
I started to write this article by saying Pastor Manning was guilty of a number of silly things, like “bad acting” or some such. But the “guilty verdict” from the sideshow trial of Barack Obama at his Harlem church is much more serious than that. It strikes at the heart of American justice. For those of you who have never read it, let me cite this part of the United States Constitution:

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.

The Pastor Manning “Blood of Jesus v Obama” trial was not heard by an impartial jury. It was heard by volunteers who showed up for the purpose of voting guilty. There was no defense, and no cross examination of witnesses. Putting aside the fact that the entire process was play acting, even the play acting violated the most sacred principles of American justice.

Manning is not just wrong and not just silly; he is fundamentally Un-American.

Photo from

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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33 Responses to Guilty!

  1. Keith says:

    100% correct.

    I am continually amazed at the people who claim to be ‘protecting the Constitution’ proceed to ignore the Constitution and demonstrate a complete lack of knowledge about even the most straightforward provisions therein.

    I was once in a ‘discussion’ with a guy who claimed that the Constitution was the ONLY valid law (why then does the Constitution provide for a Congress to make laws?), that the framers of the Constitution did not intend for there to be a seat for a central government (why then does it give Congress the authority to establish such a seat of government and why did those same framers actually go to work in the newly established City of Washington less than 3 years after completing work on the text?).

    The disconnect between their fantasy and reality is mind boggling.

  2. SFJeff says:

    Couldn’t agree more Doc.

  3. richcares says:

    The trial ended early, Turns out that manning lost his white hood, the one that goes with his robe. He had to initiate a search, so trial ended early. .Latest news is he still hasn’t found it.
    The low turnout was blamed on the big sale of white sheets over at walmart, the prices were too low to miss.

  4. Scientist says:

    Keith: I was once in a discussion’ with a guy who claimed that the Constitution was the ONLY valid law

    The Constitution doesn’t forbid murder, rape, robbery, or any other crime except treason. So I guess those are all legal, right?

  5. Benji Franklin says:

    The Birthers are not just ironically ignorant of what the Constitution really intends; they have absolutely no reverence for the document or the intent of its authors. They are merely trying to fashion a specious interpretation of one of its clauses into a noose with which to jerk Obama out of the Oval Office.

  6. richcares says:

    Dr. C you should mention those links you list require brain bleach after reading, The people on that site need theraphy, really sick!

  7. misha says:

    Manning had the luxury of a jury trial for each of his felony and misdemeanor convictions. Of course, what else could be expected from a career criminal?

    I believe Manning will revert to his former self, and then he’ll be screaming for his rights.

  8. Mike says:

    @ Doc:
    See also this, which seems entirely typical of the genre –

    Couples racism and ignorance along with the deep-seated, ineradicable smugness and confidence displayed only by the truly ignorant. The comments are especially revolting.

  9. Keith says:

    The Constitution doesn’t forbid murder, rape, robbery, or any other crime except treason.So I guess those are all legal, right?

    Doesn’t God’s law cover that? No wonder all those darned atheists are out their eating our children even as we type…

  10. Bob Ross says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Here are some additional detailed articles from a Birther blog, courtesy of Deep Birther.

    Good god Doc I almost threw up in my mouth. After reading some of those comments I’m disgusted.

    “Thank you Pastor Manning… will receive an extra star in your crown someday for all the good works you are doing here on Earth. obama’s supposed presidency affects not only America in a negative way….but the whole world. Please keep up the good work.”

    Yeah, uh huh do good works include all the jail time Manning has served?

  11. Scott Brown says:

    I’m disappointed that you have not once now, but twice given Manning credence by acknowledging his ‘trial’.

    That said, this seems like Obama’s kind of justice. Was it not Obama, Gibbs, Axelrod, etc. that proclaimed the Khalid Sheikh Mohammed would be tried in New York and found guilty – even before the trial. How would they have proclaimed that if not for a jury showing up for the express purpose of voting guilty?

    How can anyone be Un-American when they are standing up for what they believe and acting within the constraints of what the Constitution allows for? Do you consider the founding fathers who provided for the fourth branch of government to be Un-American as well?

  12. Rickey says:

    A couple of interesting developments regarding Manning’s claim that Obama never attended Columbia.

    First up is an article which Obama wrote for Columbia’s weekly newmagazine, “Sundial,” in 1983:

    Second, the New York Times has located Columbia University student directories for Obama’s junior and senior years. During his junior year he lived at 142 W. 109th Street; in senior year he lived at 339 E. 94th Street .

    Apparently he did attend Columbia University after all. Imagine that.

  13. SFJeff says:

    “I’m disappointed that you have not once now, but twice given Manning credence by acknowledging his trial’.”

    As I understand it, this blog is for the purpose of refuting conspiracy theories regarding Obama. Manning uber Obama conspiracy promoter. Seems appropriate to me.

    ” Was it not Obama, Gibbs, Axelrod, etc. that proclaimed the Khalid Sheikh Mohammed would be tried in New York and found guilty – even before the trial. How would they have proclaimed that if not for a jury showing up for the express purpose of voting guilty?”

    I agree with you completely. regarding Khalid. I disagreed with the administration then and felt they were pandering to the right. In fairness though, both the administration and every politician were trying to show that no matter what happened Khalid would never be set free. I find this antithetical to the American way.

    “How can anyone be Un-American when they are standing up for what they believe and acting within the constraints of what the Constitution allows for? ”

    Certainly I can. If someone were to stand up and promote hatred and intollerance say to Koreans, I would be glad to say that is Un-American- even if it is allowed under the Constitution. Everyoneis allowed speech uncensored by government, but that doesn’t mean that we as fellow citizens cannot condemn speech we find offensive.

    “Do you consider the founding fathers who provided for the fourth branch of government to be Un-American as well?”

    Of course not. The men who founded our form of government were certainly not saints- look at the things Adams and Jefferson said about each other when they were political rivals. They were not above saying hateful things when it served a political advantage for them or their ideals. That doesn’t mean the content of what they said is beyond reproach.

    To repeat- Any American should be given the opportunity to free speech. But that freedom extends to Americans who can freely respond to hate speech as they see fit.

    If Manning were only condemning President Obama’s policies, I wouldn’t care. If he was promoting disproven birther theories, I would merely be annoyed, but he is making personal attacks against not only the President but the Presidents mother, father and wife. He is dancing right on the line of advocating violence against the President. He should be condemned and ridiculed.

  14. rollex5 says:

    The blog “The Conservative Monster” gave some details about the information Manning received from a former CIA/KGB double agent on which he based his condemnation of Obama as a traitor and his view that Obama had been a CIA agent in Afghanistan.
    OK, based on the name of the organization “The Professional System”, I think we can “out” Manning’s fake source right now. A net search leads us to MIkhail Kryzhanovsky, who seems to consider himself the real President of the U.S.A. Labelled under such a Wikipedia article as “Russian science fiction and phantasy” and a title like “President Barack Obama and the “Millenium Hilton” conspiracy”, all the details mentioned in the blog are there. So, no James Bond plot this time.

  15. Black Lion says:

    How delusional are the people who write for the Post and Fail? Or the birthers that follow and appear on that site? If you were on the fence the following exchange cements how delusional they really are….Although it was kind of funny in a pathetic way….

    “SHARON: Do you know how Dr. Manning or any of the witnesses prove that Obama did not attend Columbia? Can he actually prove that he was in Pakistan or wherever he was instead of at Columbia?

    MIKI: I don’t know how we prove it, but the only thing that makes sense is that it’s all the CIA. That would explain why all the records are scrubbed. There’s one thing that they can’t hide, and that’s the Social Security numbers. Again, how do you prove that he used those to launder money?

    SHARON: Is the theory that the CIA gave Obama a new identity?

    MIKI: Absolutely.

    SHARON: Did they actually assign him all of these social security numbers, or do you think he did that on his own?

    MIKI: Again, if the CIA was behind it, they would be involved in every single aspect of it, because the money that he was getting went to help the Mujahadeen fight the Russian invasion. Here’s another really interesting thing: the story is out there that he attended Patrice Lamumba University. About three weeks ago, I finally found the website for Patrice Lamumba, and it said, “Distinguished Alumni,” and on the list was “Barry Soetoro.”

    SHARON: Really?

    MIKI: Yes. And it took you to the Wikipedia page all about “President” Barack Obama and his history.

    SHARON: Could that have been set up as a hoax?

    MIKI: That was set up as a red herring to throw everyone off the trail of the Pakistan connection. Anyway, I saw it, and they mentioned that, and someone might have testified about it earlier in the trial. However, it was brought up again today, and I remember when I first heard about that, it was right after Rev. Manning put out the word about the trial, and right after that, he did a YouTube video where he said, “They’re lying. They’re going to say that he was actually in Russia attending Patrice Lamumba University” to throw us off. He also said, “You watch; they’re not going to deny it; they’re going to let you think that that’s where he was, but don’t fall for it. He was really in Pakistan.”

    SHARON: If the CIA gave Obama a new identity or identities, why was he not stopped when he put his hat in the ring to run for president? Has anyone discussed how he got as far as he did if all his records were scrubbed?

    MIKI: We can probably find out. I heard that he signed an Executive Order to seal all of his records.

    SHARON: He did; I recall reading about it shortly after his “coronation.”

    MIKI: So no one can get his Punahou or other records. The ones that they absolutely don’t want anybody seeing are those that were scrubbed such as the passport records which involved Brennan, who worked for that company which worked with the CIA. They have the means, the wherewithal, to be able to scrub those passport records, and it’s known and reported about that breach where all three, McCain, Clinton and Obama’s records were breached. So the theory is that the late Lt. Quarles Harris knew something and he was supposedly working with the investigator, but which investigators we don’t know; perhaps just the local cops. And then he ended up being murdered. The only person who had a key to open that door was snuffed out. So that was discussed, and this is material that we had already heard. But again, there is the CIA connection. There’s Brennan, and now what’s Brennan doing now? So it’s just all too cozy.

    SHARON: No one could have known 20 years ago that Obama was going to run for president. Is there a theory that he was recruited by the CIA because he could speak the language?

    MIKI: Yes.

    SHARON: Why would there have been a need to provide Obama with a fake past? Others have worked undercover for the CIA but the CIA perhaps doesn’t go to these lengths to hide it. What is your theory about that?

    MIKI: Well, tomorrow they’re calling a witness who is an ex-KGB agent who wants to talk and feels that his life is in danger and he may as well get it out there. But getting back to the CIA, we know that the United States was financing the pushback against the Russian invasion. We were working with them and gave them money and guns. So where do you find these people to recruit to get them to do that? You look for someone who will fit, with a Muslim background who can speak at least a dialect of their language. And where do they recruit these people? They find these loners like Barack Obama at Occidental who are on a foreign-student status (again, those records were scrubbed), but he probably held a passport under the name of “Barry Soetoro” from Indonesia.

    SHARON: Has any evidence come out about that yet that you’ve heard?

    MIKI: No. There again, those records were either scrubbed…it’s all hidden. And it’s only the CIA that can do all of this. No matter how much they did, things have still leaked out. Almost everything that we’re hearing now we already knew. It had been leaked out, or we knew about it, and they couldn’t hide that. But wherever they could hide stuff, they did. But I think what happened was that they never expected that he would run for president. First he was a state senator in Illinois, and he used thug techniques to knock off the competition.”

  16. Reality Check says:

    I had the Rev. Manning on my Blog Talk show and after interviewing him I think he is more of a scam artist than a typical bat-poop-crazy Birther. He was surprisingly weak on his knowledge of the Birther arguments. Like most self-anointed preachers he is more about fame and money than anything else. He seemed to have an unhealthy jealousy for successful blacks. That may explain why he adopted the Birther mantras as they suited his hatred of Obama.

  17. rollex5 says:

    Since my short post above took a long time to pass moderation, I gave a more complete reasoning why I believe Manning got the (false) impression that Obama had been a CIA agent, on your sister blog “Crazy Internet People”, as “Anonymous”.
    So, we cannot say that Obama was a hero for taking down the Soviet Union during the presidency of Ronald Reagan.
    According to Manning and his source, the CIA and the KGB, or rather sections of them, are conducting a vast conspiracy to kill Republicans and turn the U.S.A. into a “Socialist” state. And they have done so for the past 20 years.

  18. rollex5: Sorry, you got caught in the spam filter and I’ve been on a marathon 7-hour conference call all day. (No, it wasn’t with President Obama.)

    I wonder if the spam filter doesn’t like your user name.

  19. Bob Weber says:

    Black Lion: How delusional are the people who write for the Post and Fail? Or the birthers that follow and appear on that site? If you were on the fence the following exchange cements how delusional they really are….Although it was kind of funny in a pathetic way….“


    Black Lion, ordinarily I don’t like extensive cut-and-pastes from other sites, but that one was so loony it’s an exception.

  20. richCares says:

    A cut and paste letter from the non-existing Mikhail Kryzhanovsky, very funny. Is this from another paypal patriot. What do you say to a birther that continually falls for these scams.

  21. Black Lion says:

    richCares: A cut and paste letter from the non-existing Mikhail Kryzhanovsky, very funny. Is this from another paypal patriot. What do you say to a birther that continually falls for these scams.

    If you note the post came from resistnet. That should tell you all you need to know…They birthers have been busy posting this crap around the net.

    Here he is on youtube…In January of 2008 he claimed he was the de facto President of the United States

    Here is a book he supposedly wrote…,+or+how+to+Rule+the+World+in+the+21st+Century&printsec=frontcover&source=bn&hl=en&ei=o071S6-bDYP68AbxquD0Cg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=4&ved=0CCAQ6AEwAw#v=onepage&q&f=false

  22. racosta says:

    Black Lion
    that resistnet site has a large Donation Button,, that’s how you know it’s a birther site, When s site has donation or paypall it’s birferstan (for the suckers)

    the birther mantra is “Push the Paypal”

  23. Black Lion says:

    If anyone wants a good laugh then watch the so called Manning wrap up of the so called “Trial” of the President. Funny stuff, especially some of the comments by posters….You really can’t make this stuff up….

  24. SFJeff says:

    oh wow- from that link I looked at some other ‘news articles’ on the here is a fav:

    “One can legitimately ask on what basis did the Obama team intervene to cover up citizen extraterrestrial disclosure input on the Obama White House website. Was this White House cover-up in any way connected to Mr. Podesta’s expressed ?”

    More evidence indeed that Obama is an illegal alien!

  25. Black Lion says:

    SFJeff: oh wow- from that link I looked at some other news articles’ on the here is a fav:“One can legitimately ask on what basis did the Obama team intervene to cover up citizen extraterrestrial disclosure input on the Obama White House website. Was this White House cover-up in any way connected to Mr. Podesta’s expressed ?”More evidence indeed that Obama is an illegal alien!

    You have to wonder who reads that crap and thinks it is actual factual news? I mean besides birhters….The double digit IQ one needs to believe in that crap is very low….Kind of like reading the Post and Fail or WND….

  26. SFJeff says:

    Actually, I am waiting for people to ask why Obama refuses to publish the photo’s of UFO’s- and that his refusal to publish the photo’s are evidence that he is hiding something.

  27. Black Lion says:

    Some comedy from Sam Sewell…Aristotle the Hun with his continual “Steady Drip”…

    I guess like all birthers 2 years later he is still dreaming about the OMG moment that will bring down Obama….Reading the article will give you a good laugh….All I can say is that Sewell is a disturbed individual…But we can see with birthers like him why the movement, no matter what evidence is presented, will never die down as long as Obama is President….These people hate him with the fiber of their being, and that is what makes them so sad and pathetic….

    “It isn’t hard to imagine the gnawing anxiety that AKA OBAMA (Also Known As: an acronym used to describe suspicious persons who use more than one name) lives with, day in and day out. Much has been written about AKA OBAMA’s behavior that reminds mental health experts and others of NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder.) A frequent manifestation of such a disorder is The Narcissist, as Liar and Con-man.

    For the person who has NPD tendencies, the lies used to create the reflection become so numerous that eventually the man in the mirror cracks, and so does the real human being hiding behind the reflection.A useful tool in evaluating things that are not known with certainty is Occam’s razor. When multiple competing hypotheses are equal in other respects, the principle recommends selecting the hypothesis that introduces the fewest assumptions and postulates the fewest entities. It is in this sense that Occam’s razor is usually understood. I condense this to the simple question; what is most likely? In our discussion of the documents which AKA has hidden, most of this article is an examination of which explanation is most likely.

    For example; which is most likely;
    (a) AKA OBAMA is hiding documents that are innocuous?
    (b) AKA OBAMA is hiding documents that are damaging?

    What we know with certainty is that AKA OBAMA is not practicing the virtue of full disclosure. “ The biggest question, and the biggest reason for asking more questions, is the fact Obama has enlisted law firms across the nation to battle every attempt to access, among other documents, his birth, schooling, immigration or passport records.” New Jersey attorney Mario Apuzzo

    Please get this straight: Hawaiian officials have not validated AKA OBAMA’s place of birth. What they have said is that they “have the original document” on file. They haven’t offered a clue as to what information is in that document. They can not legally validate what is on that document without a court order or permission from “our” Chicago con-man. Laws of the Territory of Hawaii ACT 96 To Provide For The Issuance Of Certificates Of Hawaiian Birth was in effect from 1911 until 1972 and allowed someone who was born outside the Hawaiian Islands to be registered as though he were born in Hawaii. Under that law, someone simply would have presented herself to the Hawaiian authorities and declared that the child was born in Hawaii. The person could have sworn under oath and presented witnesses and other evidence. If the authorities accepted it, that was the end of it. The only way to know where AKA OBAMA was actually born is to view AKA OBAMA’s original birth certificate from 1961 to see what kind of birth certificate it is, and to examine what corroborating evidence supports what its says about AKA OBAMA’s alleged place of birth. If the birth was in a hospital, as AKA OBAMA has maintained, such evidence would be the name of the hospital and the name and signature of the doctor that delivered him.

    Do you think that AKA OBAMA worries about how many people know something that could destroy his career? Fear of being “found out” is an obsession for NPD types.So far we have only talked about the original birth certificate, supposedly locked up in Hawaii, and AKA OBAMA’s draft and college records. Already the potential sources for leaks are numerous. And you can bet that AKA OBAMA and his lawyers are concerned about many more possible leaks than these.
    There is a long list of vulnerability points for leaks, and there is a story behind every one of them:

    Soetoro adoption records –
    Punahou (Indonesia) School records –
    Passports records –
    Any INS (Immigration & Naturalization Services) or port of entry documentation which may have been generated in his infancy or childhood –
    Selective Service Registration (Released, but is possibly an altered document) –
    Harvard Law Review articles (None, maybe 1, not signed) –
    University of Chicago scholarly articles (None) –
    Law practice client list –
    Illinois State Senate records (locked up to prohibit public view) –
    llinois State Senate schedule (Lost. All other Illinois State Senators’ records are intact) –
    Baptism certificate –Medical records

    International columnist Mark S. McGrew* sums it up succinctly: “With all of Obama’s different names, with his documented long term relations to convicted criminals, with his active efforts to prohibit us from knowing where he was born, with his active efforts to keep us from seeing his credentials, with his documented registration to practice law, professing to have only one name, with his being an ex-attorney not authorized to practice law, but representing himself as such, with his non-existent “Office of The President Elect,” with the dozen or so lawsuits against him to determine his citizenship status, with the various promises he made to voters and on which he has since reneged, with his documented lack of respect to America, with his refusal to salute the American flag with others on stage or even to stand at attention, and his other disrespectful actions, with his many millions of dollars in campaign funds suspected to be from foreign sources, with campaign donations accepted from possible terrorists groups, . . . Obama has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that he can not in any way, shape or form be trusted.”

    However, it is highly unlikely that not even one jurisdiction will take action on the indictment. All we need is one jurisdiction to order “Discovery.” The case against AKA OBAMA is unique because it will be over in the Discovery phase, as the first step in a criminal complaint. The goal of the project is to discover what AKA OBAMA doesn’t want us to know, and why he doesn’t want us to know it. Our goal will be achieved without a trial.

    Once the American Grand Jury presentments are made, it is likely that many prosecutors and judges will want a copy of the evidence.The American Grand Jury organization with which I am affiliated is using recognized expert witnesses with a long professional history of forensic testimony. The guiding principles for the project are the usual protocols of epistemology, scientific methodology, and rules of evidence. Any prosecutor or judge who ignores such evidence and testimony is at risk of being seen as acquiescent.

  28. Arthur says:

    Black Lion,

    Thank you for providing a link to the dialogue that came from the Post and Email. It was . . . interesting.

  29. SFJeff says:

    “Once the American Grand Jury presentments are made, it is likely that many prosecutors and judges will want a copy of the evidence.”

    Ha…that is funny.

  30. Sef says:

    Black Lion: The American Grand Jury organization with which I am affiliated is using recognized expert witnesses with a long professional history of forensic testimony

    Lovely! Attorneys (defense or prosecutors) now have something with which to destroy the relevance of the testimony of these “expert witnesses” in future cases. Nice way to kill your little sideline.

  31. Black Lion says:

    Arthur: Black Lion,Thank you for providing a link to the dialogue that came from the Post and Email. It was . . . interesting.

    No problem. The Post and Fail, although so over the top that they are ridiculous, package their hate in a nice bow to try and make their readers think that they are more mainstream or legitimate. Similar to WND, they have an agenda and hate the President and what he stands for. That being said the P&E dialogue was so funny I knew that people would find it hilarious….

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