Obama treason trial – mark your calendar

Pastor James Manning of the Atlah Worldwide Ministries and Long-Legged Mack Daddy Obama Hating Society in Harlem, New York, has, in a new video, announced the Columbia Obama Treason Trial for 14 – 19 May, 2010.

In the video Manning presents the transcript of the trial. (This is possible because it is a “show trial” and not a real trial with cross-examined witnesses and a defense.) The transcript discloses the shocking news that President Obama, rather than attending Columbia College, was actually busy carrying out missions for the CIA. Obama is supposedly fluent in Farsi and attended university in Pakistan and the Soviet Union. [I really didn’t make this up.]

Obama funneled CIA arms to the Taliban

Manning says the CIA had Obama in charge of funneling arms to the Taliban to fight the Soviets, but of course the Taliban was only founded in 1996. I guess he means the Mujaheddin.

I keep being burned by Manning posting and then pulling his videos off YouTube, but I’ll try this once more.


I find it funny that the government silences everyone on Obama conspiracy issues except all the people out there hawking the theories. 🙄

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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151 Responses to Obama treason trial – mark your calendar

  1. Scientist says:

    Does this guy write for Jon Stewart?

    The CIA has this incredibly valuable 21-year old wunderkind, practically the key to the entire Afghan war (all because he speaks Indonesian and spent a couple of weeks in Pakistan once). But, just as things are really heating up in Afghanistan, they don’t assign him full-time to Af/Pak, nor do they give him a high-level job at Langley running the operation. Nope, they send him to the South Side of Chicago to help single moms find housing.

    Then, somehow, this same Austin Powers type guy (I keep imagining Obama driving along the Cote d’Azur in an MG with a beautiful babe beside him) who can’t talk his way into any ordinary job, gets himself into Harvard Law.

    Anyway, I fail to see how working for the CIA would disqualify one for the Presidency. Seems to me that at least one former President, Bush I, was not only at the CIA, but ran the whole show.

    Finally, the attempt to make contact with the Afghan mujaheddin in the 1980s into something sinister is transparently silly. They, including bin Laden himself, were our allies in the 1980s against the Soviets. This was official US policy, supported by Reagan and Congress (check out the movie “Charlie Wilson’s War). Oh, and so was Saddam, whom we supported in his war with Iran.

  2. SFJeff says:

    Yeah- I find this whole theory most entertaining- Let me get this straight- the President should be tried for treason for working for the CIA, supporting U.S. policy, fighting the same evil empire that Ronald Reagan fought, and supporting our covert allies.

    Oh and wouldn’t speaking farsi, and having extensive experience undercover in Afghanistan and Pakistan be sort of- you know- useful?

  3. G says:

    Sometimes there is a fine line between sheer hate-driven stupidity and insanity. Sounds like Manning has crossed beyond that line to the point of no return.

  4. Saint James says:

    Manning,(I’m so sorry,the titles Reverend or Pastor don’t befit a liar like you.)

    You might as well edit your transcript!
    How in the world will President Obama learn to speak Farsi(Parsi) while he was in Indonesia?

    While Indonesia has the world’s largest population of Muslims, they speak BAHASA INDONESIA. While Indonesia has 300 other dialects, Farsi is not one of them.

    “The Indonesian language is part of the Western Malayo-Polynesian subgroup of the Malayo-Polynesian branch of the Austronesian languages. According to the Ethnologue, Indonesian is modelled after Riau Malay, a form of Old Malay originally spoken in Northeast Sumatra.”


    If you claim that Mr. Obama must have learned Farsi when he went to Pakistan?

    Hmm! Let’s explore that…

    “Pakistan is a multilingual country with more than sixty languages being spoken. English is the official language of Pakistan and used in official business, government, and legal contracts, while Urdu is the national language.
    Major Ethnic Groups in Pakistan
    Punjabi is the provincial language of Punjab. Pashto is the provincial language of North-West Frontier Province. Sindhi is the provincial language of Sindh and Balochi is the provincial language of Balochistan.[65]
    Other languages include Aer, Badeshi, Bagri, Balti, Bateri, Bhaya, Brahui, Burushaski, Chilisso, Dameli, Dehwari, Dhatki, Domaaki, Farsi (Dari), Gawar-Bati, Ghera, Goaria, Gowro, Gujarati, Gujari, Gurgula, Hazaragi, Hindko (two varieties), Jadgali, Jandavra, Kabutra, Kachchi (Kutchi), Kalami, Kalasha, Kalkoti, Kamviri, Kashmiri, Kati, Khetrani, Khowar, Indus Kohistani, Koli (three varieties), Lasi, Loarki, Marwari, Memoni, Od, Ormuri, Pahari-Potwari, Pakistan Sign Language, Palula (Phalura), Sansi, Savi, Shina (two varieties), Torwali, Ushojo, Vaghri, Wakhi, Waneci, and Yidgha.[66] Some of these are endangered languages with a relatively small number of speakers and others have hundreds of thousands of speakers. Most of the languages belong to the Indo-Iranian branch of the Indo-European family. The exceptions are Burushaski, which is a language isolate; Balti, which is Sino-TIbetan; and Brahui, which is Dravidian.”


    So, while Pakistan has 64 other dialects, Farsi is not one of them.

    Now Manning, you see that neither Indonesia nor Pakistan speak Farsi. Indonesia speaks Bahasa Indonesia and Pakistan speaks Urdu.

    Now you must have thought that all Muslims speak Farsi? Then you are WRONG!

    Farsi is the indigenous name for the Persian language!

    “Persian (local names: ف§رسی, Farsi IPA: [f’ːɾˈsi]; or پ§رسی, Parsi IPA: [p’ːɾˈsi], see Nomenclature) is an Iranian language within the Indo-Iranian branch of the Indo-European languages. It is widely spoken in Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and to some extent in Iraq, Bahrain, and Oman.”


    While Farsi exerted a strong influence on South Asian languages, especially Urdu, as well as Hindi, Punjabi, Sindhi, and Saraiki, it is never spoken as a language where it exerted influence. For example, a malayo polynesian word “KENTOT” or “KANTOT” will mean flatulence in Malaysia but will mean sexual intercourse in the Philippines! (funny but true).

    Now Manning, Farsi is not even closely related to the Arabic language. Believe it or not, Arabic belongs to the same linguistic family with Hebrew and Aramaic languages.

    Therefore, the CIA should have sent President Obama to Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Iraq, Bahrain, and Oman to learn FARSI!



  5. G says:

    Excellent post, Saint James!

    Great breakdown of the languages of the region!

    Yeah, the whole Farsi thing… I didn’t get where Manning came up with that either. I wonder if these idiots are spending too much time watching Glen Beck rant on TV against Iran and that is where they came up with Farsi. It is obvious these hateful tools have little to no understanding of the world beyond their shores and just regurgitate whatever “foreign” sounding word they hear with no idea what they are talking about.

    I too intentionally just refer to this jerk as only Manning for the same reasons – by his words and his actions, he is unworthy of the title of Reverend or Pastor.

  6. Saint James says:

    G, this Manning must also have picked Farsi, because of the conflict in Afghanistan which speaks Farsi and Fashton.

    I’m also sure that his reason for President Obama to have studied Farsi in Indonesia is for the CIA to make this mission as discreet as possible. LOL!

    But let’s explore this! What is the likelihood that there is one unique school to study Farsi in Indonesia? The probability is zero. To build a Farsi school in Indonesia has zero profitability. Indonesian Muslims comprise 86% of the whole population (200 million). Indonesians will learn Arabic first before Farsi because it’s customary for Muslims to at least once in their lives visit their holy land which is Mecca in Saudi Arabia which has Arabic as its predominant language.

    But wait, wasn’t President Obama in Indonesia to study Farsi when he was five (5) to 10 or 11 years old? President Obama must be the real Manchurian candidate then.HA HA HA HA HA

    How I’d wish to be a fly on the wall when this mock trial begins. I’m sure that they will video tape their stupidity! LOL!

  7. Lupin says:

    Personally I wish *that* Obama was your president today.

  8. I just wonder if they have writers that sit around coming up with these gags, like they did on the old Dick Vandyke show.

  9. Scientist says:

    The great irony is that if Manning is correct, Obama, whom his enemies accuse of being a Marxist, socialist, communist was instrumental in bringing down the Soviet Union. McCain is believed to be a war hero, yet what did he do? He flew a few unsuccessful missions before managing to get shot down and his very expensive airplane destroyed at great cost to the taxpayers. Meanwhile, Obama won the Cold War. Yet, in addition to his other admirable qualities, he is much too modest to even mention his pivotal role in history.

  10. ballantine says:

    Scientist: Meanwhile, Obama won the Cold War. Yet, in addition to his other admirable qualities, he is much too modest to even mention his pivotal role in history.

    Great line. If Soros or someone was paying us to make birthers look stupid, we couldn’t top this stuff.

  11. Arliss says:

    Yeah, it was that Republican Charley Wilson who got arms to the Taliban.
    They made a movie about it and glorified it.
    Never once did they mention he was responsible for Bin Laden.

  12. Jules says:

    Wow. The critics of Obama made a legitimate point when they argued that Obama had less relevant experience than McCain did (not that this was sufficient to deter me from voting for Obama). Now they’re saying that Obama has decades of experience in national security and foreign policy?

  13. DCH says:

    The late Charlie Wilson was a Democratic congressman last time I looked.

  14. Black Lion says:

    To me it seems like the Post and Fail is the site that has surpassed WND as the most ridiculous in perpetuating the most ridiculous Obama stories…

    For instance…


    “In an unsigned AP report entitled “Harvard Student Tackles Racism at its Core,” which appeared on page 2, section 3, of the Chicago Herald, May 3, 1990 edition, we learn that Obama moved to Indonesia when he was two years old, contrary to the established facts that he did so in 1965, after his alleged mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, married Lolo Soetoro, an Indonesian national, who had been a student at the University of Hawaii.”

    In another unsigned AP report entitled “A Major Chance to Star,” which appeared on p. A-6 of the July 15, 2004 edition of Syracuse’s The Post-Standard, we learn that Obama was raised “mostly” in Kansas after returning from Indonesia:

    Perhaps the reason why these journalistic inconsistencies were hidden from the public was to prevent exposure of Obama as an inveterate liar during the 2008 campaign.”

    It seems like some unsourced article from 1990 is Charlton’s new “smoking gun”…

  15. Saint James says:

    I checked manning’s youtube video. He does not allow video comments LOL. I could have helped him rewrite his script.

    “Obama learned his Islamic language skill when he went to Indonsia”…ha ha ha ha ha

  16. Black Lion says:

    Unintentional humor from our birther friends over at Citizen Wells…The same loony tunes with ridiculous theories and rabid support for legal ligthweights like Mario, Berg, and Leo….And for some reason support for that idiotic convicted felon Manning…You can’t make this stuff up…


    riggler // February 18, 2010 at 10:40 am

    Back to the eligibility issue…

    After following all of this for some time, and after just finishing reading Mario Apuzzo’s briefs, I feel he has the strongest case. In fact, where I have felt that Taitz and Berg were lacking in their approaches and had some weak arguments, Apuzzo seems to me to have achieved checkmate.

    His documentation is well-written, citing solid case law and stays to the point.

    Anyone else agree?
    Jacqlyn Smith // February 18, 2010 at 10:44 am


    riggler // February 18, 2010 at 10:40 am

    Back to the eligibility issue…

    After following all of this for some time, and after just finishing reading Mario Apuzzo’s briefs, I feel he has the strongest case. In fact, where I have felt that Taitz and Berg were lacking in their approaches and had some weak arguments, Apuzzo seems to me to have achieved checkmate.

    His documentation is well-written, citing solid case law and stays to the point.

    Anyone else agree?

    riggler……I think Mario and Charles are our last best hope in the court of law…..both are so level headed and Mario is an amazing Constitutional attorney!!

    Richard // February 18, 2010 at 11:03 am


    What happened to Leo D. with regard to filing some sort of FOI request, and also i thought he said he would be initiating a law suit ?

    I guess he got preoccupied with the Chrysler issues ??

    Jacqlyn Smith // February 18, 2010 at 11:09 am


    Richard // February 18, 2010 at 11:03 am


    What happened to Leo D. with regard to filing some sort of FOI request, and also i thought he said he would be initiating a law suit ?

    I guess he got preoccupied with the Chrysler issues ??

    Sorry Richard can’t help with that….I only know about his work on the Chrysler thing now…..did you listen to the Manning Report I posted…..this is big….it must go viral!

    Jacqlyn Smith // February 18, 2010 at 11:21 am



    Peter…..I posted that too….did you watch it…..Manning had to go public now because of threats!!!

    oldsalt78 // February 18, 2010 at 11:26 am

    Why do you think that Soetoro wants to turn everything West of the Mississippi into a wasteland? I have a theory about it all. It goes back to when MMMSSS. IMPORTANT visited China. I believe that she was the person who cut the deal for the monstrous loan from China. Guess what she used for collateral. The Western portion of the US, with rights of “emminent domain” from the Mississippi to the California Coast.
    After WW2 Germany had NOTHING to use for collateral for loans from the Allies. So they used the one thing that they had….LAND as collateral. I believe that the same sort of deal was cut by MMMSSS. IMPORTANT with China, except she sweetened the cake a little by adding emminent domainn to the recipe. I look upon her as a sneak who would sell out her own flesh and blood if the price was right. Her and her husband have done more damage to this country than all past Presidents together. They have shown utter contempt for the dignity of the Whitehouse, and a general cowardice that is not becoming to any President. In short they turned the Presidency into a PIMP,and whore sort of thing. Given their background in the Whitewater venture, most people should have realised that Bill Clinton would make a PI$$ poor President,which is exactly what it turned out to be.

    Jacqlyn Smith // February 18, 2010 at 11:28 am

    Pray for Dr. Manning’s safety everyone….he is holding some critical documents!

  17. Black Lion says:

    CJ // February 18, 2010 at 11:30 am

    JS: If Manning is lucky enough to get to May 14 with this information, then our prayers of protection will have been answered. I sure hope he has irrefutable evidence because everyone on the Obots side will be screaming to discredit him, calling it fake, fraud, racist(I know Manning is black, but they will), whatever they can to make this out to be another wild rightwing bunch of cr**. I truly fear for him being so open that he has proof so long before the event is to take place. Well, maybe hide in plain sight is the best protection. This could be either really, really good for us in proving the Obama fraud or really bad if the Obama gang does it’s worst. Godspeed to Rev. Manning.
    SueK // February 18, 2010 at 11:30 am

    Jacqlyn Smith // February 18, 2010 at 10:48 am

    Morning, Jackie,

    This should probably be posted on the regular eligibility thread, but I just watched Rev. Manning’s video.


    I pray for his safety. This is bigger than big!


    Yes Sue…..I hope he has great body guards…..I know the Lord will be with him as he is a God fearing man!!!

    Richard // February 18, 2010 at 11:37 am

    JS @ 11:09,

    Regarding Mr. Manning, i wonder where he got his investigative information about Zero’s C.I.A. involvement ?

    Sounds interesting. I believe that Zero is going to get snagged on something soon. I can feel it.

    Were challenged indeed, but this Nation will prevail.

    Looking at the grand scheme of things, i do wonder who Zero is in collusion with ? Russians ? Saudis ?

    Why would someone commit such massive perjury, forgery, wire fraud, falsification of I.D. documents, high crimes and misdemeanors, for just an individual agenda ??

    He wouldn’t. Just my opinion. It will be interesting indeed to see how this whole thing plays out.

    I do not accept for one minute the theory that our Military will stand for watching an ABOMINATION destroy us, and do nothing for us.

    Zero gets nailed in the Judiciary, or he gets nailed by the hit squad. (Govt. squad)

    Jacqlyn Smith // February 18, 2010 at 11:50 am

    Richard // February 18, 2010 at 11:37 am

    JS @ 11:09,

    Regarding Mr. Manning, i wonder where he got his investigative information about Zero’s C.I.A. involvement ?


    Richard…..I’m with you…..know way one individual could have gotten away with this….it is a massive cover-up and the media is complicit in it all……I think other nations are involved as well…..I believe Manning is in grave danger…..I just sent this information out to everyone in my address book…..the more that know the better because if something happens to Manning…..well you know!

    Portuguese Revolutionary War Hero – Peter Francisco // February 18, 2010 at 12:14 pm

    Spring is about to be in the air and somethign Will SPRING UP, I can feel it ….

    I have said that Obama’s INSANTASY will not Celebrate Two 4th of July’s as Imposter President. Reminds me of Branch Davidian Stand-off this stand-off is getting close to having a collapse, the neo-commies are being attacked from all sides that they can’t deflect any longer.

    Obama’s INSANTASY is Too Toxic and the Puppet Master are at a crossroads… We are living History and are about to witness HUGE HISTORY. The End of an HORROR is Near.

    Keep pushing on Constitution Warriors….The FRAUD is BROAD but will be EXPOSED.

  18. ballantine says:

    I was actually thinking no one would be stupid enough to take Manning seriously. However, I forgot about citizen wells’ site. The level of discourse there is truly frightening.

  19. aarrgghh says:

    doc, twice shy:

    “I keep being burned by Manning posting and then pulling his videos off YouTube, but I’ll try this once more.”

    if you’re willing to put in the extra effort, you can download youtube videos to your hard drive. you can then upload them to any server you have access to or even back to youtube under your own account.

    i use video downloadhelper. it is a free firefox extension.

  20. G says:

    Charlie Wilson was a Democrat. He also just passed away last week.

  21. G says:


    These pathetic fools are beyond delusional.

    I really don’t understand how anyone can function that far removed from reality.

  22. Bovril says:

    Courtesy of OhForGoodnessSake


    From Mad Ole Orlys’ newest sidekick,this gem, apparently we will shortly see UN troops guarding She Who Must Not Be Ignored

    Today the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights has confirmed that American attorney Dr. Orly Taitz has applied for urgent action under the mandate for human rights defenders.

    Dr. Taitz, a well known Constitutional attorney, has been under increasing attack in the United States from groups and individuals opposed to her legal actions challenging the Constitutional qualifications of Barrack Hussein Obama to hold the office of President of the United States.

    The California attorney has been the victim of death threats, vandalism, false complaints, and a suspected assassination attempt. Her reports to law enforcement and the judiciary have been ignored.

    This office has been retained by Dr. Taitz to support her efforts for a UN investigation of her claims.

    For more information contact:
    Dr. Jonathan Levy Attorney
    1629 K Street NW Suite 300

  23. ballantine says:

    That has to be a joke.

  24. Black Lion says:

    ballantine, I was thinking the same thing…I is unbelievable how the hatred on that site makes them believe anything…But Jacklyn Smith is the worst…I remember debating her over at tROSL…She is a delusional birther…

  25. Black Lion says:

    She is delusional….

  26. Saint James says:

    he he he he he…Orly is trying her best to intimidate the California State Bar to go easy on her. he he he he he

    Check out the UN logo on that letter. Jonathan Levy wants the letter to appear like its written on an official UN letter head. he he he he he he


    Orly as an attorney has a ZERO batting average!

    It’s time to adjust her psychiatric medications! he he he he he he

  27. Saint James says:

    “I really don’t understand how anyone can function that far removed from reality.”

    LOL…It’s easy, they just regulate their psychiatric medications then presto! They become functional loonies! ha ha ha ha ha

  28. sponson says:

    The U.S. Senate GOP candidate and “presumptive GOP nominee” in the state of Maryland, whose name is Wargotz, says on-camera that President Obama was not born in the United States: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jz8wn8_8-w

  29. SFJeff says:

    Let me get this straight- the huge defender of the U.S. Constitution- the one who worries that the President is selling U.S. Sovereignty- has gone to the United Nations asking for protection in the United States from the United States government?

    Weren’t all these people telling us that Obama was going to bring in UN troops to put Teaparty folks in concentration camps?

  30. Ragout says:

    Nice attempt to muddy the waters.

    Actually, Farsi is very similar to Dari, one of the two main languages in Afghanistan. It’s also similar to Tajiki, the language spoken in the former Soviet republic of Tajikistan, on the Afghani border. Now that Rev. Manning has revealed that Obama is fluent in Farsi and attended college in the USSR, Obama’s value to the CIA is obvious.

    Obama is a Muslim who speaks the language of Afghanistan as well as the Soviet republic most closely connected to Afghanistan. Is it any wonder the CIA wanted to recruit him?

  31. Saint James says:




    It’s not because DARI is a Persian language that it’s the same as FARSI! I-D-I-O-T!!!

    The CIA should have sent (AT FIVE YEARS OLD)Obama to Afghanistan, Tajikistan,Uzbekistan, Iraq, Bahrain, and Oman to learn FARSI….NOT DARI!!!

    Now Ragout, don’t come in here and try to contest knowledgeable commentators! You will end up with your face slammed on the floor like a hamburger on a grill! Y-O-U—A-R-E—A-N—I-D-I-O-T!!!

    Is this how much education MANNING has with a PH.D from Harlem?




  32. Lupin says:

    Maybe she’s trying to sell her “life story” to Hollywood?

    “First they came for the Deranged…

    “Courtney Love is Orly Taitz in… THE HUNTED!”

    Coming soon to a theater near you.

  33. Lupin says:

    “Brimstone & Co.”


    Was Sulphur esq. not available?

    (You can’t make up sh*t like that.)

  34. Ragout says:

    It’s always amusing to be called an idiot by someone who can’t write a coherent paragraph. It’s hard to puzzle out what you’re trying to say, but I’ll see what I can do.

    No one claims that the CIA sent Obama to Indonesia. That’s just your invention.

    A Farsi speaker can get along perfectly well in the Dari-speaking parts of Afghanistan. See, for example Rory Stewart’s book about his experiences in Afghanistan, “The Places in Between.”

    And no one claims that Rev. Manning’s PhD is from Harlem, since Harlem is a neighborhood, not a university. Or maybe you’re making the racist assumption that there can’t be any good universities in Harlem because it’s a largely non-white community? I assure you, you’re wrong.

  35. Greg says:

    1. How did Obama learn Farsi? Why is Manning the only person in the world to know that Obama knows Farsi?

    Manning basically asserts it without any proof.

    2. “Dr.” Manning got his Doctor of Philosophy from his own ATLAH Theological Seminary. Can I create my own university and award myself a doctorate? And, since I already have a Juris Doctorate, can I then be referred to as Doctor Doctor?

    3. Has “Dr.” Manning spoken personally to all 20,000 undergraduates and graduates who were attending Columbia University during the 2 years that Obama was there, or did his investigative team speak with them all? How many investigators does it take to do a quality interview of 20,000 people?

    4. If the CIA recruited Obama to be an agent, and he participated in our nation’s arming of the Mujahadeen, how does that impact his eligibility?

    5. Is Dr. Manning a paranoid schizophrenic, or is it some other disorder?

    6. Has it been Obama’s close ties to Afghanistan/Pakistan that have allowed him to step up the drone bombings and to capture, alive, the number 2 man in the Taliban?

  36. Scientist says:

    Ragout-What is your point? Yes, Dari, a major language of Afghanistan is related to Farsi. But Obama lived in Indonesia and learned Indonesian, which is of the Malay family and completely unrelated to Farsi. In fact English is closer to Farsi than Indonesian is, since both are Indo-European languages. Nor would Farsi be taught in primary schools in Indonesia. So Obama doesn’t speak Farsi any more than Sarah Palin does.

    Was Obama recruited by the CIA? If I told you, I’d have to kill you. But, since George HW Bush was Director of the CIA, how would that stop one from being President?

  37. Greg says:

    No one claims that the CIA sent Obama to Indonesia.

    But, Manning is claiming that Obama learned Farsi when he was living in Indonesia.

    The question is, why would a school in a nation that doesn’t speak Farsi, where the Islamic language classes would probably have been Arabic, would he have learned Farsi?

  38. Greg says:

    I love how these conspiracies require that the CIA be brilliant and incompetent at the same time.

    They successfully convinced the Taliban that Obama had a degree from Columbia, but their cover wouldn’t stand up to the scrutiny of an HR department lackey?

    They kept their guy’s involvement with the Agency a secret for decades, but forgot to clean up the passport records at State.

    Obama can get hired to a plum summer clerkship at a Chicago law firm, but if that law firm were to make him an offer of permanent employment, they would discover he wasn’t a citizen.

    By the way, he’s completely off the tracks when he talks about Obama’s legal career. In reality, Obama was hired to the summer program where Michelle was a mentor. She did not have control over his hiring or his personnel file. This was a LARGE law firm that was not involved with Rezko.

    Oh, and you can register to defend Obama:

    If you are an attorney, would you like to serve in defense of Columbia University or Barack Hussein Long Legged Mack Daddy Obama?

  39. Black Lion says:

    These fringe candidates are pushing the birther agenda….I hope they continue to run…What will happen is that they will cause the GOP to lose votes because the loons will vote for other loons and hopefully that will allow the Dem candidate to win…This is what Coulter, O’Reilly, and the other sane GOP members were warning people about…

  40. Ragout says:

    Manning is claiming that Obama learned Farsi when he was living in Indonesia.

    No he isn’t. Manning says (at about 3:05) that Obama learned “his Islamic language skills” in Indonesia. It’s true that elsewhere in the video he reveals that Obama is fluent in Farsi, but he draws no explicit connection to Indonesia.

    I guess we’ll have to wait until May for the Reverend to offer full documentation of his statements. In the meantime, here’s a video of Obama wishing a happy new year to Iran (in Farsi). He sure has an excellent accent….

  41. Scientist says:

    Ragout: Obama learned “his Islamic language skills” in Indonesia

    I couldn’t find Islamic on the list of world languages. Nor Christian either. The fact is that Farsi and Indonesian are as distant as Spanish and Chinese.

    Ragout: here’s a video of Obama wishing a happy new year to Iran (in Farsi). He sure has an excellent accent….

    How do you know?

  42. Ragout says:

    I couldn’t find Islamic on the list of world languages

    Why, then, would you assume that “Islamic language skills” refers to Farsi? It’s most likely a reference to Arabic.

    It’s worth noting that an Indonesian identity is an excellent cover for an American-affiliated spy in Afghanistan. Indonesia is a large Muslim country that few in Afghanistan are familiar with. That’s why Rory Stewart, a Brit, claimed to be Indonesian during his time in Afghanistan.

  43. Scientist says:

    Ragout: Why, then, would you assume that “Islamic language skills” refers to Farsi? It’s most likely a reference to Arabic.

    They don’t speak Arabic in either Afghanistan or Indonesia, nor is there the slightest evidence that Obama speaks Arabic. Indonesia doesn’t even use Arabic script (they write in Latin script).

    I still don’t see how being in the CIA disqualifies one from the Presidency. Bush I was Director of the CIA.

  44. Lupin says:

    And then there is Obama’s mysterious trip to the South of France.

    I bet he’s the mastermind behind the Great Pinot Swindle.


  45. BatGuano says:

    LupinCourtney Love is Orly Taitz in…

    oof. talk about blurring the lines of reality.

  46. BatGuano says:

    Lupin: And then there is Obama’s mysterious trip to the South of France.

    that’s where he learned to speak mandarin.

  47. Saint James says:


    “It’s hard to puzzle out what you’re trying to say, but I’ll see what I can do.”

    What don’t you understand with… Y-O-U—–A-R-E—–A-N—–I-D-I-O-T?

    Yes a Farsi speaker can GET ALONG perfectly well in a Dari speaking part of Afghanistan but that doesn’t mean that they can undestand each other!

    Here is what’s factual
    1. President Obama went to Indonesia when he was 5 years old.
    2. He attended Saint Francis of Assisi Catholic School in Indonesia.
    3. The medium of instructions in ALL Indonesian schools is BAHASA INDONESIA
    4. Indonesians also learn how to speak English, Arabic and their local dialect.
    5. Farsi is not one of those 300 dialects.

    If President Obama learned how to speak Bahasa Indonesia, he would have addressed you like this…

    “Anda adalah informasi mis bodoh. Anda tarik terletak keluar dari bokongmu.”


  48. Black Lion says:

    Interesting article…

    “Now Pray is both a Birther and a Truther. He believes he is following an illegitimate, foreign-born president in a war on terror launched by a government plot—9/11. He admires soldiers like Army reservist Major Stefan Frederick Cook, who volunteered for a deployment last May and then sued to avoid it—claiming that Obama is not a natural-born citizen and is thus unfit for command. Pray himself had been eager to go to Iraq when his own unit deployed last June, but he smashed both knees falling from a crane rig and the injuries kept him stateside. In September, he was demoted from specialist to private first class—he’d been written up for bullshit infractions, he claims, after seeking help for a drinking problem. His job on base involves operating and maintaining heavy machinery; the day before we met, he and his fellow “undeployables” had attached a snowplow to a Humvee, their biggest assignment in a while. He spends idle hours at the now-quiet base researching the New World Order and conspiracies about swine flu quarantine camps—and doing his best to “wake up” other soldiers.

    Pray isn’t sure how to do this and still cover his ass. He talks to me on the record and agrees to be photographed, even as he hints that the CIA may be listening in on his phone. Although I met him through contacts from the group’s Facebook page, Pray, fearing retribution, keeps his Oath Keepers ties unofficial. (Rhodes encourages active-duty soldiers to remain anonymous, noting that a group with large numbers of anonymous members can instill in its adversaries the fear of the unknown—a “great force multiplier.”) For a time, Pray insisted we communicate via Facebook (safer than regular email, he claims). Driving me from the mall back to my motel, he takes a new route. He says unmarked black cars sometimes trail him. It sounds paranoid. Then again, when you’re an active-duty soldier contemplating treason, some level of paranoia is probably sensible. …


  49. Greg says:

    Manning says (at about 3:05) that Obama learned “his Islamic language skills” in Indonesia.

    It is these “Islamic language skills” that made him valuable to the CIA, says Manning (0:55).

    I do look forward to the “trial,” since it will be an utter farce.

    Why, then, would you assume that “Islamic language skills” refers to Farsi

    Why, on earth would anyone consider Dr. Manning to be speaking about Farsi? This video, entitled, “Obama speaks fluent Farsi,” isn’t exactly a clue, now is it?

  50. SFJeff says:

    Let us just assume for a moment that Barrack Obama really was an undercover CIA spy.

    a) Would this in anyway disqualify him from the Presidency? No
    b) Would this mean that President Obama is a liar for not telling about this? No, it would mean that he maintained the cover that he had while working for the U.S. Government. Apparently President Obama understands that you don’t ‘out’ CIA agents, even yourself.
    c) Would this mean he is the most qualified President ever to deal with the Middle East, Afghanistan and Pakistan? Most certainly yes.

    So Ragout- I assume you are a enthusiastic supporter of President Obama, considering his incredible qualifications for dealing with the most important international crisis’ facing the U.S..

  51. ballantine says:

    This Manning idiot, as well as the super-duper, pretend grand jury idiots, obviously have never looked up the definition of treason. Even if all the facts they allege are true, he would not be guilty of treason. Duh. I guess the pretend Columbia trail won’t have an actual lawyer playing the pretend judge that will pull out a law dictionary and explain to these demented idiots what treason is.

  52. Ima Obot says:

    Black Lion: To me it seems like the Post and Fail is the site that has surpassed WND as the most ridiculous in perpetuating the most ridiculous Obama stories…For instance…http://www.thepostemail.com/2010/02/19/obama-has-lied-to-the-press-for-3-decades/“In an unsigned AP report entitled “Harvard Student Tackles Racism at its Core,” which appeared on page 2, section 3, of the Chicago Herald, May 3, 1990 edition, we learn that Obama moved to Indonesia when he was two years old, contrary to the established facts that he did so in 1965, after his alleged mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, married Lolo Soetoro, an Indonesian national, who had been a student at the University of Hawaii.”In another unsigned AP report entitled “A Major Chance to Star,” which appeared on p. A-6 of the July 15, 2004 edition of Syracuse’s The Post-Standard, we learn that Obama was raised “mostly” in Kansas after returning from Indonesia:Perhaps the reason why these journalistic inconsistencies were hidden from the public was to prevent exposure of Obama as an inveterate liar during the 2008 campaign.”It seems like some unsourced article from 1990 is Charlton’s new “smoking gun”…

    Who’s going to believe a 20-year-old newspaper article quoting Obama when we can refer to Obama’s autobiography for any information he wants us to believe?

  53. Black Lion says:

    Sven, you are right. Lets us believe everything in the article. Especially where it says that Obama was born in Hawaii. Do you notice how Charlton leaves that important piece of information out? So if we are to take everything that was written as the gospel as Charlton alludes to, then we need to accept the fact he was born in HI also.

    But of course not. The article is unsigned. Which means that it might have been a compilation of articles. Where it says that he attended school in Indoesian until 11th grade we know that is not correct. There have been many articles written by newspapers where the information was not correct. The issue is that Charlton takes the information and would prefer to smear the President by alluding to ridiculous conspiracy theories.

    So I would find it difficult to believe a 20 year old unsourced document over an autobiography. But if you want to believe it, then you are forced to accept the fact that he was BORN in HI also. So which one is it?

  54. Ima Obot says:

    Black Lion: Sven, you are right. Lets us believe everything in the article.Especially where it says that Obama was born in Hawaii.Do you notice how Charlton leaves that important piece of information out?So if we are to take everything that was written as the gospel as Charlton alludes to, then we need to accept the fact he was born in HI also.But of course not.The article is unsigned.Which means that it might have been a compilation of articles.Where it says that he attended school in Indoesian until 11th grade we know that is not correct.There have been many articles written by newspapers where the information was not correct.The issue is that Charlton takes the information and would prefer to smear the President by alluding to ridiculous conspiracy theories.So I would find it difficult to believe a 20 year old unsourced document over an autobiography.But if you want to believe it, then you are forced to accept the fact that he was BORN in HI also.So which one is it?

    Let’s see his SS-5 from 1975-76 and his SS-5 from 2007-08. Those documents will clearly indicate a consistent Nationality or be contradictory.

  55. TRUTH says:


    Financially supporting Brazil on offshore drilling, but not the USA. GOBAMA Giving away your money to foreigners. There are to many things wrong with that to list. But I’m sure you lefties have an excuse for it, oh wait..its Bushes fault, I forgot.

  56. Saint James says:

    TRUTH, your news is as old as a rotting fish. It was NEWS in August, 2009.

  57. Lupin says:

    Speaking only for myself, of course, it might come as a surprise for you, but I’m actually quite critical of President Obama’s performance so far. I suspect I’m not the only one.

    Conversely, I wasn’t unhappy about President George Bush (the first)’s performance, and I happen to be a big fan of President Eisenhower.

    Rational political disagreements are healthy; every democratic society has them.

    There is a world of difference between that, and the Birchers/Birthers’ delusional, racist, meretricious opposition to Obama.

  58. Black Lion says:

    Agreed. If you could just show us some proof that he had either document then I will join you in requesting them. However since he was born in HI and never renounced his US citizenhsip, and had a US passport when he returned from Indonesia in 1971, somehow I don’t think those documents exist for him. But if you can show me an instance where an American citizen that was born here had to fill either one of those documents out, then again you would have my support. Or maybe give us an example of a minor successfully renoucing their US citizenship. You claim that it is possible, so provide us with someone that actually did it. The epic fail with all of your theories is the lack of any proof. Not only lack of proof for Obama, but lack of proof that any of your theories have ever happened in the real world.

  59. Scientist says:

    Actually, an SS-5 is an application for a social security card. Like anyone else, Obama would have completed one (or a parent or guardian would have completed one for him) when he got his first social security card. Sven is dreaming that it would show him as a non-US citizen, since anyone born in the US, regardless of other citizenships they might hold, would check the citizen box and provide their birth certificate as proof. The form of course is no one’s business but the applicant’s.

    I think that’s what bothers me most about the birthers; their complete disregard for privacy and their failure to mind their own business. They probably hack into other people’s computers, read other people’s mail and mix in where they don’t belong. No doubt they are hated by their families and everyone else they come into contact with.

  60. SFJeff says:


    Approved in April 2009 by Ex-Import Bank board which consisted of 2 Democrats and 3 Republicans all appointed by Bush. The loan specifically was for purchases of U.S. made drilling equipment.

    But sure- any excuse to blame it on President Obama. You really should change your posting name to “Not Close to the Truth”

  61. Saint James says:

    Ragout, So, do you really think that President Obama is fluent in Farsi because of his greetings to the Iranian people?

    “En ed e shama mu, Barack”…is already an indication of fluency in Farsi?

    If that is the case then I must be polylingual. Here are my greetings to you in several languages!

    Filipino: “Ragout, Putang ina mo gago ka!”

    Spanish: “Ragout,Felis navidad, chupa mi verga!”

    Bahasa Indonesia: “Ragout,Anda orang yang penuh kebencian. Membusuk di neraka!”

    French: “Ragout,pousser un ananas dans le cul!”

    Enjoy translating these greetings!


    Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

  62. I don’t think it’s really fair to say that the late Charlie Wilson – a Democrat, by the way – gave us Bin Laden.

    He did create a set of circumstances that led to the creation of the Taliban, by way of arming the Mujj. But IIRC our indirect support of the Mujj ended as soon as the USSR pulled out of Afghanistan. Everything that happened after that is entirely their own fault, including their takeover of Afghanistan and support of Bin Laden.

  63. TRUTH says:

    Did I say it was brand new? I just posted it as relative to the Main Post subject. It’s to much for you, sorry for shooting one over the bow.

  64. TRUTH says:

    Thanks Richcareless for posting that biased link. Lets see, MSNBC (in bed with Dumocrats) posts numbers from the CBO that twisted in an “attempt” to sound good, to those of us dense enough to buy into it. 2.1million? Theres is NO WAY of judging that accurately. It’s very feasible if there were NO Stimulus the same amount of jobs would have made a rebound. But even that isn’t saying much. Which brings me to the next Spun Number. The CBO is actually trying to make 9.7% sound good? LOL!! They EVEN go as far to say “Though the economy performed more poorly than predicted, that was not due to the ineffectiveness of the stimulus package” WOW!! Talk about CYA. “it’s not my fault Mommy, Johnny started it..blah blah blah”.

    Keep believing things are getting better Richy, as DipS7iT spends spends spends this country broke. But hey, MAYBE that’s what you want??? If so, things must look GREAT in your world.

  65. Ima Obot says:

    Scientist: Actually, an SS-5 is an application for a social security card.Like anyone else, Obama would have completed one (or a parent or guardian would have completed one for him) when he got his first social security card.Sven is dreaming that it would show him as a non-US citizen, since anyone born in the US, regardless of other citizenships they might hold, would check the citizen box and provide their birth certificate as proof.The form of course is no one’s business but the applicant’s.I think that’s what bothers me most about the birthers; their complete disregard for privacy and their failure to mind their own business.They probably hack into other people’s computers, read other people’s mail and mix in where they don’t belong.No doubt they are hated by their families and everyone else they come into contact with.

    In a post-9/11 world, I would think a sitting Senator who had his office address used as the mailing address for a SSN application and card would be quite suspicious and contact the SSA to arrange a debriefing. Unless, of course, the sitting Senator is a legal alien in need of a new SSN because his other SS-5 for his 042 number says he’s a legal alien. Then, said sitting Senator will use the new number on his DS-11 to obtain a U.S. Passport and Official Passport with the new SSN.

    The smoking gun is so close, yet so far. Multiple SS-5’s on file with the SSA for BHO II. Open and shut case.

  66. And fly Nazi UFOs for the Aquarian Reich.

  67. Scientist says:

    Considering that we had the bursting of the biggest global financial bubble in history and a financial crisis worse than the Great Depression (per Alan Greenspan) the current economy is actually much better-or to be precise, much less bad- than I had feared a year ago. I think the stimulus deserves some credit, though I would give at least as much credit to the Fed’s quantitative easing.

    I suppose you must have sustained a head injury that damaged your medium-term memory, because you seem to believe everything was peachy keen in January 2009. perhaps, you could put partisan point scoring aside and look to the best interests of the country?

  68. Scientist says:

    Unless you work for the SSA or DHS, you should leave the sleuthing to the pros. Outside of airport novels, amateur detectives usually muddy the waters for the pros and sometimes get themselves in a pickle in the process.

  69. richCares says:

    sven again with pooopie things to say!

  70. Rickey says:

    Ima Obot says:

    The smoking gun is so close, yet so far. Multiple SS-5’s on file with the SSA for BHO II.

    Not even close.

    There is no reason to believe that the SSA has multiple SS-5s on file for Obama. The fact another SSN may be associated with his name in a database is not evidence that Obama ever used that SSN. It happens all the time. Show me a document signed by Obama which shows him using anything other than his 042-XX-XXXX SSN and we have something to talk about. Otherwise, you have nothing.

  71. Black Lion says:

    All of these guys have selective memory. They think that the economy tanked the minute that Obama became President or that it was under the Obama administration that TARP was established. It was under Bush. The fact of the matter is that the stimulus could be even more successful and guys like Truth would disparage it and blame Obama for it not being more successful It is all about partisan politics. These guys listen to college dropouts like Hannity, Beck, and Limbaugh telling them about the economy and think that those guys know something. What is it about the so called right that deify college dropouts or really dumb people like Palin? Are they really that brainwashed to listen to people like that telling them why something did or did not work? Amazing. The non-partisan CBO will state something but some would rather believe the so called talking heads because their so called beliefs are reinforced by the lies those guys spin rather than the truth…

  72. Black Lion says:

    Remember these are the same people that claim that there were no terrorist attacks under the Bush administration…While forgetting about 9/11…

  73. Black Lion says:

    And where did you get this information? From Orly? You have no clue if her so called claims have any merit. Unless the Social Security administration tells you what address he used, all of Orly’s so called evidence is hearsay and not even believable.

    A more plausible scenario is that there was no SS application by Obama when he was Senator. The truth is actually it is a false positive or an attempt at identity theft. Since the President had a US passport in 1967 when he was 6 years old, he would not need to reapply for one when he was in his 40 while Senator. He used his US passport when in 1971 he returned from Indonesia and went into the line for US citizens. He used it again to travel to Pakistan. Then he used it to travel to Europe. The only smoking gun is the one the birthers use to shoot themselves in the foot with all of their ridiculous conspiracy theories…

  74. myson says:

    & u think WSJ isnt biased !!!
    So u quote a biased site to make a point but no one can quote another site that may b biased ???

  75. Rickey says:

    Precisely. The purpose of the Import-Export Bank is to facilitate U.S. exports. In this case, U.S.-made drilling equipment is being sold to Brazil. What Brazil does with the drilling equipment is irrelevant.

  76. richCares says:

    “Otherwise, you have nothing.”

    Slight correction:
    “Otherwise STFU!”

  77. SFJeff says:

    I predicted months ago that no matter how good of shape the economy was, Republicans and their ilk would say it would have been better if Obama wasn’t President.

    Things are certainly not perfect but compared to a year ago- much better. Is this because of stimulas worked- better educated folks than any of us are debating that issue and I think its too early to know whether the Stimulas worked or whether some of this would have rebounded on its own. I will say though, that if we hadn’t shored up the Financial industry- as repugnant even I find it- it probably would have collapsed and the Republicans would instead now be blaming Obama for that- and the 15 or 20% unemployment from the entire collapse of our economy.

    But really- this website is about whether President Obama is eligible- he still is. Lots of us feel that President Obama is and has made mistakes- come to think of it- he admitted he would make mistakes during the inaugeration speech. However the difference between most of us, and yourself is that we hope that Obama is a successful President because the measure of a successful President is the betterment of the United States. You hope the U.S. economy will fail and therefore prove that Obama is bad. We hope the U.S. economy will continue to improve, whether this is because of Obama or inspite of Obama.

  78. SFJeff says:


    Would you please give Chapter numbers to your latest installment of Barrack and the Pirates? Its hard to keep track of each installment of your novel.

  79. Saint James says:

    TRUTH, “There are to many things wrong with that to list.”

    Yes there are too many things wrong about the article to list…

    1. “Obama UNDERWRITES Offshore Drilling”

    2. “The U.S.(U.S. Export-Import Bank) is going to LEND billions of dollars to Brazil’s state-owned oil company”

    3. “Either way, this corporate FOREIGN AID may strike some readers as odd, given that the U.S. Treasury seems desperate for cash”

    So you see? The article mixed apples and oranges. Underwriting, Lending and Foreign Aid have totally different legal implications. Then you added…

    4. “GOBAMA GIVING AWAY your money to foreigners.”

    No, No, No! We are not “GIVING AWAY” our money.

    The article specifically stated…” Ex-Import Bank says it has not decided whether the money will come in the form of a DIRECT LOAN or LOAN GUARANTEES.

    Therefore, it’s not going to be underwritten, foreign aid or a give away.

    The article did not explain what the United States will get out of this LOAN which are:

    A. Since it’s a loan, we will get out money back plus interest based on the prevailing rate of the time until the contract expires.

    B. We become part owner (minimum of 30%) of the oil field which usually has a time limit of 100 years.

    C. Since it is a loan and is not underwritten, we will get our money plus interest back regardless of the oil field’s profitability.

    “If President Obama has embraced offshore drilling in Brazil, why not in the old U.S.A.?”

    Here are the answers:

    1. “The Bush Administration’s five-year plan (2007-2012) to open the outer continental shelf to oil exploration included new lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico. But in 2007 environmentalists went to court to block drilling in Alaska and in April a federal court ruled in their favor.”…

    Can you blame this on President Obama?

    2. “Late last month the court said the earlier decision applied only to Alaska, opening the way for the sale of leases in the Gulf. Mr. Salazar now says the sales will go forward on August 19.”…

    So, oil exploration in the Gulf of Mexico commences.

    3. “But it still doesn’t allow the U.S. to explore in Alaska or along the East and West Coasts”…

    This article was written in August, 2009. Did you listen to President Obama during his State of the Union Address?…in a sense we will ”Drill baby, drill.”

    The article concluded with this and it’s a wrong conclusion:

    “Americans are right to wonder why Mr. Obama is underwriting in Brazil what he won’t allow at home.”

    The Export-Import Bank is not underwriting but lending the money to the Brazilian government.

  80. ballantine says:

    Anyone see these logistics of the Manning trial videos.



    This idiot thinks he’s going to get half a million people to show up. Guess he didn’t remember about 12 showed up to see him and Orly at Fox news. This idiot admits Columbia gave him a diploma and people have come forward saying they saw him there, but still claims he didn’t earn the degree. And the law that this broke is what? He says he’s going to have a real judge play the pretend judge. Would be funny to have the judge explain in the first 5 minutes that nothing he alleges is a crime.

  81. Ima Obot says:

    Black Lion: And where did you get this information?From Orly?You have no clue if her so called claims have any merit.Unless the Social Security administration tells you what address he used, all of Orly’s so called evidence is hearsay and not even believable.A more plausible scenario is that there was no SS application by Obama when he was Senator.The truth is actually it is a false positive or an attempt at identity theft.Since the President had a US passport in 1967 when he was 6 years old, he would not need to reapply for one when he was in his 40 while Senator.He used his US passport when in 1971 he returned from Indonesia and went into the line for US citizens.He used it again to travel to Pakistan.Then he used it to travel to Europe.The only smoking gun is the one the birthers use to shoot themselves in the foot with all of their ridiculous conspiracy theories…

    About the time BHO II applied for his CT SSN, 042, his passport he obtained as a minor was about to expire at age 16.

    If a passport applicant for renewal was under age 16 when their 1st passport was issued, then Form DS-11 must be used. As Rickey has pointed out, DS-11 requires a SSN.

    The ARO headquartered in CT or NY with a CT mailing address knew the requirement for an SSN for Barack to renew his passport. Consequently, the ARO probably filed the SS-5 with the SSA on behalf of BHO II.

    If so, the documents used to complete BHO’s II SSN request will be listed by the SSA employee who processed it.

  82. Bovril says:

    Ehhhhhhhh FAIL

    That whole set of assuptions are for the CURRENT DS-11 which was issued in Feb of 2008. Which was amended out of law from 2004, 2001, 2000, 1996, 1992, 1990, 1986, 1981, 1979

    Oh and curiously enough once you drill down pre 2001, this magical “need an SSN” vanishes

    Got a copy of the relevant form for 30 years ago……?

    Thought not.


  83. milspec says:

    I don’t know how anyone can lesion to this guy for morn than 10 seconds.

  84. TRUTH says:

    IT’s not like we’re BLAMING Obama for putting the country in the economical situation it is. Hell yes he took it in bad condition. But that’s no reason to FORCE it Farther and Farther into the crapper. And if you believe for a moment he(and his team of clowns) have improved it one iota, you are completely clueless.

    ANd BlackLion, sorry you don’t grasp what Beck, Limbaugh and even big mouth Hannity say. That’s your partisan attitude refusing to listen to them. You are like a horse with blinders on running down a track. The only thing you see and hear is that Liberal your riding and he’s screaming back “Don’t LIsten to Them, that’s not a Cliff up ahead, Faster LION Faster!!” Maybe you should try some very educated ones if that’s your criteria. Bill Bennett and Mark Levin have lots of GREAT Words. I challenge you to listen to either one of them for one week. Do Not agree with them, but don’t disagree, just Listen. I figure that’s probably impossible for about everyone in this website, but it’s worth the try. You’re all Americans, and when the Conservatives have to bail this country out of the hole your party is digging, we’re not going to run you out for being ignorant. You’ll be welcome to stay and help us fix the disaster.

  85. TRUTH says:

    WHO said that? I’d be interested in seeing a list of names/party associations of those people. As 1 Conservative, I will state when I was Active Duty, September 11, 2001, Terrorists took over 4 airliners and crashed 3 of them into buildings, 1 into a field thanks to the brave passengers.

    So count me out of that group you are referring to. Unless I’m reading you wrong and your a Truther(I think they are called)

  86. Ima Obot says:

    Bovril: Ehhhhhhhh FAILThat whole set of assuptions are for the CURRENT DS-11 which was issued in Feb of 2008.Which was amended out of law from 2004, 2001, 2000, 1996, 1992, 1990, 1986, 1981, 1979Oh and curiously enough once you drill down pre 2001, this magical “need an SSN” vanishesGot a copy of the relevant form for 30 years ago……?Thought not.Next.

    A copy of Form DSP-11 from 30 years ago?

    Sure. Tell us what the “P” stand for, smartguy.

  87. SFJeff says:

    Truth- I have no issue with you disagreeing with Obama’s policies. Really I don’t. I happen to agree with him regarding the bailouts, and I am crossing my fingers regarding the stimulas- as I said before there are very well educated people who disagree on whether the stimulas is effective or not.

    “you don’t grasp what Beck, Limbaugh and even big mouth Hannity say.”

    Sorry, listening to any of those is probably as painful as listening to Al Franken is to you. They are entertainers who promote a message I disagree with. I have listened to them in the past, but the only one I can listen to for any length is Hannity.

    And while this is probably the sanest post you have ever made here Truth, the message I take away from the total content of your posts is that you will welcome the ruin of America if it proves Obama wrong, and that if two years from now unemployment is at 5% you will be saying that its Obama’s fault that it isn’t 3%. I have seen nothing about any of your posts that you have ever considered anything but a partisan position.

  88. SFJeff says:

    “WHO said that? I’d be interested in seeing a list of names/party associations of those people.”

    Rudy Guiliani on Good Morning America I believe Jan 7, 2010

    Dana Perino- Bush’s press secretary 11/23/09 and I believe Mary Matalin around the same time.

    Now I grant you- they probably said this because they meant something else- but if Obama had said this- you and all conservatives would be crucifying him.

  89. Saint James says:

    TRUTH: “and when the CONSERVATIVES have to bail this country out of the hole your party is digging, we’re not going to run you out for being ignorant.”

    The CONSERVATIVES have to bail us out of the hole?

    Wasn’t it a recent history that Bill Clinton left office with a SURPLUS?

    Wasn’t it George Bush D’DUMB who left office with a DEFICIT and a RECESSION?

    Is it not Obama who inherited all these mess and is being blamed for the mess?

    We’re trying to get ourselves out of the hole that BUSH D’DUMB CREATED!

  90. Saint James says:

    Ima Obot, did the “P” magically appear on your post? I sure did not find it on Bovril’s.
    Tell me how did that happen, smart guy? ha ha ha ha ha

  91. Lupin says:

    You really don’t have a clue, do you?

    There are arguments to be made, pro and con, budget deficits, yes.

    But one fact remains: it is your country’s illegal, ill-conceived and ill-conducted invasion of Iraq that has sent the US’s finances plummeting into the abyss.

    I heard some people objecting to the ridiculously small job package of $15 billion last week when your military actually LOST (as in, misplaced or stolen) more than that in Iraq.

    Show me links to your contemporaneous objections to the Iraq war and I will take your rant against budget deficits seriously.

    Otherwise you’re just a mindless parrot who doesn’t understand what he’s saying.

    (Apologies to parrots who are actually quite smart.)

  92. Lupin says:

    I will say it again:

    Show us where you stood on the very same issues in 2003 or 2004.

    Otherwise be branded as a hypocrite and a moron.

    Same goes fore people who discovered the constitution on Jan 21 2009.

  93. Lupin says:

    Is it me or does this read as if it were written by Yoda?

  94. Mike says:

    Oh, Sven. You are a silly one.

  95. Ima Obot says:

    Saint James: Ima Obot, did the “P” magically appear on your post? I sure did not find it on Bovril’s.
    Tell me how did that happen, smart guy? ha ha ha ha ha

    Bovril wants to challenge me on the history of the Form DS-11. Before Form DS-11, it was called Form DSP-11.

    It’s similar to our argument over whether or not a minor can renounce their U.S. Citizenship, Saint James. You latch on to fact a parent, the milkman and the High Priestess of Scamalot cannot renounce the U.S. Citizenship of a minor and assume a minor cannot renounce under any circumstance.

    Some people think Indonesia is a fine country and would be proud to be accepted as a citizen of that country. You’re blinded by xenophobia.

  96. Expelliarmus says:

    “P” stands for “proof”, as in “burden of proof”. Those who question Obama’s status have the burden of proving the fact that would render him ineligible.

    “P” stands for “presumption.” Under the law, an office holder is presumed to be legitimate, in the absence of evidence to the contrary.

    “P” stands for “President”, as in Obama’s official, legal status: “President of the US”.

  97. Bovril says:

    Poor old Ima Muppet

    If you care to actually LOOK at the form you will see the requiremnets are different ….that magical pre-16 years old thing you are harping o about….not there.


    Again demonstration of fail to check stuff.

    Needs and requirements change with time.

    I won’t even mention the proof sufficiency part….oh bugger it why not.

    (a) APPLICANTS BORN IN THE UNITED STATES. Submit previous U.S. passport or certified birth certificate. A birth certificate must include your given name and surname, date and place of birth, date the
    birth record was filed, and seal or other certification of the official custodian of such records

    That would be the piece of paper you birthlets deny is sufficient wouldn’t it?


  98. Saint James says:

    Did I ever have engage you in a conversation? I remember having had an exchange with Sven. However, we can discuss renounciation of citizenship especially for kids in some other forum. This forumn is about the upcoming Fake trial by the Atlah Missionary from Hell, James Rasputin Manning, Satan’s Emissary!

  99. BlackLion says:

    And who had to dig this country out of the hole that the Bush and Cheney conservatives put us in? Obama and the democrats. I have listened to Beck and the other talking heads. Pardon me if I would rather take economic advice from individuals like Greenspan and Paul Krugman than college dropouts like Beck, hannity, and Limbaugh. Real economists supported the stimulus and a way to save this country. The conservatives are only interested in making sure that they can make more money. They have not come up with one way to fix this econimic disaster that happened on their watch other than cutting taxes for the rich and giving corporations more tax breaks and limiting government intervention. So forgive me if I feel that a different approach is needed.

  100. BlackLion says:

    So you know for sure that the presidnt applied for a CT SS#? Can you show us this proof? have you ever renewed a passport? He would have just resubmitted his original information that the state department had on file. You are making an assumption that he did not get a SS# while in HI. And you keep mentioning some ARO, but ignore us when we ask you to prove that one existed at that time. What ARO are you talking about? Where were they located? How many so called Indonesians did they deal with? And why would they attempt to get a SS number for an American citizen that was living with his grandparents in HI? Your theory has more holes in it that Orly’s brain.

  101. HellT says:

    The SSA has more than one SSN reported for me. Back in my teenage years, one of the businesses I worked for made a mistake while entering my SSN on their tax paperwork. The paperwork had my correct name and address and the wrong SSN. I never bothered to contact the SSA to correct it because it was only a summer job for a few hundred bucks, and I knew I had the vast majority of my employment history for SS benefits ahead of me.

    See, nutjobs? That’s how a citizen can end up with more than one SSN associated with his name. Nothing nefarious, just simple data entry errors. I have no idea if Obama actually has more than one SSN linked to his name – but if he does, odds are it’s due to simple errors like what happened in my case.

  102. nbc says:

    But this is not a duplicate in the SSA databases but rather in public databases compiled from a variety of sources of data which are known to be unreliable

  103. Obo says:

    Nothing wrong with James D. Manning, PhD. He speaks the truth.

    The white house is destroying America intentionally. Think! Why has controversy followed everywhere they go? Why does this boy continue to campaign and give speeches trying to pull the wool over people’s eyes? Why is he trying to ram through, no matter how he does it, this insane savage immoral unethical illegal corrupt healthcare bill? When America DOES NOT WANT IT?

    Pres is surrounded by people who could not even pass a criminal background like those given to federal employees. They have some pretty terrible skeletons in their closets.

    Obama has not chosen nor found a church which he said he’d do 1st thing upon getting to washington.

    His birth cert most likely says “islam” in the relgious preference block. Ain’t that some s**t?

    He actually hates America. Blacks have become arrogant, stubborn, smart alec, and simply way more disrespectful than ever and it’s all because o is president.

    O is like a tornado, a path of destruction everywhere he’s been.

    Guess what? NEVER did he write a bill whilst in Congress. Was referred to as the young senator from kenya. Therefore, he’s not a genuine American.

    SOmething stinks and I smell it.

  104. thisoldhippie says:

    Doc – this is one post that needs deleting just because of the blatant racism that is offensive.

  105. misha says:

    Obo: I completely agree with you. I found a Kenya (Obama’s?) birth certificate that’s right here!

    Good catch!!

  106. SFJeff says:

    I don’t think it should be deleted. I think Obo is just giving voice to the racism that many of the Birthers are to scared to admit.

    As repugnant- and false as Obo’s claims- we are better served by letting him bear false witness against our popularly and legally elected African American President

  107. misha says:

    I’m going to agree with SF Jeff.

  108. milspec says:

    No I think it needs to stand, disgusting as it is, I have already quoted it on the birther threads that keep saying “no it has nothing to do with the Nig…Halfracan…Mulatto.. black man in the WHITEhouse.
    p.s. Obo didn’t I scrape you off the bottom of my boot when I was back in the dog run. Thought it was you.

  109. aarrgghh says:

    obo, overlooking the obvious:

    “SOmething stinks and I smell it.”

    your upper lip.

  110. nbc says:

    SOmething stinks and I smell it.

    Have you tried a shower and some scrubbing?

  111. thisoldhippie says:

    When I first read this I just had a truly physical reaction to what was written. This kind of racist hate makes my heart hurt and yet this is the true crux of the birthers’ “issues.”

  112. Saint James says:

    Obo…I’d like very much to parse what you’ve written but I’m sure it’s going to be a waste of my time! However, Tell me how Manning tells the truth?


  113. G says:

    I too think it needs to stand, for the exact same reasons as others have already outlined – to shine sunlight on the darkness of vile racism that is the TRUE motivation of most of these birther scum.

    Obo ended his vile post with “SOmething stinks and I smell it.” The irony, which I think the rest of us all see, is that the stench he smells is emanating directly from himself and the putrid filth he just spewed.

  114. Obo: His birth cert most likely says “islam” in the relgious [sic] preference block. Ain’t that some s**t?

    Newborn infants don’t have religious preferences, you cretan!. (Titus 1:12)

  115. Rickey says:

    The fact that he refers to Obama as “this boy” tells you everything you need to know about Obo.

  116. Jay says:

    But pray tell, why has Obama sealed off his college transcripts? Why did he change his name back to Barack Hussein Obama as an adult? He was Barry Sotero for several years… This doesn’t pass the smell test, and Barack Hussein Barry Sotero Obama should not seal his records if he has nothing to hide…. This doesn’t pass the smell test…

  117. Greg says:

    why has Obama sealed off his college transcripts?

    How do you think someone goes about sealing off their college transcripts?

    Why did he change his name back to Barack Hussein Obama as an adult? He was Barry Sotero for several years

    Bill Clinton was born William Jefferson Blythe III. He didn’t change his name until he was 14.

    The better question is why didn’t you read Obama’s autobiography, which explains why he changed his name back to Barack Hussein Obama?

    This doesn’t pass the smell test…

    I think there’s something wrong with your sniffer. 69 million people voted for Obama. You guys whined about his college record during the campaign. You had the opportunity to whine about his name. Still, he passed the smell test for 69 million people.

  118. Jay, where do you get this nonsense? Obama didn’t seal any college transcripts; a federal law (FERPA) did that. There’s no documentation that President Obama ever legally changed his name to anything other than what it is now.

    Smell test?

  119. misha says:

    @Jay: You are correct. I found a Kenya birth certificate with Obama’s name that’s right here!

    Good catch!

  120. SFJeff says:

    Because he figured since he was trying to dupe the American people into voting for him, the first step was to get rid of that wierd name Barry and take a wholesome ‘merican name like Barack.

    And be sure to keep that middle name. That is a sure vote getter! He knew he wouldn’t have to worry about any right wing politicians trying to scare voters by associating his middle name with terrorist- no siree- ‘mericans are too smart to fall for that stuff.

    Matter of fact- the majority of voters were.

  121. bennie parviz says:

    Am I missing something obvious. Farsi is spoken by Persian in Iran & the parsees in India(a very tiny groups around Bombay). How would speaking PErsian help in Afghanistan or Pakistan & be learned in Indonesia.

  122. Rosie says:

    Did you listen and HEAR what Manning was bringing Obama to trial for!?!?! not the CIA operative that he was, but for the FACT THAT HE IS NOT A U.S. CITIZEN!!! The CIA used him because of this FACT! An untracable non U.S. citizen is much easier to enbed than someone who is a citizen.
    Unplug your ears, open your eyes and stand up for YOUR country…unless of course your to FLIPPIN LAZY!!! Then enjoy your socialism and rationed care idiot!

  123. Scientist says:

    Anyone that single-handedly won the Cold War is damn well entitled to be a US citizen and to be President if their fellow citizens choose them. What the hell have you done “Rosie”?

  124. SFJeff says:

    “but for the FACT THAT HE IS NOT A U.S. CITIZEN!!!”

    I think you have fact confused with another word- oh yeah- Manning’s crackpot theory

    “An untracable non U.S. citizen is much easier to enbed than someone who is a citizen.”

    I guess I am still confused- an untraceable non U.S. citizen that everyone thought was a U.S. citizen was easier to an actual U.S. citizen?

    Silly, silly, crackpot, crackpot.

  125. thisoldhippie says:

    What’s really scary is that these people truly believe this crap!And they’re so angry. Angry, crazy people – scary stuff.

  126. nbc says:

    Oh Rosie…. There are no facts that show that President Obama is not a US citizen.

    Silly gal…

  127. mrrevelationt says:

    Not sure myself what he is calling treasoness however it would lend more validity to the fact that Obama is a liar. Now a history lesson for you, I do believe that Bin Laden is the leader of Al Quieda not the muj/taliban. Now Al Quieda has gone by this name only since the 50’s but before that they were the muslim brotherhood whom had gotten really close with Hitler as they both hate jews. So you can see the common thread, however when WWII ended and also Hitler the CIA hooked up with and began to fund the brotherhood who later became Al Quieda whom the CIA has been funding and using to do their bidding since then. Our CIA did put saddam in place also osama bin laden.

  128. bidengirl says:

    his soul already belongs to satan..
    before obama came along, he hate every black pastor that was more popular, and better off then he was. he even prayed that one pastor would get a disease and die. (which didn’t happen, he’s actually more blessed than he ever was)
    manning will self destruct.. possibly on youtube. if you want a good laugh, pull up his “RED DIAPER BABY” on youtube. he flips out because people are not supporting him.
    can wait for may 14 to get here because i’m sure that this so called trial will fail just like everything else he sets his hand to do.

  129. bidengirl says:

    lmao.. can you believe these nuts?

  130. bidengirl says:

    lmao.. greg you are too funny!!

  131. Arthur says:

    OMG! (wiping coffee off my screen) A “dirty Sanchez” allusion! Well played; the miscreant deserves it.

  132. D. says:

    There also in no evidence that he is a natural born citizen of the United States.

  133. D. says:

    Who knows? I learned Latin in 5th grade in Colorado. Latin isn’t spoken anywhere on the planet! I still studied it here.

  134. G says:

    …other than the HI birth certificate he provided, stating born in Honolulu, HI, which has been repeatedly backed up by the HI DOH & HI governor, you mean.

    …other than the 2 birth announcements in the HI local paper around the timeframe of his birth.

    …other than the fact that he’s POTUS today and after a 2 year campaign that was the most public and recorded campaign in history, he won with a commanding margin of both the popular & electoral vote, was certified by the electors & congress without a single objection and sworn in to office as President.

    …other than all that evidence, you mean.

  135. G says:

    Oh, and I should add that the congress passed a resolution last year when commemorating HI, that mentioned it as the birthplace of Obama.

    So, one more piece of legislative evidence supporting that he’s NBC in eyes of our law.

  136. Black Lion says:

    However Obama was in the US by the time he was in 5th grade….So unless you are stating that Indonesia, a country that does not speak Farsi, taught a language to kids from kindergarden to 4th grade, then your “Latin” analogy is moot at best. The reason you birthers look so dumb because you are willing to believe the most ridiculous claims about someone just because you have a deep hatred for him. Manning is a fool and a convicted felon. Anyone that believes him is as much a fool as he is.

    PS…Latin is still taught because the medical and legal professions still use latin terms….I don’t know of any that use Farsi, unless you happen to be from Iraq or Iran….

  137. SFJeff says:

    I think D meant the kind of evidence that George Bush, Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan all produced- because I am sure D is advocating that we must hold President Obama up to the same standards that we have held all Presidents to.

    D- would you make a list of the evidence those other Presidents produced, so its more clear what evidence President Obama is lacking?

  138. SFJeff says:

    D: “Who knows?”

    Wouldn’t you think that if you are making wild accusations against the President it would be incumbent upon you to have some proof the language is even taught anywhere in the country?

  139. Are you one of those monkeys with his ears covered?

  140. Greg says:

    Any fact or thing the existence of which makes a proposition more or less likely to be true.

    That’s how I’ve heard “evidence” defined.

    The fact that 69 million people voted for him is evidence.

    The fact that two newspapers printed birth announcements is evidence.

    The fact that the State of Hawaii printed under its seal and upon its signature a COLB which they attest is a true and accurate copy or abstract of the records they have on file is evidence.

    The fact that the head of Hawaii’s DOH has, on two separate occasions, made statements attempting to quell any rumors that Obama was not born in Hawaii is evidence.

    The fact that Obama believes he was born in Hawaii and wrote about it decades ago is evidence.

    The fact that Obama’s family believes he was born in Hawaii is evidence.

    Those are just a few of the examples I can think of off the top of my head.

    They’re sufficient, I think, to make out a very strong case that Obama was born here and is a natural born citizen.

    The opposing side has their “evidence,” which consists of hearsay, double hearsay, forgeries, fraud and innuendo. Nothing I’ve heard from the birthers leads me to doubt that Obama was born in Hawaii. Much of what they present actually reinforces my belief that he was born in Hawaii.

    To get past the COLB, you’d need to convince a judge to a reasonable certainty that it is incorrect. Not that a mid-wife attested to it, not that his grandmother attested to it, but to a reasonable certainty that he was born elsewhere.

    I think a very good indication of where you guys are with respect to presenting a case to a reasonable certainty is the fact that reasonable politicians are fleeing the birther cause like the plague. Show me a mainstream politician who has embraced the birther cause – who will say, without reservation, that they believe Obama was not born in Hawaii?

  141. mancetuckyman says:

    One Big Ass Mistake America

  142. Scott Erwin says:

    This isnt really a reply, but more of a statement. Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah. I find it rather ammusing that people have nothing better to do with their time, than degrade a good man. He has been a great president so far. He is doing everything he said he would. Back off the man. He is cleaning up a horrible 8 yrs of Bush Jr. He has my utmost respect in that sense. I feel that we are very fortunate to finally have been equipped with good leadership, once more. Yet, as they say, theres always a hater. I think i see one now.

  143. Robin Hood says:

    Because conspiracy is a direct accusation a (conspiracy)theory not.

  144. yohan: Check it out:http://davidmstewart.com/testing/wordpress/index.php/2010/05/21/obama-columbia-cia-trial-may-14-20-2010/

    In the days of the old Soviet Union, we called these “show trials.” At least the Soviet Union was a real country, unlike the United Birthers of ATLAH.

  145. John says:

    [The following comment was an example of the insults and personal attacks that are not going to be allowed on this web site. My first inclination was just to delete it, but I wanted to let John know that his comment was not acceptable so that he might in future have the option of complying with the policy. The offending parts have been deleted. Doc C.]

    Scott Erwin,

    I’ll keep it professional, you are [deleted]! That’s not a question, but rather a statement; so, don’t bother to answering, because I already know your answer. [deleted] [President Obama] has broke nearly everything he promised during his campaign. Open transparency, pull out of Iraq, double the size of the peace corps, no tax increases on those making $250,000 or less, negotiate health care reform on C-SPAN, just to name a few; the list goes on. obama is the worst President this nation has ever seen and he needs to pack his shit and get the hell out of our country.

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