Monthly Archives: September 2009

Is racism the new “cool”?

Conservative intellectual theorist Irving Kristol when derisively called a “neoconservative” said: “the sensible course, therefore, is to take your label, claim it as your own and run with it”. On one side, the Obama Conspiracy debunkers have embraced “Obot” (see … Continue reading

Posted in Racism | Tagged , , , , , | 4 Comments

De Vattel appears in 1884 law review article

In ARE PERSONS BORN WITHIN THE UNITED STATES IPSO FACTO CITIZENS THEROF? The American Law Review (Sep/Oct 1884) George D. Collins argues that only those born in the United States whose fathers are citizens, are themselves citizens. This find by … Continue reading

Posted in Citizenship | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 8 Comments

Donofrio alleges Obama birth records amended!

Flash! Leo Donofrio has made a stunning claim on his blog in a new article: Pending Litigation: Hawaii Confirms That Obama’s Vital Records Have Been Amended. One has to translate that headline from “birther speak” to normal usage. “Pending Litigation” … Continue reading

Posted in Birth Certificate, Leo Donofrio | Tagged , , , , , , , | 106 Comments

My solution to the “standing” issue

A few moments ago, I wrote in response to richCares: While it would be pleasing to me to see all 300 and something allegations in Kerchner v. Obama tried and branded false, no court is ever going to touch it. All … Continue reading

Posted in Wild & Wacky | Tagged , , , | 10 Comments

The Betrayal blog attacks Dr. C (Updated)

Readers here may recall an article I published countering Leo Donofrio’s attack against Donofrio misfires. Donofrio had made the same mistake Mario Apuzzo made when he attempted to make Barack Obama into a current British Citizen through ignoring the … Continue reading

Posted in Dr. C. Comments | Tagged , , , , | 30 Comments

A thought from the past

The late 1700’s occasioned a spirited debate over the qualifications of citizens, those aliens who desired to adhere to the United States and become members of American society. Some argued that only those born here should become citizens, and others … Continue reading

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