The original has been retracted because the evidence just doesn’t back it up.
If President Obama found a state-issued birth certificate among his family papers, it would most likely have been a negative photocopy, like that seen from the 1966 issuance of a certificate for the Nordyke twins.
Hmm. When did photocopying become common and cost-effective?
The earliest birth certificate I have is from the 1980’s (not Hawaii), and it’s a short form. Unlike my later-issued one, it’s from the county records office, not the state. It’s a pre-printed certificate with the information typed in with a manual typewriter. It still has no more information on it than my later short-form does, though.
At one point, I had an even earlier one, issued sometime in the 1970’s (now lost), and I believe it was similar.
I’ve always thought of forms like that as “birth certificates” because I’d never seen anything else. The idea that there should be a longer form hadn’t really occurred to me until people started talking about Obama’s. It’s quite possible that Obama was the same way.
I am slightly confused by Dr C’s posting. My understanding is that the Nordyke certificate was certified copy issued in 1966. Therefore, wouldn’t this suggest that the standard certificate issued in 1966 would have been a copy produced from microfilm or microfiche?
Regardless, we can’t assume that the birth certificate that Obama used to apply for his first passport was issued in 1966. It is entirely conceivable that the certificate used was that was issued in 1961, as parents often obtain a birth certificate shortly after the child’s birth. Although we know the format for the original document filed with the registrar as of 1961, we have no indication as to what was routinely issued to parents before 1966.
As has been noted countless times, it is not reasonable to assume that whichever certificate used for Obama’s first passport application is in Obama’s possession today. Documents can easily get lost over the years and getting a replacement certificate is extremely common.
Someone who already has a valid US passport has evidence of identity, citizenship, and date of birth in a single document and would be unlikely to have to provide a birth certificate in the future. When I realised that I could not find my own birth certificate a few years ago, I did not bother ordering another one until I was about to move abroad and thought that I should have a copy just in case I were to lose my US passport and needed new proof of citizenship for a replacement passport.
Barack H Obama Born in Kenya The REAL Birth Certificate AT LASTwmv.mp4
Seems like this video is being posted alot on YouTube.
The Kenyan BC has not yet been authenticated. Obots have tried to debunk the BC but none of their arguments have been compelling.
Fox Reporter Interrupted Live; “Hey America, Where’s Barack Obama’s Real Birth Certificate?”
My wife has her original birth certificate issued in 1961 (from a state in the midwest). The information is typed onto a form. it has the date and place of birth and her parents’ names and their place of birth. No info at all regarding the hospital or doctor (she was born in a hospital). There is a raised seal. It was actually issued by the city DoH, rather than the state and is about 81/2″ x 5″. She has a passport and driver’s license and SSN, and professional licensure and no one has complained about the brevity of her bc so far. However, she hasn’t been elected President (as yet), so I can’t say whether she would have to order a new one in that case.
It looks like that is the case. The document appears to be a composite of the certificate and the certification on a separate piece of paper, printed together. I may be on a wild goose chase here. I need more examples.
The Smith certificate is riddled with errors, the most glaring of which is that the dates are in the US (mm/dd/yyyy) format, not the Kenyan format (dd/mm/yyyy). This is like the error in the first hoax Kenyan certificate when the unit of currency was shillings and pence, when Kenya has always used shillings and cents.
For a compelling argument that it’s a fake, see:
James: “The Kenyan BC has not yet been authenticated. Obots have tried to debunk the BC but none of their arguments have been compelling”
What can you say about the birther’s arguments? Are any of them have been compelling?
Let’s see why the document has not been authenticated:
1. It purports to be a copy not of a birth registration with any form of government, but rather of a private medical record.
2. No corresponding birth registration with any public authority has been obtained, even though records of Kenyan birth registration are available for inspection by members of the public.
3. This document in question has not been legalised. For documents executed overseas that require notarisation or other certification, it is normally necessary to go through the chain of legalisation for use in the United States. (The shorter process of getting an apostille would not have been an option because Kenya is not a party to the Hague Convention.)
4. The witness to the supposed certification in Kenya is a convicted forger whose word would lack credibility in any court proceedings.
5. The witness who claims that he travelled to Kenya to obtain this document has been unable to provide any evidence of such travel. (One must wonder if a convicted felon would have been admitted to Kenya.)
Given all the problems that prevent it from being authenticated, there is no need for a compelling argument against a document that has rightly not been admitted as evidence in any proceedings and, therefore, does not support any birther’s case.
What James
What James means is that none of the objective evidence given by non-birthers has been compelling -enough- to dissuade them from their delusions. Flat earthers have the same problem in that the sciences of geography, astronomy, and physics have not put forward any arguements, that the Earth is not flat, compelling -enough- to convince a flat earther that the earth is round.
The fact is that there will never be any evidence compelling -enough- to convince a birther. The reason is simple. Their delusion is not based on, or swayed by, evidence, but rather by prejudice (of one type or another). Thus it is not that they do not yet believe Obama is eligible, but rather that they CAN NOT BELIEVE, EVER, NO MATTER WHAT.
James falls for each and every hoax, the strange thing is that as each hoax is clearly shown as a hoax, James doesn’t seem able to process that, Definetly a sign of limited mental abilities. Poor deluded guy.
James as soon as you get rid of this BC delusion, your family will be happy to get you back.
James isn’t falling for hoaxes…it’s pretty clear he is part of Lucas’ little white supremacist fan club at You Tube.
More on “James” – my guess is he is Bsteadman1, who seems to post BS 18 hours a day.
most birthers adopt a preferred scripture (like the vattelists for example) and tend to stick with it. since each sees their church as the one true faith, most have no compunction against badmouthing or even suing rival denominations (berg v. taitz).
our boy james however appears to be one of those rare ecumenicals, who exhibits no sense of discrimination — he is an omnivore, ready to swallow without blinking each and every fable the internet can spawn that ends with obama being marched out of the white house in chains.
either that or he’s a borat-inspired performance artist.
Actually, other than Berg and Donofrio, I think the birthers are rather ecumenical (I’d say accretive) towards any theory that ends in an Obama march out of the white house. Witness Orly’s expanding list of Obama crimes – now including 63 stolen SSNs.
Berg doesn’t seem willing to sign onto the Vattel theory – pinning his hopes on a foreign birth or a loss of citizenship (against clear SCOTUS precedent) by adoption or travel in Pakistan. (I think Kreep and Lakin might also be in this camp.)
Donofrio has conceded that Obama was born in Hawaii. But, since he invented the myth of Vattel he has too much invested in it to give it up.
Mario, Taitz, Post and Fail, WND, James, MichaelN, and others, seem perfectly willing to switch back and forth among the different theories. If Mario thinks he can get away with the Pakistan travel ban, for example, he’ll gladly throw it back into his writings.
I actually think that its most likely that Obama found a copy of the hospital souvenir certificate.. I actually have a copy of one for my recently born grandchild — along with the little foot prints and all. It’s very cute, but it has less info than on the Obama COLB — for example, the names of the parents are crowded onto one line and there certainly is no info as to their race or origin — and of course the hospital certificate is not certified and could not be used for any official purposes. It’s definitely not a “long form” anything.
The reason I think Obama found the hospital souvenir is where he found it — in the same place where he found a clipping about his father — so it looks like the place where his mom was keeping memorabilia.
It’s typical for parents to stick the hospital souvenir certificate in a scrapbook along with baby photos, etc. — whereas something official is more likely to be kept in a safe deposit box or a file amid other important documents. So — assuming that Obama’s mother at some point obtained an official, certified document … I don’t think she would have put it in the spot where the teenage Obama ran across it.
What’s with the moderation now?
I found my last comment in moderation. I assume that this was related to the words used in my suggestion that the testimony of a convicted forger would carry little to no weight.
The Nordyke Twins’ BCs looks like photostatic copies. Something like a contact negative. Also, they were issued on May 5, 1966. Most likely, the parents left the hospital without a copy of a BC, since the BCs were not ready (mother signed them on 8/7/61, doctor on 8/11/61). Also the twins certification numbers are slighly out of alignment (the numbers 06 are slightly higher the rest of the numbers). This suggests to me, that they used a handstamp to put the numbers on the certifcates. The kind of stamp with dials that turn to change the numbers on the stamp. And one twin was born in Honolulu, Hawaii and the other in Honolulu, Oahu.
With all these little anomolies, the only conclusion that can be drawn is that these BCs are forgeries and the Nordyke twins do not really exist.
But the comment that I posted has no words that could possibly be construed as an insult or profanity…… it was just a comment that I think that certificate referenced in Obama’s book was a hospital souvenir certificate, not official… and the reason why I thought that. (Guess you guys will have to wait for my rationale).
Actually, I have loosened up the moderation filter quite a bit recently. What’s left are indicators to folks that are banned, some obscene words, plus the word “crap”. You may not understand why your post was moderated, and frankly neither did I for a while.
The moderation word filter is pretty brain dead in that it cannot tell the difference between a word standing alone and a string of characters inside a word. For example “flying” contains “lying” (a word formerly in the filter). The Hebrew word “bereshith” (“in the beginning”) has an obvious problem.
That brings us to your offensive word: “scrapbook.”
Hey Doc! You can hear me talk about Lucas Smith’s BC in the following video:
Listen at 5:08.
If the document was validly certified in Kenya, then why did Lucas Smith not have the the document legalised for use within the United States? Why does his affidavit not address this failure?
So have you seen any of those documents Orly Taitz claims in the video to have researched that show the mm/dd/yyyy date form from British protectorates in 1961?
Sigh. OK. I’ll remember, in the future; Stanley Dunham probably kept the old photos, clippings, newborn hospital bracelet, and souvenir birth certificate in her personal compendium…….
Thanks James, for outing yourself!
Since James has now outed himself as a member of Lucas’ white supremacist fan club, I believe the comical relief he has provided here is no longer needed.
I’m now researching to find out who he is – and in the midst of that research, I noticed that Lucas’ right hand conman, “mocorrupt,” mentioned this 8-9 months ago at Lucas’ little YouTube forum:
“Everyone should remember that the footprint on Obama’s CPGH birth record may be purely decorative. The footprint may not be his, but just an artist’s rendering of a footprint that is part of the hospital’s form. “
Dr. C, do you allow the real life outing of trolls here?
BTW, while I await Dr. C’s response, let me state for the record – I have believed for many months now that “mocorrupt” was involved in creating Lucas’ fake Kenyan BC.
Oddly enough, one possible document to show that 1961 Kenyan BCs used DD-MM-YYYY and not mm/dd/yyyy is a supposed 1960s era Kenyan birth certificate posted by…. WND.
(note: the use of the terms possible and supposed is due to the fact that I am unable verify the authenticity or validity of the document. Though this source would be worthy of great suspicion, as it was used to debunk fake Kenyan Birth Certificates, I do not see reason to dismiss it out of hand.)
So James, how did that hearing go in the Rhodes case the following Monday? Was it something like this?
I bet that POSFKBC#2 really swayed Judge Land didn’t it?
I only went to the first hearing which was rescheduled because Rhodes didn’t show up. It was too long of a drive to go to second hearing. Nevertheless, I actually did meet Orly Taitz in person and got good pictures with her.
That’s a wonderful idea looking at the WND certificate Look in the lower section to the left of “Date of Registration.” The date clearly starts with “28” which MUST be a month. Even the written out date of birth starts “Twentieth.”
No. See item 13.
However the association of one anonymous person with another anonymous person is OK.
The only ‘birth certificate’ I have is a negative image copy, probably from microfiche, from Michigan.
When I requested this copy in the early 1980’s, so I could get a passport, I included a description of several spelling errors that my parents had described to me over time, including the misspelling of my mothers name.
The copy came back with those errors corrected by hand on the otherwise typewritten document. So they dug out the original paper copy, wrote the corrections on to it, and redid the microfiche, before creating my copy.
Again, this was early 1980’s, before laser printers, and before dirt cheap disk storage. Microfiche was the bees knees for long term efficient storage and relatively quick access.
Anybody remember where that old Video clip of Ron Polland is so we can do a forensic audio comparison like they do on TV?
Dr. C, since it is ok to associate one anonymous person with another, James is not Polarik…he’s mocorrupt at Lucas’ little hangout. He is Lucas’ partner in crime…and I seriously mean that, because I would think forging a fake BC is a crime. That is why he is here pushing the fake BC all the time, and pushing other meaningless gobbledygook.
A little history here 😉
When Lucas first put his and mocorrupt’s fake BC up for sale, Lucas started his You Tube site. Folks were waiting and waiting for the mysterious Inspector Smith to make an appearance, but he didn’t post. Soon, most posters there were bashing Smith as the con that we all know he is.
Enter mocorrupt, reassuring folks that the fake BC was a real BC. Soon after, the mysterious Inspector made his first appearance, and the rest is history.
James/mocorrupt clearly has a lot of pride in the handicraft of their fake Kenyan BC…but as has been clearly demonstrated, they screwed up, by not researching who was CPGH’s Chief Administrator in February 2009 – Dr. Othigo, not Dr. Maganga.
I suppose it never dawned on them, when they created the fake in the summer of 2009, that the person who was “now” the Chief Administrator, was brand new. If Lucas would have claimed to have visited Kenya in June 2009, it wouldn’t be so easy today to prove the fake is a fake. But Lucas claimed “spring,” and then changed his claim to “February,” and the fake was doomed.
So “James,” have anything to say?
Did you ask her out? You seem totally enthralled by her
One last thing.
Some people believe that TechDude was not Adam Fink…that someone else used TechDude’s yahoo profile and online resume’ to assume Fink’s online identity. Others like me believe TechDude was Fink.
However, we don’t know for sure either way.
If TechDude was not Fink, and someone borrowed his online personna to pretend to be him, then James/mocorrupt is logically Suspect #1. Their skills, geographical locations, etc., are quite similar, plus it’s hard to believe that TechDude, having been disgraced as a fake document expert, would just go away. A rebirth as a new online hoaxer would be much more likely, since cons seldom just disappear.
This is a must see lol.
Wow, just found a pretty cool thread at another site, from last year.
The lead article is about Rhodes “firing” Orly, shortly after that hearing that James/mocorrupt went to with Lucas-boy. Let me set the stage here:
Early October – Bdaman (aka Bsteadman1 at Lucas’ clubhouse) shows up posting disinfo. Remember that at this time, the Lucas-CEL3 vs Orly split had not occurred yet. Bdaman is exposed as a hoaxer.
November 23rd – the dorman thread suddenly comes back to life, as James/mocorrupt and “I, Lucas Smith” decide to tag team the thread. First, mocorrupt shows up as “Paully” at 2:31 to manufacturer doubt about Obama, by discussing “date filed vs date registered.”
Then “I, Lucas Smith the conman” shows up for the first time as 3:42, specifically to praise “Paully,” who we now know is his partner in crime. And of course, Lucas goes on to mention that his fake BC has never been proven to be fake.
Prophetically, Vince Treacy, a regular poster at that site, said this on November 24th:
“To the regulars, Dr. Conspiracy has a complete rundown on Date Filed v. Date Accepted, posted on Saturday, February 28, 2009
Maybe Paully can take his problems to the experts at that site and stop bothering us for a while (this is meant sincerely).”
At that time, Vince had not yet realized who “Paully” was.
A few hours later, another regular, Mike Spindell, figures out that “Paully” is mocorrupt, and outs him for who he really is.
11/24 at 2:10 PM, “Buddha is Laughing” says this – “Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy. Given the repeated beatings you’ve taken in your various incarnations…”
Wow, this all seems so familar lol.
The three stooges (Bsteadman1 aka Bdaman, Paully aka James aka mocorrupt, and Little Lucas, are eventually chased off with the tails cut off.
Wow, another cool thread.
In this thread, James/mocorrupt/Paully is posting as “BIRTHER,” but earlier in the thread he posts using his real name. Apparently he fibs a lot about his military career and gets busted, then creates another BIRTHER so he can troll some more. Bsteadman1 is also busy in the thread.
I had no idea mocorrupt was trolling so much.
thanks for the info, that was a sick thread
Thanks richcares.
I am wondering, aloud, if there is enough evidence right now for me to spend my time trying to bust something wide open, that might be a waste of time.
Where is Loren when you need him lol. I’m pretty good at busting trolls, but he is the best.
What triggered my new thoughts were comments at that site – that it is a fact that James/mocorrupt/Paulley/BIRTHER is a paid propagandist…that somewhere he admitted to being paid.
When I read that, a new lightbulb went off:
What if mocorrupt was behind TechDude, instead of Fink.
TechDude was disgraced.
TechDude then got involved with Lucas.
Through it all, he gets paid.
Does this connect to Beckwith and the “new mission” he announced more than two years ago. Beckwith (Parker James Shannon) was behind the API/Sammy Korir hoax regarding Michelle Obama talking to API. Beckwith was also deeply involved with the “Obama is a Muslim” viral email.
Is some entity actually funneling money to these folks? How would one prove this?
One more thing I remember – Polarik’s words almost two years ago:
“For the record, TechDude, TexasDarlin (TD), and myself had agreed to work together back in the third week of June…”
I remember back then researching to find a connection between these three, prior to Obama releasing his COLB, and I could not find any connection, any place where they all posted, etc. I thought it was odd that the three of them would team up, yet could not find any previous interaction.
And as history later showed, when API/Korir published Beckwith’s hoax about Michelle calling API, TexasDarlin was the first site online to repost the hoax, and then shortly afterwards, Beckwith published it at his site,
Thanks for the investigations so far, SluggoJD.
If “James” truly is linked and connected to the Lucas Smith forgery, as well as to all those other known birther sock-puppets, that is quite a scoop and further evidence that these folks are just on a desperate intentional misinformation campaign.
Opportunistic fellow travellers rather than some plot IMHO…..don’t need to equate some reverse Illuminati plot with the ability of bigots to find their chums in the shallow end of the gene pool
More than likely. But since you probably haven’t done any research into any of these slimey critters, I take offense to any kind of illuminati talk, or other, equally insane descriptors.
A few have mentioned the Nordyk twins BC, explaining it as a negative image.
Just to be clear, that is what you get when you print a document from microfiche.
My comment was not pointed at you but as a reference to the many many many wholly insane comments our Birfer friends throw around. Along with “Scrubbing’ the Internet. Trilateral Commission, Da Ebil Bilderbergs, The Queen as a Lizard Person etc etc.
Best place for a round up on their crazy still is the latest missive from the Restore America Plan nutters and their 10 Quad Trillion “lien” the have taken out on the Queen and England in general….
I wonder why James has no issue with associating with a known felon. He has always defended the Lucas Smith forged BC in the face of many pieces of evidence that debunked that document. He has never answered why Lucas Smith, felon, could never provide proof that he ever visited Kenya. You would think that Lucas, if he had actually went to Kenya, would be more that happy to show his evidence. Nor could Lucas explain why supposedly Barack Obama Sr. did not know the date of his birth. Since that information is not readily available, it explains why only the year was used. James, you have just proven that you have no interest in the truth or evidence.
Bovril: “…many many many wholly insane comments ”
not realy insane, just dumb
remember the old Dragnet theme song, that could be the birther theme
dumb de dumb dumb—-d u m b
OK cool! Thanks for the explanation!
Lion, I’ve just explained why – James, aka mocorrupt, Paully, and other names, has been Lucas’ partner in this hoax from the beginning.
Indeed, since I know who James is, his skills are perfectly suited for forging a BC. Does Lucas have those skills? Who knows – big difference between forging a check, and creating a fake Kenyan BS. But James definitely has the skills.
Black Lion, how do you know that James isn’t a felon as well? We definitely can’t rule that possibility out.
That might explain why he wouldn’t have any problems associating with another felon. I know you are familiar with that old saying: Birds of a feather…
I always use the more harsher phrase S**t sticks together
I always use the more harsher phrase S**t sticks together
old saying stated that flys are attracted to honey
not true, flys are attracted to S**t, which is why bitrhers are flys.
My NYS BC is a negative image. I used it to obtain 2 passports, and of course my driver license.
So, wait- James (as Lucas Smith’s partner) supposedly has skills enough to know that altering a computer scan of a document doesn’t simultaneously alter the original?
“James” has been playing folks here with BS, nothing more. That’s all he has. That’s all any of them have.
Up above, I posted links to where his alter egos were posting – Paully, BIRTHER, and also his real name. There, you can see him carry on a much more intellectual game of “BS then Evade.” He isn’t stupid. He’s clever, and evil.
Good work SluggoJD! Patrick over at badfiction is reporting on the research you’ve done. Bravo!
I strongly suspect that nearly all of the birther posters we get here are similar in goals & motives to what you’ve uncovered on “James”. They are nothing but intentional trolls on a purposeful agenda of a campaign of propaganda & misinformation. They are mere scam artists and cons and fairly pathetic ones at that.
Most of them appear to be the same small group of “players” in the birtherverse, spending all their time buzzing various sites and leaving their carbon-copy droppings of deceit. Most of them tend to use a number of sock-puppets & pseudonyms and appear to be deeply invested in creating the L.I.E.S they spew and trying to make their numbers appear vastly larger than the minuscule contingent that they really are . They are not mere followers in this little drama of deception, but often key actors & bit players behind the scenes, trying to further their little agenda of hate & smear.
NC1 has also similarly been outed by others here, to a lesser extent.
I strongly suspect that someone’s research will eventually out “yguy” in a similar fashion. He’s already been busted just today for trying to pull his Wag The Dog con game on CAAflog and then bring it here.
G, I saw your post over at Patrick’s as well, thanks.
BTW, Kahunah and Whistleblower are two more names that James has used online.
As Kahunah, James revealed himself as a 9-11 nutcase.
I did not mean to imply anything negative about a negative.
Follow and have a laugh at what I just uncovered!
1. June 27 2009, “Omela” (4 whole posts) just has to have an Obama Kenyan BC. Notice that “Omela” titles the post “Collector needs help getting birth certiciate.” KEEP IN MIND that as of 6/27/09, Lucas had not shown a copy of the fake Kenyan BC yet – all Lucas had done up to this point is post stuff like this and this at Ebay.
2. Nobody responds. Boo hoo.
3. Wow, looks like mocorrupt aka James is a collector…wow, what a coincidence.
4. Now keep in mind that Lucas did not show off his fake Kenyan BC until August…
5. July 27th 2009, one month later – “Omela” tries again – “Trying to get souvenir of our new president obama. Willing tgo pay for copy of Kenya birth certificate.
thank you.”
6. Unlike last time, when “Omela” was completely ignored, this time there are a few responses:
a) “RonnyRiggy” (4 posts total) responds “I have a copy stay in touch” – yea, sure lol
b) someone else says Obama was not born in Kenya.
c) “Omela” tries to contact “Ronny”
d) August 10 2009, “Omela” is still looking…
e) 2 posts later, look who shows up – James, aka mocorrupt, kahunah, Paully, BIRTHER, Whistleblower, yada yada yada.
7. James posts the following – “Please. Please. Investigators only look for truth. A certified copy of Kenyan “Certificate of Birth” from 1961 (certified in 2009) and a “Certification of Birth” issued in 1964 have been presented. Investigators are looking for the birth certificate of someone born at Coast Province General Hospital in 1961 for comparison. Some news sources are claiming that Coast Province General Hospital did not exist in 1961. Historical records prove that to be a lie…”
James uses the word “investigators” twice, while Omela’s initial post claimed that a collector wanted a copy.
What I see when I look at this is:
Omela is either Lucas or James, trying to find something they could use to create an Obama BC.
Ronny – who knows, but in another one of his 4 posts, he gives out his phone number.
Omela still didn’t have anything by July 27th. The clock is ticking. Lucas has claimed to have the BC for over a month now.
And James just happens to show up in the thread at the end.
Thanks for the additional info – pass this along to Patrick over there too, would ya, please?
Again, massive kudos to you and great research work!
So, “James” aka, aka, etc. is also a “Truther”. LOL! Why am I not surprised. There seems to actually be quite a lot of birther/truthers out there, as well as TeaBagger-Truthers.
There is something defective in the thought process of these folks that takes them beyond rational, healthy skepticism into full-blown irrational paranoia. Thus, you seem to see the same cast of characters over & over again latching onto every kooky anti-government conspiracy out there and which is why with both of these silly movements, we hear lots of the nutty Bircher & NWO talk seeping through.
I also found it interesting that as “Kahunah”, aka “James” had his own website named such and also outed his “name” – I’ll just post the initials J.B. here.
Well, James tried to make his own little return to this site earlier tonight, making a number of posts trying to fluff-up the Tim Adams story again and continuing to spout the same tired old assertions that have been addressed numerous times.
See Dr. C’s “One question for Mario Apuzzo regarding where Obama was born ” article for the lowdown on how that transpired.
Lucas Smith and the Virgin Mary
LOL, never saw this one before!
Not only has Lucas gone by the name of colmado_naranja, he’s also gone by the name of colmado_scarlette.
As “scarlette,” he tried to sell his house in Cedar Rapids, claiming that the Virgin Mary visits it!!!
More confirmation here at Wikipedia, where he tried to delete evidence about it.
Wow, what a guy! Kidney for sale, Virgin Mary visits his house, convict, throws hot oil on people, and he’s really, really, really got Obama’s Kenyan BC!
You got it G, and googling on his real name opens up more doors lol.