According to a recent Harris poll as cited by the Daily Mail (UK), the Chicago Tribune and other newspapers one quarter (24%) of Republicans think Obama “may be the Anti-Christ” (compared to 6% of self-identified Democrats).
This is not the kind of randomly selected participant poll that one likes to see, but rather a “Harris Interactive” poll of people who click-through a link to earn points of some sort by taking a poll. However, those taking the poll don’t know what they will be asked when they click. Nevertheless, it tends to indicate some real craziness among those who haven’t fled the Republican party for their lives. Among other findings in the poll, Republicans think:
- Obama is a Muslim (57%)
- Was not born in the United States and so is not eligible to be president (45%)
- Is doing many of the things that Hitler did (38%)
- He wants terrorists to win (22%)
The poll also indicated that belief in the above decreased dramatically with education.
Respondents for this survey were selected from among those who have agreed to participate in Harris Interactive surveys. The data have been weighted to reflect the composition of the adult population. Because the sample is based on those who agreed to participate in the Harris Interactive panel, no estimates of theoretical sampling error can be calculated.
Update: The Chicago Tribune has published a collection of discussion about this poll from those in the field.
My brother’s sister-in-law thought he was the Anti-Christ. I told her that if he really was, there wouldn’t be so many people who would “know” it.
Dear All,
Polls are no longer reliable political indicators because the general populace knows that poll results are used to influence future outcomes. Most partisans will give a nod to any response that they think reflects badly on their opponents, without regard for whether or not they think it is true. Rush coaches his listeners about how to do this. So we get the media reading results on television like:
78% of Republicans say Obama caused AND lost World War Two.
Benji Franklin
He is doing many of the things
that Hitler did.
odd question. i’m an artist with a love for clean/functional simplistic design plus i’ve driven a VW bug over multiple miles of the autobahn/freeway. are those many things ???
i also have silly facial hair and have gotten jiggy with a blonde german woman.
John Hagee: The anti-christ will be Jewish, as was Adolf Hitler, as was Karl Marx.
Jerry Falwell: The anti-christ is walking among us in the shape of a Jewish male.
I AM the anti-christ. bwahahahahahahahahaha
I also have a blood vial in my ‘fridge.
Sorry. I can confirm it is not Obama. I can assure readers it is me. Ignore me at your own peril.
Hitler and Obama both own dogs.
They both inhale O2 and exhale CO2.
Fact: Roosevelt got the idea for Social Security from von Bismarck, who got it from Karl Marx. The conspiracy is much deeper.
Isn’t this the 28% factor?
At least some of these folks also believe we are in the end time. But If we are in the end time, why do they care? They will be transported to heaven and the rest of us will be left to deal with it. Go figure.
President Obama has a Jewish brother living in China. Scary.
And Michelle Obama has a cousin who is a rabbi.
Better to make jokes and scoff at the idea rather than be even somewhat concerned that so many Americans have a low opinion or somewhat questioning opinion of our President.
Some of them can be chalked up to the fringe, but not all.
Frankly, I don’t know what to believe about Obama anymore. He says one thing, and acts another, says another thing, and does something else.
I don’t think he is the anti-christ at all….I don’t necessarily think he is Muslim, but he did say he would stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift, and he seems to defer to Muslim ideas. That doesn’t make him a Muslim, but it does call into question his motives.
I go back and forth on his agenda. Sometimes I really believe he thinks he is doing what ‘he feels’ is best for America (I hope that is the case). Other times, from the look on his face, his demeanor, and his tone of voice, I believe he has no regard for America or her people and just wants to boost his ego with the power that he has and uses it to wield a mighty sword around. Meaning…he doesn’t always have the best interest of the nation in mind.
I think he has socialistic tendencies and I don’t trust most of the people he surrounds himself with. He said once, if you want to know who I am, look at who I surround myself with….well, that doesn’t exactly speak well of him in my opinion.
I think if you had listened carefully to him as he campaigned, nothing that he is now doing would come as a surprise. He is doing exactly as he said he would.
I’m not a genius, but I am college educated – I’m guessing, given my views, I would still be considered one of the loons.
I think that the majority of the people who post on this site want to believe that the populace who make up those polls are far right loons and idiots – but I don’t think so. I think there are a lot of people out there like me – educated, who can relate with those poll results. Some of us are biding our time until the elections – that’s all we can do, because our representatives obviously do not listen to us.
Which brings me to the violence that some of the Reps seems to be so surprised to see after their HC votes. Honestly, what did they expect? As humans, we voice our opinions – and when that opinion was in the majority but it wasn’t listened to, what avenue is then available for voicing our opinions? How does Congress want us to express our opposition?
They don’t. They want We The People to shut-up and take whatever THEY have decided is best for us, despite public opinion to the contrary. I don’t condone violence, and would only resort to violence in order to protect myself and family. However, if Congress continues to ignore the majority of public opinion, violence will only escalate – because the people want to be not only heard, but listened to.
“I’m not a genius”
Well that’s for certain!
Well, Senator, you wrote a serious note, so let me give you a serious answer. I sincerely hope you will stick around and discuss this time rather than post and disappear as you usually do. I won’t try to address all your points, but let’s hit a couple:
1. What specific “Muslim ideas” does Obama “defer to”? Was sending additional troops to stabilize Afghanistan a “Muslim idea”? I don’t think so. It is a war George Bush began and one which I generally support. The current spat over Israel building in East Jerusalem? I’m as pro-Israel as they come, but I don’t feel obliged to support every policy of the Israeli government of the day, any more than I feel obliged to support every policy of the US givernment. At some point, I pray for a comprehensive settlement in the MidEast. If Obama can move toward that, he will have earned his Nobel Prize. If he fails, he’ll have plenty of company.
2. “Socialistic tendencies”? The bailouts? Well, most were done under Bush? Would you prefer the economy collapsed? Obama did take over GM and Chrysler. The reality is they would be gone if he hadn’t. I expect he will be happy to sell them back to private investors as soon as possible. Health care? How is giving more people access to private insurance health care?
3. Ignoring the will of the people? He ran on a platform the #1 element of which was reforming health care. He has finally done that and his plan largely (not 100%) follows what he campaigned on. That’s how a democracy is supposed to work. Should he be poll-driven, like the Right accused Clinton of being? By the way, the polls are now showing that public opinion is 50:50 on HCR. Keep in mind that about 15% of those who said they were against it were against it from the left (they favored single payer-I’m in that group). They have now come over and so it’s polling 50:50. Are you saying that an election should be disregarded because the public in some polls is divided 50:50?
He said the following: Actual quote from “The Audacity of Hope” [pg. 261]: “Of course, not all my conversations in immigrant communities follow this easy pattern. In the wake of 9/11, my meetings with Arab and Pakistani Americans, for example, have a more urgent quality, for the stories of detentions and FBI questioning and hard stares from neighbors have shaken their sense of security and belonging. They have been reminded that the history of immigration in this country has a dark underbelly; they need specific assurances that their citizenship really means something, that America has learned the right lessons from the Japanese internments during World War II, and that I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.”
Again a birther lie and rumor that none of these people ever bother to actually research. Stop being a mouthpiece for the far right and think for yourself.
In our local paper yesterday TWO people compared the signing of HR3200 America’s Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 to Pearl Harbor. Both a “day in infamy.” My daughter, a history major, said that just thinking about these people comparing a bill to help people with healthcare to the killing of 3000 Americans and the begining of our involvment in WWII.
Wiley Drake Prays for the Deaths of 219 Democratic Members on Congress
Submitted by Kyle on March 23, 2010 – 8:06am
Via Alan Colmes we learn that Wiley Drake has advanced from minor leagues of praying for the death of individuals like President Obama to the big leagues of praying for the wholesale death of all 219 members of the House of Representatives who voted for health care reform:
Orange Country Pastor Wiley Drake fired off an email to his supporters this morning, telling them that all 219 Democrats have been placed on the “imprecatory prayer list.” “We’ll remember in November and pray Psalms 109 while waiting,” he urged, before listing each offending congressman by name in “Satan’s domain in Washington D.C.”
In recent weeks, Drake has stepped up his calls to stop the health-care bill through the death prayer, offered as part of a morning “Telephonic Imprecatory Prayer Team” conference call. After Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s wife and daughter were seriously injured in a car crash this month, Drake wrote “Since God almost let family members die, maybe Mr. Reid sees Imprecatory Prayer in a different light, ya think??”
In this newest email, Drake wrote “It is time for the saints to step up and get back in the war, between good and evil. See what God says the saints are to do in this battle.” He then quotes from Psalm 149:7 “To execute vengeance upon the heathen, and punishments upon the people.”
Thanks Scott Brown,
“Republican folk hero Sen. Scott Brown is being taunted by triumphant Democrats – and slammed by irked conservatives – after the historic health-care bill he was elected to kill was signed into law by President Obama yesterday.
“If he were a milk carton, he would be expired,” said Massachusetts Democratic Party chairman John Walsh.
Brown’s backers from the insurgent Tea Party movement want to know if they’ve been had.
“We start to wonder whether we helped a RINO (Republican in name only) get into office,” said Tea Party activist Jeffrey McQueen, who traveled from Michigan to campaign for Brown in the final days of the Jan. 19 special election that rocked the nation.
“If it wasn’t for the Tea Party movement, Scott Brown wouldn’t have gotten that seat. We expect to see a true conservative in there.”
In fact, Democrats now say Brown’s election as the so-called “41st vote” to block Obama’s health-care overhaul inspired them to seek procedural means to bypass GOP efforts to derail the bill.
“Scott Brown’s election actually delivered health-care reform, because we didn’t need the 60 votes to make it happen. He delivered a significant victory in that,” Walsh said.”
Another birther politican…
“Absolutely, the President must produce his birth certificate. I will find out what steps are available to require him to do so, and will take those steps aggressively and unrelentingly. I don’t know where the President was born, which is a matter of immense concern and Constitutional issue for all Americans. If he has nothing of consequence to hide, then there’s no acceptable reason not to have full disclosure.”
By the way, Senator, as regards Obama’s “socialistic tendencies”, when I look at the fact that the stock market is up around 40% since Inauguration Day, I am forced to conclude thet either Obama is not a socialist or the market doesn’t mind a little bit of socialism.
Perhaps you forgot that we live in a Republic, Senator? The polling doesn’t drive policy on a day-to-day basis. (By the way, the people prefered Obama’s approach to HCR to Republican’s by overwhelming majorities.)
It’s not like yesterday we lived in a democracy and today we live in a Republic. If the people don’t like what their representative did, there is an appropriate response. Vote him/her out when they come up for re-election. Violence isn’t the answer and we shouldn’t be winking at it, or condoning it, or encouraging it, or sympathizing with it or rationalizing it. We should condemn it from the rooftops.
Scott Brown says:
“Frankly, I don’t know what to believe about Obama anymore. He says one thing, and acts another, says another thing, and does something else.”
“I think if you had listened carefully to him as he campaigned, nothing that he is now doing would come as a surprise. He is doing exactly as he said he would.”
Which is it? It can’t be both.
Is there no end to this madness…
Well Scott,
“Frankly, I don’t know what to believe about Obama anymore. He says one thing, and acts another, says another thing, and does something else.”
I am not sure where this comes from, other than Republican oppo talking points. He ran on a campaign of healthcare reform and increasing presence in Afghanistan and has done both. Please provide serious examples- not nitpicks of details but serious issues.
“I don’t necessarily think he is Muslim, but he did say he would stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift, and he seems to defer to Muslim ideas. That doesn’t make him a Muslim, but it does call into question his motives.”
So- a Muslim would have different motives than a Christian? How about a Jew? A Mormon? Really- since when in our country are we supposed to be judging our President based upon their faith? I thought that went out after Protestants questioned whether Kennedy would be taking orders from the Pope.
This whole talk of President Obama from the beginning has been to paint him with images that many Americans are scared of. Frankly, the same racists who would love to have questioned his color are thrilled that they can get away with questioning his religion. We are not at war with the Muslim world and even if we were, we shouldn’t be sinking to Cold War propaganda scares to taint a politician.
“I go back and forth on his agenda. Sometimes I really believe he thinks he is doing what ‘he feels’ is best for America (I hope that is the case).”
Of course every voter needs to decide for himself whether they believe a politician is doing what is good for America. I tried very hard to believe that Bush thought he was, all evidence to the contrary.
“Other times, from the look on his face, his demeanor, and his tone of voice, I believe he has no regard for America or her people and just wants to boost his ego with the power that he has and uses it to wield a mighty sword around.”
I am sorry- did I miss Obama committing us to a war? Isn’t that the ultimate expression of Presidential sword waving?
Fine- you are welcome to come to any conclusion you want based upon a politician’s expressions- lord knows I think Micheal Steele and Newt Gringrich are far more intereted in advancing their or the Republican Agenda rather than working for America. But how you read someones expressions and how i read them are likely to be completely different. I think basing our decisions on trying to read someones expression is probably a pretty stupid way to make a decision.
“Meaning…he doesn’t always have the best interest of the nation in mind”
I feel that way about the entire Republican Party at the moment. Really I do.
“I think he has socialistic tendencies and I don’t trust most of the people he surrounds himself with.”
You don’t trust that socialist Timothy Geithner? Or perhaps that socialist Robert Gates? Maybe Department of Energy Chu? Or Napolitano? Shinseko? I think you and I have very different definitions of ‘socialism’. For instance, I don’t consider FDR to have been a socialist.
“that’s all we can do, because our representatives obviously do not listen to us.”
Welcome to our form of government. Many is the time- well most of the Bush administration- ‘our representatives’ didn’t listen to us. If your representative isn’t voting the way you like, vote him out.
“Which brings me to the violence that some of the Reps seems to be so surprised to see after their HC votes. Honestly, what did they expect?”
Myself, I hoped that the opposition would respond in a mature fashion- rather than yelling racial insults and threatening Congress members.
“As humans, we voice our opinions – and when that opinion was in the majority but it wasn’t listened to, what avenue is then available for voicing our opinions? How does Congress want us to express our opposition”
People always have a choice. We have a representative government- we elect representatives and entrust them to vote on our behalf. What you are saying is that if citizens do not believe Congress is voting the way they believe in, that violence is an acceptable- and expected option.
Yet that never happened during the Bush administration, even when the majority of voters felt the war in Iraq was wrong. Should we voters have been threatening Congress then?
What about during the Civil rights movement? Should we have condoned the violence by voters simply because Congress voted against their wishes?
I really am kind of surprised that you took up this tack. Arguing that violence is understandable when the “majority’ of citizen’s is against something is so incredibly flawed that even you must see the big door to anarchy that you open up.
Scott Brown: federal loan guarantees were started by Nixon, for Lockheed. Google it.
Socialist tendencies: I am sure you have notified the federal government that you refuse to participate in Social Security, which is pure socialism.
Oh, Scott: I’m sure you have notified your local government that you are opposed to public libraries. You are actively working to make them private, available by membership only. And you have notified your local government that you are refusing to go into any.
You also are refusing to use public transportation.
Scott: before I forget – you are actively working to end volunteer fire departments, as well as municipal fire departments.
You are actively working to restore private fire brigades, owned by insurance companies.
“I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.”
Scott: Arabs regard Jews, the way we regard Germans. I guess that does not bother you.
I saddens me, though.
How do I know? Firsthand experience.
The rhetoric about Obama is meant to confuse the electorate not educate them. Scott appears to be far more guilty of keeping the electorate uninformed than attempting to resolve that which he believes is wrong in Washington.
He must have found out what the cost of backroom deals involves…
Almost any individual or organization has been dubbed the Antichrist.
Also the license plate of the vehicle transporting Pope Jean-Paul II carried # 666
Ron and Nancy Reagan retired to a house at 666 St Cloud Rd. Nancy had the address changed to 668.
Microsoft Inc. has an alphanumeric value of 1332 divided by 2= 666.
Is the Christian community condemning Drake? Are the Republicans?
While I disagree with the published rants of Rev. Wright(but reserve judgement on Rev. Wright himself), these statements by Drake are far more un-American.
Jeff, I agree. Here we have a supposed man of the cloth openly praying for not only the death of the President but for the members of Congress that voted for a bill that he didn’t like. So how is that Christian? However so far no one has denounced Drake or any of his ilk….
“While I disagree with the published rants of Rev. Wright”
Wright is angry about the way the descendants of slaves have been treated, like zero civil rights until 1964, 100 years after emancipation.
As one friend in NY said to me, “being black is like carrying a 50lb sack of lead around, all day.”
The fascinating things about eschatology is that it began with Jesus himself. In Matthew 24:33-34 he says,
In Matthew 16:28 he says,
These are just the first two (failed) predictions of the imminent end times. Every generation for the last 2,000 years has included folks who read in the events of their day the signs that the end was imminent. And every generation (to include Jesus himself) has been wrong.
How do you know your opinion is the majority? You assume that. Even polls, and I assume you make your assumption based on them, generally agree that around 15% of people who oppose the present plan do not think it is liberal enough. That leaves a distinct minority who accept your view. Evidently you condone political violence. Shame on you.
Mr. Drake views God as his personal hit man. I remember a story in the gospels that tells of two disciples who were not received kindly when they went to witness. They came back to Jesus and asked him to rain fire and brimstone on the towns. He called them “sons of thunder” and of course did not do as they wished. I don’t have my Bible with me and I can’t remember chapter and verse. Maybe the doc can?
Very well said, SF Jeff!
I was going to give my own response to “Scott Brown”, but you’ve pretty much addressed everything I wanted to bring up.
In summary, “Scott Brown” is driven by his own partisan (and possibly other) prejudices and tries to see what he wants to see. He actively looks for anything he can find in Obama or the Dems to reinforce his worldview. He may be educated, but he is not really open-minded.
Furthermore, his concern-troll final statements giving a pass & wink/nod support to violent or vile reactions when someone doesn’t get their way is reprehensible.
Its as simple as this, “Scott Brown” – if you don’t like how your government representatives are voting or acting, the PROPER way is to address it via your vote at the ballot-box.
Your other remedy is to call, write or meet with your representatives (or even to protest), but such actions should also always be done in an adult, respectful manner. If you are not mature enough to control your emotions and your anger, then the problem lies with you.
I’m in business and if someone can’t control their emotional outbursts and convey their disagreements in a professional manner, then they are subject immediately to proper disciplinary actions for their poor behavior, which can include firing them or prosecuting them, if necessary.
Therefore, grow up, “Scott Brown”.
Drake is one of the most reprehensible and loathsome cretins to ever preach. He should be viewed as an insult to any people of true faith and vociferously denounced.
I find it extremely irresponsible that he uses his bully pulpit and advocates for the death of others to his congregation.
I truly feel that such action is beyond the bounds, not only of human decency and an affront to Christianity, but also crosses the line of “Free Speech” into willful incitement.
I want to see this cretin prosecuted for incitement. People like him have no right preaching to anyone!
As I’ve been saying for awhile now, I fully expect that these nutty “Armageddon” and “Anti-Christ” memes will continue to increase until after 2012 passes. That seems to be the next “big” date that all these crazy folks are gloaming onto, even more than 2000 was a “big date” for them.
Conservative and compassion are mutually exclusive.
All I’ve ever seen from that crowd is callousness. Drake is a closet anti-semite. They love Israel, but hate Judaism and Jewish culture.
The epitome is that guy in Ohio ridiculing a Parkinson patient, just like Limbaugh ridiculed Michael J Fox.
Why are so many Christians bigots and anti-semites?
Yes, we are. But we don’t get into the media.
Luke 9:51-56
It is not through works but through Google we are saved.
Mary Brown: I remember a story in the gospels that tells of two disciples who were not received kindly when they went to witness. They came back to Jesus and asked him to rain fire and brimstone on the towns. He called them “sons of thunder” and of course did not do as they wished.
PaulG gives the citation, but Jesus was not (according to the scripture) all that reluctant to call for some future divine retribution:
HistorianDude: Every generation for the last 2,000 years has included folks who read in the events of their day the signs that the end was imminent.
I commend to you Eugen Weber’s book Apocalypses: Prophesies, Cults, and Millennial Beliefs through the Ages.
I think what makes the current time frame different is that with the mass availability of both the internet as well as cable TV shows, there is now a broader forum for the Armageddonists to gather and glom onto the same thing as being their “big event”.
Therefore, with all the media hype on “2012” prophecies as well as self-selecting internet sites where they can gather and reinforce their beliefs, I think we’re in for quite a vocal crowd of “the end is nigh” type talk over the next few years.
mary brown, hitting the bulls’-eye:
personally, i prefer hit bears, of the female persuasion …
2 kings 2:23-24 …
Do you mind if I rain on this poll? It’s fun to think there is a large minority of nutballs out there, and there may be, but this poll is terrible.
1. Not a random sample, it polls self-selected individuals who were willing to participate in the web-poll order to receive some reward.
2. True/False questions bias toward true. Acquiescence bias.
3. “Some people say,” intro to questions gave each descriptor a validity, biasing the poll toward “true.”
4. The use of all negative statements, like here, can bias a study.
5. Over-literal interpretation of the poll. A significant portion of those “polled,” probably simply agreed to everything simply to register their antipathy toward Obama, not that they really believe he is the anti-Christ.
As the article posted above points out, a good measure of just how bad this poll is, Pew Research found that 17% of Republicans thought Obama was a Muslim in two separate polls, one from 2008, and one from 2009. This suggests that this is a pretty stable number. This new Harris poll says that 57% of Republicans think he’s a Muslim. I’m inclined to think that this new poll is about 40% off, rather than some new information has come out since Obama’s election to convince 40% of Republicans of Obama’s religion.
Someone calling himself Scott Brown wrote:
Yet in the same comment wrote:
Well “Scott”, either of those contradictory views on Obama might not qualify you as one of the loons, but holding both simultaneously, yeah, that’s Screaming Yellow Zonkers nuts.
great link and partly what i was trying to get at earlier with the hitler comparisons ( altho i think mr scientist did it better and more on point ).
still, i would love to see a more accurate poll that included these questions.
A major reason that people continue to believe in this crap is because of the website like the Post and Fail. Look at their most recent pile of steaming Sven, er crap. It is the same rehashed nonsense that has already been debunked. They are just trying to put lipstick on a pig…
“We can reasonably assume that Barack Obama meets the last two constitutional requirements. It is beyond dispute that he is a resident of the U.S. He lives here and is obviously over thirty-five years old. Beyond that, Americans have no assurance he is even a U.S. 14th Amendment citizen, let alone a natural born Citizen. The Constitution itself does not define the term “natural born citizen”; however, from various legal blogs which have argued this issue extensively over the internet, the consensus appears to be that our founding fathers relied heavily upon renowned Swiss jurist, Emmerich De Vattel, and specifically his book, The Law of Nations or the Principles of Natural Law (1758) for their understanding of a NBC being a child born of two citizen parents. Their reliance on De Vattel is not surprising since his book was published during the time our founding fathers were grappling with the issues of sovereignty, law, rights and obligations for the new republic. While there are various ways for one to attain citizenship in the United States, the president of this country “shall” be a natural born citizen. If one somehow attains the presidency but is ineligible to do so under the Constitution, he is in fact as Dr. Edwin Vieira so starkly stated, a usurper.”
Really? I don’t recall Vieira implicitly saying that. But the best is the commentary in the following paragraph. I wonder how much Mario paid for the hack that wrote the article to write than nonsense…
“Attorneys Leo Donofrio and Mario Apuzzo have done an outstanding job in explaining what constitutes a natural born Citizen. While Donofrio’s blog has been temporarily suspended on the NBC issue as he prepares litigation on behalf of Chrysler dealers and the loss of their livelihood at the hand of the federal government, Apuzzo’s Kerchner v. Obama case is still going through the courts. In his legal analyses, legal briefs, and his articles, all of which are posted on his website, Apuzzo has done an excellent job in educating the public on the issues. The summation of his arguments, concluding that a natural born citizen must be the child of two U.S. citizens, comports with De Vattel and the conclusion reached by Donofrio and other attorneys who either have had or still have pending lawsuits on this matter.”
Pure comedy. Of course the ominious threat…
“There are other allegations that swirl around Barack Obama that will likely be made public beyond the internet once this issue is taken up by the courts. Those allegations are serious. But for now, the only question that we need to have answered to avoid a constitutional crisis and to avert the destruction of our republic is whether or not Barack Obama is a natural born citizen. My money says he is not.”
And of course the commentary by the retired “Commander” Kerchner….
CDR Kerchner says:
Friday, March 26, 2010 at 11:43 AM
Absolutely the Nancy Pelosi and the DNC knew about Obama’s citizenship issues. They purposely obfuscated about it and covered it up. And their friends in the Main Stream Media helped them to do it. But what is less well known is that the DNC and the RNC both participated in the great cover up in the 2008 election.
I Believe The Fix Was In for the 2008 Election and The Cover Up is Still Going Strong! The Perfect Storm for a Constitutional Crisis!
CDR Kerchner
Post & Email: from various legal blogs which have argued this issue extensively over the internet, the consensus appears to be that our founding fathers relied heavily upon renowned Swiss jurist, Emmerich De Vattel, and specifically his book, The Law of Nations or the Principles of Natural Law (1758) for their understanding of a NBC being a child born of two citizen parents.
Name one. (I wouldn’t call Apuzzo’s advocacy site a “legal blog.”)
I asked a rhetorical question. Here’s a real life example:
A gay couple were turned away from a bed and breakfast by its Christian owner who claimed it was against her convictions for two men to share a bed.
Who in his right mind would turn away customers and repeat business?
Here’s another one: Vanessa Willock filed a civil complaint with the labor department’s Human Rights Bureau, saying Elaine Huguenin told her in an e-mail that she was a Christian and only photographed “traditional” marriages and would not photograph same-sex ceremonies.
Scott, I don’t know what’s sillier: allowing for the possibility that the anti-Christ exists, or entertaining the possibility that Obama might be the anti-Christ. Both are ridiculous.
Arthur: I will repeat what I told others: I AM the anti-Christ. Ignore me at your peril.
P&E is not a credible source for anything really…
Agreed…That is why I found this article so funny…They only so called legal blog is by a guy who lost his case and is in the process of losing his appeal.
I wouldn’t call anything to do with Mario “legal”.
Legal-like. Legal-ish.
You’re right, of course. As Job said to the Whirlwind,
I am unworthy—how can I reply to you?
I put my hand over my mouth.
Dr. C.,
Speaking of Vattel, I hope you won’t mind me posting a portion of a scene from a play I’m writing about the birther movement.
This section is called “Natural Born Lunatics.” The cast includes caricatures of folks whose ideas you might recognize, as well as a chorus of actors costumed as loons who honk, quack, and flap their wings. If it violates the standards of your site, remove it and no hard feelings. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy it.
Bloatedraven: Don’t worry, we don’t need his birth certificate: Nobama’s admitted that his father was Kenyan. According to the Patriot Act, the half-black son of a white woman can’t be president.
Chorus: Quack, quack, quack!
Mariopuma: Excuse me, that’s not exactly correct!
Bloatedraven: Who are you?
Mariopuma: An attorney with an irrational hatred for Obama that I rationalize with obscure legal arguments. My name is Mariopuma. At night, I’m an amateur constitutional law scholar; in my day job, I defend drunk drivers who’ve hit old ladies. Now, about the Patriot Act: you forgot one important fact.
Bloatedraven: What’s that?
Mariopuma: Obama was born before it was passed!
Chorus: Disappointed quacks.
Bloatedraven: My God, he’s right.
Texasrose: Now what do we do?
Mariopuma: (handing her an enormous volume) You can start by reading this.
Technonoob: What is that thing?
Mariopuma: An original edition of The Law of Nations. You see, back in seventeen hundred and . . . um . . . seventeen . . . twenty . . . fifty two or three, Emmerich Vattel published the Law of Nations.
Bloatedraven: So what?
Maropuma: Just listen. Aside from inventing those little holes in Swiss cheese, Vattel was quite a scholar and poet, in fact it’s common knowledge he was the most important political theorist during the Age of Entitlements.
Oily: Also, I know for fact that Vattel dictated Gettysburg Address to Thomas Jefferson.
Mariopuma: I take it you came across Vattel during your studies, Dr. Haze?
Oily: Absolutely!
Mariopuma: In a constitutional law class?
Oily: Are you kidding! In law school I study only malpractice and torts reforming.
Mariopuma: Then where?
Oily: I read Vattel at Golan Heights College of Tooth and Jaw. Vattel was both great lawyer and famous dentist. Just like me. However, I speak more languages!
Mariopuma: According to research I conducted at the Post and Email, Vattel established the natural born citizen principle embedded in the Constitution. He writes, and I’m quoting here:
“Of those who run for president,
I make a binding precedent:
Natural born, a man must be–
Two parents of one citizenry.
So in the land of white, red, and blue,
Natural born means parents two.”
Chorus: Excited quacks and honks.
Mariopuma: There’s more. Listen to this:
“A second law you must now heed,
Or else a negro come to lead:
All men whose pere’s are citizens
Of one state only, give amen.
But sons of fathers claiming deux
Must never rule, o’er me or vous!”
Chorus: Many admiring clucks and honks.
Dr.Kwait: Such poetry! It’s like Nostradamus.
Captaincook: But more truer!
Let’s have more, please.
I’m a dentist, and I’m OK
I sleep all night and I work all day
I chop up teeth, I eat my lunch
I go to the lavatry
On Wednesdays I go shopping
And have borscht and tea
Arthur: If it violates the standards of your site, remove it and no hard feelings. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy it.
Arthur, no problem. We have quite a lot of fiction in our comments section.
Mostly from anything that Sven/Dick writes or what Mario files…
Most of the birther posters here are nothing but misinformation trolls with various fictional sock puppets and “exotic” made up background stories for their “concern trolling”.
So yeah, we see a lot of fiction pop up in the comments here.
I love it. Brown makes a complete list of sensible comments, nothing out in far left field, but just common sense opinions, whether you agree with them or not, and 10 of you Whiners give him a thumbs down. A few of you are good people, even though you couldn’t smell the coffee if it were brewing on your nightstand, but the majority of you are so far drowned in the koolaid there isn’t a rope long enough to save you with.
As for the Initial Post..25% Reps think BHO is the Anti-christ…yeah, Whatever!!
And WHO are the people passing out wherever BHO speaks? How about a post titled 75% of Dems think BHO is the Second Coming Anointed One! He’s not the anti-christ, he’s just scum.
“He’s not the anti-christ, he’s just scum.”
You must be talking about Cheney and Shrub, and their amen chorus.
Well “Truth”, please tell us what “Scott Brown” said that was so “sensible”. Maybe it fits your biased conspiracy-laced worldview, but that is just telling about you, isn’t it.
And for your next completely made up statistic…75% of Dems thinking BHO is the Second Coming? Really? WTF?
The only folks I’ve ever heard use stupid terms like that or “messiah” are right-wing nut jobs who oppose him.
As usual, you just make up lies that are based on nothing but your own biased fears and projections.
Truth: This is scum?! Are you nuts?
Sour grapes…
I guess the birthers and the teabaggers want to advocate secession….They are so against the Democrats and the President that they can openly advocate seditious actions and people will cheer them. If during the Bush administration anyone on the left had advocated the same position, they would have been vilified and the idiots at FOX would have been calling for their heads. But it is OK when the left is in power and it is the right that is upset. Although they are the minority, the want to push their ideas in the entire country. They want to forego majority rule for their own warped sense of entitlement. Amazing.
From our buddy Joseph Farah…
“It’s no secret that Muslims refuse to live in peace and harmony with their Jewish neighbors. Thus, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, most of the Democratic Party and, indeed, much of the rest of the world call for further dividing the nation of Israel to create a new “Palestinian” state – as kind of a reward for 50 years of terrorism and the self-destructive hatred instigated by Arab Muslims against the Jewish state.”
“But, just like the Muslims in the Middle East, who don’t care about playing by the rules and don’t mind using force to get their way, neither do those in America who are statists.”
“The problem, of course, is that statists know their country wouldn’t last a month without all the productive people who make up non-statist America. Statism only works by bleeding people, preying on them, leeching off them, coercing them, taxing them and oppressing them. The statists know very well that non-statists have nowhere else to go – and that’s the way the statists like it. That’s the way they need it.”
Please check out this major new Chicago Tribune follow-up article about the poll.