In my recent article, Talking points, I was musing on how same arguments recirculate and get the same answers on forums and web sites like this. The same principle applies to the Obama lawsuits. Orly Taitz has brought five federal lawsuits, one in California, one in Texas, two in Georgia, finally one in the District of Columbia. They all bring basically the same allegations against President Obama, although the scope of the allegations seems to grow.
All of the cases that have been decided so far suffered from the identical flaw. Orly Taitz and her various defendants do not have a case that a federal court has jurisdiction to hear. The government’s response to each similar case case was itself similar. In the final case yet to be decided, Taitz files another variation on the same theme and the government’s motion to dismiss filed last Friday (February 26, 2010) was all so familiar.
In prior cases, the defendants’ complaint was generalized and not particular to them and so the court could not hear it. In this most recent case, Taitz v. Obama in DC, Orly alleges personal harm: mainly the risk of her losing her license to practice law, death threats and sabotage or her car. In this case, the case fails on the second requirement for a federal lawsuit: there has to be a direct connection between the plaintiff’s alleged actions and the harm. Orly cannot show that she is in danger of disbarment (or any of the other allegations) because of Obama’s citizenship. She has been sanctioned and faces disbarment for filing frivolous lawsuits. Perhaps in her mind Obama is to blame for all of her troubles, but this is just in her mind.
Expect a speedy dismissal of this lawsuit too.
[Note: other Taitz lawsuit losses are being appealed.]
The demented dentist really believes the world is centered on her wants, needs and desires. So, of course, President Obama is to blame for everything.
If the USDoJ is representing the defendant, Obama, then how can the Court expect the USDoJ to make a fair and reasoned interpretation of the Presentments on file with the Court by the Super American Grand Jury? The only choice the Court has is to grant leave to an interested party to prosecute the case, Taitz or Strunk.
There is no real problem because the ‘presentments’ by the so called ‘Super American grand jury’ has no more relevance than the musing of any other knitting circle.
That’s why the Court has ruled as it has.
Thank God, most Courts still respect the rules of Law and our Constitution.
“any other knitting circle”
I thought they were a bowling league.
I have a question. Suppose a bunch of left-wing wackos got together, called themselves a grand jury, and produced a “presentment” indicting Sarah Palin for a collection of felonies. Do you think the court would be required by law to find someone to prosecute it?
And I have a comment. If you go over to and read the article by Donofrio, you may notice that he never says that a grand jury is any bunch of people that get together and call themselves one.
There have been so-called grand juries organized by “left wing” groups. To noone’s surprise they did not go anywhere either.
A lynch mob looking for someone else with a tree and rope.
I think the repeated filings are a function of two interconnected motives.
1). Many birthers avidly believe that the Judicial, Executive and Legislative branches, along with nearly the entirety of law enforcement and every single non-birther lawyer in the country are 100% corrupt.
In filing and refiling the same arguments, the attorneys feed this belief, promising to nobly soldier on, hoping against hope that they find that one incorruptible judge.
Proof of this can be seen in the horrible treatment of Judge Land by birthers after his judgment against them. That terrible treatment is in direct opposition to the manner in which he was lauded and praised before his decision as a brave Marine and a patriot of the highest order.
2). If these lawyers quit filing suits, there is no reason for anyone to continue to pour money into their Paypal accounts or to continue writing articles about them.
SwampMop, Super American Grand Jury? Yes that’s one of the most delicious burrito at Taco Bell! You should try it one of these days. ha ha ha ha ha ha
“that’s one of the most delicious burrito at Taco Bell!”
It tastes like chicken.
there are also those birfers who wholeheartedly believe that they will be vindicated by the courts. the usurper is a stupid and crude chicago thug who is just a useful idiot that cannot count on the loyalty of the power-brokers pulling his strings. a blatant criminal such as this cannot prevail against real deal red-blooded american heroes. because victory is inevitable, it of course would be absurd to simply give up and let his kind win.
what looks like yet another failure to the faithless and the brainwashed is just the closing of another cul-de-sac. it’s an educational process which in fact increases the likelihood of winning the next turn of the merry-go-round. the usurper will be ousted as long as tireless patriots like orly never stop screeching to the heavens and flapping their wings — once the right judge takes the case.
Those would be the same birthers who call cases which were dismissed without further action “wins”, since an actual jury didn’t get a chance to vote against them.
I have never seen a group of people more mentally entangled by confirmation bias (only accepting information which confirm their preconceptions) and illusory correlations (seeing a relationship in a set of data which does not actually exist).
Losses are wins.
Judges are all corrupt.
Endless hours are spent analyzing the words uttered by Hawaii officials; the facial expressions of Vice President Cheney during the vote certification; and Chief Justice Roberts tripping over his words during the administration of the Oath of Office.
According to birthers, all of those people are or have been sending out hidden messages – but only they can see the truth.
Let’s look at the Court record for answers, shall we?
– Chief Judge Royce Lamberth, USDC DC
July 2, 2009
– Chief Judge Royce Lamberth, USDC DC
September 10, 2009
– Dr. Orly Taitz, DDS, Esq.
January 25, 2010
Barack has a tremendous opportunity to put this eligibility question to rest once and for all. I encourage him to answer the complaint and prove he’s eligible.
Then, he can play the victim card to propel himself into a second term. And Sarah Palin will be a sniveling mass of quivering has been and never was.
Obama/SwampMop 2012
SwampMop/Dave 2016
Hah… Reminds me of when the PUMAs thought Hillary Clinton was sending coded messages via the colour of her pantsuits. No, really, they did.
You jettisoned your own argument. Who among the “grand jury” members was randomly selected? What about the composition of any of these “grand juries” represented a “fair cross-section of the district in which they are convened.”
As far as I can tell, the composition of the grand juries thus far has been exclusively white, southern, 50-ish,high-school educated, evangelical, right-wingers who don’t like President Obama. Their participation was solicited by like-minded individuals at anti-Obama blog sites. The outcome of each of these get-togethers was pre-determined. ” Let’s give him a fair trial and then hang him.”
The “presentments” have all the legal authority of a resolution by the Ladies’Aid Society. My little friends and I used to play “courtroom” when I was in the 5th grade. Our resolutions and proclamations sounded much like the writings of the grand jury presentments. The grand jury movement is little more than a bunch of frustrated racists play-acting their fantasies because they don’t like that the “Sheriff is a Ni–“
I think you are confusing your judges. It was Judge Carter in California, not Judge Land in Georgia, who was the bold and patriotic Marine who, in the birthers’ eyes, turned overnight into a traitor to the Constitution.
Thank you for the correction. It’s almost to the point where you can’t tell the players without a program. Someday, when this is all over, I’d like to sit down and put all of this into a Venn diagram or a flow chart.
Judge Land is the judge Orly Taitz has accused of meeting with Attorney General Eric Holder in public, in a busy coffee shop across the street from the courthouse at some point during the proceedings.
This goes along with the allegations that various administration officials and even Obama himself have made trips to hide evidence and bribe witnesses. Apparently, bribing and hiding requires face-to-face meetings and can’t be done over the phone or by anyone other than the people at the very top.
Obama even also caused a blackout in Hawaii to hide his misdeeds while he was there to change his BC in December of ’08. But I digress…
Orly has also accused Judge Land of bias because he owns (or owned) Microsoft & Comcast stock (which, according to TaitzThink, are “aligned” somehow with President Obama).
She also said that Judge Land would have voted to deny African Americans their rights under the Jim Crow laws.
It’s all a vast conspiracy, getting bigger by the day…
We’re through the looking glass here, people.
Or, you know, not.
And don’t forget he ordered up that Great earthquake in Chile, to generate a tsunami so as to flood the Hawaiian records archive and destroy the long form.
I remember watching Studio B with Shepard Smith last year at the Democratic Convention. It was mid-afternoon, he was broadcasting from the convention hall. Preparations were being made, crews were setting up, a band was doing a sound-check and right up on the stage were 2 Hillary aids holding the jackets for about 7 different colors of Hillary’s “standard” pantsuit. Checking to see which color looked best in the lights for that particular hall. That’s what the color meant. ( I swear to you, it was 7, all different colors of the rainbow!)
The sekrit message was: Does this color make my butt look big? ( No disrespect to Hillary, just snark, love the pantsuit, love when a woman finds her style. Obama’s suits are all the same cut by HSM too by the way)
If Barack Obama had all the power and influence the birthers are convinced he has, you’d think he’d be able to fix the economy in a jiffy, so as to create a surge in public approval and guarantee his re-election. On the other hand, according to Orly he can’t even have his henchman properly pull off an assassination. Disconnecting an exhaust hose? That’s as amateur an attempt as a home-grown grand jury’s presentment.
“And don’t forget he ordered up that Great earthquake in Chile”
Shush. Don’t let them know.
what makes you think he hasnt fixed the economy(spread the wealth)the he wants not what we want
going down the wrong road
Well chufho, at least you’ve moved to actually post something that is a policy opinion (which you are fully entitled to), instead of crazy birther stuff.
I may disagree with your opinion of things on the economy. What I would find interesting is just what do you actually propose as a real solution to the very serious and very vast economic problems that exist?
And will you at least acknowledge that the economic problems are something he inherited and not something that anyone can magically fix in a year’s time?
The “super American Grand Jury?” Is that anything like the Superfriends? Does the SAGJ have any collective superpowers, like the ability the bend steel, or take a crap with their minds? Or does Obama’s super-duper negro-ness render their superpowers useless?
isn’t taking a crap with their minds all the sagj does?
they do it quite well.
@Dr. Conspiracy:
A few days ago we discussed the issue of racism in today’s society.
This article I just read in today’s LA TIMES via Yahoo News (I used to live in LA and still read local news online) doesn’t augur well:
“isn’t taking a crap with their minds all the sagj does?”
Orly has defied medical history by reasoning with her large intestine. Fascinating theories.
I see the glass as 3/4 full, as students protested the racial incidents. We always have some folks who are sick-o.
Good point. There is that, certainly.
Interesting article from Politico on the GOP strategy….
The Republican National Committee plans to raise money this election cycle through an aggressive campaign capitalizing on “fear” of President Barack Obama and a promise to “save the country from trending toward socialism.”
The strategy was detailed in a confidential party fundraising presentation, obtained by POLITICO, which also outlines how “ego-driven” wealthy donors can be tapped with offers of access and “tchochkes.”
One page, headed “The Evil Empire,” pictures Obama as the Joker from Batman, while House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leaders Harry Reid are depicted as Cruella DeVille and Scooby Doo, respectively.
The document, which two Republican sources said was prepared by the party’s finance staff, comes as Chairman Michael Steele struggles to retain the trust and allegiance of major donors, who can give as much as $30,400 a year to the party.
The most unusual section of the presentation is a set of six slides headed “RNC Marketing 101.” The presentation divides fundraising into two traditional categories, direct marketing and major donors, and lays out the details of how to approach each group.
On the one hand, birthers think Obama is the face of a shadowy cabal which runs pretty much everything and is so powerful that there is not a single judge, reporter, politician or law enforcement officer in the nation who will dare cross them.
On the other hand, they believe that his BC was so ineptly faked that there are a bunch of guys on the internet (none of whom use their real names, of course) who weren’t fooled for a single moment.
They believe that he’s smart enough to hide the basic facts about his birth, but not smart enough to get into Columbia or Harvard (lots of birthers believe that he didn’t attend either or both, or attended because of quotas, or attended because the cabal bought his way in).
And so on. He’s smart when they need him to be, and dumber than a sack of hammers the rest of the time.
Don’t miss this my friends, Manning again with his hate toward Obama: a new trial. His asking for “help”.
I hope this link works.
I think he is promoting violence toward the president, to me he is not a preacher his Phd
stands for Paranoid,Hypocrite,Degenerate.
“I don’t usually ass for much.”
This is posted on orly’s site. Another indication her followers are nothing but racists.
Submitted on 2010/03/10 at 10:42am
Dear Dr. Taitz,
It certainly appears to me that you have once again uncovered clear and compelling evidence of someone trying to slip through the cracks in the system. You can’t continue to allow this to happen. WE THE PEOPLE, are tired of these spooks trying to commit fraud and get into government positions where they NEVER do anything to better US. Go after Dunn’s jugular. It is my belief that you are the most qualified to be SOS.
Go, Orly, GO! Don’t let the b*stards drive you down!
Why is that not a surprise….