Monthly Archives: February 2010

Birther blogger tries to seal records

Blog radio host and vocal critic of President Obama’s citizenship documentation Sharon Ann Meroni (aka Chalice Jackson) filed a motion with the court in McHenry County Illinois to impound the court records of her recent petition (reported here last December) … Continue reading

Posted in Lawsuits | Tagged | 42 Comments

Same old, same old

In my recent article, Talking points, I was musing on how same arguments recirculate and get the same answers on forums and web sites like this. The same principle applies to the Obama lawsuits. Orly Taitz has brought five federal … Continue reading

Posted in Orly Taitz | 35 Comments

Where’s the birth certificate?

I’m not talking about Barack Obama’s “long form” from Hawaii. We all know that Hawaiian law prevents us mere mortals from putting our paws on that document. No, I’m asking where is his Kenyan birth certificate. Unlike Hawaii, Kenyan law … Continue reading

Posted in Birth Certificate | 118 Comments

Talking points

After a year and a half at this Obama conspiracy business I see history repeating itself.  Some outlandish accusation is made, the story grows in the telling, it gets copied over and over by bloggers and in forwarded emails; then … Continue reading

Posted in Lounge | Tagged , | 22 Comments

Senate candidate Hayworth backs off birtherism

“To bring up a topic and to talk about it is not the same as endorsing a point of view.” J. D. Hayworth Former Arizona congressman, former Greenville SC sportscaster, and current Arizona Senate Candidate ended his dalliance with birtherism … Continue reading

Posted in Birther Politics | 10 Comments

Attorney Taitz appeals for UN protection

According to an article yesterday in the Washington Independent, Birther attorney Orly Taitz has appealed to the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights for protection. A letter from her attorney, Jonathan Levy, says: Taitz has “been the victim of … Continue reading

Posted in Orly Taitz | 65 Comments