rabin. She is determined to drive Obama out of office by any means. She goes to gun shows in the hope of inciting a lone wolf.

  14. BlackLion says:

    It just keeps getting better…Berg wants to get back in the news…It seems like he served the Kenyan consulate with a subpoena…From tROSL…

    “As the Notice says, this subpoena was sent to the Kenyan Consulate in response to Mr. Lucas Smith’s affidavit regarding the alleged Kenya Birth Certificate. It is interesting to note that, should the subpoena be duly acted upon, there could be a response confirming or denying the legitimacy of the birth certificate, or there could be a response that no such document exists. And, depending on the latter response, that could then mean that either the birth certificate isn’t legitimate or that Mr. Obama was not, in fact, born in Kenya.”

    Interesting…I know that this was mentioned earlier but we have to wonder if the consulate will even respond to the subpoena since they have diplomatic immunity…

  15. Catbit says:

    Just out of curiosity, what teeth does a subpoena have without a court order? Can anyone just go around making them?

  16. Whatever4 says:

    I like this comparison of After photos. The claim is that 2 million Clean Conservatives produced almost no trash, while Filthy Liberals on Inauguration Day were pigs. More like tens of thousands produce much less trash than millions.

  17. Greg says:

    If you have a complaint filed, yes. However, serving a subpoena on a consulate is worthless. The threat of a subpoena is that failing to comply with it puts you under the threat of sanctions by the court, including contempt. Since a consulate is immune from sanction, there is no requirement that they comply.

  18. Greg says:

    The appropriate way to get discovery from a foreign government is through the Hague Convention or a letter rogatory. Way more than you’d want to know.

  19. TRUTH says:

    Fox facing a Failure? Are you referring to them facing Acorn or Pelosi? I’m not so nieve to say Obama, he hasn’t failed, he’s just done a terrible job so far.

    It is funny how Fox takes heat from the left based on the reason simply that they report on things. You would argue much of what they say isn’t true, but that is your “opinion”. I would argue a small percentage of what every network reports has error, but no more with Fox than any other. It just upsets the left because Fox doesn’t hesitate to report on ANYONE, including your beloved Obama, his crooked cabinet and his under qualified Czars.

  20. NBC says:

    Poor truth… And the first thing to suffer is truth. I understand your hatred.

  21. misha says:

    “your beloved Obama, his crooked cabinet and his under qualified Czars.”

    Of course, Bush’s cabinet and VP were as pure as the driven snow. None of his czars were underqualified, because they were all True Christians.™

    He favored evangelicals in appointments. Remember, evangelicals love Israel, but hate Judaism and Jewish culture. And Bush and his coterie tried to subvert the 1st Amendment. And don’t forget John Anderson, and his Jesus Amemdment. Google it.

    “In his second term as a Congressman, Anderson introduced a constitutional amendment that would “recognize the law and authority of Jesus Christ” over the United States.”

    BTW, where are the WMDs in Iraq?

    You can keep your conservative buddies. Any Jew who lies down with them, only gets fleas. I challenge you to watch John Hagee in action, and then try to tell me he is not an anti-Semite:

    Watch it, and let me know what you think. My e-mail is in my profile.

  22. Paul Pieniezny says:

    Clinton could send a letter rogatory, but since the USA and Kenya have no treaty on it, Kenya will not answer, particularly since Orly filed that Quo Warranto Mandamus Everything Including the Kitchen Sink Writ at the Supreme Court. You don’t answer polite requests when you are being sued. Two further points:
    1) Orly involved the military in her case, which means that the road through Interpol is closed
    2) typical Orly Madness But With A Method: of all the Ambassadors she is suing, only the Russian Federation is NOT mentioned as “in his capacity as Ambassador”. The guy was a Russian government minister at the time of the Perm incident. Orly probably thought she could introduce him to the Supreme Court as a witness and then cross-examin him, preferably in Russian! That would have taken ca

  23. Paul Pieniezny says:

    … care of orly’s obvious language problem. And she would have been able to claim to her minions that she did a good job.

  24. Mik Taerg says:

    has a place of birth

  25. Lupin says:

    Since this thread offers the opportunity to reframe the birther controversy in a larger social and political context, I would like to venture two observations:

    1) Obama won the election. Big. Those who dispute his eligibility do so on the most tenuous, unconvincing grounds, or peddle outright lies. In any event, it is clear that Obama is not going to be removed from Office, no matter what. Therefore this whole thing is lunacy, which only makes sense when considered from a “snake oil salesman” or “UFO cult” angle. I can’t think of any comparable situation in any first-world country. Apologies beforehand, but to a foreign observer, this looks like the sort of stuff that happens in Gabon, not in the US of A.

    2) One of the things that saddened many foreign lawyers who have for a long time looked up to the United States and its judicial and legal system in the past was the systemic contempt for, if not the outright violations of, the US Constitution that the Bush-Cheney administration engaged in (and which, sadly, appear to continue under the Obama administration, but that’s another discussion). Where were all the lawyers now arguing about the constitutional eligibility of Obama during the last eight years? Since Mrrs Apuzzo, Donofrio, Berg et al claim that their actions are motivated by the desire to safeguard the constitution, where were they then?

    Considering the unachievable goal, the meretricious arguments, and the past lack of concern for far weightier constitutional issues, one is left to conclude that the attorneys representing the birther movement are driven by their own greed and are abusing the legal system purely to enrich themselves somehow. (There may be other considerations than purely monetary ones.)

    Their behavior reminds me of an old character, Sylvester Shyster, who used to appear in the Mickey Mouse strip when I was a kid.

    Frankly, I think they should all be disbarred and fined to the full extent allowed by their respective Bar Associations, and investigated for perpetrating a fraud on their public.

  26. Welsh Dragon says:

    Mik Taerg: version of Lucas Smith certificate.

    I think you’ll find that that one is a joke – at least that’s how I read it at PJ – as opposed to the one filed with the court which is fake!

    Of course I could be wrong – about the ‘joke’ that is not the fake.

  27. jvn says:

    You have to see the Berg “subpoena” for what it is.

    He is fully expecting the Kenyan Consulate to ignore him, then he can proclaim loudly that “they could have said that no such BC exists, but instead they hid behind technicalities and refuse to respond. That must mean that a Kenyan BC DOES exist!”

    Of course, then he will say that he can find that “true BC” if he has more donations…

    More smoke to get the birthers to give $ to him…

  28. misha says:

    “but to a foreign observer, this looks like the sort of stuff that happens in Gabon, not in the US of A.”

    Yeah, I thought this would only go on in a banana republic. Guess what?

    “Where were all the lawyers now arguing about the constitutional eligibility of Obama during the last eight years?”

    The people ignoring the Constitution had European names, that’s why.

    “There may be other considerations than purely monetary ones.”

    Orly has ties to Israel’s Kach Party. WND is raking in quite a haul from donations and the amazing products it hawks, which are not available in stores. The rest simply cannot abide a black man with a Muslim name. Like that outburst “you lie.” No one ever said that to Bush’s face, and he was a pathological liar.

    And there are two systems of justice: Agnew pleaded nolo contendere to one count of income tax evasion, resigned, and never spent one day in prison. Could you imagine what would have happened to him if he was black? He was taking cash bribes in his chambers in the Executive Office Building!

  29. misha says:

    Yes, it proves evolution. In this case, reverse evolution.

  30. kimba says:

    Except the people in that photo were each about 60 pounds lighter than today’s teabaggers.

  31. kimba says:

    Really, truth, you’re not stupid, even though we thump you regularly for being a dumb-ass. Use your noodle.
    Fox News spent millions hyping the event. Every time you saw an ad for the even on FoxNews, it was replacing a 15 or 30 second space that could have been purchased by an advertiser.
    FreedomWorks spent millions hyping the event on internet ads alone.
    You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to estimate what was spent promoting the event.
    Do you think those signs that said “Bury Healthcare with Kennedy” were free to print up?

  32. Black Lion says:

    I was over again at Orly’s site and I guess she is feeling a little down. So of course on of her Stepford followers (or maybe her) posted the following…From the standpoint of pure humor you can’t get a better laugh at someone that is delusional earlier in the morning….

    “As a viewer of the Internet news, rumor, and commentary concerning Obama’s eligibility, consider the following points and questions concerning Dr. Taitz :

    1. Bravery vs. Cowardice- Except for a few, America’s ruling class, including attorneys, have run from the issue of Obama’s eligibility. A few attorneys have filed a couple lawsuits but always with one eye on the current public perception of so-called “birthers.” As an American, I have become rather disgusted with the cowardice of these attorneys who make half-hearted attempts-not to mention the cowardice of the media. It is somewhat understandable that these attorneys would not invite the Cat 6 hurricane of attack by getting involved in the eligibility issue. However, one attorney, Dr. Taitz has shown true American courage in the face of intense opposition and has never stopped her tireless efforts- which has probably come at great cost to her and her three sons.

    2. Competence vs. Buffoonery- In light of the fact that Orly, an immigrant, has stepped us to plate when no other American attorney truly has, made great sacrifices, and has opened herself to attack, I make the following points;

    a. Does anyone think any American faults her for making English spelling errors or any judge for that matter? Or is she admired her for being able to achieve and accomplish so much in her relatively short time in America?

    b. Since we are talking here about who has the best chance of winning these court cases, answer this question: Does anyone really believe that an attorney that is better at dotting I’s and crossing T’s or perfect in the nuances of American courtroom protocol will have their court case heard and not thrown out by today’s brave judiciary? Or might it just be possible that any judge brave enough to even consider hearing an Obama “natural born” case in the first place, may respond better to a highly intelligent, conscientiously motivated attorney?

    c. Many of Orly’s pundits cannot see straight because of their own fears that someone could mess up everyone’s chances at seeing Obama’s birth certificate. I remind everyone that this is Orly’s chance- she earned it, she inspired the people, and many educated military personnel have chosen her for their attorney. Are all these plantiffs morons or might they just be a little smarter than those of us speculating from a distance? This speaks volumes for her competence.

    d. So who is truly competent and who is the buffoon? The intelligent, educated, and passionate defender of the Constitution or some nameless, good spelling, procedural master of litigation (who some seem to be watering at the mouth for)? Remember, we have come to this point in litigation for a reason- because this woman has done what American attorneys have not- from timidity, or negligence, or just plain failure, or other. Some people really need to rethink their definitions of competence in light of what is really needed for victory in our courts.

    3. Money & Fame vs. Conscience- The Power of Motives – Does anyone think Orly is in this for fame or fortune? She could have taken the easy route, lived very comfortably in her successful careers and enjoyed her time with her three sons – but her family has sacrificed everything for this great country that once chose freedom over tyranny while giving honor to the Creator. Don’t underestimate the appeal of these factors to honorable judges (we don’t have any chances with dishonorable ones anyway). These other attorneys are a dime a dozen and everyone, including judges, will believe they are in it for the money and fame. Orly has the most compelling reason for involvement (because of her background with Communism and corruption and her fresh enthusiasm, akin to our founders, for our country and constitution). This should carry a multitude of weight in making judgments about who is most qualified to bring successful litigation.

    Let this attorney do what she is so well equipped for and may other attorneys swallow their egos, forget their fear, and offer their services and expertise pro-bono… leave her at the helm.”

    I mean she thinks she is a competent attorney and she is not a buffoon. And she should be excused for making spelling mistakes and for not knowing the rules of law or how to act in a courtroom. You can’t get more delusional than that.

  33. AdrianInFlorida says:

    kimba: Really, truth, you’re not stupid, even though we thump you regularly for being a dumb-ass. Use your noodle.Fox News spent millions hyping the event. Every time you saw an ad for the even on FoxNews, it was replacing a 15 or 30 second space that could have been purchased by an advertiser.FreedomWorks spent millions hyping the event on internet ads alone.You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to estimate what was spent promoting the event.Do you think those signs that said “Bury Healthcare with Kennedy” were free to print up?

    Don’t forget the tens of thousands of dollars Freedomworks charged each group that wanted a piece of the action, as well. This was a money making venture to recoup lobbying costs, nothing more nothing less. The Tea partiers have been used again.

  34. richCares says:

    here’s a picture of “truth” at the rally, he’s the one holding the mike.

  35. Bob says:

    You have to see the Berg “subpoena” for what it is.

    It isn’t Berg’s subpoena. Just some nutjob trying to (nonconsentually) piggyback onto Berg’s case.

  36. Bob says:

    My favorite line: “Does anyone really believe that an attorney that is better at dotting I’s and crossing T’s or perfect in the nuances of American courtroom protocol will have their court case heard and not thrown out by today’s brave judiciary? Or might it just be possible that any judge brave enough to even consider hearing an Obama ‘natural born’ case in the first place, may respond better to a highly intelligent, conscientiously motivated attorney”

    …as if these cases were being heard by the judges of American Idol, and not real judges, who must uphold the law.

  37. Heavy says:

    You mean like Jimmy Carter and Rev. Wright?

    Liberals CANNOT be shamed even when comfronted by their own hypocracy!

  38. Jimmy Carter is one of the finest Americans I’ve ever seen and a role model for our generation. He deserved his Nobel prize, twice over.

  39. Catbit says:

    My favorite quotes of the day (from RHODES vs. McDonald, 9/16/09)

    “..Any middle school civics student would readily recognize the irony of abandoning fundamental principles upon which our Country was founded in order to purportedly “protect and preserve” those very principles.” (Page 8 )


    ” Plaintiff’s complaint is not plausible on its face. To the extent that it alleges any “facts,” the Complaint does not connect those facts to any actual violation of Plaintiff’s individual constitutional rights. Unlike in Alice in Wonderland, simply saying something is so does not make it so.,” (Page 9)

  40. Nobody says:

    Orly has lost again.

    Rhodes vs MacDonald has been dismissed and the Restraining order has been denied.

    Orly has been threated with sanctions if she tries again and is ordered to pay the defendants costs.

    The story is at and the order is at

  41. Black Lion says:

    I wonder how Orly and her Orly-bots are going to spin this most recent loss. You could see this dismissal coming a mile away. Especially from the questions the judge asked Capt. Rhodes. Somehow I don’t see Capt. Rhodes making Major anytime soon.

  42. kimba says:

    They will say ” Judge Clay Land is a smelly corrupt Obot.” Everyone is against them. Everyone is “in” on protect the wandering nomad, identity frauding President!

  43. Catbit says:

    I just wonder where they are going to come up with newer, more colorful and offensive adjetives to describe Obama in the next lawsuite….

  44. Spike says:

    You’re correct, the commentary from Birfistan is already claiming Judge Land was ‘in the tank’ for Obama.

    Though the far more amusing discussion is coming about on how this absolutely epic smackdown is actually a victory because, somehow it supposedly opens the door to using this ruling as their opening for getting discovery granted.

  45. misha says:

    So Orly has been ordered to pay defense costs. Place your bets when Orly is going to flee to Israel. 5,4,3…

    Kach can have that rabble rouser.

  46. Bob says:

    I’ll take your money; Taitz won’t flee.

  47. Black Lion says:

    Well over at Orly’s house of horrors, she seems to be dealing with the loss by ignoring it and making herself the victim of some sort of smear campaign…

    “Please don’t listen to vicious rumors
    September 16th, 2009
    I am getting close to removing the usurper and there are more and more vicious rumors about me and my whole family. It is 5:30 in the morning and I had to cut on sleep yet again to take some time and debunk all those vicious rumors.

    First, there was a rumor that there is a a declaration by Larry Sinclair filed with court. Please, go on Pacer, it is a public record. There is nothing there, no such declaration. People need to understand that a person cannot just come from the street and file a declaration or an affidavit. It has to be filed by a party to the action. Either I, as an attorney for the plaintiffs or attorney for the defendants, assistant US attorney would file something. Neither I nor US attorney filed any such affidavit or declaration.

    There was a rumor that there was some complaint filed with the CA bar and I was disbarred. None of it is true. Please go on the web site of Ca bar and see that I am an attorney in good standing and never had any action against me.

    There was a rumor that Philip Berg somehow became part of my case with judge Carter and filed a subpoena to ambassador of Kenya as part of this case. Again Berg has nothing to do with this case. There is nothing in the case having to do with Berg.

    Lastly, there was a vicious rumor that my husband is somehow connected with swine flu and swine flu vaccine. Again, ridiculous rumor.”

    So she is getting close to “removing the usurper” by getting her cases thrown out? Wow…That really is revisionist history. I guess because the people that post to her site have no intelligence at all and do go to any other non partisan sites, I guess they will continue to believe her.

    I mean come on, look at what her followers write about her…

    “Dear Orly,

    I’m sure you realize that the discovery can lead to the down fall of the entire dumbocretin political machine.

    Nazi Pillosi certified he was qualified to run for office. There will be a lot of heads on the chopping block, not to mention his brigades of blocking attorneys.

    I will continue to pray you, you are an American patriot of the stature of Thomas Jefferson.

    Thank you,


    Are these people so filled with hate and dislike of the President that they would rather stick their heads in the sand than accept the truth? She hasn’t won a case and gets smacked down each time. Come on, comparing her to Thomas Jefferson? Really? I am at a loss to describe these people.

  48. Catbit says:

    Orly was not ordere to pay the defense costs – her client was. Expect her to flee to Iraq in 3.2. oh, wait….

  49. nbc says:

    ill-informed? Gullible?

  50. misha says:

    Not to argue, but…I’m Jewish, and I have a feeling she is going to surface in TA. It’s easy to get lost in that city, and it has a large Russian speaking population.

    We’ll see, especially since she has been accused by an acolyte of suborning perjury.

    And remember, you heard it here first.

  51. Mary Brown says:

    Tell me it’s so Misha.

  52. Bob says:

    Taitz has said sanctions mean nothing to her. (Great to have a CEO husband picking up the check for your witch hunt, eh?)

    I don’t think disbarrment really scares her, because then she can just return to being the nobody dentist that she was last year.

    So unless she’s actually charged with a crime, I think she’ll stay where she is, doing what she’s doing. Sadly.

  53. Hiram says:

    This comment is for the Million Man Mistake posting (can’t quite get there from here…). In any event…what can one expect from the likes of ABC? Just looking at the stories they have under-reported or have chosen NOT to cover AT ALL recently (can you say ACORN?), one can safely claim that their credibility is pretty well shot.

    A Washington, D.C. news outlet (The Examiner) reported, “Based on photographs and video footage of the event the numbers would appear to be much larger than those estimates [those in the tens of thousands]. The ticketed area of the National Mall alone has a capacity of 240,000 and the crowd clearly filled that area and beyond. The public access area of the Mall holds nearly 950,000 and some photographs of that area show it to be near capacity…”


    A UK news source (DailyMail) reports, “As many as one million people flooded into Washington for a massive rally organised by conservatives claiming that President Obama is driving America towards socialism.

    The size of the crowd – by far the biggest protest since the president took office in January – shocked the White House.”

    But I guess we can’t trust those Brits, either…hmmm…

    Facts are stubborn things…

  54. I looked at the photos and they confirm it was not a big deal.

    Fox news was promoting this Tea Party. When they say a million, come back and try again.

  55. Heavy says:

    Facts are stubborn things unless you are a liberal. In that case, they just ignore those pesky little things.

    A revolution is almost at hand.

  56. kimba says:

    YOU look at the photos. The group on Saturday did not come close to filling the area called “240,000” in the park service picture. As a matter of fact, the source you cited, the DC Examiner estimated “100,000” in one story and “tens of thousands” in another. Don’t you check stuff before you copy and paste?

    Here is what the DC Examiner said:

    “There are no official estimates of how many attended, but there’s no doubt that the turnout, from the crush on Pennsylvania Avenue to the crowd at the West Front of the Capitol, was big — perhaps in the 100,000 range. ”
    “Tens of thousands of people marched to the U.S. Capitol on Saturday, carrying signs with slogans such as “Obamacare makes me sick” as they protested the president’s health care plan ”

  57. TRUTH says:

    Ole Jimmy is a good person, I agree with that. MY best friend is a Democrat, also a Good person. I work with liberals, all GOOD people.

    To bad Jimmy had to stir the pot on the race issue, which aside from a very small minority of people {bigot jack@$$es that don’t represent the majority } is just false. He’s no different than the whining leftists in here that can only point out those same minorities and actually believe they represent the entire right. I still believe he’s a good guy, but someone should email him this web address, he would fit right in.

  58. TRUTH says:

    OK Kimba, could you please get me a link to some of those ads? I watch Fox(SURPRISE) and never seen one “AD” for the TeaParty. Even if they mentioned it a few times, its just part of their news coverage that nobody else has the guts to cover.

    Freedomwork spent MILLIONS!?! Oh ReALLY!? Some more records I’d be interested in seeing. You sure you don’t have a relative that’s a Berfer? (millions spent protecting Obamas B.C. from being seen)

  59. SFJeff says:

    I wish Obama would speak on the Mall about Healthcare. It really would fill up, and then all the Right would be proclaiming how the numbers just show that he has a Mesiah Complex.

    Big crowds against Obama= a sign of Patriots in action

    Bigger crowds supporting Obama= an sign that Obama is Hitler incarnate

  60. The tea party crowd size estimate seems to be a Rorschach test of one’s politics (excepting Bill O’Reily who is reported to have said 75,000).

  61. misha says:

    “A revolution is almost at hand.”

    And when is the big event going to happen? I’m falling asleep waiting. Snore.

  62. Heavy says:

    You fell asleep long ago. The world has passed you by.

  63. NBC says:

    For the last few months Heavy has making these same predictions. Now that the Teabaggers showed up in DC with 60-70k, we probably have to wait for yet another ‘opportunity’ real real soon now…
    In the mean time, the courts have started to take notice and denied several filings. Re: Super Grand Jury, Kelso v Obama, Good v Gates, Good v McDonald, Craig v US and we see little reason to believe that the other suits will stand a chance to overcome the Constitutional requirements.

    Any comments dear friend?

  64. Arliss says:

    BS, none of you are willing to die for your beliefs like a suicide bomber.

  65. Gordon says:

    Hell I’m just glad to see Heavy and the Boyz are Ok. I know this last court decision was a real” Heavy blow”. Where is jtx? Any more Bill Kristol like predictions?

  66. Heavy says:

    NBC: For the last few months Heavy has making these same predictions. Now that the Teabaggers showed up in DC with 60-70k, we probably have to wait for yet another opportunity’ real real soon now…In the mean time, the courts have started to take notice and denied several filings. Re: Super Grand Jury, Kelso v Obama, Good v Gates, Good v McDonald, Craig v US and we see little reason to believe that the other suits will stand a chance to overcome the Constitutional requirements.Any comments dear friend?


  67. Heavy says:

    You mean that decision by judge Carter?

  68. Greg says:

    Maybe he means the order from Judge Land a few minutes ago denying Orly’s motion requesting a stay of the deployment orders so she could file a motion to reconsider?

  69. Heavy says:

    Who needs facts when a good lie will do?|wbml-aol|dl1|link3|

  70. Greg says:

    Perhaps the one today ordering Orly to show cause why she shouldn’t be fined $10,000?

  71. nbc says:

    Ah, that… Well

    No Chance…

  72. nbc says:

    Who needs facts when a good lie will do?

    Oh the irony

  73. Heavy says:

    Who said die?

    Liberals are afraid of their own shadows!

  74. Heavy says:

    Wait! Is that a RACIST remark?

  75. Gordon says:

    Jesus Heavy if you are waiting for something different from Judge Carter I’m going to have to put you on suicide watch.

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