Obamacrimes reasserts old claims

The BadFiction blog has produce series of  articles about the Obama Indonesian citizenship myth:

Phil Berg’s web site, ObamaCrimes.com has responded in articles including this response to Part 3. In that response, questions are raised about the audio transcript of the interview with Sarah Obama published at BadFiction. McKinnion says that he got his recording from the America First web site (who got it from Berg), and the recording on this web site came from the same source. (The recording, by the way, is still on the Americas Right site.)  The recording and transcript are featured in my article: Sarah Obama speaks!

I plowed much of this ground in my article Hollister v Indonesian Citizenship Law. It all boils down to whether you want to believe facts and primary sources, or rumors.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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102 Responses to Obamacrimes reasserts old claims

  1. Dick Whitman says:

    I think this called the Stanley Ann Dunham-Obama-Soetoro Citizen of the World clause …


    (CT:CON-315; 09-03-2009)

    a. Occasionally, CA/OCS or a post abroad will receive an inquiry from the parent of a child born in the United States who acquired U.S. citizenship at birth protesting the “involuntary” acquisition of U.S. citizenship.

  2. John says:

    Well, we still got the Kenyan Ambassador stating Obama was born in Kenya.

    of course, the Kenyan ambassador quickly changed his story when he “got caught”

    It seems on the Sarah Obama interview recording, this appears to be also true.

    After the Sarah Obama said that she was present when Obama was born, there does appear to some commotion in the background.

    The grandmother’s story then changes.

    However, the interview recording quality is very poor at best, but I think you tell something in going after the gradmother had just revealed the incriminating information.

  3. racosta says:

    John, John, you write again, I wonder how such an idiot can even write!

  4. Kevin Bellas says:

    John, Are you CEL3????

  5. Wow. Almost line for line what “Paralegal” claimed as well.

    Oh,and Dr. C had it right and I had it wrong. I MEANT “America’s Right”, not “America’s First”

  6. John says:

    Well, we have Lucas Smith’s Kenyan BC of Obama that has yet to be debunked although not authenticated: http://americangrandjury.org/article_photos/lucas_3.jpg

    Assuming for the sake of argument this is actually Obama’s BC, this would mean the vital record in Hawaii is as thought a mailform from the grandmother or mother with the vital information stating that he was born at home with no witnesses.

  7. misha says:

    No, this is Obama’s Kenyan birth certificate.

  8. richCares says:

    “that has yet to be debunked”
    pay attenion, check the Hospital name and person who signed it, DEBUNKED!

    If you think the Kenyan BC is credible you are dumber than we thought!

  9. Black Lion says:

    You are kidding right? You really think that a convicted forger somehow traveled to Kenya and was able to procure a document that no on else was able to? And then his so called film has him not in Kenya but the Dominican Republic. And on top of that the birth certificate in question the father doesn’t known his own birth date nor is the correct hospital administrator listed? Even Polarik and WND debunked this so called BC as an obvious forgery. However if you would rather believed a convicted forger that went to jail and tried to sell a kidney on Ebay, then go ahead. Just don’t wonder why no one here will take you seriously.

  10. Black Lion says:

    REally? Since you can speak the native Kenyan language you can know this for sure? When I listened to the unedited tape here on Dr.C’s site at no time does she ever say that. She says she was in Kenya when the President was born in HI. And the so called statement from the Kenyan ambassador was someone verbally confusing someone that was not a native English speaker. It is obvious the questioner was attempting to confuse the ambassador.

  11. racosta says:

    “Assuming for the sake of argument this is actually Obama’s BC,”

    why assume something that stupid? Get a brain!

  12. richCares says:

    john is proof that hating Obama destroys brain cells, it is a disease. From john’s further comments, there appears to be no cure. It must be really difficult (and sad) to wake up hating Obama each day. John deserves our sympathy, poor guy.

  13. Black Lion says:

    “Paralegal” uses the following HI statute to support her claims about Grandma registering Obama’s birth, but I don’t see how it could be applicable or support her contention…Anyone else see how this makes sense?

    “The law that applied at the time of Soetoro/Obama’s registration of Birth in Hawaii is the 1955 Laws, Chapter 57 “Vital Statistics”, Section §57-8 Compulsory registration of births; §57-9 Local registrar to prepare birth certificate. These sections are outlined below.

    “§ 57-8 Compulsory registration of births”

    “Within the time prescribed by the board, a certificate of every birth shall be filed with the local registrar of the district in which the birth occurred, by the physician, midwife or other legally authorized person in attendance at the birth; or if not so attended, by one of the parents. [R.L. 1945, s. 3100.09; add. L. 1949, c. 327, s.9.]


    “§57-9 Local registrar to prepare birth certificate.”

    “(a) If neither parent of the newborn child whose birth is unattended as above provided is able to prepare a birth certifidate, the local registrar shall secure the necessary information from any person having knowledge of the birth and prepare and file the certificate.”

    “(b) The board shall prescribe the time within which a supplementary report furnishing information omitted on the original certiricate may be returned for the purpose fo completing the certificate. Certificates of birth completetd by a supplemenary report shall nto be considered as “delayed” or “altered.” [R.L. 1945, s. 3100.10; add. L. 1949, c. 327, s. 10.]”

  14. Greg says:

    Neither the recording, nor the affidavit of the interviewer would be admissible in a court of law. Yet, we’re supposed to accept them in the court of public opinion as contradicting the COLB, which is admissible in a court of law?

    How about this, John. Go find better evidence. Find us the plane ticket that Ann Dunham bought for her 3 day journey to Kenya. Find us the waiver she, as a pregnant woman, would have signed absolving the airline of any damages. Find us the letters her parents wrote begging her not to take such a long and risky trip so close to her due date.

  15. John says:

    It is interesting, the Obots have done their work to debunk the Kenyan BCs of Obama. Birthers too have done their work to debunk the Online Obama COLB. But I think Obots have an easier time debunking Obama’s Kenyan BC than Birthers have at debunking the Hawaiin COLB. This is mainly because the Kenyan BC have more information to pick at. Obama’s COLB lacks a lot of information so it is difficult to debunk what is not there. The COLB contains no location of birth (Honululu, Hawaii is too vague) and the COLB contains no signatures to really place Obama’s birth from having actually occured there.

  16. richCares says:

    Obama. Birthers too have done their work to debunk the Online Obama COLB

    ha hah hah hah hah

  17. Chris says:

    “Honolulu, Hawaii” may be vague for some purposes, but for the purpose of establishing birth within the United States, it is not at all vague. And that is the only real issue here.

  18. Greg says:

    Are you saying that the State of Hawaii went universally to the COLB so that Obama wouldn’t have to produce enough information for Birthers to debunk?

    Poor, put-upon, Birthers!

    Get a life!

  19. John says:

    If Birthers want absolute 100% Proof that Obama was born in Hawaii, the Obama or Hawaii needs to cough up the following:



    Not the trash the Obama has released online.

  20. misha says:

    Normally I do not respond to reptiles, since they cannot read.

    But, in this case I feel the need to address stupidity. I have a birth certificate, not CoLB from NYS. It does not have the hospital, doctor, parents’ names, nor time of birth.

    It only has my name, date of birth (not time), city (NYC), state, and the registrar’s signature. It also has a hand written note of my name change, and a raised seal. I used it to obtain a diver license, and 2 passports.

    This other stuff is just to impress the gullible. Orly’s crowd has already moved on to the 2-parent rule, so nothing Obama does will satisfy them. He should regard them as water on a duck’s back.

  21. Rickey says:

    a. Occasionally, CA/OCS or a post abroad will receive an inquiry from the parent of a child born in the United States who acquired U.S. citizenship at birth protesting the “involuntary” acquisition of U.S. citizenship.

    And that proves – what?

  22. misha says:

    One more note: Obama will be re-elected, and Cory Booker will follow. Better get used to it.

    Here’s my prediction: this crowd will say that Booker was born in DC, which is not a state, so he can’t run. When they are reminded Gore was born in DC, they’ll say he should not have run, too. Then, when asked if they publically raised objections to Gore, they’ll say they were too busy.


  23. Rickey says:

    My New York birth certificate is similar. I actually have the original “Certificate of Birth Registration” which was issued a week after I was born. It lists my name, date of birth, location of birth (Mount Kisco, New York), and the full names of my parents. That’s it. No hospital name, no doctor name, nothing else.

    This document has been sufficient for me to obtain a Social Security Card, a driver’s license, register to vote, enlist in the U.S. Navy, and obtain a U.S. passport. However, John would have us believe that it is not adequate proof of where I was born for me to run for president.

  24. Greg says:

    Well, first of all, that’s clearly a fake. It’s got white text on a black background!

    There’s no such thing as 100% proof. If Obama gave out his long form, you’d complain that you didn’t personally get a copy. Mario would complain that it doesn’t matter, since Obama Sr. was Kenyan. Berg would complain, saying it doesn’t matter because Obama lost his US citizenship as a 6 year-old in Indonesia. Taitz would complain that it doesn’t matter because Obama has used 66 different Social Security numbers.

  25. JoZeppy says:

    John says:


    Not the trash the Obama has released online

    Well John, the US Department of State, and State of Hawaii disagree with you….and in a contest between USDOS/State of Hawaii, and you….I think Dept of State and Hawaii win.

  26. Rickey says:

    Not the trash the Obama has released online.

    Poor John. Do you even pay attention?

    The “trash” which Obama released online is the ONLY type of birth certificate which Hawaii issues. Hawaii has certified that it meets all legal requirements for proving the date and location of an individual’s birth, including the requirements for obtaining a U.S. passport.

  27. Dick Whitman says:

    One possible scenario …

    Stanley Ann gives birth to BO at home with her mother assisting.

    BO Sr., aware of Hawaii § 57-8, Compulsory registration of births, begins walking to the Local Registrars office to file the information concerning BO’s birth, plus pay the $10 fee. At some point, he trips on a coconut and sprangs his ankle.

    Stanley Armour Dunham helps BO Sr. back to the house. Madelyn Dunham, a person who witnessed BO’s birth, walks to the Local Registrar’s office and files the information necessary for a birth record for BO to be established.

    As an aside, on the way to the Registrar’s office, Madelyn folds the tenner, cuts it and splices a one dollar bill to the half without the serial number. She takes the other half to the bank on Monday and gets a replacement tenner.

    It’s BO’s first lesson as a grifter.

  28. SFJeff says:

    Once again Sven, you insult the President’s dead Grandmother.

    Really, birthers have no shame. One of the reasons I could never be President is because I would have to spend too much time travelling the U.S. to punch people in the nose who insult my dead grandmother.

    Insulting a President is a normal slimy tactic, insulting a President’s dead relatives? Dispicable, and shows the true chacter of the writer.

  29. John says:

    That may for an ordinary citizen. But you have to remember, Obama was running for POTUS. A person running for POTUS is vetted by the people. If the people want to see his or her medical records then he or she coughs them up. If people want to see his or her birth certificate then he or she coughs them up. It’s quite clear the people wanted and still want to see Obama’s long-form birth certificate. Obama has not shown and thus has not proven to people that he is qualified to be the POTUS.

  30. Passerby says:

    I’ve been thinking about this a bit, and the only way it make sense is if you start with the presumption that he was not born in the United States. This then would be a “debunking” of the claim that the COLB, birth announcements and statements of Hawaii officials prove the presumption wrong, which (fallaciously) is then considered “evidence” of the presumption.

    Non-birthers start with the presumption that the COLB, birth announcement, and Hawaiian statements mean that he was born in Hawaii. Someone comes up with a claim that would disprove that, for example that the COLB is forged, and that claim is debunked. If we wanted to be sloppy (and wrong), we could then claim the debunking itself as evidence or proof that he was actually born in Hawaii. We don’t do that (or at any rate I don’t, and I don’t think anyone else here does either), but in casual conversation I could see someone making that mistake.

    So that’s what I think is going on with this kind of thing. The citation there shows that it is possible that Obama’s birth could have been registered in Hawaii even if he wasn’t in fact born there. This debunks the claim that the evidence proves he was born in Hawaii, and so can be taken as evidence that he wasn’t born in Hawaii.

    I think I just gave myself a headache …. \

  31. Scientist says:

    Obama is not “running for POTUS”, he IS POTUS. He was already vetted by the people (and Congress) and passed. You should try to keep up with the latest news (from >1 year ago).

  32. Passerby says:

    Yeah, it really seems like we’ve been through this before, and the claim that the COLB has too little information to be useful has always bemused me.

    Mine has my full name, my parents’ full names, date of birth, county of birth (not even city–it’s a mostly rural state), and the file record number.

    I’ve used it to , get my first driver’s license, join the Army, get a security clearance, get a merchant marine document, get a passport (twice-I had to get a replacement for a lost one once) prove my work eligibility to at least a couple of employers, and probably a couple of other things that I’ve forgotten about. There’s never been a single question about its sufficiency.

  33. Greg says:

    Sure, if the people want to see a candidate’s medical records badly enough, they won’t vote for the candidate when he doesn’t cough them up.

    Obama won the election. Thus, he has proven to people that he is qualified to be the POTUS!

  34. Greg says:


    I’m just curious, why’d you post this particular wet-dream?

    I’m pretty sure it says something about you, and I’m not sure I want to know what it says.

  35. Passerby says:

    …. and if he doesn’t release these things, and if there are enough people who care enough about that to vote against him because of it, then he pays the electoral consequences. There’s no legal requirement that he publicly release these things, and evidently there weren’t enough people who care enough about the long-form birth certificate to have voted against him because of it to cost him the election.

    Please note that I’m not saying here that if real evidence came to light that he was not eligible, that the vote should absolutely trump that. Just that those are the only consequences that there could be from his non-release of that information.

  36. misha says:

    “Not the trash the Obama has released online.”

    And you are clinically insane.

  37. misha says:

    “first lesson as a grifter.”

    Like Spiro Agnew?

  38. misha says:

    “Just that those are the only consequences that there could be from his non-release of that information.”

    There weren’t any consequences in 2008, and there will not be any in ’12.

  39. SFJeff says:

    “It’s quite clear the people wanted and still want to see Obama’s long-form birth certificate.

    Which people? Because my people have no curiousity about it at all. Do my people cancel out your people?

    Of course the people that really, really matter already registered their interest in the issue a year ago last November.

  40. richCares says:

    john’s continual usage of debunked talking points is amazing, no matter how often he is corrected he returns to the same crap. When reading his posts you may think that no one can be that stupid, that it may be satire, but yes he really is that stupid!

  41. Benji Franklin says:

    Dear John,

    That (which you say) may be (true) for an ordinary POTUS. But you have to remember, Obama was running for BLACK POTUS. A person running for BLACK POTUS is vetted by the racists. If the racists want to see his or her medical records then he or she coughs them up, or else. If you racists want to see his or her birth certificate then he or she coughs them up, or else. It’s quite clear that racists wanted and still want to see Obama’s long-form birth certificate. Obama has not shownuff and thus has not proven to racists that he is qualified to be the BLACK POTUS.

    I have a public warning sign to hang around the neck of a political pay-toilet like you, John; it says, “FLUSH with Racism”

    Benji Franklin

  42. Let’s see:

    On one hand you have the State of Hawaii confirming they hold Obama’s birth certificate and that he was born in Hawaii.

    On the other hand you have a convicted felon with a history of scams and forgery with a document he claims he bribed someone in Kenya to get.

    See which one the courts would believe first.

  43. Rickey says:

    John says:

    A person running for POTUS is vetted by the people. If the people want to see his or her medical records then he or she coughs them up. If people want to see his or her birth certificate then he or she coughs them up.

    During the 2008 campaign, were you demanding that John McCain should “cough up” his medical records and his birth certificate? Because McCain did neither. He allowed selected portions of his medical records (about 1100 pages) to be reviewed by a small group of reporters for three hours, and they weren’t allowed to make copies. The only person who saw McCain’s birth certificate was a single reporter at the Washington Post, who was not allowed to make a copy.

    But somehow I doubt that you made a fuss over McCain’s records.

  44. TRUTH says:

    boy you sure told him SFJ. I’d say John has somewhat of a point. ALthough the 12 people that post in here regularly would disagree, I guess they have the majority. The 63million you refer to from the Nov. election, mostly uninformed or didn’t care. They wanted to be part of history, Period, as is the case with the 12. ( I use 12, having no real idea, but the point being it’s a very small # relatively speaking to the millions that would like some truth) You know the Truth? It’s that thing Obama works hard to avoid. It’s the opposite of what he promised YOU that made you vote for him.

    Yep SJF, You told ole’ John. You learned him a lesson.

  45. chufho says:

    if we sit down to play cards just the two of us and we deal two cards one face down one face up this debate is you say you know what is on the card face down and I say I cant make any logical judgement as 51 possabilities you then say game over but I say until we see whats on that card no one can be a winner

  46. Scientist says:

    The game was a year ago. You called my bet. I had 4 aces and you had 10 high. Now you’ve decided you wished you had folded. Too bad.

  47. misha says:

    Truth, my dear bubbe:

    “The 63million you refer to from the Nov. election, mostly uninformed or didn’t care. They wanted to be part of history”

    Nixon vs McGovern was the biggest landslide in US history. I’m sure you did not belittle the vox populi then. Nor with GWB.

    “I use 12, having no real idea, but the point being it’s a very small # relatively speaking to the millions that would like some truth…You know the Truth? It’s that thing Obama works hard to avoid.”

    Here we go again. He posted his COLB, verified by 2 HI officials. What more do you want? If he were to sign a release for a copy of the form from the hospital to the BVS, it would only be denounced by that crowd. Besides, Orly – that crazy refusenik – has already moved on to the 2-parent rule. It’s a moving target, and a fools’ errand.

    Obama should not give one micron to the denialists. Listen bubbelah, Obama will be re-elected, and Cory Booker will follow. Kapish?

    The Repugs will run Romney/Jindal in ’12, and they’ll lose. I love it. Your crowd will face voting for an ANCHOR baby. Ho ho ho. Poor Michelle Malkin, an anchor baby herself.

    When I lived in Anchorage, a minister in Palin’s church said to me “Auschwitz was divine retribution because you people have refused to accept G-d’s only son.” Those momsers preach it every day. That you support Palin speaks poorly.

    DrC published visitor statistics. It is far more than 12.

  48. aarrgghh says:

    what a boon to the environment the birfer crowd could be if they chose to use their powers of recycling for good instead of evil.

    instead they’re cursed to spend the next three to seven years bobbing back up every time they’ve been flushed, convinced that they’ve won something in every argument they’ve ever had

  49. Scientist says:

    You want truth? How about giving us some? Admit what we all know. If there was video showing Obama’s birth in Times Square and impeccable DNA evidence that his father was Wilt Chamberlain (not impossible given his reputed sexual exploits) you would STILL hate him and simply oppose everything he does, whether good, bad or indifferent. The birth certificate and silly parentage arguments are just a smokescreen.

    So, let’s have the TRUTH, by all means.

  50. The Sheriff's A Ni- says:

    The State of Hawaii, 49 other State elctoral boards, and multiple judges looked under the card and told me what it said.

    Now I could choose not to believe them, which would make me the house’s favorite customer at the blackjack table.

  51. sarina says:


    McCain was also running for Potus and he only accepted to show his medical records to a group of reporters (for 3 hours only) on a private room with no cameras and no public exposure. He never produced his GPA or Naval School records to the public. Look up yourself.

  52. The Sheriff's A Ni- says:

    ‘uninformed or didn’t care’

    Your lack of faith in your fellow American voters is telling.

  53. Mary Brown says:

    Truth, I have been a voter for over 40 years. I ALWAYS do my homework. I voted for Obama because I thought he was a mature individual(unlike most those running) with some good ideas. You presume everyone had a racial motive for voting for Obama. No so. I also refused to vote for a woman who was unprepared and unwilling to learn. She was the running mate of a 72 year-old man who had two bouts with malignant melanoma. I refused to take that chance.

  54. chufho says:

    not a single bit of

  55. chufho says:


  56. Lupin says:

    As I wrote in the last thread, this is a perfect example of the pathology of a belief system.

    Belief has been entirely separated from the question of truth, verifiability, etc. The pathology is in fact reinforced by contradictory evidence.

  57. MsDaisy says:

    Right you are Benji. Hell, many of the racists are in such extreme denial they won’t even admit that Obama “IS” black! How many times throughout the campaign and since the election have you heard people say, “He’s not really black, he’s half white!” Have you ever heard anyone say that before about a mixed race individual? No. I’m 52 years old and as far back as I can remember in many cases if a person even had the slightest hint of any sort of mixed heritage they were called a “Ni”, or the old racist phrase was thrown out “ Must have been a Ni in the woodpile somewhere”, and any child born not “lily white” was flat out NOT white in their opinion. But suddenly a “non- lily-white” person ends up running for and winning the Presidency and suddenly “he’s not really black?”
    Racism is so blatantly obvious it’s pathetic.

    I was on a medical relief mission in South Africa about 6 years ago and I was appalled at how intense the racism was there between blacks and whites. I thought them so far behind us on “racial relations”, but the minute a black man marched his butt into the White House, racists here started coming out of the woodwork like cockroaches, and proved to me that we are not nearly as far ahead as I thought.

    It truly is a shame.

  58. aarrgghh says:

    and who can forget one of last year’s winning comments, from gordon:

    I’ll tell you, in all my years in law enforcement, a black man always needed more identification then anyone else. I never thought it would extend to the POTUS!

  59. Greg says:

    if we sit down to play cards just the two of us and we deal two cards one face down one face up this debate is you say you know what is on the card face down and I say I cant make any logical judgement as 51 possabilities you then say game over but I say until we see whats on that card no one can be a winner

    The game we’re playing is best two cards. In front of me is an Ace face up and one card face down. In front of you is a duece and one card face down.

    Before the election, there was a possibility that you could have had a pair of dueces and I could have had A-2. But, with the election, you’ve flipped over your second card, it’s a 3. So, you have 2-3 in your hand, and I have A-?.

    Which card do you think I could have that will allow you to win?

    At this point, you are praying for a mis-deal. The game really is over, you’re just hoping that the pit-boss will come over and order a redeal.

  60. Izzy says:

    Yep, my birth certificate, my husband’s birth certificate, and my child’s birth certificate all have the same kind of information as Obama’s. If the “birthers” were to spend $10 to obtain a new copy of their birth certificates, they would find the same in mocst cases. Then they can start debunking themselves.

  61. Randy says:

    aside from this if you rearrange the letters of Spiro Agnew you come up with Grow a Penis.

  62. Lupin says:

    I note that twice you wrote:

    “…the Obama … needs to cough up…”


    “…the trash the Obama has released…”

    Why “the” Obama?

    It’s hard to keep up with all the new racist keywords. Is this a new secret code for “the n****r”?

  63. aarrgghh says:

    still, some birfers are coming up with claims i’m hearing for the first time:

    I used to think that the BC was a big issue until I noticed something about the young Barak H. Obama that was missing from the adult in the White House.

    Cleft chins are a dominant genetic trait. His grandfather, Stanley Armour Dunham had one, so did his mother, Stanley Ann Dunham Obama Soetoro. So did Barak Obama II when an infant and small child. The photo that recently came to light when Barak was attending third grade in Hawaii (according to his autobiography he was in Indonesia between the ages of 6 – 10 years) clearly show that at age eight he has a cleft chin.

    A cleft chin cannot be erased nor added by plastic surgery. If you’re born with one it is forever, unless the bone of your chin is crushed.

    All other photos after that show a smooth chinned Barak Obama who doesn’t even resemble the younger boy.

    I’ve come to believe that the person in the White House is not the boy born to Barack H. and Stanley Ann Obama. I don’t know who he is but the secret, I’m sure, lies in Indonesia. Otherwise why would the Democrats send a congressman to Indonesia in 2007 to buy up all the existing photos of Barak Obama, Barry Soetoro and the Soetoro family.

    conspiracy theory: a bottomless pit of dubious trivia made sinister …

  64. ballantine says:

    Got a chuckle out of that one this morning as well. How about Pastor Manning claiming that Obama didn’t attend Columbia, but instead was in Afghanistan working for Al Quida. Really can’t make this stuff up.


  65. SFJeff says:

    As usual Truth you don’t care about the Truth, you care only about your hatred of the President.

    Verified fact: The President has presented to the public a government issued certificate of live birth that shows him to be a natural born citizen of Hawaii/United States.

    Verified fact: 60 million voters felt that they knew enough about Obama that they felt he was eligible and voted for him.

    Verified fact: The electoral college also felt that way

    Verified fact: The Congress verified the election with no doubts as to his place of birth.

    Verified fact: The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court swore in the President without any concern of his eligibility.

    Unverified assertion by Truth: Millions of people want to know the “truth” about Obama. There is no evidence that this is the truth. The idea is ridiculed by politicians on both the right and left.

    As usual- Truth strikes out

  66. Greg says:

    I like this part of the story:

    In Fact, Fox News contacted 400 Columbia University students, back in 2008, from the period when Obama claims to have been there, but none remembered him.

    Columbia, of course, has 27,000 students, if you could grad students. 7,100 undergraduates.

    Flip those numbers around, and you have my undergraduate university. Graduation was an all-day affair. We’d walk down the hill, hear a short speech, then get our diplomas.

    Like Obama, I was a transfer student to my undergrad university. Who do I remember? Who would remember me? I can maybe remember 10-15 people. Who remembers me? I’d wager at most 20 people.

    At my law school, many more people would remember me. And, I’ve spoken with some of Obama’s professors at Harvard University. They certainly remember him!

    Apparently, though, Fox News forgot to talk to this guy who transferred from Occidental College with Obama and was his roommate at Columbia! Also, seems the people at Columbia aremuch better reporters than those at Fox!

  67. Greg says:

    I’m always amazed at the complete and utter inability of these conspiracy nuts to go to Google and type in some words before they go spouting off nonsense.

    Cleft chins are so dominant that if you’re born with one you have it forever? And there’s no plastic surgery to add to or remove a cleft chin?

    The cleft chin has a variable penetrance so, while dominant, so environmental and modifier genes can play a part in its expression. Cleft chins can become less pronounced or even disappear as a child ages.

    The likelihood that your baby will have freckles, dimples, or a cleft chin depends on whether these traits are dominant in your family and also depends on the gender of your baby. Cleft chins, for example, are more common in boys than in girls. And some traits, like your baby’s adorable dimples, may become less marked with age or disappear completely.”

    And never underestimate the ingenuity of plastic surgeons.

    I found these within 3 minutes of seeing the article. If I had some more time, I could search pubmed and see if there is more.

    Since they’re posting on FreeRepublic, we know they know how to turn on their computer, and that they know how to surf the web. Maybe their children set up their computers and they don’t know how to get to any other websites other than FR? Maybe they cannot get to Google? But, if you’re too stupid to figure out how to get to Google, do you really think you should be opining on genetics or the current state of plastic surgery?

  68. aarrgghh says:

    ballantine chuckles:

    How about Pastor Manning claiming that Obama didn’t attend Columbia, but instead was in Afghanistan working for Al Quida.

    everybody knows he got his turrist training at al columbia!

  69. aarrgghh says:

    greg wonders:

    Maybe they cannot get to Google? But, if you’re too stupid to figure out how to get to Google, do you really think you should be opining on genetics or the current state of plastic surgery?

    most of the letters in “google” come from …

    … “george soros”!

    think about that.

  70. Texlaw says:

    You would at least think they could watch tee vee! I saw a show a few weeks ago where a plastic surgeon created dimples on a woman. (They said dimples are actually a defect in the facial muscle). Both my father and father in law had cleft chins. Neither my husband nor I do. Both of our boys have them. The younger child’s was more pronounced when he was little but it’s less obvious as he’s gotten older. Just like OUR President!

  71. milspec says:

    His class rank (894 of 899) is a matter of public record.

  72. Black Lion says:

    Who’s Your Daddy? Who’s Your Mama?

    That article was full of innuendo and short on any factual evidence. Unbelievable. It is amazing what people are willing to believe without a shred of proof. Meetings with Malcolm X and castro. Are you kidding me? However Charlton loses any credibility with the following paragraph. He actually cites Polarik’s analysis as evidence. I guess he did not get the memo where Polarik (Ronald J. Polland) was shown not to have the background to make the conclusions he did. But for Charlton, it is about making up stories and not worrying about having any evidence.

    “But the most troubling sealed record is Obama’s birth certificate. Numerous lawyers throughout the country have asserted that if an authentic birth certificate were produced, it would prove that Obama was, in fact, born on foreign soil and so is ineligible to be President of the United States. Yes, there is the Certification of Live Birth that FactCheck.org says is authentic. But let’s not forget that FactCheck.org is owned by the Annenberg Foundation, which at one time gave both Obama and his terrorist friend and neighbor William Ayers millions of dollars to conduct some kind of education “research” in Chicago – not exactly a credible source. And a number of professional document examiners, for instance Ron Polarik, have determined that the COLB was indisputably a forgery.”

  73. ballantine says:

    Of course today Charlton is claiming that Obama’s real name is Steve Dunham.


    He knows this, of course, because Hawaiian officials have denied it. Makes perfect sense. This guy has to be a democratic plant trying to see how many idiots he can get on free republic to embarrass themselves repeating his nonsense.

  74. thisoldhippie says:

    On Orly’s site this morning it states that Judge Carter denied the transfer so she is preparing a “new case in a new court.” Her abuse of the legal system is mind boggling. When will California disbar her??

  75. Greg says:

    Boston Globe, April 7, 1981: In this corner; all aboard on the Kybher rail.

    PESHAWAR, Pakistan – The Khyber Mail pulls out of Karachi Station every day and reaches Lahore at around 6:30 in the evening, Allah willing, and then begins its 12-hour journey across the Punjab plain to Peshawar in the Northwest Frontier Territory – gateway to the Khyber Pass and Afghanistan beyond.

    It is reputed to be one of Pakistan’s crack trains and, given that the name itself is irresistible, I go down to the red-brick, fortress-like building that has served as the Lahore ticket booking office since the days of the British raj.

    There I’m immediately confronted with a social dilemma. There are two entrances. One says “upper-class reservations” and the other says “lower-class reservations.” As it turns out this is simply another way of saying first and second class and, given that experience leads one to believe that second-class sleeping accommodations in the subcontinent can mean standing in the aisle or at worst a place on the roof, my hesitation is not long.

    I walk up to the counter clearly reserved for sahibs and ask for a berth on the first-class sleeper. I entertain images of mogul splendor transporting me on to the frontier. The price is $10 one way.

    If you want to see the real life of the subcontinent you will find it in the railway stations. Lahore is no exception. There are hundreds of peoplecrowding the platforms – Sindis, Punjabis, Kashmiris – families sleeping or cooking on the platforms, blind beggars crying for alms and a great deal of pushing and shoving, with porters kicking people out of their way with great piles of luggage balanced on their heads. There are food stalls cooking mutton tikka, selling soft drinks, bits of pineapple and chapattis for passengers soon to depart.

    The Khyber Mail is pulling in and the railway attendant takes a look at my ticket. “Oh very good, Sahib. Here is your carriage and your compartment is H.” There is an immediate rush to board the still-moving train, met by an equally determined rush to get off.

    There before me is an elegant car marked “air-conditioned sleeping” and there are a couple of sahib-looking types and Pakistani generals boarding in a leisurely way. But it is not my carriage. I have bought only a first-class sleeping and not an air- conditione d sleeping.

    My first class, then, seems to be some sort of intermediate class. I look up what Rudyard Kipling has to say about traveling intermediate class. “For a long night journey, it is nasty,” he advises.

    “Intermediates do not patronize refreshment rooms,” he wrote 100 years ago. “They carry their food in bundles and pots and buy sweets from native sweetmeat sellers and drink the roadside water. That is why in the hot weather intermediates are taken out of the carriages dead, and in all weathers are most proprerly looked down upon.”

    Determined not to rise to insults of that kind, I decide to avoid the roadside water but I look around for the nearest sweetmeat seller. My dream of an elaborate dining car is fast fading.

    There are, in fact, four berths to each cabin and, although there is no bedding, a fairly comfortable place to lie down does seem to come with the price of the ticket. Compartment H, however, turns out to be filled with a family of 11 from Hyderabad. My reserved berth is occupied by three sleeping children and one old woman who may be asleep or may be glaring at me; I cannot tell because she is veiled from head to foot. Papa has a confirmed ticket for my berth.

    “Oh, just a minute, Sahib. I will find you another spot,” says the railway attendant who swims salmon-like against the crowds moving down the corridor. He opens every door only to find similar scenes. At last we find a four-berth cabin that has only eight persons in it and my baggage is shoved in through the window.

    And so the Khyber Mail pulls out of the junction and the lights of Lahore give way to the dimly lit villages and blackened fields of the Punjab. The air is cool as the train picks up speed and, miracle of miracles, the cabin begins to empty as the train stops along the way and at last my cabin mates dwindle to three.

    Two fierce-looking Baluchis sit across from me beaming their golden- toothed smiles. We nod. We exchange cigarettes. I say thank you in Urdu and they say thank you in English. We have reached the outer limits of our vocabulary.

    At Gujranwala, the train stops and the platform tea sellers offer cups of hot tea through the open window. It is served in porcelain cups and saucers. How much better than paper cups, I think. But then the train starts to pull out before the tea is cool enough to sip. Presently the tea sellers are running down the platform, faster and faster as the Khyber Mail picks up speed while the customers take the last scalding gulps. The half-full cups are finally returned and paid for at full gallop three yards before the platform ends.

    First light brings us across the Indus River, the traditional barrier between the subcontinent and central Asia and dawn brings us into Peshawar Cantonment station. Hawk-beaked and turbaned Pathans, who kept the Northwest Frontier in turmoil during British rule and who fight Russian armies today in the mountain passes beyond the Khyber, can be seen in and about the station. Outside the only transportation available is a row of horse-drawn “tonga” carts with sleepy drivers ready to take you to your hotel.

    Crows are calling in the pale light and the horse hoofs sound through the still-silent streets. Peshawar was once the meeting place of caravans coming up from India and down from Samarkand, Bokhara and even China and I am told that in the bazaar there is a road called the “street of the storyellers.”

  76. Black Lion says:

    I just saw this…Does anyone else but me believe that Charlton is some delusional hack? I mean his so called stories have go so far beyond factually challenged that it has become works of fiction. I think he is the one right now driving the misinformation in the birther universe….All of the birther sites for some reason link to his works of fiction….

    From another Charlton article…

    “Though ridiculing “birthers” publicly, the DOH has PRIVATELY confirmed Obama’s online such facts and laws which conclusively show that online images of purported Hawaiian Certifications of Live Birth, ostensibly belonging to Barack Obama, Junior, are forgeries, a fact the DOH has known since the beginning. I say this, because the processing information for all such vital records, when requested, is subject to disclosure after the fact, and when one citizen, aware of this, requested such, the DOH was forced in September of 2009 to reveal that Obama’s original birth certificate had been amended and that Obama or his representative has paid a fee to have his certificate amended. This admission was made in the form of a denial on August 18, 2009 to a UIPA request to release such accompanying documents for the amended filing. According to the OIP Manual, a State Agency can only deny the release of documents which actually exist; if they do not exist, they must explicitly say that they do not exist.

    Since all Amendments must be noted on the certificate, an alleged image of an Obama COLB, which does not bear the word “Amended” is a forgery; and since the COLBs bear no such indication, the DOH must have known, this entire time, that both the Factcheck.org and Fight the Smears COLB’s are forgeries.”


  77. Black Lion says:

    As I have observed the birthers for the past year or so I have noticed we are really dealing with a core group of disgruntled individuals that cannot reconcile with the fact that a majority of Americans voted for Barack Obama as President of the US. Why else would they try and blame ACORN, the Black Panthers, and the Nation of Islam for everything from false voting to intimidating voters.

    When I specify a core group, that includes the same individuals that post on all of the birther sites that moderate. For instance if you look at Orly’ site, you will see characters like 12th Generation American, Revolutionary War Hero Peter Francisco, Jacklyn Smith, slcraig, Pixel Patriot, Carl Swennson, and others. They go site to site stoking the fires of the miniscule birther movement against the President and advocating sedition under the guise of “patriotism”.

    From Charlton’s latest piece of bathroom reading…

    “The time has arrived to overthrow those who are in the midst of an attempted overthrow of our great nation, The United States of America!”

    “You can be sure that an accounting of treason committed by traitors in our midst is due: the scope of omnipotence and disdain provided by our elected leaders for hardworking, honest concerned Americans is tantamount to a total breakdown of the very constitutional principles and fabric of our great Republic. Answers to this redress are not far off. The catalysts of revolutionary cause for orange revolution is close at hand.”


  78. Greg says:

    If I were a betting man, I’d say this post raises the odds that Charlton is a hoax. If we don’t believe his reasoning, then Obama was lying when he said his name was Steve?

    He was joking. It was a joke. At a roast.

    Wait, are there hidden cameras? Is that you, Borat?

  79. Black Lion says:

    Greg, I would agree with you…Here is an interesting post from the “betrayal” blog….In regards to the MA Senate race, the birthers and the right are really pushing for Brown to win…Right now he is losing…But the birthers have a ready made excuse…Which is the same one they had when they lost NY-23…

    “What if Scott Brown loses? I mean, after all the hype and investment in standing behind him to win, do you think there would be some backlash? Especially, if election rigging (vote switching) was found out to have been involved, as in NY-23. Furthermore, you have to factor in the potential SEUI and ACORN shenanigans, not-to-mention the Governor of MA is a good friend of Obama. And most of you probably know, Obama is “hell-bent” on socializing this nation for his offshore masters. In other words, redistributing America’s wealth to Chinese-led UN agencies and turning America in to a Police State under the guise of increase security.”


  80. Rickey says:

    Judge Carter’s latest and very restrained slap-down of Orly is here:


    I assume that she is now going to try to get a new Quo Warranto claim filed in D.C. Good luck with that.

  81. John says:

    All I can say is given Obama’s situation, the Obama COLB is worthless and meaningless because neither Obama nor the state of Hawaii will release or reveal the derivative of the COLB. As Dr. Conspericy has stated he has a mathematical background, it’s like stating the quadratic formula without providing the derivation. We need to see the derivative of Obama’s COLB. Hawaiin officials can make all the official statements they want but until they reveal the derivative of Obama’s COLB, they will never be able to convince a birther. In fact, to date no coorabative evidence has been revealed that Obama was born in Hawaii. What would be coorabative evidence? Certainly a doctor’s signature or witnesses signature definitely establishing that Obama was born in Hawaii. And since, the laws of 1961 did not rule the possibility of fraudlent information being submitted on the part of the family, and independent party witness must be established.

  82. aarrgghh says:

    john, still not getting it:

    the Obama COLB is worthless … We need to see the derivative of Obama’s COLB.

    just what part of “prima facie” and “burden of proof” is eluding you?

    Hawaiin officials can make all the official statements they want but until they reveal the derivative of Obama’s COLB, they will never be able to convince a birther.

    if all this noise is about what birfers think, i should tell you no one cares. you were better off making this a constitutional crisis of biblical proportions.

  83. richCares says:

    “Hawaiin officials can make all the official statements they want but until they reveal the derivative of Obama’s COLB, they will never be able to convince a birther.”

    True, but who cares, That you can’t convince a birther doesn’t mean much, so contimue with your idiotic rants (which don’t mean crap!)

    this issue was over 11 months ago, let it go, it may impove your outlook on life.

  84. Greg says:

    All I can say is given Obama’s situation, the Obama COLB is worthless and meaningless because neither Obama nor the state of Hawaii will release or reveal the derivative of the COLB. As Dr. Conspericy has stated he has a mathematical background, it’s like stating the quadratic formula without providing the derivation. We need to see the derivative of Obama’s COLB.

    Until you learn English, you are never going to convince anyone, John.

    The COLB is the derivative of the long form. You take the information from the long form and you derive the COLB. Actually, you abstract the long form to get the COLB.

    And, that’s the difference, John. The “long form” will say that Obama was born in Honolulu. It will say that he was born on August 4, 1961.

    We know it will because the registrar of Hawaii, Alvin Onaka, signed the certificate indicating that it was a true and accurate copy or abstract of the information contained in their records.

    Since citizenship is proven by birthplace, and the long form will mirror the birthplace, nothing the long form has will change Obama’s citizenship.

    it’s like stating the quadratic formula without providing the derivation.

    Taking any formula, you can calculate its derivation using calculus. The derivative of X(sq) = 2x.

  85. John says:

    I saw this Orly’s Blog:

    Would strongly urge you to listen to all of this! Its long!

    dotdotcom says: January 8, 2010 at 9:38 PM
    Copied this from http://www.the912project.us and wow, these tapes explain the silent media! Take the time to listen, well worth the time! The media was threatened into silence and these evil people will stop at nothing to keep this covered up if Mr. Deal suddenly goes silentt or turns around on this issue, this will probably be why.
    Interview Revealing Allegations Of Threats To Silence The Media About Obama’s Ineligibility
    If these links do not work for you go to and scroll down to the heading:
    Interview revealing allegations of threats to silence the media about Obama’s Ineligibility
    There are 3 parts to this radio program recording you might consider downloading to your ipod since mostt of us don’t have time to just sit down and listen to 3 parts that are about 40 minutes each I have and believe me this is well worth listening to you will glean a lot of info from these recordings!
    Douglas J. Hagmann is the founder and director of the North east Intelligence Network and CEO of a multi-state licensed private investigative agency serving many Fortune 500 clients (homelandsecurityus.com).
    Canada Free Press working with North East Intelligence has documents and testimony of Major News anchors from MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CNN, CBS and FOX were threatened by Obama Administration staff, NOT to bring up the BC or Natural Born Citizen issue.
    They state that they are storing documents in the US and copies in Canada, and one other Country.
    part 1 http://www.therothshow.com/demos/recent/hour1Aug0709.mp3
    part 2 http://www.therothshow.com/demos/recent/hour2Aug0709.mp3
    part 3 http://www.therothshow.com/demos/recent/hour3Aug0709.mp3
    The Media doesn’t got these lengths to cover up a frivious issue.

  86. Texlaw says:

    Canada Free Press is a nutsite beloved by the Freepers. Please don’t sully this blog with this lunacy.

  87. richCares says:

    john, it’s clear you need help, get a psychiatrist quick!

  88. Benji Franklin says:

    Dear John,

    I’m Benji Franklin, the founder and director of the NorthEasterly Westerly Southern Intelligence Network and Grille. I’m the CEO of a multi-nation licensed private investigative agency serving many Fortune 500 clients donuts (securitytoys/R/Us.com). WOW! We have signed statements from a well known deity proving Obama has threatened even the Gods into silence about his plans to destroy our country and start a nuclear World War! A series of Gods have been so threatened and we have it all on tape and written down. Shucks, we’d like to head off the destruction of our country and Obama’s civilization ending nuclear war, but instead, we’re going to honor our witness’s preference to say nothing and let all life on earth be destroyed, until a time of their own choosing. Copies of all of our evidence will continue to be stored in additional states and one other galaxy until our crayons are depleted. So Obama shushed the Gods —- VERY interesting! You’ll want to hear our audio tapes of the comet too! I was in Law enforcement for 11 minutes and part of a year one night. I also do weddings and windows.
    Benji Franklin

  89. Lupin says:

    The nominees are:

    …Dr. Conspericy

    …Hawaiin officials

    …coorabative evidence (twice) and

    …fraudlent information

    And the winner is…. [drum roll]…


  90. Lupin says:

    “The Media doesn’t got these lengths to cover up a frivious issue.”

    You obviously meant “FRUMIOUS issue” (as in “frumious Bandersnatch”)

    For the Obama was a Boojum, you see.

  91. Hawaiiborn says:

    Greg: Well, first of all, that’s clearly a fake. It’s got white text on a black background!

    actually, that is what the old Long for certificates looked like. White on black, and submitted to Vital Records in Hawaii, so that they could use it to run copies of when someone asked for a copy (the copy would then be black text on white). However, they stopped using the original long form bc to run copies off of since the 70’s, adopting the short form COLB since at least 1975. The long forms were given out by hospitals/vital records in Hawaii up until the 70’s.

    My grandfather’s BC (born on Maui), is white on black. However, since Hawaii wasn’t a state at the time, but a territory of the United States, his BC reflects this status.

    Greg:There’s no such thing as 100% proof. If Obama gave out his long form, you’d complain that you didn’t personally get a copy. Mario would complain that it doesn’t matter, since Obama Sr. was Kenyan. Berg would complain, saying it doesn’t matter because Obama lost his US citizenship as a 6 year-old in Indonesia. Taitz would complain that it doesn’t matter because Obama has used 66 different Social Security numbers.


  92. Hawaiiborn says:

    JoZeppy: John says:
    THIS IS PROOF!Not the trash the Obama has released onlineWell John, the US Department of State, and State of Hawaii disagree with you….and in a contest between USDOS/State of Hawaii, and you….I think Dept of State and Hawaii win.

    sorry, but if what has been shown to us online by Obama and Factcheck, then EVERY person who has received a copy of their BC since 2001 in Hawaii has a “fake” BC. That is the only form they give out to ALL who was born in Hawaii. There is no such thing as the long form BC. hasn’t existed since the 70’s.

    Anyone born before 2000 got a typed up copy of the short form COLB

  93. Hawaiiborn: actually, that is what the old Long for certificates looked like. White on black, and submitted to Vital Records in Hawaii, so that they could use it to run copies of when someone asked for a copy (the copy would then be black text on white).

    First, thanks for your participation on the blog. Generally all birth certificates are black on white, so they can be photocopied onto security paper. You will note that Sun Yat-Sen’s Certificate of Hawaiian Birth appears on the same security paper as Barack Obama’s. That’s not because the State of Hawaii and the predecessor Territory use the same security paper, but because they all photocopy the originals (or the microfilm) onto the same stock today.

    Think of the problem. If the originals were on security paper (which is designed to be hard to photocopy), then there would be no way to make copies for people.

  94. Mike says:

    “I find his lack of faith disturbing.”

    *chokes TRUTH with the Force*

  95. ksdb says:

    Izzy: Yep, my birth certificate, my husband’s birth certificate, and my child’s birth certificate all have the same kind of information as Obama’s. If the “birthers” were to spend $10 to obtain a new copy of their birth certificates, they would find the same in mocst cases. Then they can start debunking themselves.

    What you fail to acknowledge is that Obama already had a birth certificate in his possession and wrote about it. There’s no explanation as to why he would need a new one in June 2007. There are no reports that he lost his original copy or that he presented a hard copy of the alleged COLB to any government official. And … the state of Hawaii, by law, has to provide a copy of your original long form certificate if you request it.

  96. ksdb: There’s no explanation as to why he would need a new one in June 2007.

    But of course there is a published explanation. You just tend to make up facts that are convenient for your delusion.

  97. Black Lion says:

    Can you show us where in the state of HI law where it states that if a person requests it they have to provide the so called long form? And then can you show us where in the Constitution that it states that a so called short form is insuffcient to prove place of birth.

  98. Greg says:

    What you fail to acknowledge is that Obama already had a birth certificate in his possession and wrote about it.

    Obama wrote that he had had a birth certificate. “Dreams from my Father” was copyrighted in 1995.

    Did he write about his birth certificate at any time in the next 13 years? Did the issue ever come up? If he lost it, where would you expect it to have been reported?

  99. ksdb says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: But of course there is a published explanation. You just tend to make up facts that are convenient for your delusion.

    Nonsense. Feel free to back up your claim.

  100. ksdb: Feel free to back up your claim.

    Well my old Dad told me that a man should keep a little mystery about himself. But really, you don’t respect the claims I do back up, so I thought I would leave you wondering–perhaps lure into an absolute denial that I could stick the fatal dagger in. Or perhaps I am testing how well you know the material.

    But you made the first claim, that there is no explanation. Why should I back up mine before you back up yours?

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