You really have to go over to and read Alex Pareene’s blow by blow account of Pastor James D. Manning’s mock trial of President Obama at his Harlem church, ATLAH Worldwide Ministries.
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Salon’s last report is from late Friday.
A true believer has his rundown of the other three days here.
If you have ever taken a class towards law school or care about the rules of criminal procedure or evidence I suggest you refrain from reading those posts.
epic fail, really funny, Obama a CIA agent and Colubia covered for him while he was doing the CIA work,, and they were able to get 75 people to eat that up AMAZING. Hey john, make it 76, head on over.
Dr. C.:
You can delete the post above. It was uploaded accidently as I was writing it. I was trying to indent comments, and apparently if you hit the tab key several times, your comment gets submitted automatically. By the way, will formatting features like italics or tabbing be added? I like the new design.
Thanks for your help.
I luv that white robe. Anyone in a white robe is as pure as the driven snow. [snicker]
I guess that robe is to show he’s already committed.
I guess that robe is to show he’s already committed.
I guess that straight jacket is to show he’s already committed.
That robe or soutane is a copy from Catholic tradition. Being a Catholic, I feel very much offended by Manning’s blatant disrespect for a priest garment. He doesn’t even know the implication of holding the staff with the hook pointed toward him which means that his mission is over and that he is headed home. When the hook of the staff points away from him then it means that he is going for a mission.
Use the blockquote tag to indent and italicize, and the em tag for just italics.
There is no way to make the tab key indent.
Does he fancy himself to be moses? “Come my people we will go to the promised land… all 76 of us!”
I’m kind of wondering why they did all just put on a bunch of white robes and hoods, pick up some torches and ride by horse back at night in to DC with some rope? Seems it would be easier than holding this fake trial. This ‘trial’ seems to be a lot like what I’ve seen in some of the western movies. There’s no defense for the accused. The accused was tried and found guilty before they ever converged to NYC.
You are all belittling him because he has a belief and takes a stand?
Let me get this straight – you were OFFENDED by his robe and cane? Are you serious?
You don’t think maybe he just had a white robe on hand, so that’s what he wore? You don’t think maybe he was paying no attention to which way the hook of his cane was pointing? Or are you just finding every little thing you can to ridicule him? Some times people just do things without there being hidden or underlying messages behind their actions.
You do know that a white robe is not synonymous only with Catholicism, right? A white robe is linked to heroism and Christianity. It is also the symbol of purity, as in 100% Americanism and racial purity. If I remember right, Manning is offended that Obama calls himself black, when he is not 100% black and believes also that he is not 100% American. I’m not saying this is why he wears the white robe, I’m saying there are a number of reasons, including the fact that it was the clean one hanging in his closet, that he is wearing a white robe.
I don’t buy into Dr. Manning for one second, but you have to give the man some credit for standing up for what he believes in, no matter what color of robe he wears or direction he turns his staff.
I’m guessing if he was marching FOR Obama, holding a trial in SUPPORT for Obama, you wouldn’t be chiding him. Just a guess though, as I could be wrong – the people on this democracy threatening blog continue to amaze and surprise me.
What difference does it make what Manning is saying or doing? Unless you’re afraid of what he has to say or think there might be some truth to it……. To be honest, I wouldn’t have thought Dr. C would have given Manning any credence at all by posted on the subject. Sometimes, having nothing to say on a topic can have a larger impact. If you doubt that – just look at the black out of the NBC topic (not necessarily the BC) by the mainstream.
From AGJ….
“In summary here is what transpired today:
Dr. Manning receive a personal letter from Dr. Alan Keyes.. Dr. Keyes apologized for not being at the Columbia Trial as promised.. his attorneys advised that testifying at this trial could jeopardize his pending court case.
There were a number of witnesses that trestified today:
1) Wayne Alllen Root testified in the form of a written statement made personally to Dr. Manning and the Court.. we did find out that many people contacted Wayne trying to discourage him.. however, his testimony statement was submitted to the jury.. here is what Mr. Root stated:
He was the speaker at the 20-year Columbia University reunion. During his 4 years at Columbia as a Political Science major he never once heard the name of Barack Obama or Barry Soetoro. He was adamant that Obama never attended Columbia. Mr. Root graduated from Columbia on the same year and class that Obama was alledged to have attended. Obama was not at the reunion nor did he appear in any Columbia school rosters or yearbooks.
Of course, George Stephanopholous did not attend the trial as subpoenaed. However, his public statement was entered into the jury record. Stepanopholous graduated in 1982 and he had said he never met or heard of Obama at the time.
The next evidence introduced into the trial was the Selective Service information.. In summary, Obama told Stepanopholous that he registered for the draft 1979. We all know that is false. The draft registration at that time (1979) wasn’t required. The registration date on the Selective Service card was changed to 1980.. experts have proved the Obama Selective Service card and date was fraudulent.
The prosecution then talked about Obama and his Pakistan connection involving his mother Stanley Ann Dunham.. this is where the CIA connection came into play. Specifically, the mother was living in Pakistan during the Obama Columbia years.. Al Landry, an investigative reporter, testified by “live” video conference call to the jury that Dunham was living at the Hilton Hotel (one of the most expensive hotels in Pakistan) for no apparant reason. He claims Dunham live in Pakistan for 5 years and Obama Jr. visited his mother on a number of occasions.. Landy said that the company [Asian Development Bank] that Dunham was working for was actually a CIA front.
Next up on the witness stand was a lady by the name of Sabbath LeFleur that work on the Columbia Trial investigative team. Her assignment was to spend time at Columbia University looking through public records.. she spent most of her time at the Butler Library, the most popular hangout on campus. This library houses all the yearbooks and public records dating back to almost the founding of the Institution. Here is what she found out.. her investigation revealed that none of the records or yearbooks had pictures or entries for Barack Obama or Barry Soetoro. In addition, the investigation found only 43 students graduated from Columbia in 1983 in Political Science.. ONLY 2 of the 43 were African American students.. obviously Obama was not one of the two..
The question was posed to the jury by Dr. Manning: How can a handsome “Long Legged Mack Daddy” like Obama go unnoticed in a school of predonimiately white students? The point being, if Obama was ever at Columbia someone whould have remembered him.”
I couldn’t get past half of the Salon article without getting a headache. Trying to understand them is like peering into a fourth dimension.
As for Mr. Root:
Comment by Jim Davidson (a classmate of Obama)
“Well, now we have another problem. You see, I met Wayne Root in Topeka, Kansas (at the zoo) for the Kansas state Libertarian Party convention. And I informed him that I met Barack Obama at Columbia University when we were both students there in Spring 1983. So Wayne is lying when he asserts, “No one I know from Columbia University has ever met or heard of a classmate named Barack Obama or Barry Sotero.” He’s lying because he knows that I met Barack Obama and he’s lying because I told Wayne about it.”
Wayne Root would collapse as a witeness at a real trial!
And of course we have some real patriots….Advocating sedition….
live oak Says:
May 17th, 2010 at 2:46 pm
I am with Ledbythnose, heather and Phoebe,
We will have no choice but Civil War if this trial doesn’t give us the results we are expecting…ie the end of Kenya Boy and the whole Regime.
I am beyond fed up with criticism of our prayers for our country and Bob’s and Rev Manning’s courageous efforts to bring justice for We The People. They are putting their lives on the line, for us and the whole country!!!!!!!!
If the criticism and baiting of my friends and patriots continues, I WILL do something about it. It has GOT TO STOP NOW!!!!!!!! You have been warned.
These idiots make me angry. Very very angry.
And that fact that people actually believe the tripe spewing out of this fake pastor’s mouth begins to anger me even more.
Just as long as it’s not The Fifth Dimension!
Back at ya!
The latest gem from The Trial of the Century/Decade/Minute is a putative report that in Pakistan there is PROOF that Obama is illegal.
Witness Al Landry states that the Public Service Registry of Pakistan said 44th President, Obama (Kenyan born)…WOW
A modicum of research turns up a You Tube video of a static shot of a web page
The ACTUAL web site and link below
The link takes you to a bulletin board in Pakistan set up for people who want to, amongst other things, sit for the Civil Service exams.
However when you go to it the magical KENYAN item doesn’t exist.
Never did exist, checked using caching, Wayback Machine etc.
Basically someone took a screenshot, pasted it as an image and added the kenyan piece then presented it as if it was real.
Alas the Birfer Kin don’t find it in the least bit strange that out of 417 entries…..not one other has any BS birth info….?
The stench of Fail is ripe, pungent and reminiscent of a well rotted piece of Hakarl…..a dish I attempted once and only once……
For those of us for whom this meant something back then, the state of the world today is very sad. We should all be as Iron Eyes Cody.
Yeah, he’s going to lead his flock across the East River. Speaking of rallies, here’s a typical McCain rally.
No difference, really.
New updates…
“Pastor Manning requests that the charge of sedition be re-instated. Approved by Judge Unger
Pastor Manning states he was informed that a hit was placed on his life in Sept. 2009. Demands investigation by Justice D”.
So Manning is pandering to the faithful and using a charge that could result in “death” for Obama….Interesting….And what birther fantasy is complete without some magically threat on their life by “someone” working for Obama….
Sometime in the mid-90’s MST 3K’s Joel, Tom Servo and Crow sang a song about this kind of people:
You left out attosecond.
#73 Jim Davidson
“Well, now we have another problem. You see, I met Wayne Root in Topeka, Kansas (at the zoo) for the Kansas state Libertarian Party convention. And I informed him that I met Barack Obama at Columbia University when we were both students there in Spring 1983. So Wayne is lying when he asserts, “No one I know from Columbia University has ever met or heard of a classmate named Barack Obama or Barry Sotero.”
He’s lying because he knows that I met Barack Obama and he’s lying because I told Wayne about it. Since May 2008 Wayne has also known that I was a student at Columbia University 1981-1985.
Not only did I meet and talk with Barack Obama at some length, he wrote an essay that was published in The Sundial magazine on campus in 1983. Over the byline “Barack Obama” is a discussion of the anti-war groups on campus, including Students Against Militarism, a group I was a member of. (I was also a member of Young Americans for Freedom.)
The article was published in March 1983, and there is ample evidence of its existence on the web. Simply search using your favourite search utility using this set of terms: sundial magazine columbia barack obama and you should find the article.
So, in summary, I was a student at Columbia, I met Barack Obama, I knew he was a student, and he and I talked, among other things, about my involvement in Students Against Militarism, my discomfort with its connection to Maoists and Stalinists on campus, and my favourite hat with political buttons all over it.
If Wayne Root is willing to lie about something as mundane as whether he ever met someone from Columbia who met Barack, what else is he willing to lie about?”
I can verify that the document in question did exist at one time. It is s study document for civil service exams.
Funny how these people are willing to believe some documents created in Pakistan over the COLB, created in the United States…
Some patriots indeed…
You have considerably more credibility than some we could mention (looking at you Scottia) so I am prepared to accept the possibility of the existence on your testimony.
I still find it curious that if true, the only name out of 417 with a putative birth place listed is Obama’s and as such still regard the item as dubious and unproven as yet.
If I or someone else can turn up a reliable record I will be happy to eat the relevant amount of crow.
What pending court case? Nothing he might say would influence an appeal, which is all Keyes has pending as far as I know.
Credence has never, I repeat never, been a criterion for articles on this web site, or for that matter, for the existence of this web site.
Or you could look at this article as the “comic relief” from the legal wrangling. The whole Manning thesis, that Obama never attended Columbia, is totally silly, and his play acting in a play trial is also totally silly. Whether pastor manning dresses in ecclesiastical robes, a business suit or as Bozo the Clown makes the whole thing no more silly than it already is.
Well, well. []
No, I don’t have to give credit to hateful or insane people for standing up for their sick and twisted belief systems.
Nor do I think that self-loathing ego-maniacal con-artist truly “believes” the crap he’s spewing to his flock or at this trial. No, I think he’s just putting on a show and con job to grandstand for attention.
LOL! Of course we both know that Keyes just said that as an excuse to not be there because even a conspiracy crazy attention whore like Keyes sees this event as too much of a dive off the deep end for even him.
Keyes is doing what he can do to distance himself and desperately try to get the stink of this EPIC FAIL event from being associated to himself.
Good article over at mediamatters….
“As I wrote last year, I find it amazing that the “Birthers” are considered more dangerous and evil than the “Truthers.”
“But gee, let’s think about why birthers and truthers might be treated differently; why birthers might be considered more influential.
1.) There are no movement leaders on the left who go on the radio and suggest truthers are asking important questions that deserve serious answers, the way Sarah Palin went on the radio and said the same thing about the birthers.
2.) Progressive don’t hold annual conferences and invite a truther nut to give a key not address, the way the Tea Party conference in Nashville welcomed Joseph Farrah who (surprise!) spent a large chunk of speech pushing the birther nonsense. And if Jonah could get me the names of the Tea Party attendees who walked out in protest during Farah’s speech, that’d be helpful, although I doubt he can find any. Why? Because Tea Party attendees cheered Farah’s birther ramblings.
3.) As far as I know there are no Democratic politicians running for office this Nov. who proudly embrace the truther conspiracy, the way GOP candidate J.D. Hayworth in Arizona plays off the birther hate.
Obvious bottom line: Birthers represent a mainstream (and growing?) portion of the GOP and America’s right-wing movement, whereas truthers represent virtually no portion of the Democratic Party or the progressive movement. Maybe that’s why they’re treated differently.”
“I don’t buy into Dr. Manning for one second, but you have to give the man some credit for standing up for what he believes in, no matter what color of robe he wears or direction he turns his staff.”
Do we give the Klu Klux Klan credit for standing up for what they believe in? Manning is far beyond ardent political opposition, he is making patently offensive claims, and should be ridiculed off of his very shaky pulpit.
“I’m guessing if he was marching FOR Obama, holding a trial in SUPPORT for Obama, you wouldn’t be chiding him.”
Why would I support such a whacko for anything? Let me be very clear- if Manning had made the exact same charges against Bush I would have found them just as offensive. If Manning made these charge against Rush Limbaugh I would find them just as offensive.
“the people on this democracy threatening blog continue to amaze and surprise me.”
Here you confuse me- you say this blog threatens democracy, but you have no issue with Manning holdiing his mock ‘trial’. How does this blog threaten democracy- you can come here and say what you want and be held to public scrutiny. We are not the ones holding faux trials advocating that the President be hung from his toes until he dies.
“What difference does it make what Manning is saying or doing? Unless you’re afraid of what he has to say or think there might be some truth to it……. ”
Hate sometimes should be confronted. I don’t think that the American Nazi party should be allowed to spew their hate without public rebuke, nor do I see any reason not to publicly comment on a similarly tiny group of radical haters.
And what the hell do you exactly stand for Fake Scott Brown? Time and time again you claim you’re not a birther yet still spout their beliefs. You continue making their arguments while trying to distance yourself from them. So what would that make you? []? You can’t even admit to your own beliefs.
[] “Scott Brown”, we belittle him because he is an incompetent jackass and this so called trial is nothing but a farce. Most of his “evidence” are lies and easily debunked innuendo. []. Manning’s so called evidence was debunked and proven to be lies the same way your “untruths” regarding your “passport that looks like Obama ” story was debunked on this blog. Which by the way have you found a state yet that you can claim has a COLB “just like Obama’s” that won’t allow you to get a Passport or are you going to keep ignoring that little fable you spun hoping that we all forget that you said it? Remember Scott, you have as much credibility here as the stories that Sven and his sock puppets spin from time to time. You should however attend Manning’s trial and tell your fake COLB story. I am sure you would find the right audience for it and maybe if you are lucky Manning would use it as evidence against Obama….What do you think?
I also read that Manning claims that Obama lied because he wrote that while in New York he lived in Spanish Harlem, in an apartment at 94th Street and Broadway. The problem there is that Obama actually wrote (Chapter 1, Page 1 of “Dreams From My Father”) that he lived on 94th Street between Second Avenue and First Avenue. For those unfamiliar was New York City, Second Avenue is five blocks east of Central Park and Broadway is three block west of Central Park.
Another Manning fail.
” Unless you’re afraid of what he has to say ”
This is “Projection”, a common trait of birthers and wing nuts!
It’s really silly, but they bring it up “Why are you afraid”
the proper response to this is to type “HAHA” 9,000 times
I will see if I can dig up the document. I am a hoarder but bad at indexing them… Since I found the issue hard to believe, I checked as well, the document went ‘missing’ soon thereafter. Let me see if I can reconstruct some of the history
Technically, 94th and 2nd is Upper Upper Upper East side and not quite East Harlem/Spanish Harlem which classically is regarded as starting at E96th street….
Then again I get a nose bleed if I go north of 80th……8-)
He’s black enough to have been denied service at a sandwich counter in the South in the 1960’s. That’s black enough for me.
Stop with the mock outrage, “Scott.” It doesn’t sound good coming from a caught liar.
“Scott Brown: If I remember right, Manning is offended that Obama calls himself black, when he is not 100% black and believes also that he is not 100% American..”
Black people, like Jews, are part of the ‘one drop’ rule.
I once lived on E72, when my half-sister went to Pratt.
Yeah, but I figure that two blocks is close enough for an out-of-towner. As you know, it’s not like there is a sign saying “You Are Now Entering Spanish Harlem.”
I guess we know who will be called when Manning’s fake trial comes back with their guilty verdict….
This is crazy but expected from Alabama….
A math teacher at Corner High School in Jefferson County, Ala., decided the best way to teach his students about “parallel lines and angles” would be to have them calculate the best angle to use when firing a gun at President Barack Obama:
“He was talking about angles and said, ‘If you’re in this building, you would need to take this angle to shoot the president,’ ” said Joseph Brown, a senior in the geometry class.
I overlooked that statement of Scotts:
“If I remember right, Manning is offended that Obama calls himself black, when he is not 100% black”
What would constitute 100% black I wonder? I suppose Obama’s father, whom Manning defames would be 100% black but as genealogy shows, very, very few American blacks would be 100% black- and that probably includes Manning.
” believes also that he is not 100% American.”
This one gets to me also- isn’t being an American pretty much a yes-no proposition- I am not aware of anyone who is 50% American 50% Canadian, even if they are dual citizens.
Personally, I don’t think Manning is 100% sane.
Interesting/confusing turn of events at the shadow play.
According to The Conservative Monster, that has been reporting via tweets throughout, the jury is already back with a verdit…..a day early. Seems even Manning can’t extend the crazy long enough
Ohhhhh surprise…..GUILTY on all charges…..what next we ask ourselves….miming tumbleweed blowing past with sound of crickets……8-)
You make a good point, SFJeff. I guess no slave owners ever had sex with their female slaves that produced offspring.
Ooooh Birfer Land is not playing nice with itself now the verdict is in……….Much bemoaning of the Rev Manning and fratricidal fingerpointing…..Where were the “names”, Why didn’t WND support, What will we do next……..
Giggle time commencing
ALL Americans who trace their ancestry to slavery, have white blood. I have a cousin who is Afro-Judeo.
Looks like these “jurors” got tired of the shenanigans & wanted to go back home.
Maybe they’ll reconvene on Jan 21, 2017 for “sentencing”.
From the last statistic I saw the numbers were 80% of Blacks in America has a White ancestor, While 20% of Whites in America has a Black ancestor.
Excellent report on today’s hilarity here:
Oh it just gets better and better…….
Extract from the report by The Con Monster……I really think Manning missed his vocation as a McGyver/Bond/24/Lost plot writer
Next, Manning described a letter that he got from a former KGB agent that was also a double agent with the CIA. The informant Mike, stated that Obama worked with the CIA for 4 years (1981-1985) in Pakistan assisting the Mujahadeen fighters during the Soviet-Afghan war.
Manning then stated that factions of the CIA and the KGB are working together to install a socialist government and that Bill Clinton, Leon Panetta, Rahm Emanuel and Obama are all in on it. This means that there has been a conspiracy for at least the past 20 years to create a super spy agency. This spy agency would blackmail and assassinate the opposition, the Republicans were targets.
This was called “The Professional System”. A KGB like security force that will undermine freedom and elections in the United States, to shove this nation into a socialist state.
This KGB agent claimed that the CIA was more interested in American citizens, rather than foreign enemies. Basically he is saying that they have been compromised by the enemy.
Pastor Manning then stated that he was informed by a disgruntled CIA agent that a hit was put on his head by the CIA. This was by an anonymous caller and it was just two days after the CIA, Homeland Security and the NYPD visited Manning’s church. Manning claims that the hit was called off when the assassin refused to accept the order to kill Pastor Manning. Pastor Manning is calling for the Justice Department to investigate this alleged conspiracy to assassinate him.
Manning then claimed that the CIA Operative told him to dig into Columbia University rather than the birth certificate issue, because it was clear that Obama never attended Columbia University, because he was working with the CIA in Pakistan at the time that he was allegedly attending the University.
Pastor Manning then stated that “Columbia University did not cover their tracks well”. Then he commented “If John McCain is not qualified, I know for sure that Barack Hussein Obama is not qualified for the office either.”
Obama said that his father was Kenyan in his book and the debate ends right there, he is NOT a natural born citizen.
Manning also stated that Obama traveled to Pakistan with a Kenyan Passport, not a Indonesian passport that has been speculated the past 22 months.
Obama’s records are not sealed by the courts, they are sealed by the CIA
“it was clear that Obama never attended Columbia University, because he was working with the CIA in Pakistan at the time that he was allegedly attending the University.”
You forgot to mention that Obama learned Farsi, while in Pakistan.
Unfortunately, Urdu is spoken in Pakistan; Farsi is spoken in Iran.
for many of us, this trial was an eye opener, Obama worked for the CIA under President Reagon so he must be largely responsible for the collapse of the Soviet Union, President Reagon must have been proud.that Obama help beat the Soviet Union when he was a 10 year old CIA operative. We would never know this if it wasn’t for mannings trial. We need congress to sponsor a hero medal for Obama now that this secret is out. 10 year old Obama outdid James Bond, Great! What a president!
And at the same time, he was attending Patrice Lumumba University in Moscow! He’s Superman!
“And at the same time, he was attending Patrice Lumumba University in Moscow!”
Yes, and Obama learned Farsi in Pakistan, and Urdu in Iran!! Aieeeeeeeee……..
Sometimes I wish your president was more like the entirely fictitious character described by his opponents.
Really. I think you’d all be much better off.
I think the trial has also rehashed some of the most ridiculous smears against the President….From the Post and Fail….
heather says:
Thursday, May 20, 2010 at 7:33 PM
Warren Buffet owns Geico Ins.
Barry and Michelle never put their licenses on hold–they were suspended from practicing law. That info is all over the media and blogs.
Mrs. Rondeau replies: I had read that Michelle’s was suspended in 1993 and Obama voluntarily did not renew his in 2008 because if he had, he would have been subject to sanctions for being untruthful on his original law license application. The Post & Email will be studying this further to clarify.
charlotte Jones says:
Thursday, May 20, 2010 at 5:42 AM
Were the Dunhams also part of the CIA and what were they doing in Lebanon? Stanley Dunham Snr was passing aircraft secrets to the Germans. He had connections with the Syrians too. Not much more is known about Stanley Ann’s subsequent education until she reappeared a few years later at Notre Dame de Jamhour, a Jesuit school in Lebanon. There is a photo of her in school uniform with her parents. The uniform has the logo NDJ.
Read this:
Funny how myths continue to fool people into being enslaved.
Sad really that they allow the P&E and others to have such powers over them…
I am just waiting for them to get around to smearing Obama’s great grandparents also. Perhaps they were spies for the Kaiser? Or maybe they were bomb throwing anarchists?
“I am just waiting for them to get around to smearing Obama’s great grandparents also.”
Don’t worry; they will. Give them a little more time.
I read on the internet that barnyard animals become skittish when Joseph Farah is near. I also want to know where Glenn Beck was in 1990.
Agreed…The P&E is dangerous because they take fiction and make it seem like fact….Between Charlton and Rondeau, the main writers on ths site, they spread lies that are ridiculous and borderline slanderous…Which is why I always like to look at what old lie they are making seem is a new “issue”….The bottom like is that the birthers can get away with this nonsense because none of them actually do research on their…They allow site like the P&E and Apuzzo’s to do their thinking for them….Because deep down they want to believe the most ridiculous things about the President….
I think its no accident that they are slandering only dead people and public figures.