Monthly Archives: June 2010

80% of Americans do not believe official Bush birthplace

A recent nationwide CBS/Vanity Fair poll showed only 39% of Americans responding that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii (although 63% place his birth somewhere in the United States). I wanted to put these results in perspective with my own … Continue reading

Posted in Birth Location, Lounge, Polls | 17 Comments


Been slumming? Something catch your eye on a birther web site? Drop us a note here.

Posted in Birthers, The Blogs | 124 Comments

Date Filed v Date Accepted: APPEALED!

It’s like a drivers license… A drivers license is a state certification of your identity and the fact that you meet all the requirements to drive. You don’t get a license until every requirement is met. The same is true … Continue reading

Posted in Birth Certificate | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 64 Comments

The Doc’s FOIA (part MCMLVII)

I finally got a response out of the US Department of State about when I might expect a response to my January 2009 Freedom of Information Act request. Here it is: I have spoken with my staff members of my … Continue reading

Posted in FOIA, Lounge | 43 Comments

One question for Mario Apuzzo regarding where Obama was born

A new article has appeared over at Mr. Apuzzo’s blog, Two Questions to Ask Putative President Obama’s Enablers Regarding Where Obama Was Born. His questions were something about naming the location of the building and the  people in the room … Continue reading

Posted in Birth Location, Mario Apuzzo | 126 Comments

Obama re-election Poll

I haven’t done a poll in a while.

Posted in Birther Politics, Reader Pollls | 22 Comments