Allen v. Soetoro dismissed

The Doctor is stifling a big yawn as yet another birther lawsuit bites the dust.

Allen v. Soetoro was a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit demanding a host of documents from the Department of State, Immigration and Naturalization Service and Homeland Security including requests for birth certificates, passports, name change records and so on, insisting on the possibility that President Obama is an illegal alien.

The court upheld the agency regulations that prohibit disclosure of information about a living person without their authorization as consistent with the FOIA.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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232 Responses to Allen v. Soetoro dismissed

  1. Shock.

    It’s getting to the point, Doc, where you can all but say, “My work is done. Moving on…”

  2. John says:

    Now the question remains why Obama won’t sign such a waiver if he’s got nothing to hide. Obama’s refusal to consent release of such documents only strengthens the fact that he hiding something. If there is nothing damaging in the records, then Obama should have no problem releasing such documents.

  3. kimba says:

    Sign a waiver for me John so I can look at all your records. Honest, I won’t use it for anything nefarious or embarrassing or illegal. C’mon, sign it. What do you have to hide?

  4. John says:

    I’m not the POTUS and there is no probable cause.

  5. John says:

    But I would have no problem releasing my records. There is nothing of consquence in them.

  6. John says:

    This suit is good evidence that the Department of State and Department of Homeland Security know that Obama’s has problems. Otherwise, the departments would have contacted Obama and have him sign a waiver. This suit also provides evidence that seems to contradict the response the Department of State made in the Strunk case. In the Struck case, the DOS denied all claims but refused to provide any evidence to support their denials. Now, this case has essentially asked the DOS to provide proof to those denials and the DOS has refused to provide it. I think we can conclude that the DOS denials in the Strunk case are not credible since no evidence has been provided. The suit only strengthens the question of Obama’s eligibility.

  7. The Sheriff's A Ni- says:

    Johnlogic: We lost again, thus further demonstrating the questioning of the President’s eligibility.

    I guess the belief is if they go 0-162 they get the black guy out of the White House.

  8. NBc says:

    Otherwise, the departments would have contacted Obama and have him sign a waiver.

    Why would they have him sign a waiver? There is no reason this information should not remain protected by law.

    Seems that you find evidence in anything that shows otherwise.

    Pathetic really

  9. NBc says:

    But I would have no problem releasing my records. There is nothing of consquence in them.

    Nobody really cares about harassing you. Why should a President set a precedent by allowing some sore losers to challenge him time after time on non-issues?

  10. aarrgghh says:

    john, shocking no one:

    “The suit only strengthens the question of Obama’s eligibility.”

    the birfer mantra: heads, i win! tails, you lose!

  11. NBc says:

    I understand that you are a strong believer in guilty until proven innocent. But it is this kind of argument that causes loss of civil liberties such as under Bush.

    You are so bloody inconsistent. I guess you are the first in line to have yourself outfitted with a tracking implant? After all, if you have nothing to hide…

  12. Greg says:

    I’m not the POTUS and there is no probable cause.


    Talk about irony.

    You guys wouldn’t know probable cause if it snuck up and smacked you upside your head with a copy of Lafave’s Criminal Procedure Hornbook!

  13. thisoldhippie says:

    What John doesn’t understand is that it is not the agency being requested to release documents that gets a waiver signed. It is the person making the request who has the duty to get a waiver signed. Your other choice is to have a valid case pending and serve a non-party with a subpoena. However, that doesn’t mean your subpoena will survive a motion to quash.

  14. John says:

    Has Obama essentially taken the 5th Amendment by refusing a waiver to release his records?

    Taking the 5th admendment may work in the court of law to avoid self-incrimination but I think with public opinion anyone who takes the 5th is usually guilty on the question raised.

  15. NBc says:

    Has Obama essentially taken the 5th Amendment by refusing a waiver to release his records?

    Nope, this has nothing to do with a court case involving Obama. He merely did not grant Allen access to his private records.

    As I expected, your hiding behind what you belief others would infer.


  16. NBc says:

    There is more probable cause than found with respect to Obama.

  17. John says:

    The dismissal of this case actually be viewed as a win because it means Obama is hiding something. Actually this case would be a lost one if won because then the records would be revealed showing nothing. Either way, if in fact Obama has problems, a dismissal or a grant means a win if the reason for the dismissal is the lack of a waiver from Obama. Well, Obama is well aware of these cases and he would sign a waiver, so he is probably hiding something and is guilty.

  18. John says:

    I’ve always said that if discovery is eventually granted by some court (for the sake of argument), it will be real interesting to see Obama’s response. If Obama tries to fight discovery then he is guilty. Either way, Obama is caught between a rock and hard place if discovery ever does get granted. If Obama’s records so nothing of consquence then he has nothing to hide. Don’t you ever watch Matlock where Matlock gets the person over a barrel to show him something of consquence and the person lawyers up. Matlock always tells the person that’s good advice.

  19. Benji Franklin says:

    Dear John,

    Do you essentially admit to leading a criminal life because you don’t starve to death from uninterrupted efforts to legally waive your inalienable rights?

    And, the quality of your arguments makes me wonder, – do you flush yourself?

    Benji Franklin

  20. Benji Franklin says:

    Dear John,

    I like the Matlock where the lawyer who has never won a case, keeps predicting victory, and Matlock says to him, he says………. “Hey, John?” And John says, “Yeah?”, kinda warily like, you know? … Barny says, real whiny like, “Well……..” and then SCOTUS pins a Medal on you! And then everybody quiets down when Doc repeats, “I want to hear about Obama and the pirates!”

    Benji Franklin

  21. NBc says:

    Yes, that’s the kind of logic I have come to expect from you John.

    Pathetic but also quite indicative of why the eligibility challenges will continue to ‘win’ as they are being dismissed.

  22. John says:

    I guess the only opinion is to refile the suit and send a waiver directly to Obama. If Obama throws up a bunch of legal junk, we know he’s guilty as hell.

  23. NBc says:

    Obama tries to fight discovery then he is guilty.

    Yes, you’d consider anyone guilty unless proven otherwise. But so far discovery has yet to happen in any of these lawsuits. Allen’s lawsuit is about a FOIA request being rejected for privacy reasons.

    You keep up with your Matlock fantasies, we on the other hand deal with real legal cases and observe that 63 cases have now been rejected by the Court. In 1 court case, the court ruled Obama to be a natural born citizen. But I guess you do not appreciate to hear the merits when they disagree with you?

    You’re a wonderful example of why people have come to reject the policy of hate.

  24. NBc says:

    You’re such a sore loser my friend… Obama will not even respond and all you have will be a filing which will be once again rejected.

    If you want to fund the Courts, by all means, file. I dare you. If you truly believe your hypothesis then put your money where your mouth is.
    I bet you will fail to follow your own advice. That my friend would be the first time you’d have shown some common sense.

  25. John says:

    I do like how the court cited a case where aliens have privacy rights. No wonder why we have such illegal immigration problem in this country.

  26. John says:

    This case makes Obama look awfully guilty.

  27. NBc says:

    John, you do understand the concept of our Constitution?

    Or have you considered it to be outdated as well as many of its teachings?

    I am not surprised that you are interested in destroying our Constitution.

  28. NBc says:

    So guilty that he has been found innocent… Wow…

  29. NBc says:

    In more relevant news, Obama is strengthening his position with new economic news

    The Institute for Supply Management reported that its index of manufacturing activity hit 58.4 points in January, the sixth consecutive monthly increase and the best performance since August 2004. A reading above 50 indicates that the sector is expanding. Thirteen of the 18 manufacturing categories showed growth last month, with apparel leading the way.

    A good trend indeed.

  30. sarina says:


    hmmm… I wonder why Congress,SCOTUS,the “Republican” governor of Hawaii,the Democrats and the Republicans are not saying “Obama is hiding something” the only one saying that are the “birthers” hmmm..

  31. sarina says:

    I wonder why McCain didn’t want to release his Naval School records or his medical to the public..
    Was McCain “hiding something too, John?

  32. G says:

    Gee John, obviously you’re just upset that you didn’t live during the “good old days” of the Salem Witch Trials, eh?

    I think you should prove you’re not into “black magic” John. Let’s do it the old fashioned way, just like your “logic”, shall we? If we hold you under water for 10 minutes and you die, then you must not be a witch and are innocent. If you come up still breathing, then you must have used magic to survive and are therefore a witch and we can find you guilty and burn you at the stake. Sounds great, doesn’t it?

    You’d be willing to take this simple test to prove your not guilty of anything, right John? No? Well, you must be guilty then if you won’t go along with it. What are you hiding, John?

  33. sponson says:

    Here is just one of many reasons why Obama will not sign off on releasing his 1961 obsolete “long form” birth certificate: the State of Hawaii (like many others) modernized their birth certificates for a reason. If Obama requested Hawaii release his older-style birth certiicate, which has been completely and totally superseded by the new-style one, he would be undermining the credibility of hundreds of thousands of Hawaiians for whom the “new form” is the only document available. He understandably would never do that.

  34. sponson says:

    I directly challenge anyone like John to explain why Obama has any compelling reason to undermine the legitimacy of the only birth certificates for hundreds of thousands of his fellow Hawaiians by endorsing the idea, raised with no evidence, that a public release of his older-form birth certificate is necessary. Many Hawaiians have the “new form” as the only proof of their birth.

  35. misha says:

    John: thanks for proving my premise.

    Conservatives: guilty until proven innocent.
    Liberals: innocent until proven guilty, beyond a reasonable doubt.

    Thanks again.

    BTW, I say Glenn Beck raped and murdered a girl in 1990. He never proved he did not, so he must have. I also read on the internet that barnyard animals become skittish when Joseph Farah is around. He never proved that they do not.

  36. Benji Franklin says:

    Dear Misha,

    I would never correct you, but the conservatives I know are less “guilty until proven innocent” than they are “craven until proven guilty”.

    Badda Bung!

    Benji Franklin

  37. chufho says:

    your wrong many are questioning why obama wont release

  38. chufho says:

    obama is hiding and you know it

  39. chufho says:

    if he would release no one would challenge

  40. chufho says:

    nothing about color its about transforming america

  41. chufho says:

    you havent won your being twisted out of your country also but you cant see it

  42. chufho says:


  43. Rickey says:


    Now I’m beginning to understand you – all of your legal knowledge comes from watching television shows! No doubt you will next be looking to Perry Mason for legal precedent.

    But let’s indulge your fantasy for a moment.

    1. A judge refuses to dismiss a birther lawsuit and orders Obama to produce evidence that he is a natural born citizen.

    2. Obama produces a certified COLB from Hawaii, which is prima facie evidence that he was born in the United States.

    3. The plaintiffs, lacking any admissible evidence that Obama was not born in Hawaii, are unable to dispute the validity of the COLB.

    4. The judges grant Obama summary judgment and the case is dismissed.

  44. misha says:

    “This case makes Obama look awfully guilty.”

    Glenn Beck looks awfully guilty.

  45. chufho says:

    you sir are the who wants the constition destroyed thru fundemental change

  46. chufho says:

    nothing is expanding except government power

  47. chufho says:

    of what

  48. chufho says:

    liberals have desire to find anyone quilty they only want to find someone else to blame for their actions

  49. G says:

    Yeah right, in your mind maybe. Name someone who is seriously questioning this, not just making pandering statements.

    Face it, nobody is taking any real actions on the birther issue, other than the so-called birther “laywers” (with nothing but failure to their efforts) and the “fantasy grand juries” (with utter failure).

  50. G says:

    No. Obama provided his back during the campaign and has probably put no more thought towards the issue, and had no need to. Only your pathetic movement keeps tilting at windmills.

    Obama is President and will remain such until at least the next election and you know it.

  51. G says:

    BS. No amount of evidence will convince the birthers, so why waste time on them. It is completely foolish for him to give any credence to frivolous claims.

  52. G says:

    Ok, I’ll foolishly bite here – just what do you mean by “transforming America” and are you for it or against it.

  53. G says:

    whatever you just said just sounds like word salad and makes no sense at all. “twisted out of your country”…WTF?

  54. G says:

    Oh please…entertain us here, just what is this “fundamental change” to the Constitution you are claiming and how is it being destroyed?

  55. G says:

    Actually, that sounds more like what you want.

  56. aarrgghh says:

    ok, it’s time we ripped the mask off our charming chatterbox chufho:

    chufho, a mixed breed dog, first appeared in “those wacky birfers” … as the sidekick of a nasty but incompetent and horribly accident-prone villain dick whitman.

    … chufho does not really talk; his main examples of speech are his trademark snicker — a wheezing, smokers laugh (usually made at dick’s expense) — and a mushy, sotto voce grumble against an unsympathetic or harsh dick (usually along the lines of “sassafrassarassum rick ritman!”).

    … chufho gained the ability to fly for a brief period by spinning his tail like a propeller. this trait often proved useful when he was about to crash. chufho also enjoyed his own short segment in the series “chucklehead chufho”, where he would engage in sven magnussen-style fantasies.

    often, when chufho grumbled … dick whitman would say “what was THAT?” accompanied by chufho kissing his hand, to which whitman would usually reply “that’s better”.

  57. misha says:

    “of what”

    Of raping and murdering a girl in 1990, and then covering it up.

  58. misha says:

    “they only want to find someone else to blame for their actions”

    Look in the mirror, pal.

  59. Greg says:

    2 citizen parents?

    What can Obama release to satisfy those folks?

  60. Greg says:

    Yes, you are. But, you don’t have to keep telling us. Your posts are sufficient.

  61. Greg says:

    Reality has a distinct liberal bias. That’s why you avoid it, right?

  62. Greg says:

    I see Obama on TV every day. He’s not doing a good job of hiding.

  63. Greg says:

    If there are many who are questioning why Obama won’t release, they can vote against him in 2012.

    Or they can get together to amend the Constitution – perhaps a new presumption: “Guilty until proven innocent.”

  64. Lupin says:

    No, after having thought long and hard about it, I think it is definitely more satisfying for Obama (and for us) to give you guys a giant F*CK YOU!

  65. Lupin says:

    He certainly wouldn’t be the first president to be “hiding” something.

    Hey, I’m still waiting for the results of those alien autopsies Truman authorized.

  66. The Sheriff's A Ni- says:

    Yeah, transforming America into a shade more black and brown.

  67. Lupin says:

    America needs about a gazillion of “transformation” right now.

  68. Lupin says:

    Is this translated from Klingonese?

  69. Lupin says:

    Do you really realize how bugf*ck crazy you sound to any normal person?

    We in France have birth registers going back to the middle ages (parish registers, then town halls pretty much from the 1700s onward).

    In my lifetime, the format of birth certificates have changed three times, because of the introduction of typewriters, then the transfer of records onto computers, and now the internet for those who do genealogical research.

    Anyway, whatever birth certificate the State, or in France, City Hall, sends you is IT. It’s stamped. It’s official. It’s self-authenticating. It’s sufficient. With it, you can get a passport.

    People live or die (sometimes literally) by that kind of document.

    No one, but absolutely no one, goes trying to dig musty old books from the archives somewhere, especially when you know for certain that what you have in front of you is identical in content to the old “authentic” record (as it was called).

    Yes, there is fraud: forged passports, etc. but this is not of those cases, if only because the State confirmed the authenticity of the entry.

    Questioning an official document like that (birth certificate, passport), absent the clear evidence of actual fraud, ID theft, etc. is just big shoes, red nosed, clown-like CRAZY.

  70. Black Lion says:

    That was hilarious…And so realistic…

  71. Black Lion says:

    It is amazing how John and the others hold the President to a different standard than any other American. He is required to prove himself not guilty rather than those accusing him provide proof to suppor their accusations. So in a burden of proof shift that Dick Cheney would be proud of, Obama is required to prove himself innocent, even when he wins a case, while the birthers continue to create implausable scenarios of Kenyan births and conspiracy theories involving hundreds of people. The ridiculous nature of their arguments is amazing…

  72. kimba says:

    “I’m not the POTUS and there is no probable cause”

    Why do you want to apply a different legal standard to the President than is applied to you? If the burden of proof is shifted to the President, then it will set a precedent. In the future, it will be “guilty until proven innocent for all of us”. You don’t understand the meaning of “probable cause”. Probable cause is real evidence, not myths created by people who don’t like Barack Obama.

    You have been told by judges that your remedy is in the Congress. Why don’t you pay attention.

  73. Nobody says:

    The irony is that the reason that the old style birth certificates are no longer accepted is that they were too easy to forge. So they created the modern certificate on security paper.

    Now the birthers claim they that only the original certificate is valid.

    I guess thats what happens when you decide on the results first and then do whatever you have to do to justify them.

  74. misha says:

    “So in a burden of proof shift that Dick Cheney would be proud of”

    Sure, just look at WMDs in Iraq.

  75. misha says:

    You mean the French are in the conspiracy, too? (IA)

  76. misha says:

    “Is this translated from Klingonese?”

    No, Kryptonese, to Yiddish, to English.

  77. Scientist says:

    You birthers haven’t a clue. You think Obama decided whether or not to fight the “case”? Don’t make me laugh. It was treated as a routine FOIA matter and the decision was made by legal staff within the affected departments. I will be happy to take a bet that it never crossed the Secretary’s desk or even those of Assistant Secretaries, let alone the President’s.

    I guarantee Obama doesn’t follow these cases (nor does Holder). The total time he has spent on them is 15 seconds to sign the form to order a COLB from Hawaii. Only the bloated egos of birther “lawyers” think otherwise.

  78. misha says:

    “What can Obama release to satisfy those folks?”

    Two white parents.

  79. Lupin says:

    Did you guys see this poll of self-identified Republican voters’ opinions:

    Oy vey!

  80. Lupin says:

    The French are in EVERY conspiracy.

    According to Dan Brown, at least.

  81. I have never been impressed by what I have seen of Hawaii’s security paper.

  82. SFJeff says:

    John: “This case makes Obama look awfully guilty.”

    I hope for everyone’s sake that you never serve on a Jury, John.

    Me? I look for actual evidence before I assume someone is guilty. As an example, when George Bush was accused of ditching his National Guard duty, I actually waited to see what evidence there might be. Since it was never proven, I moved on.

  83. G says:

    Thanks Lupin. A depressing poll to say the least, as quite a few of those questions were quite out there and to see such high percentages of these self-identified GOP voters voting as they did…just boggles the mind.

    What was particularly telling and embarrassing was seeing that certain demographics (white, males over 60+) and regions (i.e. the south) were noticeably more extreme in their views than the rest.

    Part of this can be attributed to the “purging” by the right which has pushed the remaining self-identified GOP even further to the right.

    Part of this sadly, can also be attributed to endless propaganda and self-segmenting by these folks who seem to rely wholly on right-wing talk radio, Fox News, etc for all their info and just take whatever crap is spoon-fed to them as gospel.

  84. Dave says:

    Why is it that not one single GOP Congressman, out of 219, has called for a Congressional investigation into Obama’s eligibility?

    I don’t think I’ve ever seen any birther address this question. I’d think they’d all be really mad about it, but instead they’re really quiet about it.

  85. SFJeff says:

    Let us play pretend- almost like this was a Matlock case.

    Let us pretend that there was discovery and all these records were released and there was nothing that showed anything other than Obama being born in Hawaii and was a U.S. citizen. But lets suppose also suppose the records had something embarressing- maybe about his mother or his sister.

    Would the Birthers just go ‘oh that resolves everything?’.

    No, the birthers and Beck and that crowd would be crowing for weeks about the embarressing, titilating detail found in the records- no matter that it has no relevance to his eligibility. These people have no morals and are more than willing to impugn his mother, his grandmother, his sister, his wife. So far only his children have come off unscathed and that isn’t likely to last. They have no shame.

    Discovery is all about trying to find dirt to make Obama look bad, and has nothing to do with believing he really isn’t eligible.

  86. SvenMagnussen says:

    Allen v. DHS, DoS, et. al.

    20. To the extent this paragraph alleges that President Obama is not a natural-born citizen of the United States, or is or ever was a citizen of Kenya or a British subject, those allegations are denied.

    What? I thought BHO II admitted to being a British subject.

  87. SvenMagnussen says:

    SvenMagnussen: Allen v. DHS, DoS, et. al.20. To the extent this paragraph alleges that President Obama is not a natural-born citizen of the United States, or is or ever was a citizen of Kenya or a British subject, those allegations are denied.What? I thought BHO II admitted to being a British subject. …

    “He held both U.S. and Kenyan citizenship as a child, but lost his Kenyan citizenship automatically on his 23rd birthday.”

    DHS and DoS must know dual-citizenship is a problem for Obama.

  88. SvenMagnussen says:

    “As a Kenyan native, Barack Obama Sr. was a British subject whose citizenship status was governed by The British Nationality Act of 1948. That same act governed the status of Obama Sr.’s children:

    British Nationality Act of 1948 (Part II, Section 5): Subject to the provisions of this section, a person born after the commencement of this Act shall be a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies by descent if his father is a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies at the time of the birth.”

    Why won’t DHS and DoS admit Obama was a Kenya native and British subject at birth?

    In other words, at the time of his birth, Barack Obama Jr. was both a U.S. citizen (by virtue of being born in Hawaii) and a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies (or the UKC) by virtue of being born to a father who was a citizen of the UKC.

  89. Dave says:

    Well, to some. To a numerically insignificant minority who think everything makes Obama look guilty.

    Does your Congressman and Senators think this case makes Obama look guilty? You should ask them. Maybe they could call for an investigation. In fact, tell them you insist on it.

  90. bob says:

    I would be remiss if I didn’t point out that the court granted only a partial motion to dismiss. The court granted the government’s motion with respect to Obama (for the reasons Doc indicated); the suit remains alive with respect to the FOIA claims regarding Obama’s mother.

    The government indicates it will be filing a motion for summary judgment to dispose of the remaining claims. In the process, however, some information about Obama’s mother may be revealed.

  91. NBc says:

    There is an interesting question here. Was President Obama, who was per Common Law a natural born citizen of the US, also a citizen of Britain or Kenya? While he undoubtably had the right to claim such citizenships through statutory law, does not necessarily make him a citizen thereof. Furthermore, since President Obama as a child could not make such election, and since after reaching the age of majority, he never made such an election, the case indeed may be that from a legal perspective he was never a citizen of these countries. Certainly not from the legal perspective of the United States.

  92. NBc says:

    This was in response to

    “Additionally, assuming Barry Soetoro was born in what is now Kenya, at the time of Senator Obama’s birth in 1961, Kenya was the British Protectorate of Zanzibar and Barry Soetoro automatically became a British Subject under section 32(1) of the British Nationality Act of 1948, effective date January 28, 1949, based on his father’s citizenship.

    The full response

    Allegations concerning President Obama or concerning a person named Barry Soetoro are subject to a pending motion to dismiss, and no response is therefore required. To the extent this paragraph alleges that President Obama is not a natural-born citizen of the United States, or is or ever was a citizen of Kenya or a British subject, those allegations are denied. Further, paragraph 20 contains conclusions of law, not factual allegations requiring a response, and on that basis, Defendants deny.

  93. NBc says:

    I believe that as far as the DHS/UCSIS is concerned, such data are mostly lacking for the period of interest.

  94. NBc says:

    USCIS: Verified that it holds not Alien information on Stanley Ann Soetoro (native born) and that they will start a search on Lulu Soetoro, not requiring Allen to show that they are deceased due to common public knowledge of this fact.

    The DOS responded that Allen has to respond to willingness to bear costs involved and for those not deceased, a waiver.

  95. Rickey says:

    sarina says:

    Was McCain “hiding something too, John?

    McCain probably was hiding something, though more likely it is something in his Navy service record. One of the odd things about his Navy career is that he was never given command of a ship, even after he was promoted to Captain in the seventies. The only command he ever had was of a training squadron in Florida. The next logical career progression would have been command of a ship, but instead the Navy made him a liaison with Congress. That effectively ended his Navy career, because he never would have been a candidate for Admiral without a least one sea command under his belt.

    One theory is that his famous temper and reputation for partying and playing around with women caused the Navy brass to be skeptical of his leadership abilities. But we’ll never know for sure because he never released his Navy fitness reports. And, of course, there is nothing which would have required him to release those reports.

  96. Black Lion says:

    Them and the Catholic Church…

  97. Scientist says:

    Let’s get a few things straight on dual citizenship:

    1. It’s not exotic or strange. Since most countries extend citizenship to descendants of their citizens, the vast majority of people with parents who were born in different countries are dual citizens or entitled to claim dual citizenship. Many countries even extend the privilege to grandchildren, which would further expand the number. There are very likely 10s or even 100s of millions of people in the world who have a claim to more than 1 citizenship. Among them are many millions of Americans.

    2. Some countries extend citizenship automatically. They may consider you a citizen, whether or not you ever set foot in the country. Canada, for example, considers any child of a Canadian citizen to be a citizen, wherever they were born, and whether or not they ever spent even a second in Canada. You would have to deliberately renounce your Canadian citizenship in order to lose it.

    3. Other countries, require you to make an affirmative choice, usually upon attaining majority. Kenya seems to be in this class.

    4. Countries generally don’t track who among their citizens is a dual citizen or is entitled to other other citizenships. When you apply for a passport from country X they ask for proof that you are a citizen of country X, not what other countries you might be a citizen of.

    5. #4 is certainly true of the US. No US government agency tracks which US citizens are also citizens of another country. When you apply for a US passport, there is no question about other passports you may hold.

    6. No country can decide the citizenship requirements of any other country. The US cannot tell Canada or Kenya or any other country who they may consider citizens. Of course, those countries can’t tell the US who to consider a US citizen.

  98. John says:

    Obama does indeed have problems. The US departments haven’t provided a single shred of proof that would support such credibility in denials that they have made regarding the allegations.

  99. Scientist says:

    John: Obama does indeed have problems. The US departments haven’t provided a single shred of proof that would support such credibility in denials that they have made regarding the allegations.

    Since Obama is in the White House and you are posting on a blog from Mom’s basement, it seems more a problem for you than for him.

    Just sayin….

  100. JoZeppy says:

    They don’t need to. The burden of proof is on the plaintiff. The defendant doesn’t have to prove anything, and you certainly don’t need to provide evidence for an answer.

  101. SluggoJD says:

    Better have that coffee checked!

  102. SluggoJD says:

    “I’m a psychotic nutcase”

    “I’m a psychotic nutcase”

    “I’m a psychotic nutcase”

    “I’m a psychotic nutcase”

    “John,” you really should fix that turntable!

  103. SFJeff says:

    “Obama does indeed have problems.”

    He certainly does. Our country is mired in two wars. We are only just now starting to recover from the worst recession in my life time. It remains to be seen whether employment will ever fully recover.

    There are still terrorist who would like to attack the United States and have to be dealt with.

    Beyond that, millions of Americans are without health insurance and thousands will die this year because they couldn’t afford medical care.

    We continue to be dependent on foreign oil, the Supreme Court has opened the flood gates for Corporations and Unions to dominate political fund raising, meaning politicians will become even more in the pocket of big Corporate and Labor interests.

    Yeah Obama has a lot of problems to deal with. Eligibility just isn’t one of them.

  104. NBc says:

    Wrong again. The Department of Health in Hawaii has laid to rest any doubts.

  105. Dave says:

    Has it occurred to you that the President is probably not even briefed on the status of the birther lawsuits?

  106. John says:

    I just saw a new poll on MSNBC.

    Only 42% of Republicians believe Obama was born in the USA.

  107. Rickey says:

    John says:

    I just saw a new poll on MSNBC.

    Only 42% of Republicians believe Obama was born in the USA.

    Which proves that 58% of Republicans are idiots, or at least ignoramuses. But we knew that already.

  108. Saint James says:

    SvenMagnussen…you said and I quote…
    “In other words, at the time of his birth, Barack Obama Jr. was both a U.S. citizen (by virtue of being born in Hawaii) and a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies (or the UKC) by virtue of being born to a father who was a citizen of the UKC.”

    Sorry Sven, You already lost this argument a long time ago!

    Barack Obama is a natural born citizen of our great US of America.

    Let me reiterate what I quoted from Patrick McKinnion’s Badfiction

    “Hague Convention of 1930

    Article 1 It is for each State to determine under its own law who are its nationals. This law shall be recognised by other States in so far as it is consistent with international conventions, international custom, and the principles of law generally recognised with regard to nationality.

    Article 2
    Any question as to whether a person possesses the nationality of a particular State shall be determined in accordance with the law of that State.

    In other words, the Hague Convention of 1930 states in the first two articles that it is up to each country to determine under their own law who is a citizen of that country.

    And under US law, Obama was and is a US citizen, therefore under the Hague Convention of 1930, it is US law that determines his citizenship.”

    Thanks Patrick!

  109. Dave says:

    I think we need to be more charitable to the Republicans. Dr. C posted a similar poll taken in California, and as was discussed in the comments, people could reasonably say “not sure” to this question just because they don’t feel well informed. After all, polls always include a “not sure” answer, and it’s not really kosher to add that to one of the other answers to make the result seem more alarming.

    I fear I’m getting tiresome pointing this out, but we can get the really support for birthers from the fact that zero GOP Congressmen have called for an investigation into Obama’s eligibility.

  110. SFJeff says:

    To paraphrase Scientist:

    What do you call Obama if 99% of Rebublicans are confused about where he was born?

    Mr. President

  111. Rickey says:

    In this particular poll the “not sures” are only 22%, and that drops even further to 18% in the south.

    The same poll shows that 63% of Republicans believe that Obama is a socialist, so my comment about them being idiots and ignoramuses stands.

  112. sarina says:

    Very interesting Rickey, I’m pretty sure many McCain supporters didn’t know that.

  113. Dave, I fully agree with you on the “not sure” category, which is why I didn’t list those values.

    It seems to me that the selection of questions on that poll was designed to give Republicans the opportunity to appear extremist Neanderthals and they took the bait.

  114. John: Only 42% of Republicians believe Obama was born in the USA.

    I think that bodes well for Democrats in the 2010 congressional elections.

  115. SFJeff says:

    Just looking up some numbers for polls on whacko conspiracy theories
    1/3 of Americans polled think 9/11 was engineered by the U.S. Government
    20% of Americans think the moon landings were fake(this was from Fox news so I am confident of those numbers)

  116. I don’t see why there is any lawsuit about Obama’s mother. Regulations permit disclosure of that information. He just has to wait a couple of years like everybody else. My FOIA on Ann Dunham was accepted by the Department of State and they indicated that they would honor it.

  117. Sven: Why won’t DHS and DoS admit Obama was a Kenya native and British subject at birth?

    Since Barack Obama has already admitted same on his web site, anything from DHS or DoS would be redundant, and further not authoritative.

  118. Sven: DHS and DoS must know dual-citizenship is a problem for Obama.


  119. misha says:

    Sven: when are you going to speculate that Obama is an Israeli citizen?

  120. sponson says:

    The Lieutenant Governor of Tennessee “doesn’t know” if the President was born in the United States, and therefore whether he is even a citizen. This raises a question, is this the highest ranked elected official to have made such a statement? I would argue that he is outranked by Tom Coburn of Oklahoma, who made a similarly ambiguous statement.

  121. misha says:

    “The Lieutenant Governor of Tennessee “doesn’t know” if the President was born in the United States, and therefore whether he is even a citizen.”

    I have read about Ron Ramsey, and there is a rumor on the ‘net that he has an affinity for goats, if you get my drift.

    I’m not saying any of this is true, but why doesn’t Ramsey release his criminal record abstract, and show it is stamped “subject has clear record to date.”

    What’s he hiding?

  122. SvenMagnussen says:

    We are all Israeli, Misha. Or we want to be Israeli, especially Gary Kreep.

    And that, my friend, is why we follow Orly. Not because she is trying to prove Obama has had three birth certificates created for him in his lifetime.

    1) Original BC stating Barack Hussein Obama II was born in Honolulu, HI on August 4, 1961.

    2) Adoption BC stating Barry Soetoro was born in Honolulu, HI on August 4, 1961 with a CLN on file at the U.S. State Department under the name “Barry Soetoro.”

    3) Dissolution BC, or voided adoption BC, where a Court ORDERED a vital record to be created stating Barack Hussein Obama II was born in Honolulu, HI on August 4, 1961.

    We follow Orly because she is a leader. Temperate, yet determined to succeed in spite of our human indiscretions and flaws.

  123. Lupin says:

    “We follow Orly because she is a leader.”

    Not because she is smart (ain’t), correct (ain’t), honest (ain’t) or even attractive (ain’t).

    Just because she is a “leader”.

    I rest my case.

    PS: Time to dust off Operation Valkyrie.

  124. SvenMagnussen says:

    SFJeff: Beyond that, millions of Americans are without health insurance and thousands will die this year because they couldn’t afford medical care.

    How many will die because it is God’s Will?

  125. misha says:

    “We follow Orly because she is a leader. Temperate…”

    Take it from a landsman, she’s mentally unbalanced. She has a fiery Russian temper, add Israeli gunpowder, and BANG.

    Leader? She’s blinded by anger. She is an Islamophobe, and makes common cause with anti-semites. Believe me, I saw plenty like her in Israel. They spend their day licking their wounds, instead of looking to the future. I was a supporter of Sharansky, until he went off the deep end.

    My closest friends at work were Arab Muslims – so much for that stereotype.

  126. misha says:

    Oh yeah, she was schtupping CEL3.

  127. Northland10 says:

    Sir, you are in error…

    “Dying because of God’s Will” is just an excuse we use to do nothing. It is the sin of sloth. It is taking God’s name in vain. You are saying that the life of others is not your problem.

    Death is part of life, it is not the will of God, it just is. In all parts of life, we try to heal and reduce death where possible.

    So how may have died recently by the will of God: zero.

  128. Mike says:

    Whichever god you believe in, it isn’t President.

  129. SvenMagnussen says:

    misha: She has a fiery Russian temper, add Israeli gunpowder, and BANG.

    Orly and S.A.D. Obama-Soetoro have more in common than most of us.

    1) The both met and married a man that was not a native to their country.

    2) Each one packed up and moved to the home country of their husband and immediately began to assimilate and naturalize to the country of their husband.

    3) Both are highly educated and encouraged their children to pursue higher education.

    4) They both travel internationally and are driven by their entrepreneurial skillset.

    5) They both speak more than one language.

    Unfortunately for S.A.D. Obama-Soetoro, her marriages ended in divorce after she committed to being an Indonesian National. It’s a shame Indonesia doesn’t allow dual citizenship. I’m sure her Certificate of Loss of Nationality on file with the U.S. State Department hung heavy on her heart.

  130. SvenMagnussen says:

    Northland10: Sir, you are in error…
    “Dying because of God’s Will” is just an excuse we use to do nothing.It is the sin of sloth.It is taking God’s name in vain.You are saying that the life of others is not your problem.Death is part of life, it is not the will of God, it just is.In all parts of life, we try to heal and reduce death where possible.So how may have died recently by the will of God:zero.

    It’s a sin not to pay for someone else’s health insurance?

    God commands you to struggle to survive, thrive and procreate. It is God’s Will to continue the circle of life. The circle of life includes an eventual passing to conserve resources for the young.

    God’s Will is that all are brought home at some point in time. None of us will live forever, unless your name is Kirk Kerkorian.

  131. The Sheriff's A Ni- says:

    I could’ve sworn some guy somewhere along the way said ‘Love one another as I have loved you’ and not ‘[&^%$] you, I’ve got mine, Jack.’

    In fact, twisting religion towards the purposes of rampant assholism sounds like the kind of stuff ol’ Scratch would do. Which naturally doesn’t surprise me that Sven here would giddily embrace it.

  132. The Sheriff's A Ni- says:

    We follow Orly because she is a leader.

    And Sven proves he’s only seventy years away from a membership in SS Wiking.

  133. Black Lion says:

    If only you had a shred of proof to support your accusations…

  134. thisoldhippie says:

    I’m from the south and I’m embarassed to say that we seem to have more than our fair share of these idiot birthers. Of course, people here still fly the Confederate flag and want to seceed – creating a Southern, Christian nation in which non-Christians are either forced to leave or are prostelized to heavily. Check out the League of the South and Free Magnolia.

  135. NBc says:

    Having lost on the arguments of QW, it is good to hear Sven returning to issues of pure fantasy.

  136. SvenMagnussen says:

    Black Lion: If only you had a shred of proof to support your accusations…

    I wonder if S.A.D. Obama-Soetoro informed the HI DoH of her CLN when she brought infant Maya back to the states. If not, then I can see how S.A.D. could transfer U.S. citizenship rights to Maya.

    How would HI DoH know S.A.D. was no longer a U.S. citizen? I doubt the HI DoH would ask S.A.D. for her current passport.

    I think S.A.D.’s passport record will be a goldmine of information.

  137. NBc says:

    We know what you think.. Would it surprise you if we are not really that impressed?

    Poor Sven, no evidence, no facts and ignorant of Quo Warranto.

    Keep up the good work my friend.

    As to S.A.D’s passport record, did Strunk not get to see it?

  138. NBc says:

    We follow Orly because she is a leader. Temperate, yet determined to succeed in spite of our human indiscretions and flaws.

    That’s a very sad position… If Orly is what you consider to be a leader…

  139. Black Lion says:

    Interesting article over at tROSL…Recycling the same accusations regarding the Keyes-Bowen lawsuit…

    The decision says, “Defendants contend that Election Code sec. 6901 requires the Secretary of State to place on the ballot the names of the candidates submitted to her by a recognized political party and that she has no discretion to override the party’s selection. The Court finds that the First Amended Petition fails to state a cause of action against the Secretary of State…Federal law establishes the exclusive means for challenges to the qualifications of the President and Vice President. That procedure is for objections to be presented before the U.S. Congress pursuant to 3 U.S.C. section 15.”

    In 1968, the California Secretary of State refused to list Eldridge Cleaver on the November ballot as the presidential nominee of the Peace & Freedom Party. Cleaver and PFP sued the Secretary of State, but the State Supreme Court refused to hear the case, by a 6-1 vote. Cleaver and the party then asked the U.S. Supreme Court to intervene, but that Court refused, 393 U.S. 810 (October 7, 1968). In this current Keyes lawsuit, attorneys for the Defendants claimed there was no such lawsuit. The attorney for Keyes did not have the California Supreme Court citation (58 Minutes 411), nor the U.S. Supreme Court cite, so he wasn’t able to establish the existence of this 40-year old precedent that does seem to give the Secretary of State the authority to refuse a party’s choice for president, if the Secretary of State thinks the party chose someone who doesn’t meet the constitutional qualifications. Keyes will appeal and his appeal will include the Cleaver precedent citation.

    Further in the article…

    “Even though Obama was elected to this office, this ineligibility constitutes a legal disability for the office of president of the United States,” the brief states. “In State ex rel. Sathre v. Moodie,’ after Thomas H. Moodie was duly elected to the office of governor of the state of North Dakota, it was discovered that Thomas H. Moodie was not eligible for the position of governor, as he had not resided in the state for a requisite five years before running for office, and, because of that ineligibility, he was removed from office and replaced by the lieutenant governor,” the brief explains. …

    The Democrat was nominated by his party for governor in 1934 and beat his Republican opponent, Lydia Langer.

    “As soon as the election was over, there was talk of impeachment, but no charges were filed,” the state’s archives report. “After Moodie’s inauguration on January 7, 1935, it was revealed that he had voted in a 1932 municipal election in Minnesota. In order to be eligible for governor, an individual has to have lived in the state for five consecutive years before the election. The State Supreme Court determined that Governor Moodie was ineligible to serve, and he was removed from office on February 16, 1935,” the state reports.

  140. Black Lion says:

    Not only sitting in Mom’s basement, but in his underwear eating cereal trying to follow the adults conversation here on this blog…

  141. Black Lion says:

    Again Sven forgets that pesky little thing known as proof…I have finally figured Sven out…He is really Dan Brown and he is testing ridiculous theories out to see which one works best for his next fantasy novel…How else could you explain numerous ridiculous theories that have zero amounts of proof supporting them…Now you have the President’s mother renouncing her US citizenship? What’s next. Obama’s dad is really Willie Mays? That is more believable than your theories about all of these American citizens renouncing their American’t citizenships…

  142. NBc says:

    State ex rel. Sathre v. Moodie

    is a state level Quo Warranto.

    A president cannot be removed by Quo Warranto filed in a state. At the Federal level QW is reserved to the District of Columbia and precedent suggest that such a QW is not applicable to the Office of the President

  143. NBc says:

    State ex rel. Sathre v. Moodie, 65 N.D. 340, 258 N.W. 558 (1935), was an original proceeding in quo warranto in this court, instituted by the attorney general and involving the title to the office of governor, in which proceeding the governor was removed. In that case this court stated that although Mr. Moodie was not entitled to hold the office, nevertheless, no question could be raised as to validity of the official acts performed by him because, under the wise provisions of the law, every act so done was valid and effective as he was clothed with prima facie title to the office and was a de facto officer and, as such, was clothed with all the rights and powers he would have enjoyed as a de jure officer possessed of every qualification. The court cited in support thereof State v. Ely, supra.

    Ouch… Another one bites the dust.

  144. G says:

    So Sven, is that your basis of rationale then? That “God” somehow wants you to follow Orly? ROTFLMAO! Is this what it is about for you – somehow Orly is “divine” inspiration? LOL!

    Let me guess Sven, you also think that anyday now the Rapture is coming to sweep you away to Never-Never Land too…

    A word of advice – seek professional help. If you really think you are on some spiritual crusade here with Orly, you need to wake up and realize that you are several steps further removed from sanity than the Hale-Bopp Comet cult folks.

  145. G says:

    Gee Sven, from your posts today, I take it that your latest fantasy is to pass yourself off as some sort of preacher-holy man?

    I’m not buying it, as all this sudden preaching doesn’t seem to fit with your prior postings.

    Sounds more like to me that you’re trying to play the “God card” because you’ve failed at all your other silly arguments and fantasies and with no facts or evidence on your side, it is the last trick you have.

  146. Texlaw says:

    Seems like Palinese to me.

  147. Benji Franklin says:

    Dear Sven

    Every word you post is more superfluous punctuation in the sentence of your life, which reads, “I am an underachieving know-nothing nobody; Heed my gibberish, Oh, Earth…. but now I squat!”

    Benji Franklin

  148. aarrgghh says:

    g, calling sven’s bluff:

    “Sounds more like to me that you’re trying to play the “God card” because you’ve failed at all your other silly arguments and fantasies and with no facts or evidence on your side, it is the last trick you have.”

    has sven pulled the out “boot obama or i’ll shoot this dog” card yet?

  149. SvenMagnussen says:

    Black Lion: Again Sven forgets that pesky little thing known as proof…I have finally figured Sven out…He is really Dan Brown and he is testing ridiculous theories out to see which one works best for his next fantasy novel…How else could you explain numerous ridiculous theories that have zero amounts of proof supporting them…Now you have the President’s mother renouncing her US citizenship?What’s next.Obama’s dad is really Willie Mays?That is more believable than your theories about all of these American citizens renouncing their American’t citizenships…

    Burden of proof on the defendant in Quo Warranto

    “In a long line of decisions this court has held that in proceedings by information in the nature of quo warranto the defendant, if he justifies, must set out his title specifically, and must show on the face of the plea that he has a valid title to the office; that the people are not called upon to show anything; that the entire onus is on the defendant, and that he must not only show by his plea, but prove that he has valid title to his office, and if this proof is not made, the people will be entitled to judgment of ouster”

    People v. Baldridge, 267 Ill. 190, 108 N.E. 49; ANN. CAS. 1917B Ed. Thompson p 468.

    Courtesy of Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq.

  150. Mike says:

    SvenDick, you’re a tool.

    Quo Warranto does not apply to the office of the Presidency, ergo the issue is moot.

    Even if it did, the President is a citizen by birth of the United States, with a valid birth certificate. Full Faith & Credit clause – eat it.

  151. SvenMagnussen says:

    aarrgghh: g, calling sven’s bluff:
    has sven pulled the out “boot obama or i’ll shoot this dog” card yet?

    Ha Ha Ha.

    I suspect God is about to call one of his creatures home so another may survive, thrive and procreate.

  152. Black Lion says:

    You know Sven is desparate when he is using Orly as his source…That is like the blind leading the blind…Or better yet asking Sarah Palin to give advice on teenage abstinence…

  153. NbC says:

    Cool but the problem is that there are specific rulings about Federal Quo Warranto which is limited to DC and which specifies clearly that Orly lacks standing.

    What part does Orly not understand?

  154. Expelliarmus says:

    Sven, you have to get the writ of quo warranto issued FIRST before the burden shifts to the defendant. That is something the court does after receipt of the petition from the US Attorney or AG setting forth the FACTS upon which quo warranto would issue.

    You know that the AG/US Attorney aren’t going to file a petition. So how would you even get to the first step?

  155. aarrgghh says:

    sven, famous last words:

    “I suspect God is about to call one of his creatures home so another may survive, thrive and procreate.”

    i’m sure you’ll be missed by someone …

  156. NbC says:

    Detail details… Orly is thinking the larger picture…
    Of course, as usual, ignoring the fact that she lacks in standing…

  157. G says:

    You beat me to the punch on that one, aarrgghh!

    I got a kick out of Sven’s famous last words too: “I suspect God is about to call one of his creatures home so another may survive, thrive and procreate.”

    So…now he moves to threaten that if he doesn’t get his way he’s going to commit suicide. Um…ok, Sven. Well, I guess that’s the extreme version of the birther’s whine that they are going to hold their breath until Obama’s out of office…LOL!

    Let’s get serious here for a moment. If someone is really so obsessed and upset with Obama being in office that they think they just can’t go on with life anymore, they need to really seek professional help immediately and take a deep breath and re-examine their own life or talk to family, church or some other support group for help.

    I mean really, what impact does a stupid fictitious issue like this really have on someone’s life?

    NONE, outside of their own whining and self-inflicted anger.

    There are more meaningful things in life Sven, so go focus on yours and whatever other problems you have that you’re using this issue as an excuse to hide behind, then try addressing them and maybe you’ll feel better about life. I’m sure you have people out there that can help you if you’d just reach out to them.

  158. Scientist says:

    G-Yes, what truly amazes me about the birthers is their totally over-the-top faux outrage. Let’s suppose a truly non-NBC person (not Obama who IS an NBC, but, say Schwarzenegger) was elected. What would be my reaction? Disappointment, but, if the courts in the initial case or 2 let it stand, I’d get on with life, especially if he had won a fair election by a solid margin. Because how good a President that person would be would have nothing to do with where they were born or who their parents were. Plenty of NBC Presidents have sucked after all.

    What about the Constitution, you ask? Yes, I’m sorry whenever it’s violated. But frankly, it’s violated almost daily and I don’t see the birthers getting bent out of shape. Torture? How does that NOT violate the Constitution? Or try this. The Constitution clearly says that Congress is to declare war. They haven’t done that since 1942. How many wars/conflicts has the US been involved with since then? I lost count.

    I truly think you are right and that the obsessive fixation of the birthers is nothing but mental illness.

  159. misha says:

    “I suspect God is about to call one of his creatures home”

    Oral Roberts said the same thing. It’s a pattern.

  160. misha says:

    I’m going to tell you something. I don’t know whether Glenn Beck raped and murdered a girl in 1990, or not. I don’t know what the whole deal is there. But I’m going to tell you something. When you walk out on the street down, people really care about this issue.

  161. “40-year old precedent that does seem to give the Secretary of State the authority to refuse a party’s choice for president, if the Secretary of State thinks the party chose someone who doesn’t meet the constitutional qualifications.”

    But of course Eldridge Cleaver was obviously ineligible to be president (too young), and this was well known. There was no reason for the Bowen to “think” President Obama was not eligible. It is one thing for a secretary of state to refuse ballot position to a candidate who is known to be ineligible and quite another thing to say that the secretary of state is required to investigate candidates.

  162. Miss M says:

    Yeah, what about that don’t they understand?

  163. SvenMagnussen: It’s a sin not to pay for someone else’s health insurance?

    Basically, yes.

    (Mat 25:45-46 KJV) Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me. {46} And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.

  164. misha says:

    “It’s a sin not to pay for someone else’s health insurance?”

    That’s correct. Judaism believes that to save one life, is to save the world. We are responsible for each other. And humans must be treated with dignity.

    I worked in health care.

  165. Miss M says:

    There are a few points to take from Sven’s statement.
    1. The birthers could be accused of treason for devoting themselves to a foreigner that has devoted herself to overthrowing the American government.
    2. Such devotion to this foreign nut case (clinical diagnosis,BTW) is a form of home grown terrorism.
    3. Said foreign nut case can be considered a terrorist and immediately deported after doing some time in the pokey.
    4. The birther cultists abuse the American Constitution as a form of terrorism yet “swear” they are protecting it. An example of which, is to accuse the American President as being the actual usurper.

    Loose lips sink ships, Svenny baby. Keep it up. You are giving it all away. The Secret Service should be arriving shortly.

  166. Miss M says:

    @Svenn the Brainiac;

    Remind us again how far Orly’s taint got with this little thingy you just posted.

    Humor us. With proof this time. ’cause what you have been submitting thus far is cow crap.

  167. Benji Franklin says:

    Dear Misha,

    Actually, God got two creatures for the price of one when Oral kicked the bucket. A brother survived him by a few minutes; the autopsy revealed that he had carried a tiny half-limbed Siamese vestigial twin between his legs under those billowing elephantine trousers all of his life.
    R.I.P., Anal Roberts!


  168. Rickey says:

    SvenMagnussen says:

    It’s a sin not to pay for someone else’s health insurance?

    Matthew 19:21 (King James Version)

    Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.

  169. SFJeff says:

    One of your oddest comments yet.

    Do we close down hospitals because it is God’s will that people will die? Did Jesus preach “Only the wealthy should be able to afford a kidney transplant?”

    Health care however is both a moral and an economic choice. Morally we can choose to let more or less of our fellow citizens die needlessly.

    If you see a person collapse from a heart attack, do you call 911 or try to perform CPR, or do you go “tssk tssk, guess God wanted him dead”

  170. chufho says:

    Jill T. Nagamine, Deputy Attorney General for the State of Hawaii, has made it clear that her office will not corroborate or back in any way the July 27, 2009 Statement of Dr. Chiyome Fukino, Director of the Hawaii Department of Health, which declared Obama Hawaiian-born and a “natural-born American citizen.”

  171. NBc says:

    Good for her, since it is not her task to corroborate Fukino’s statement.

    Simple really.

    Bummer that Fukino confirmed Obama’s birth on US soil, making him a natural born citizen thereof.

  172. Lupin says:

    Sometimes, reading this, I get the feeling that America is like the Titanic with zombies on board.

    Hey, maybe I can sell the idea to Jim Cameron?

  173. misha says:

    @Lupin: Orly would open the film with

    «Yids über alles!»

  174. chufho says:

    that her office will not corroborate or back in any way

  175. chufho says:

    you need to step back and ask yourself why

  176. misha says:

    “I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, director of the Hawaii State Department of Health, have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawaii State Department of Health verifying Barack Hussein Obama was born on Krypton and is a natural-born Kryptonite citizen.”

  177. misha says:

    I told my wife I am one of the Chosen People.

    She replied, “you’ve been chosen to be a schmuck.”

  178. misha says:

    Hey everyone. You have to see this!

  179. Lupin says:

    Let us also note (we tend to forget it) that one of Obama’s teachers actually remembered discussing his birth with the obstetrician who delivered him at the time.

  180. The reporter did not quite quote Barbara Nelson accurately. Dr. Rodney West, whom Nelson spoke with, did not tell her that he delivered Obama, only that he knew of the birth and the unusual name. While Nelson’s story is plausible and its details are fully consistent with known facts (for example Dr. West was a member of the yacht club where the conversation is said to have taken place), it still remains uncorroborated. Dr. Rodney West was most likely an administrator at the time Obama was born. He died at age 98, highlighting the problem with getting testimony from people who might have been involved at the hospital with Obama’s birth.


  181. Northland10 says:

    I see you receive your news from The Post and Email. I do find it interesting that the article did not actually quote what she said but Charlton’s opinion of what she said.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if her response was similar to her response to Leo:

    “No formal attorney general opinion was generated relating to the July 27, 2009 public statement made by Chiyome L. Fukino, M.D. Any other legal advice rendered to our clients is privileged communication. We have nothing to release based on your request.”

    Translated to birther:

    Nothing to release/no comment/not our department’s area = We are covering up the evidence of Obama’s guilt.

  182. Scientist says:

    chufho: you need to step back and ask yourself why


  183. misha says:

    Humans and chimpanzees differ by a ½ chromosome. Why don’t they make good pets?

  184. sponson says:

    President Obama jokes about birthers at this morning’s prayer breakfast in Washington, DC.

  185. NbC says:

    If you had accurately quoted, you would have known that she refused to address the question.
    Pathetic, the extent of misrepresentations here…

  186. NbC says:

    chufho: ask your

    Conflict of interest, that’s what she said.

  187. Greg says:

    How many will die because it is God’s Will?

    True story – this was the rationale behind Christian opposition to vaccination and inoculation. Rev. Edward Massey preached and published in 1772 a sermon entitled The Dangerous and Sinful Practice of Inoculation. In this he declared that Job’s distemper was probably confluent smallpox; that he had been inoculated doubtless by the devil; that diseases are sent by Providence for the punishment of sin; and that the proposed attempt to prevent them is “a diabolical operation.”

    Boston had one of the first inoculation policies, but it also had one of the first sets of anti-vaccination nuts. Dr. Douglas, a Scotch physician, argued that Dr. Zabdiel Boylston’s inoculations were “an encroachment on the prerogatives of Jehovah, whose right it is to wound and smite.” Opponents of inoculation even fire-bombed the house of Cotton Mather, who supported the practice.

  188. Northland10 says:

    There is a simple theme running through this and all of the other examples (Obama, healthcare, innoculations, God’s will, etc.):


    When our fear dictates our actions… well, we see the results. Whether they say it is God’s will or a giant conspiracy, it is still just fear.

  189. Rickey says:

    And of course the deputy attorney general of Hawaii has no more right to look at Obama’s vital records than you or I, so she wouldn’t be in a position to corroborate Fukino’s statement even if she wanted to.

  190. NBc says:

    She claimed that answering would create a conflict of interest.

    P&Email is spinning…
    Anyone surprised?

  191. richCares says:

    now that’s the truth (for 10yr old john)

  192. richCares says:

    That is like the blind leading the blind…
    wrong, correction:
    blind leading the dead

  193. richCares says:

    sven must be made aware that suicide is a sin, don’t let sven kill himself!

  194. chufho says:

    it shows HE is aware and of know integrity
    ye sheep

  195. chufho says:

    obama is being black mailed with the diclosure of the truth about his citizenship

  196. chufho says:

    thats right

  197. NbC says:

    Haha, you’re funny.

  198. Mary Brown says:

    Right on, Kimba! Come on John!

  199. Mary Brown says:

    They have a sworn duty to investigate if they believe someone unqualified is in the Presidency. Now, some have chosen to play with this a little. Folks like the coward from Georgia who writes letters to appeal to the birther crowd, but lacks the courage of his “convictions.”

  200. Mary Brown says:

    These records are none of our business. Unless of course, you believe that everything about a candidate should be made public. How many of us are there without some skeleton in the closet. That would include early mistakes we learned from or some event that caused us to mature and grow. McCain had them. And so do the rest of us including the President. What good would any of this do?

  201. Mary Brown says:

    America is being transformed right now and it has nothing to do with politics. As my dad told my husband and I in 1970 “prepare your children to live in a brown world.” He was in many ways coservative, but he observed and understood the world around us was changing. And so it is.

  202. Mary Brown says:

    Yes, and my Transcript of birth from New York State has less information than Obama’s COLB. Yet, it would (God forbid) allow me to run for President. The whole birther notion is a form of wishful thinking. They must imagine a way to make this mixed race man ineligible. They won’t stop. The unthinkable has happened. And to them it still is impossible. It is pathetic.

  203. misha says:

    I read McCain lived with a stripper before he married, and drove a Corvette. So it might have been too much for the brass.

  204. Mary Brown says:

    And the great Beck has now said that Barack is not an American name. The only authentic American names are Native American names. Let’s see. Tatiana, Zenia, Florian, Tilly, Marishka (my childhood nickname), Rosalia, and Jan are just a few names from my Slovak immigant family. It all boils down to who is American enought.

  205. J. Edward Tremlett says:

    Your leader cheats on her husband, encourages others to perjure themselves in court, and just admitted that she knew she was taking forgers on board in her case, but didn’t care.

    You know where your leader is taking you? Over a cliff.

  206. The Sheriff's A Ni- says:

    How’s it like in Sven’s fantasyland?

  207. SvenMagnussen says:

    Sheriff, I would like to file a report.

    I was nearly run down in a Walmart parking lot last night. I didn’t see the driver because the light in the parking lot was mysteriously not working.

    I think it was Obama.

  208. richCares says:

    “How’s it like in Sven’s fantasyland?”
    “I think it was Obama.”

  209. Scientist says:

    SvenMagnussen: I was nearly run down in a Walmart parking lot last night. I didn’t see the driver because the light in the parking lot was mysteriously not working

    Drunk again, Sven?

  210. NbC says:

    I tell you, Walmart is in on it…

  211. richCares says:

    curious as to what kind of job sven (or his alter ego chufho) has, it can’t be very complicated based on the lack of intellegence they show. However, there are many jobs a retard can do.

  212. thisoldhippie says:

    I’ve just about come to the belief that all birthers are Republicans and most Republicans are birthers. Either way, both groups have become mentally deranged. Watching McCain bash the military brass for asking the don’t ask don’t tell law be repealed when just 4 years ago he said that if those some brass came forward and asked for this then Congress should heed their request is nauseating. His complete about face is based on nothing but his hatred of President Obama and shows what a lowlife he is. Just one example of how these people would eat their young if President Obama gave the child a kiss.

  213. misha says:

    McCain is sooo opposed to repeal of DADT – this from someone who committed adultery, and lived with a stripper.

    And they don’t believe in evolution.

    What gives with that crowd?

  214. milspec says:

    I never heard about the stripper. Have a link for that?

  215. misha says:

    “Accessorized with a new Corvette and “women, the flashier the better,” McCain often returned to be “just in time to change clothes and drag himself out to the flight line…While hanging out at a local bar, Trader John’s, he met a woman known as the Flame of Florida. McCain calls her an “exotic dancer” while Timberg refers to her as a “stripper.” McCain veered off their dinner-and-a-movie course and took her, uninvited, to a gathering at a friend’s house. The civilized Sunday evening gathering was all married couples and McCain’s impromptu appearance with his friend caused a stir.”

    I can’t find the link, but I remember reading they lived together for less than 6 months.

  216. milspec says:

    Thanks Misha. As a guy that has dated strippers I can tell you they come with a truck full of baggage.

  217. G says:

    Not ALL birthers are Republicans.

    Some are just paranoid “conspiracy” folks, who rarely identify with either major party and are overly suspicious of the government in general.

    And don’t forget, some of these birthers are PUMAs – who were actually one of the original sources of “birtherism”.

    Many of these PUMAs still “claim” to be Democrats (their faction came to be during the 2008 Primaries because they “hated” Obama for preventing their candidate HRC from her “destiny” as President, or something like that).

    Of course, many of these same PUMAs have become rabid FOX News watchers and Sarah Palin supporters and quite a few of them actually voted for McCain …

    So, realize that there is this faction “claiming” to still be Democrats (whether they used to be Democrats prior / up to 2008 is one thing) yet they seemed to have turned their back on everything they claim to have once stood for, all because of their hatred of Obama.

    Therefore, it is inaccurate to say that ALL birthers are Republicans.

    I think it would be more correct and accurate to posit that ALL birthers are really driven by being “anti-Obama” and that any of their protestations otherwise (such as claiming that they really are focusing on this issue because they “care about The Constitution”) are just a false cover for their irrational fears and hate.

  218. Scientist says:

    My challenege remains-is there a single birther who agrees with Obama on most of the issues? Let’s assume they succeeded in removing him (no chance, but we’re pretending here) and Biden followed the same policies. Can anyone show me a birther who would support Biden in those circumstances? I’m not holding my breath as I find oxygen quite important to my quality of life.

  219. milspec says:

    How about “all bithers are Nutbugers”

  220. Enjoy your pompous site. You seem to be having a great deal of fun. What if you are wrong,what is your problem with getting to the truth one way or the other? You laugh “birthers” I laugh at you. You have absolutely no proof to suggest that he is a NBC. On May 14th another suit will be heard against Columbia University. Investigators allege that they have interviewed professors still in the poly-sci department when Obama was allegedly there, none remember him, no students have come forward and said he was there or I was his friend or roommate, to transcripts available, allegedly sealed, no year book pictures. So if this case isn’t heard, then you have one hell of a lot more to be concerned about than if Obama is or isn’t a NBC. I’m Jim, Very interesting site

  221. Scientist says:

    James A Campbell: Very interesting site

    James A Campbell: Enjoy your pompous site.

    I’d call that quite an accomplishment, Dr C.

  222. Saint James says:

    Hey Jim, when did you come out of your birther echo chamber to venture into websites that don’t block birthers?

    Your kind must have been looking in the wrong direction. There are so many testimonies attesting to Obama’s attendance at Columbia University. Anyway, I yet have to find a law requiring the president to disclose what schools he attended.

    “You have absolutely no proof to suggest that he is a NBC”?…I dare you prove your allegation!

    “Enjoy your pompous site. You seem to be having a great deal of fun”?

    Jim, your are most welcome to join in our fun!

    “You laugh “birthers” I laugh at you.”?

    Well, there must be a reason why you’re laughing at us. How is it that we are laughable? If you can’t quantify your laughter…THEN I GUESS, IT’S TIME TO UP YOUR PSYCHIATRIC MEDICATIONS.

    By the way, what court of law will try Columbia University? Oh no! Don’t tell me that it’s the FAKE AMERICAN GRAND JURY? Or is it that SATANIC PASTOR MANNING?

  223. misha says:

    @James A Campbell:

    I agree!! I found a Kenya (Obama’s?) birth certificate that’s right here!

    Good point!

  224. James A Campbell: What if you are wrong,what is your problem with getting to the truth one way or the other?

    It seems to me that there is reasonable doubt, and there is unreasonable doubt. The “birthers” seem to have two classes of unreasonable doubts. There the unreasonable doubts that come from outright lies such as the travel ban to Pakistan, Hawaii admitting that the COLB was a forgery/amended, etc. and nobody remembers Obama from Columbia University. Then there are unreasonable doubts stemming from demands to see some document or another which is either superfluous or redundant.

    Essentially the Obama denialists have a never-ending and insatiable demand for proof. As soon as one proof is provided, like the hydra, two more demands spring up to take its place.

  225. G says:

    To James A Campbell:

    Congrats on finding this site, although obviously, you are a “birther” and part of those silly “Fantasy Grand Jury” folks, that have no actual legal basis behind them.

    Obviously, you are all upset, because you want to believe in your own little personal fiction of hate, and the truth here hurts you and makes you angry. We’re not here to make you angry, but we’re not going to apologize for investigating and dispelling birther myths, misstatements and misunderstanding of law.

    Since you have spent time to come here, I suggest you read the following thread, which just days ago completely DEBUNKED your whole silly Columbia University claims in a matter of hours, proving many links to not only testimony from classmates and professors of Obama during that time, but also photos and even an archived school newspaper article written by “Barack Obama” while he was there:

    I thought I’d save you the trouble of your silly May 14th mission of failure in advance.

  226. aarrgghh says:

    doc, patiently:

    “Essentially the Obama denialists have a never-ending and insatiable demand for proof. As soon as one proof is provided, like the hydra, two more demands spring up to take its place.”

    yes, and that is because a “demand for proof” from a birfer is not actually a demand for proof as exercised in law or logic; it is merely an excuse to cling to their delusions; it is a security blanket against the cruel world of facts; it is an escape hatch from admitting their wrongs.

  227. SFJeff says:

    “What if you are wrong”

    What if we are? Really- in the last year President Obama hasn’t sold Alaska to Kenya, hasn’t sent troops to confiscate every handgun in America, hasn’t declared Islam to be the new state religion of America.

    You and I may disagree with President Obama’s policies, but to me its clear that all of the policies are done with the best intentions for the United States. He may be wrong, but his intentions are right.

    If we are wrong nothing will be different tomorrow than it is today. The voters will have a chance to decide on President Obama in a few years and that will be that

  228. SvenMagnussen says:

    Joint Status Report Allen v. DHS, DoS

    Defendants anticipate searches for records for Lolo Soetoro and Ann Dunham will be completed June 30, 2010.

  229. The Sheriff's A Ni- says:

    Our newest adventure: Barry and the Ghouls

  230. G says:


    Did you even bother to read the Status Report Sven?

    The whole thing clearly states that any FOIA passport requests against Pres Obama himself were dismissed.

    All there is here is that they are looking into processing any FOIA info they can release on Obama’s mom & her former husband Lolo.

    *yawn* Much ado about nothing.

  231. Thanks, Sven. That’s very helpful.

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