From the Tea Party convention in Nashville, TN.
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My Other Blogs
Got to love the end the way the newscaster dismissed all of Orly’s madcap assertions by simply saying Obama had provided the required documentation. Why waste a lot of energy debating a delusional person.
I must complement Orly on her magnificent oratory skills. She concisely, and convincingly, makes her case. I’m sure anyone semi-literate will be impressed.
I also like how she speaks on the subject without wandering onto, oh ten, tangents.
Kudos Orly!
I wonder what is going to be Orly’s reaction if Bobby Jindal run for president and win and he chooses Romney as the Vicepresident!
Good point. But the feeling is Romney will be the candidate, and he will choose Jindal as VP.
Comedy gold.
I’d like to hear more about this from Tancredo’s speech:
Racist? Nah!
I think that she would be opposed to Jindal also. Not because she is consistant but because he is a darker shade than pale.
There is clearly an opportunity for an enterprising young reporter to do a wonderful story. Randomly approach some birthers and ask if they’d be willing to participate in a quiz:
1. If a person charged with treason denies his guilt, how many persons must testify against him to convict?
2. What time of day on January 20 every four years does the Term of the President end?
3. If the President does not wish to sign a bill, how many days is he allowed in which to return it to the Senate for reconsideration?
4. If a bill is passed by Congress and the President does not sign it within the specified period of time, what happens? Is the bill defeated or does it become law?
5. If a person seeks to search your home, what kind of paper must he have before you are compelled to allow him to do so?
6. If the US wishes to purchase land for an arsenal and have legislative authority over it, consent is required from?
7. Prior to the adoption of the Constitution, the organization of the states was known as ___?
8. Tribunals are ___ ?
9. Can the states coin money with the consent of Congress?
10. Name one area of authority over state militia reserved exclusively to the state?
11. The power of granting patents, that is, of securing to inventors the exclusive right to their discoveries, is given to Congress for the purpose of _____?
12. The only legal tender which may be authorized by states for payments of debts is ____?
13. In what year did Congress gain the right to prohibit the migration of people to the states?
14. Who is the commander-in-chief of the army and navy?
15. Which of the parts of the Constitution deals with the federal government’s authority to call the state militia into federal service?
16. The president is forbidden to use his pardon power in cases of ____?
All questions from the “literacy” and “civics” tests given in Alabama under Jim Crow.
These were all taken from the “Part C” part of the test which were supposed to be general knowledge questions.
I got six right. Someone should approach Orly with these.
It seems that Leo is back and he is not happy his case was dismissed…Does everyone remember when it was predicted that he would lose this case, he was sure that his exotic legal theories would be successful. As usual Leo was blowing smoke….He still hasn’t won a case…I just hope he is getting paid up front, because if he is only paid if successful, then he isn’t going to see a dime….
Some humorous tidbits from his “posting”…
“In our original Motion memorandum we gave Judge Gonzalez the benefit of the doubt and refrained from calling this fraud intentional – opting instead to allege only that the Court’s judicial ventriloquism exhibited a reckless disregard for the truth. But on Friday Feb. 5, 2010 Judge Gonzalez denied our Motion by issuing a 25 page Opinion (docket no. 6341 – public docket appears down today) which condoned intentional fraud on the part of Chrysler’s attorneys – Jones Day – who repeated multiple falsehoods in their Response Brief which we thoroughly dismantled in our Reply.
Furthermore, in not correcting the error of Footnote 21, Judge Gonzalez is now also guilty of intentional fraud as well. He’s chosen to defend Footnote 21 and in doing so he is simply lying to the American People which is obvious to any impartial observer of the facts. Footnote 21 is simply a lie by a partial Judge. It’s fraud plain and simple.
The Law Office of Pidgeon & Donofrio (site will soon be updated to include Leo Donofrio’s info) will be appealing to the Southern District of New York and we will be making multiple complaints to the New York Bar asking for sanctions against Jones Day and Judge Gonzalez.
Our lead client, James Anderer has been on Fox Business News about 40 times now and we are hoping to increase public awareness through the media of this fraud. The Chrysler story is only now truly being understood for the fraud against the American way that it is. Please stand with us as this battle is sure to intensify. The disease we are fighting is at the core of the intended destruction of this nation’s natural sovereignty.
Understand that this battle is as important a fight as this nation will ever see. It will define whether we are going to allow the judicial branch to openly lie to our faces. If no court will overturn Gonzalez here, it’s the end of truth, justice and the American way forever. This judicial fraud will become the template for a new tomorrow where your children will have no protection of law.”
You really can’t make this stuff up….ROTFL…
That was tough…There were many I could not get…
Repeated for delicious emphasis:
“If no court will overturn Gonzalez here, it’s the end of truth, justice and the American way forever. This judicial fraud will become the template for a new tomorrow where your children will have no protection of law.”
Side note- isn’t it considered inappropriate for a lawyer to declare a judge guilty of fraud because of his decision?
Man, I’m still trying to figure out if Leo is pulling another “Jet Schizo” performance art thing here or if he’s really just that much of a delusional egotistical narcissist.
Oh yes misha you are right!
“There were many I could not get…”
Sorry, you can’t vote. Tancredo says so.
My grandfather told me he once went to register to vote. The examiner said “what do you see out the window?” “Sorry, you missed these things,” he was told.
Literacy tests didn’t work for Jews, so they came up with other excuses. And Tancredo laments this garbage…
“The Law Office of Pidgeon & Donofrio”
I thought it was Dewey, Cheatum, and Howe. (bada-bing)
I thought I would remind everyone:
When the video first started I thought I was was watching Tammy Fay until I heard the screeching voice.
The make-up is the same. Coincidence?
We won the election and now these sore losers will continue to spew your hate with lies. The way our courts work is that you get a competent lawyer, verifiable facts and present them to a judge, if the facts are real and not half baked lies, then, and only then, you proceed to trial. The Birthers seem to be having a problem with their so called facts that they present. Let’s face it no one will go along with you until you guys win a case, but until then, you will continue to appear dumb, crazy or racist, or maybe all three. Keep plucking that chicken.