Intrepid Politijab Reporter Wavey Davey was at the hearing today in Santa Ana, California, and saw the whole spectacle unfold. Here is the transcript:
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Even Taitz and Drake know they lost.
Wow, that’s a whole truckload of sour grapes. Not unexpected, though. Whenever they lose a case they just accuse the judge of being a traitor, spineless, etc. Wash, rinse, repeat.
Orly’s profile is now on the WashPost site:
They are trying to say someone got to Judge Carter since Sept. So weak and predictable.
Birthers may have shot themselves in the foot by bringing both legislative and judicial actions at the same time.
It is a very well-established principle that the courts never get involved in political issues and debates that are properly matters of the Congress, and that extends most especially to pending legislation. Now, several bills have been introduced in Congress that bear on the birth-certificate and eligibility issues, some calling for hearings and investigations as to Obama (others only to future elections; similar bills have been introduced in several states).
By definition, this makes the entire eligibility issue a political matter having to do with pending legislative action, and this trumps any judicial action. Courts invariably defer to the legislatures in such cases.
Having grandstanding “friends” in Congress is not helpful if one is trying to get a fundamental Constitutional matter well and truly litigated.
Taitz gave it away when she read a letter from Senator Jeff Sessions saying that he “couldn’t involve himself in pending litigation”.
“Now, several bills have been introduced in Congress that bear on the birth-certificate and eligibility issues, some calling for hearings and investigations as to Obama ”
I am aware only of HR 1503 from Bill Posey (FL). What other bills are there? Who in the US House or Senate has called for hearings or investigations as to Obama.
It is my understanding that it is unconstitutional for states to change the requirements for federal office.
Here is a column from yesterday by economist Paul Krugman called “The Politics of Spite”, where he writes about the state of the Republican party as illustrated by the cheering when Chicago lost its Olympic bid:
“For one thing, we learned that the modern conservative movement, which dominates the modern Republican Party, has the emotional maturity of a bratty 13-year-old. ”
“at this point, the guiding principle of one of our nation’s two great political parties is spite pure and simple.”
This column really made sense to me in terms of the eligibility deniers. I think we see the same spite and adolescent behavior of birthers toward President Obama, toward Judge Land, Judge Carter, recently Sen Lindsey Graham. Just like a bratty 13 year old, when told no, the birthers act out and defy authority.
They are all in tizzy that Judge Carter didn’t think it made sense that a child born to an American mother could not be eligible to be president. That he doesn’t “understand” both parents must be citizens or know Obama’s father was not a citizen. How many times does someone in a position of authority have to tell you you are wrong about your definition before you have the self-realization to stop and think ” gosh, the whole Congress, the whole Electoral College, Judge Land, Judge Carter all think ‘born in the US’ means eligible, maybe I’m looking at this wrong”. Well, if you have the emotional maturity of a 13 year old, when someone in authority tells you something is so, your natural reaction is to be defiant. I think this is exactly what we are seeing in the birthers: defiant adolescent behavior.
I think we, and the rest of the grown-ups in this country may have to resolve to ignore them and get on with addressing the real problems we face: two wars, health care, a terrible unemployment problem. Obama deniers are not part of the adult discourse, they are adolescents that need to be told to sit down and grow up.
Thanks for posting this. That was very revealing, both for Taitz and Kreep and for Judge Carter, who’s now being dragged through the mud on various venues.
kimba: They are all in tizzy that Judge Carter didn’t think it made sense that a child born to an American mother could not be eligible to be president.
Judge Carter has Supreme Court justice Ginsburg on his side.
If you notice, I have long said the denialists should be ignored, and that trying to reason with them is a fool’s errand. You will also notice that my response has been to make fun, rather than a serious response. Mario, for one, became exasperated with me.
One exchange with Mario went like this:
Mario: “Misha, your comments are pure nonsense.”
Me: “As are yours.”
The denialists should not have any of their demands met. Obama posted his BC on the web, which is more than any other candidate, for any office, has done.
Those who have made an industry of “proving” it is a forgery, or that the Constitution requires both parents be citizens, are nothing more than malcontents who are going clinically mad that a black family is in a place they feel should remain a white house – analogous to the big house on a plantation.
Let them squirm. I enjoy watching, with the same glee they have for Obama’s perceived failings. Really, cheering because Chicago did not get the Olympics…
The standing is the people’s right to challenge unconstitutional elections and the orders of leaders who appear from all evidence to be ineligible. In this case, the president’s refusal to show simple identity records is the best evidence against him.
If the court finds that Barack Obama should not have been allowed to be a candidate, he should simply be ordered to remove himself from office and all his appointments and laws would be disallowed. Other nations suspend their governments for change; surely we can too.
At is a letter to US Attorney for DC, CD Phillips, for Quo Warranto in Donofrio case… it sites 17 things that can be learned by simple identity documents that the president could easily supply.
Charges and evidences, court style, are at
I do not see the dead end of this case as others do. The judge requires more time to contemplate his decision. Whether or not this court hears or denies this case, fight his policies with the letters at if you agree with the messages of danger.
Marie Devine
Phil at tRSoL has quietly given up:
1. “Instead of potentially causing further issues with the Court through political activism within the Judiciary, it is my view that a far wiser and significantly more powerful means of persuasion is prayer.” Phil is correct in the sense that there’s no chance any of these cases ever will be successful.
2. “you’ll become more focused on what the Main Thing In Life™ really is.” In other words, he’s loss his passion to obsessively repost whatever WND and Donofrio have to say.
3. “because this issue is and always has been about much bigger things in life, such as political accountability.” That’s the sort of lie you tell yourself…political accountability would be redress through the ballot box (or impeachment).
I agree. I think Phil and a large grouping of the birthers are starting to look for an exit from this.
Intellectually they know that their “cause” is a losing one and they have spent much energy getting all excited about the weekly “this is it” moments they have been fed by Orly, Jet Schizo and the others that they are emotionally exhausted.
So they can safely move from “we’re going to win this thing” to “it’s in God’s hands” and then eventually to “well, it SHOULD be two parents who are citizens.”
I think Judge Carter’s dismissal (when it comes) will pretty much send most of the birthers packing.
The rest will join the ranks who believe that the income tax is illegal, that Bush planned 9/11 and that Elvis is still alive. For a few the “cause” will go on, but they will be very small in number, VERY small!
]WARNING, THE URL FOLLOWING goes to ORLY’S malware-infested web site]
From Taitz’s site: Wavydavey (and tRSoL!) got it wrong.
American Grand Jury also turns on Judge Carter.
Charles Lincoln on yesterday’s hearing.
Can you post it, I won’t go there.
Wow, looking around the ‘net today, Orly’s pretty much burning every bridge:
Judge Carter ‘Somebody got to him. We had a deal in July (Huh?)
Judge Land “Secret Meeting with AG Holder”
Kreep, etc.
What was this ‘Deal’ Orly?
Heh, just wet trolling over at Freeperville,
One of the posts in the “Orly’s Transcript” thread, is a listing of Judge Carter’s contact info…
Great, considering he asked her not to have her followers contact him.
Keep the cards and letters coming, Birthers.
“Transcript from July 13 hearing, please read extremely important.
Posted on | October 6, 2009 | No Comments
I am publishing this transcript of the July 13 hearing so that the public can see the truth.
What I’ve noticed it that Obama supporters are publishing some COMPLETE GARBAGE calling it unofficial transcripts. In reality they are distorting each and every word I am saying and trying to show me in a negative light. Somebody by name “Waveydavey” has written such garbage and distortions and Phil from “Right side of Life” posted it.
When the transcript of the October 5 hearing is ready, I will post it.
In reality I carried most of the hearing on my shoulders.
Kreep showed up an hour late and was not prepared. He did not have any precedents, he did not provide a substantial argument.
I have provided numerous points and precedents in the argument and counted any and all ridiculous assertions by the US attorneys claiming that no one citizen of this country has standing to bring challenge to this massive fraud and treason perpetrated upon the citizens of this nation by the usurper and his accomplishes (as you understand US attorneys didn’t use this very language and definitions). the public was applauding me repeatedly.
Kreep also lied to the judge, where he stated that I have written on my blog that people should sue Kreep. I never written that- the man is a pathological liar- it is appalling what he and Wiley Drake are doing. Drake is telling the public, media and donors that I was thrown of the legal team, so that all the donations go to Kreep.
Somebody, also, told the judge that I have written on my blog to people to call the judge. It never happened. I tried to correct the record but the judge would not let me speak further.
What concerns me more then anything else, is that Judge Carter sounded completely different from what he was in prior hearings on July 13 and September 8.
On July 13 I was entitled to get a Default judgment against Obama and postdefaultdiscovery, as I have properly sued Obama as an individual fora fraud that he committed as an individual before the election. I demanded from Judge Carter default or, if he is refusing to give me the default, I demanded a leave of court to get an interlocutory appeal. US attorney showed up at the hearing as a party of interest, representing USA and demanded to be served with the pleadings. He was stating that Obama was supposed to be served through the US attorneys office. I countered by stating that the service through US attorneys office is done, and defense by US attorneys at the expense of the tax payers is allowed only when a person is sued as a governmental official for what he did as an official.
Obama defrauded the whole Nation, before becoming the president, by claiming to be eligible, and “we the people” should not pay for his defense, I served him properly and I am supposed toget a default judgment against him and a post judgment discovery.
Judge Carter refused to give me the default. He twisted my arm time and again and pressured me to serve Obama yet again through the US attorneys office. At three different occasions at 10:40, 11:01 and 11:07 of the hearing judge Carter has assured me that if this deal is made, if I serve the US attorneys office, the case will be heard on the merits expeditiously and will not be dismissed on technicality. As I was refusing, I stated that I have great concerns that the US attorneys will be playing games, as they did in prior cases and will try to dismiss this case on technicality such as jurisdiction os standing.
Please read 10:40 line 5.
Court (meaning judge Carter ) is saying “In talking to you this way you are basically told, we are going to get to the MERITS (emphasis added) of this very quickly. The government is just asking for what THEY believe is proper service.” He did not state that I didn’t serve Obama properly, he is saying what They, the government, believes is the proper service.
At 11:01 line 13. he says “I wish this would be resolved on it’s MERITS QUICKLY. And he is either not the president or he is”
At 11:07 line 1 Judge Carter states “I mean if he is not president, he shouldn’t be president, if he is he should be. And we need to resolve it on the MERITS”
On September the 8th judge Carter told the US Attorneys West and DeJutte that the chance of him granting motion to dismiss due to lack of standing is extremely law and he is ready to rule and have a hearing on this on Sept 11 in 3 days. At that time Gary Kreepsqueezed himself in the case representing 2 out of 48 plaintiffs and demanded more time. The hearing was postponed by nearly a month. During this month something happened. At October 5 hearing Judge Carter sounded as a completely different person. He did not sound as a brave Marine any more. He sounded scared, intimidated by somebody or something. He was trying to find ways to dump this case on another court- like DC court, drag his feet by telling us to plead the case again or dismiss on technicality- claiming no one has standing.
I poured my heart out for over an hour, and at least he didn’t come up with a negative decision right then and there, but I am concerned. We had a clear deal back in July. If Judge Carter makes a 180 degrees turn now and rules for Obama and does not give me expedited discovery and hearing on the merits as he repeatedly promised during the July 13 hearing, then I and my clients were defrauded by the court. Then there is no system of justice for the citizens of this country.”
Over at, they already have conspiracy hallucinations on meth. AG Holder has had the Marshals get to Carter, his wife and children; the “Obama Supreme Court” has got to the Marines; Judge Carter is a cousin of Pres. Carter; Carter is ignorant of the military and of law; and so on.
Divorced from facts and rational thought, conspiracy imaginations are unbounded.
Honestly, if it’s about political accountability, then go hold your politician accountable. I think you’re right jvn and Bob, after Judge Carter dismisses Orly and Kerchner is dismissed, another large group of the villagers is going to drop the pitchforks and go home. Fall is here. The holidays will be coming next. People are realizing almost a year has gone by since the election. I think Sen Graham’s recent statement probably had an impact on some. Nothing new from Leo. TRSOL is on the verge of shifting its attention to the mid-term elections ( political accountability). All that will be left is the hard core. The fringier the fringe gets, the fewer not so far right people there will be. Funny, the hardcore seems to be mid-50s and older. Too old to try to mount a real war against the govt.
These people are delusional…I am afraid that nothing other than physical harm to the President will satisfy them…Which I find scary…I think when Judge Carter dismisses this case, and even Orly’s dumb ass can see that is going to happen, there will be some birthers that will go over the edge. This is a really scary time…All because less than 1% of the population refuses to believe the truth….
By the way from the new WND….I guess they are into fantasy now…
from post&email:
If Hilary Clinton just simply said simple one sentence, this week, it would cause the Obama administration to implode; resurrect the Democratic party as a viable entity in the 2010 elections, and be met with a swift ground swell of support from the entire people of the United States who still believe in the rule of law.
What is this sentence?
“After careful legal and historical study, I don’t believe Obama is a natural born citizen; and therefore I request Congress to hold hearings to determine whether he lawfully occupies the office of President of the United States, in accord with the objective requirements of Article II, Section ii, paragraph 5, of the U.S. Constitution!”
Such a statement would show the following about Hilary Clinton’s character:
1) It would definitely demonstrate that she is a person of integrity, who puts the U.S. Constitution before all else.
2) It would definitely prove that, as a woman, she is not a follower but a leader.
Such a statement would have the following beneficial results from either her point of view, or objectively speaking.
1) It would show Democrats and Republicans that there is life in the political corridors of Washington, D.C., and that her sense of integrity will not be silenced on any issue.
2) It would revitalize the Democratic Party; not only by energizing the Hilary Democrats, but by giving her fellow Democrats who are Senators and Representatives a way of saving their 2010 relection campaigns, by definitively distancing themselves from the constant parade of lies from Obama and his ongoing campaign.
3) It pull the planks out from under the Republican Party, who has not shown even as much integrity or honesty on the issue; and forestall their claim to this issue in the 2010 elections.
4) It would create a political climate in which Carter and Simandle could uphold the constitution.
5) It would completely demolish the house of cards upon which Obama has built his candidacy and regime.
6) It would be simply be the truth.
7) It would be the consummate political maneuver of the century.
It would put her in line to ascend to the presidency, when Obama and Biden are shown to be fraud and co-conspirator in fraud, as they are.
9) It would be her right, for having been robbed of the Democratic Nomination by fraud in the primaries (TX, MI, FL).
10) It would be “impeachable testimony,”* because it is manifestly evident from the books of law and history, and from Obama’s biographies, that his father being a british subject, at the time of his birth, causes him to be ipso fact, NOT a natural born citizen; and therefore ineligible to be president.
Wow, hard to even comment on how disconnected form reality she is. You know, I actually feel a little sorry for her. Not only does she not have any idea what she is doing, she really does appear to have real issues.
“It would definitely prove that, as a woman, she is not a follower but a leader.”
What a bunch of sexists. Taunting a woman to show she’s tough by telling a lie. Yeah, come on Hillary show us you’ve got your big girl panties on and screw your boss. Um, even if they got rid of Obama and Biden, Pelosi is next in line, then Robert Byrd (!), then Hillary. What a bunch of dumbasses. They spout,”we’re about the Constitution” and they don’t even know what’s in it. And they spelled her name wrong….
Birtherism explained in Scientific American!
Doc, this might merit its own article.
I’m 95% convinced she has a serious mental illness. Not that that stops me from being vastly amused by her antics.
“because it is manifestly evident from the books of law and history, and from Obama’s biographies, that his father being a british subject, at the time of his birth, causes him to be ipso fact, NOT a natural born citizen; and therefore ineligible to be president.”
Manifestly evident, but apparently the voters didn’t care during the last election, nor did the Congress care….
Delusional or maybe they don’t understand what ‘manifestly evident’ means.
But not “manifestly evident” to the SCOTUS who attended the inauguration, swore the President into office, and have so far rejected every case on this issue brought before them? LOL!!
What’s “manifestly evident” is that someone born in the United States is a “natural born citizen…”
Great article, some of the comments were a bit disturbing, it must have been”freeped”
“I am afraid that nothing other than physical harm to the President will satisfy them…Which I find scary”
That is exactly what Orly is trying to do. She keeps filing lawsuits, knowing they will fail, so she can say to her followers, ‘see, the whole system is corrupt, there is only one way to stop this.’
Remember Pittsburgh? There’s a method to her madness. She goes to gun shows, and gives incendiary speeches in the hopes of inciting a lone wolf. And don’t forget Oklahoma City. She knows exactly what she is doing.
And conservatives are winking at the birther crowd because it hurts Obama. Look at Cantor in Israel:
teh stupid, It burns…
It’s an interesting article. I added it the MEDIA page. I’m not quite sure what I would say in an article… waiting for inspiration.
Quoting Phil at tRSoL: far wiser and significantly more powerful means of persuasion is prayer
The flaw in that approach is that mainstream Christians are taught to pray for their national leaders, not against them.
Marie Devine: In this case, the president’s refusal to show simple identity records is the best evidence against him.
Well if that’s the best evidence you have, then you don’t have a case at all.
[See innuendo.]
A tRSoL commenter said, “Those who serve God have STANDING in His courtroom. Let the pegans trust and believe in a fallen, corruptable system. We have STANDING. Let’s release our petitions to God and state our case about Obama and his administration to the Supreme Judge.”
Taitz’s supporters often say similar things, i.e., praying for an angelic hedge of protection for Taitz.
It would seem there might be some theological implications to these kinds of thoughts. How do they know God is on their side? How will they know if their heavenly case has been rejected? Isn’t Obama’s continued successes in the courtroom evidence that he is the one benefiting from an angelic hedge of protection?
Wow, you actually post there? Did you get zotted right away or do you pretend to be a far-right loon to blend in?
Krugman was beaten to this observation five years ago by Mike Ames with his article “Spite the Vote”.
I think American history is proof enough that God does not get involved in American politics.
Thanks, I read it. Too true.
Rove got people to vote against their economic interests. I was amazed.
one of the things i continually find amusing about birfers is their dependence upon magical thinking in all its forms, especially when used to justify their support of orly.
how often have we heard birfers say:
nothing orly has done in her short reign as queen bee of birfistan indicates that she’ll succeed or that she has any clue how to succeed or, most pathetically, that she has any chance of succeeding whatsoever.
but birfers believe that this nutjob who’s so furiously and loudly running around everywhere yalping and flap-flap-flapping her arms is not just gonna fly — no, by golly, she’s gonna land on the damned moon, especially if those traitorous obot trolls shut up long enough.
and they sneer at obama for promoting “hope”.
Check Page Four! “To the extent this paragraph alleges that President Obama is not a natural-born citizen of
the United States, or is or ever was a citizen of Kenya or a British subject, those
allegations are denied.” So, Hillary Clinton is saying because US law does not consider dual citizenship (nor prohibit it, however), and we have nothing on file proving he acquired or used Kenyan citizenship (Obama never played basketball for Kenya), we deny his kenyan citizenship.
WND will be angry about this “obvious lie”. But what about Mr Apuzzo? It seems the US State department does not even know that Obama’s father did not have US citizenship but British Colonies citizenship. If you do not collect that data, how can it be used under law?
Nah, my “sock puppet’ at freeperville got zotted a long time ago 😀
Not worth the effort to create a new one, as I really don’t want any connection that little cess pool. 🙂
“At October 5 hearing Judge Carter sounded as a completely different person. He did not sound as a brave Marine any more. He sounded scared, intimidated by somebody or something.”
Brilliant legal strategy!! Call the judge a coward who been compromised.
“Obama never played basketball for Kenya”
Did he ever play for the Harlem Globetrotters?
True story: The Harlem Globetrotters was founded by a Jewish man, Abraham M. Saperstein.
“we had a deal clear back in July”
apparently in Orly’s legal world, a judge makes “promises” of a trial.. BEFORE the other side has their legal opportunity to respond??
Methinks someone needs to take some time to explain the concept of=
Since ANY rational person can access the already provided (and not fake) certificate, which has been validated (by a real person, not Polarick)…
it should be clear that there is no fraud, his status was proven a long time ago,
and there has been NO INJURY except in her own mind, and that of sites like WND.
No injury. No standing. No lawsuit.
Go home, Orly. The cert is real/ valid, and always was.
In the Birther world there are different definitions thant the rest of the world:
Patriot means anyone who agrees with the Birther platform that you agree with- whether they are convicted fraud artist, defrocked attorneys or KKK members.
Traitor means anyone who doesn’t demand the birther platform- including any Veteran wounded in service that doesn’t toe the correct line, such as John McCain, Max Cleland or Bob Dole.
If any proof were required, just look how the opinion of Judge Carter changes like a weather vane in a tornado.
I personally believe that the neocon smear campaign against Max Cleland is about the most shameful thing in the history of US politics.