Here are the nominations for the Obama Conspiracy Theories first batshirt award. It wouldn’t be any fun for me to pick one, so you pick one. If you don’t see your favorite, do not despair; we’ll do it again!
Which of the following is the most batshirt crazy?
- Obama mentally ill due to incest and is really King of Hawaii. (36%, 37 Votes)
- Fake nude photos of Obama's mother not pregnant in 1961 to prove she is not his mother. (33%, 34 Votes)
- Judge Carter's clerk is an Obama plant because he used to work for a law firm that represented Obama. (11%, 11 Votes)
- Birther claims to have secret John Adams document defining 2-parent requirement. (8%, 8 Votes)
- Obama was a foreign-born child adopted by Stanlen Ann Dunham. (6%, 6 Votes)
- AP stories of Obama Kenyan birth scrubbed from the Internet (3%, 3 Votes)
- Obama took a boat back to Kenya. (3%, 3 Votes)
- Leo Donofrio goes quiet - may do real legal work. (2%, 2 Votes)
Total Voters: 104

Oh man, Doc, this was tough! So many birther theories, so little logic…
Talk about batshirt: Taitz (on her site) posted her notice of appeal in Rhodes, and it is full of batshirt.
That was tough. The only one I haven’t heard is the incest/King of Hawaii craziness, but I do consider myself fortunate to be ignorant of that, er, “issue” — and I intend to remain ignorant.