Monthly Archives: April 2010

George Washinton – natural born citizen

One of the very first articles I wrote for this web site, in  December 2008,  was George Washington, first in war, first in peace, and first presidential usurper. It wasn’t intended to be serious, but rather to expose the silliness … Continue reading

Posted in Citizenship | 182 Comments

Ron Polarik vanishes in puff of smoke

Back in July of 2009, I wrote an article here titled: Clearing the smoke, or blowing more smoke? The article was a piece by piece demolition of a faux investigative report commissioned by an alleged anonymous former intelligence officer that … Continue reading

Posted in Joseph Farah, Ron Polarik | 39 Comments

Birthers and immigration

Nothing profound to say. I mainly wanted to share this cartoon I bought for you look at:

Posted in Immigration | Tagged , | 36 Comments

California Representative wants to deport US Citizens

U. S. Representative Duncan Hunter (R – CA) said at a recent Tea Party rally that he was in favor of deporting natural born US Citizens who were the children of illegal aliens (start at 2:05 in the video below). … Continue reading

Posted in Immigration, Tea Party, Videos | 77 Comments

Tracing natural born citizen

The British Colonies in North America used legislation, called “naturalization acts” to make foreigners into citizens. The Constitution of the United States vested the power of naturalization with the Congress (to set up a uniform system), but in the interim … Continue reading

Posted in Citizenship | 19 Comments

Nairobi paper declares: Barack Obama was born in Kenya!

I was digging through Internet archives and came across an article from November 18, 2009. In response to letters from American questioners, Judy Munyinyi-Mumo of The Standard newspaper of Nairobi, Kenya responded on the topic of Obama’s birth place and … Continue reading

Posted in Birth Location | 132 Comments