Monthly Archives: May 2010

Enforced civility

I have had it with the personal insults and uncivil remarks on this web site, from both sides of the aisle. Some of you are acting like [personal insult deleted] and you ought to know better. I am announcing a … Continue reading

Posted in Lounge | 19 Comments

Birther pandemic

According to a Washington Post poll, 14 % of the American public has been infected with birther belief, and another 6% are showing symptoms. While broad majorities across party lines believe that Barack Obama was born in the US, 14% … Continue reading

Posted in Polls | 157 Comments

Change log

As we barrel towards 40,000 comments, I’ve been thinking about some technical aspects of the site, and have made and will be making some revisions. Rather than take up article space, I am going to put a change log, and … Continue reading

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More site demographics

I have always been puzzled by the significant presence of Canadian visitors in the Obama Conspiracy Theories statistics. I put together this table of related web sites that shows the Canadian preference for “birther debunking” web sites is strong across … Continue reading

Posted in Lounge | 177 Comments

I demand to see the birth certificate

In an interview on CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 television show May 6, 2010, Terry Lakin’s attorney Paul Jensen said: In the state of Hawaii there’s a statute that allows anyone born outside the state of Hawaii, including in a foreign … Continue reading

Posted in Terry Lakin | 232 Comments

Orly Taitz wins a case!

Back in November of 2009, crusading anti-Obama attorney Orly Taitz, Esq. was arrested for violating section 22348(b) of the vehicular code of California: driving in excess of 100 miles per hour. Following a trial on January 15, the  case against … Continue reading

Posted in Orly Taitz | 22 Comments