A question for Phil Berg

Philip Berg

I left this question over at Phil Berg’s web site, Obamacrimes.com, in November of 2009. I don’t know whether I didn’t see the answer at the time, or what. In any case an answer of sorts did appear. Here’s the question:

A particular point of interest to me regarding the Berg v. Obama lawsuit is the difference between the original complaint and the first amended complaint and how that came to happen.

After the original filing of the suit, quite a bit of media attention was focused on Phil Berg and his lawsuit, but I don’t think it caught hold in the minds of many folk until the amended complaint and the introduction of the affidavit by “Kweli Shuhubia” [not his real name] and the abbreviated version of the “grandmother tape”.

I am interested in how the contacts were made and what parties were involved in the affidavit and the tape. Was Ron McRae the intermediary? Did he approach Phil directly?

While it may be an unpopular view on this web site, I personally think Barack Obama was born in Hawaii. If this is true, the Shuhubia affidavit is a fraud. That means there was no district registrar, and no “top secret” birth certificate in Kenya. If it was a fraud, what was the motivation? Was it McRae’s fervent objection to abortion as murder, or was just another African scam? Did money change hands for “expenses”?

Of course, if Obama was born in Kenya, then everything is on the up and up.

Another difference between the original complaint and the amended complaint is the deletion of a passing reference to a Canadian birth certificate for Obama. Rumors exist that some folks paid money for copies of that certificate. I wondered if Phil could shed any light on that question, or whether this is just an aside he picked up on the Internet.

Here’s the answer from the person writing as “Paralegal.”

Hi Dr. Conspiracy,

Where to start.

The original complaint was literally thrown together very fast in order to have it filed before the Democratic Convention with the intent to amend it.

The Canadian birth certificate, that was sent to us via email – without mentioning names (you know we are in litigation) – it was not a very readable copy. This reference was removed when we discovered it was a hoax, so it was nothing intentional on our part. We did not pay any money for the Canadian B/C and never heard of the rumor that others did, so I can’t comment on this.

The interview of Obama’s grandmother was done in Kenya at Sarah Obama’s home on October 16, 2008. Present was the interviewer, a translator and a grandson of Sarah Obama’s. That is why you see several affidavits as well as the phone records. I cannot and will not divulge the true identities at this time.

Regardless of where Obama was actually born, and again we believe he was born in Kenya with the information we have, he (Obama) never reclaimed any US citizenship status he may have had and has failed to relinquish his Indonesian citizenship between the ages of 18-21. This is important because Indonesia did not recognize dual citizenship and Obama had the opportunity to reclaim his US Citizenship whether it was natural born, which we do not believe, or “naturalized”.

In order for Obama to have relinquished his Indonesia citizenship, he was required to send a sworn affidavit to the Indonesian Government. We cannot find any record of Obama complying with this. In addition, the State Department would have records relating to Obama reclaiming his US citizenship status, if he held such.

Next, the name issue. The last legal name we have for Obama is on his school record in Indonesia, which was Barry Soetoro. We cannot located any legal documents where he ever legally changed his name to Barack H. Obama.

Just to keep things straight, the First Amended Complaint in Berg v. Obama was filed October 6, 2008 and we did not receive the tape and affidavits regarding Obama’s grandmother until after October 30, 2008.

I hope I answered everything.

Of course, it doesn’t answer everything, because I really wanted to know about how Berg and McRae got hooked up. One thing I have learned since I wrote those questions is never to ask a lawyer a complex question because he can give you a long answer to just part of it, and the part you really didn’t care about that much.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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9 Responses to A question for Phil Berg

  1. Scientist says:

    “The interview of Obama’s grandmother was done in Kenya at Sarah Obama’s home on October 16, 2008. Present was the interviewer, a translator and a grandson of Sarah Obama’s. That is why you see several affidavits as well as the phone records. I cannot and will not divulge the true identities at this time.”

    Several affidavits, yet, oddly, none from the person who supposedly witnessed the key event.

  2. SvenMagnussen says:

    “We cannot located any legal documents where he ever legally changed his name to Barack H. Obama.”

    The COLB is a legal document created after a Court order to establish the birth record. Too much attention has been put on the process of establishing evidence to create a birth record, i.e. hospital submission with parent and doctor’s attestation or attestation of home birth by parent, while completely ignoring a court order.

    What we know and what we don’t know …

    We don’t know what name was given to him when he was born.

    We do know he was Barry Soetoro, Indonesian national, in the 2nd grade.

    We know a COLB was created for him identifying him as Barack Hussein Obama II with Stanley Ann Dunham and Barack Hussein Obama listed as his parents.

  3. Ellid says:

    @SvenMagnussen –

    Like most birthers, you’ve made several glaring errors. In specific:

    – The Certificate of Live Birth was created from original birth records in Hawaii, not a Court order.

    – We do know what name the President was given at birth: Barack Hussein Obama II.

    – The President was never an “Indonesian national” and never had Indonesian citizenship.

    – His legal name has never been “Barry Soetoro.”

  4. Daniel says:

    I wonder if Sven can give us his position on the photon bounce angle and palm fiber issue?

  5. Reality Check says:

    I hope this is an old answer and that “paralegal” is not repeating the same whoppers after they have been so thoroughly debunked time and again. The one that stood out for me was that “Obama never reclaimed his US citizenship”. They never seem to be able to show how he lost it in the first place but they are certain he never reclaimed it. 🙂

  6. Reality Check: I hope this is an old answer and that “paralegal” is not repeating the same whoppers after they have been so thoroughly debunked time and again.

    It is a very old answer.

    And with that, the comment odometer clicks over to 47,000.

  7. brygenon says:

    SvenMagnussen: We know a COLB was created for him identifying him as Barack Hussein Obama II with Stanley Ann Dunham and Barack Hussein Obama listed as his parents.

    And we know the U.S. Constitution grants “full faith and credit” to state records. Plus, even if Sven’s made-up story about Obama’s COLB being produced by court order were true, that would just mean a court declared him born in Hawaii, which is fine. State judicial proceedings also get full faith and credit.

    Hawaii says Barack Hussein Obama II was born in Hawaii, and they are the proper legal authority.

  8. Reality Check: I hope this is an old answer and that “paralegal” is not repeating the same whoppers after they have been so thoroughly debunked time and again. The one that stood out for me was that “Obama never reclaimed his US citizenship”. They never seem to be able to show how he lost it in the first place but they are certain he never reclaimed it.

    It’s the stock answer “Paralegal” gives out. We had a go-around in my birther mythbusting section where I kept pointing out the evidence that disproved her claims, and her grasping at straws to try and bolster them.

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