Monthly Archives: May 2010

Barack Obama was never a British citizen

I think a pretty fair argument in support of this claim  has been posted here on this blog by commenter nemocapn. Attorneys Leo C. Donofrio and Mario Apuzzo have made a big deal out of President Obama’s supposed British citizenship. … Continue reading

Posted in Citizenship | 147 Comments

Lakin lawyer lies on CNN

“This could be over tonight.” It infuriates me no end how a a clever lawyer can say something that appears to be one thing, but is actually something else. If infuriates me because anyone who does this demonstrates disdain for … Continue reading

Posted in Terry Lakin, Videos | Tagged , , , | 569 Comments

Vote for change

I’ve had a complaint about the nested comment structure on the blog. I added comment nesting because I thought it would tie comments together, promoting interaction between commenters. It remains hard to tell which goes with what. On the other … Continue reading

Posted in Lounge, Polls | 28 Comments

Did WND sign crash stock market?

What was behind the incredible plunge in the New York stock indexes Thursday? Could it be this press release signage in New York? Or was the fact that this book is #8 in rank at enough to trigger fears … Continue reading

Posted in Wild & Wacky, WorldNetDaily | 83 Comments

Lakin to appear on CNN (delayed)

Right-wing blogs are reporting that Lt. Col. Terry Lakin, the army doctor who failed to report for duty because he — well because he’s a birther — will be on the Anderson Cooper 360 program on CNN Friday, May 7 … Continue reading

Posted in Birther Politics, Terry Lakin | 235 Comments

Hawaii governor names Obama birth hospital

In a confusing remark to a radio interviewer, Hawaii Republican Governor Lingle stated that the Hawaii department of health director had confirmed Obama’s birth at the Kapi’olani hospital in Honolulu. The health director did not actually name the hospital in … Continue reading

Posted in Birth Location, Videos | 240 Comments