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Hi Doc. Just been looking for the Kerchner update on what happened in court today. Any idea? I already know what the result is but need some kind of proof to show the FOXbots
Found some good stuff last night – Lucas and the Virgin Mary junk, and probable tag teaming between James and Lucas, before the fake Kenyan BC was created.
Just start here lol.
The most obscene thread of birtherism:
P.S. Topix doesn’t care about the law or its own policy. It is a cesspool and a disgrace.
I could be wrong, but I think the 29th was just the date when the three judge panel gets together, in some form or another, and goes over the case. The actual opinion could be months off or sooner, if the judge assigned to write it is short and to the point and just says “denied”.
Here is an interesting Freerepublic post:;page=1
I believe it shows that the founders could have and probably would have translated Vattel’s “naturels” as “natural born”. Of course, they then miss the point that natural born was a very familar phrase from Common Law with a well understood definition.
I especially like the comments. When James777 points out Madison’s 1789 statement on birth allegiance, the birthers do what they do best. They rewrite history.
Patlin at post 94 actually says that William L. Smiths father took “an oath to become a citizen of the new society”. Patlin conveniently ignores the fact that Smith’s father died in 1770, five months after sending young William to England and 6 years before the Declaration of Independence. Amazing
Dr. C, it has been my pet peeve that Lucas Smith has not shown proof of his entry to Kenya. Now I know why he can’t…please check this out.
The following categories of persons are classified as prohibited Immigrants in Kenya and accordingly shall not be issued with visas or permitted to enter Kenya;
(e) Any person who, not having received a free pardon has been convicted in any country including Kenya, of murder, or of any offence for which a sentence of imprisonment has been passed for any term and who, by reasons of such conviction and imprisonment is considered to be an undesirable immigrant.
The possession of a visa for Kenya is not the final authority to enter Kenya.The Immigration Officer at the port of entry may refuse such a person permission to enter if he is satisfied that such a visitor is unable to fulfil the immigration requirements and that the entry and presence of such a visitor, in Kenya would be contrary to national interests even though such a person may be in possession of a valid visa for Kenya, Provided that any such refusal is consented to by the Director of Immigration Services Nairobi, his deputy or provincial heads of Immigration at Mombasa, Kisumu and Garissa or any other Senior Officer so authorized to deputise.
Former Hawaii Election Official contacted by Fox News
Gee, a little slow on the draw there Sven….
There is absolutely nothing new at that link you provided that wasn’t already reported in the WND article & similar birther reports that we’ve already been talking about for the past few days.
So, good luck with your dead horses there and keep being as irrelevant as ever.
Gorefan: Patlin at post 94 actually says that William L. Smiths father took “an oath to become a citizen of the new society”.
I find convenient lies like this (from Patlin) particularly offensive.
BTW, there are articles here on the Smith/Ramsay squabble:
Nothing appeared on the Court of Appeals web site except a notice that the case had been submitted to the judges yesterday. I wouldn’t expect anything for a few weeks.
I just found this yesterday:
“Edward Tremlett who worked in Dubai, United Arabic Emirats, was highly paid there, is now heading por-Obama media -thugs attack on me, Ambassador Alan Keyes and LTC Lakin”
It’s the head of orly’s reprinting of my “lakin’s lawyer lies” article
followed by a couple burbles from the peanut gallery.
For the record, I was not “highly paid” in Dubai. I think I’m going to write her up and ask why that even matters, just to see if i get a response 😉
Oh, and as the leader of the “por obama media-thugs” you all need to show me some fealty. I’ll take half of what you’re not being paid for this gig.
Congratulations on your notoriety! The mention of your former employment obviously arises out of Orly’s bias against all things Arab.
Oh For Goodness sake blog has video of Fitzpatrick’s arraignment.
From the Post and Fail. I had posted on another thread. Commenters are not happy with the answers that they received from Medved regarding their “life and death constitutional issue”….
Vic Hern says:
Tuesday, June 29, 2010 at 6:15 AM
Sharon and John,
I heard a short segment of Michael Medved’s radio show Monday AM.
He allows calls about Conspiracy Theories weekly, and allowed one caller
to talk about eligibility, much to my surprise.
Medved, I believe, hinted at what most of Talk Radio believes about the issue when he told the caller that 99+% of lawyers believe that Obama is natural born by being born in Hawaii, as parentage doesn’t count in English Common Law, which our founders never formally changed.
Studying further I find that French law history is different from the rest of Europe and may be based on historical Roman Law in regard to citizenship.
If indeed our heads of most all news organizations were told this when they were warned not to allow programming on eligibility, then WE THE PEOPLE should certainly fact-check statements to that effect, don’t you think?
We have already interviewed Mario Apuzzo. We know where Orly Taitz stands.
We need to find out where indeed 99+% truly do stand on the issue, and if indeed false information was used to coerce our media.
Survey legal experts, do interviews with the leading lawyers who head up their various organizations, re-interview Apuzzo and Taitz as to what they perceive are the views of their colleagues and report to WE THE PEOPLE.
Mrs. Rondeau replies: Both Attys. Apuzzo and Taitz have stated that it is not only “jus soli” which determines natural born Citizenship, but also “jus sanguinis,” or the citizenship/allegiance of one’s parents at the time of his birth. I recall reading that on Orly’s website almost from the beginning of the controversy in the fall of 2008. Atty. Apuzzo has certainly stated it many times. Many people, however, equate “citizen” with “natural born Citizen” because they don’t know the true meaning. Since almost no one is taught the Constitution anymore, everyone seemingly has come to believe that being born on the soil is enough. However, I believe that the real constitutional scholars out there have done the research and determined that the words “natural born” in the Constitution mean more than simply “born in the country.” And Obama has not even proven that he was born in this country, so he had massive eligibility hurdles from the beginning. Perhaps Medved has “allowed” discussion recently because Salem communications is losing listeners. They produce, from which I unsubscribed many months ago after they refused to address Obama’s questionable eligibility, and I know others have done the same.
And the inmates over at the P&E are not happy about the misinformation regarding John Bohener and him being involved in former General Valley’s call for Obama’s resignation…
thistle says:
Friday, June 25, 2010 at 9:09 PM
I just heard that those in the house and senate are just taking the petitions and throwing them in the trash. So much for any of them listening to we the people.’ It’s No surprise really after this last 18 months of shredding our constitution and the continual betrayal of the people of our country, but it still saddens me beyond explanation. It’s hard to accept that there are so many in our gvmt & elsewhere who hate this country so much (Why???). They are now calling all the shots (all maybe 20-30% of the population) ignoring the input of the other 70-80% of the people, and that’s very, very sad indeed.
A most ridiculus site:birther conservapedia
Read the Obama comments and answer how they can possibly have this motto:
Convervapedia, the Trustworthy Encyclopedia
(what a joke, tery reading about evolution, that’s funnier)
conservapedia makes conservatives look ignorant, they should complain about conservapedia!
Dr C – Did Ramsay write the dissertation in 1787, I though it was in 1789? About the same time as his petition.
Many of the arguments made in the dissertation are repeated virtually word for word in the petition. With the petition being more personnalized to the facts of the Smith case.
A footnote:
Ramsay wrote a personnal letter to Madison, asking him to support his petition against Smith’s eligiliblity.
I think this makes Madison’s statement on the House floor that much stronger. He not only rejected Ramsay’s desertation, and petition but the also a personnal appeal. Madison must have felt strongly about the issue of birth allegiance.
Sorry that link doesn’t work. Try this
And search for ramsay.
Who could read that garbarge? Once they started off with the following line…
“Barack Hussein Obama II (birth name Barry Soetoro,[1][2][3] allegedly born in Honolulu August 4, 1961[4][5][6][7][8]) is the 44th President of the United States, and the first President who is biracial. He previously served less than four years as a first-term Democratic Senator from Illinois (2005-2008).”
…then I knew there would not be any legitimate information. Birth name Barry Soetero? They can’t even get their birther information right….
WND Poorly Defends Birther Hero From Racist ‘Smears’
Topic: WorldNetDaily
WorldNetDaily’s Joe Kovacs runs to the defense of birther hero Tim Adams in in a June 28 article, portraying him as “the victim of a vicious smear campaign,” which includes the allegation that he’s a “racist.” But Kovacs never address the core evidence to support that allegation.
After first quoting Adams saying that “I was, among other claims made by these ‘concerned citizens,’ a Nazi, a skinhead, a racist, and a host of other epithets” and that “I have never been a part of any racialist group, nor espoused any racist doctrines, not that that matters to them,” Kovacs inserts a video from MSNBC’s “Countdown” in which Keith Olbermann lays out the case of Adam’s racist ties — attending a convention of the openly racist Council of Conservative Citizens, where he was interviewed by self-proclaimed “pro-white” radio host James Edwards.
Suddenly, it’s diversion time for Kovacs, who chooses to obsess over Olbermann’s use of a plural instead of tackling the core issue:
“Oops! You’re quoting white supremacists about a black president,” Olbermann said. “Well done, WorldNetDaily!”
WND’s story from which Olbermann was reading quoted Adams only based on WND’s own, exclusive, hour-long phone interview with the former elections official, and mentioned no one else making any similar claim about Obama’s hospital-generated birth certificate being non-existent.
Adams, did, however, initially make his allegation June 5 on a show hosted by James Edwards of WLRM Radio in Memphis, Tenn. The show’s website describes Edwards – not Tim Adams – as having an “unapologetically pro-white viewpoint.”
Kovacs’ effort to divorce Adams from Edwards by claiming that Edwards’ website didn’t describe Adams as “pro-white” is as laughable as it is lame. It probably didn’t describe Jerome Corsi that way either when he appeared on Edwards’ show (not that Kovacs will mention that little nugget of fact anytime soon).
At no point in the article does Kovacs ask Adams to explain why he was at a CofCC convention (or even that he was there in the first place) or why he chose to be interviewed by a “pro-white” radio host.
Kovacs’ cowardice continues: He notes that “if anyone is racist against blacks on this issue, Adams says it is those who suggest Obama is not eligible to hold office,” but doesn’t ask Adams if he thinks the birther kings at WND are racist.
Kovacs parroted once again Adams’ story that he was a “senior election clerk” who “had a secretary, private office, two assistants and about 50 temp workers” working under him, and that he had access to “numerous government databases” and “unfettered Internet access, something else the workers didn’t possess,” but he ignored anyone who contradicted Adams’ story. Like Glen Takahashi, whom Kovacs cited as verifying that Adams was a senior elections clerk. Dave Weigel wrote:
I checked with Glen Takahashi, the administrator of the Honolulu City Clerk’s office, and while he verified that Adams worked there, he explained – gently making it clear he did not want to “call anyone a liar” — that Adams never actually had access to information about Barack Obama.
“Our office does not have access to birth records,” Takahashi said. “That’s handled by the state of Hawaii Department of Health. Where he’s getting that, I don’t know. Put it this way: Barack Obama was not trying to register to vote in Hawaii. He is, as far as I know, not a registered voter here. So no one was looking that up.”
Takahashi explained that the “senior elections clerk” job that Adams held was a low-level data entry position dealing with voter registration and absentee ballots — Adams was one of dozens of temporary employees who staffed the pre-election rush. And he contradicted Adams’s claims that Obama’s lack of a birth certificate was an “open secret” or that voters contacted the office to ask about it.
“To be honest, I fielded no questions about that,” Takahashi said. “Why would anyone ask us? We don’t have those records.”
That would seem to undermine Adams’ story, but Kovacs doesn’t want his readers to know about it.
Of course, telling lies and hiding the truth about Obama and his birth have been WND’s modus operandi all along.
ooof. the first reference point is in contradiction to what it’s supposed to be supporting !!!! it’s a newsweek article about obama switching from using barry to his birthname of barack.
BatGuano “ooof. the first reference point is in contradiction to what it’s supposed to be supporting !!!! it’s a newsweek article about obama switching from using barry to his birthname of barack.”
that aricle, refering to Barack’s use of his nickname Barry, was the source for the “Barry Soetoro” attended Occidental. Even though the word “Soetoro” did not appear in the article, but that’s the intelligence level of a birther (just read James’ comments for proof of this level)
I skimmed their entry on evolution. There’s one photo of someone (at the page bottom), wearing the worst hairpiece I have seen in the past 10 years. I nominate him for a Darwin Award.
Jews regard creation and intelligent design, to be an attack on the 1st Amendment.
Thanks. I’ve corrected my article.
Oh the irony! Poor birthers, they’ve got their percentages totally upside down. LOL! …Athough even on that, I highly doubt the birthers could garner 20-30% of the population in their corner…maybe a small fraction of that lesser amount at best.
Here’s one that can be checked with another FOIA act request.
Please follow the link for an image of the documents discussed in the post.
She’s just 16 years old
“I was only sixteen then,” she told us as we entered the elevator, “I’d just been accepted to the University of Chicago.
Gramps hadn’t told me yet that he would let me go and I was there for the summer, working as an au pair.”
Stanley Ann Dunham as recorded in Dreams of my Obama
It seems a most interesting tale which could shed immense like on the Obama Chicago connection he has always played coy about in sometimes knowing people there, sometimes saying he knew no one there, when others stated he was interviewed for community organizer from Chicago sources, but it all is summed up in who were the employers of a 16 year old girl from Washington state while she held her first job in Illinois.
Obama and the Dunham’s are liars. They are worse than Joe Biden or Hillary Clinton for fabricating history and putting themselves into the middle of it. There is though a time line relation in this strange au pair story which shows in Stanley Ann’s Social Security application that she was indeed just 16 years old on her last birthday of November 29, 1958, as she applied in May of 1959.
Most children of that era were prodded to get Social Security numbers as they were about to gain their first employment. Stanley Armour and Madelyn would most like have accomplished this as being penny pinchers and wanting to get all out of the government, they would have their daughter if she was in a paying job, get her fair share of Social Security upon retirement.
What is absurd about the au pair story is the fact that it seems impossible that someone from Chicago was running an ad in Washington papers looking for young girls to be babysitters. Even in that era it would have sounded dangerous and strange.
So the question is how on earth a young girl would even be chosen or by who as entrusting your children to a 16 year old was like entrusting your children to a turnip as visiting Father Knows Best, reveals about how mature girls were of that age.
So for all the propaganda out there in how Stanley Ann was the next Stalin prodigy, it just does not fly, she would be a first pick by a Chicago family.
That leaves an agency advertising in magazines for au pairs, but how does one interview in Chicago for a job thousands of miles away?
How does an agency afford placing a child to watch children thousands of miles away?
Why would a family be hiring a child in Washington costing them a sum or a sum for the frugal Dunham’s to send Mama Obama to Chicago for a job which in all honesty had babysitters earning twenty five cents an hour and plane tickets costing several hundred dollars, the economics of parents taking off from work and driving the girl there make no sense either.
Yet Mama Obama is recorded as being au pair to some cherub in the Windy City which makes one wonder what kind of Darwin candidates were parents in Chicago in 1959.
The dates though do match up in this, and with Stanley Ann’s Social Security Number of
535-40-8522, it does seem at least something checkable as an au pair would be paid a wage, and that wage should have been reported to Social Security, as IRS income to be taxed, and as an amount owed Social Security.
But why would anyone bother and of what relevance is any of this at all? None that I can see.
Dr. C –
Ross Douthat of the New York Times wrote an op-ed about the silliness of the birther movement…and it looks like the comments were spammed by some of the usual suspects like TexasDarlin:
E Glenn seems unaware that no one has questioned Stanley Ann Dunham being 18 years old when she gave birth to her son in 1961, which would indeed have made her 16 in 1959. He also seems unaware that her age at the time of the President’s birth is not even slightly relevant to her son’s birth in Honolulu.
Lame. Very, very, very lame.
I got my social security number when I was 14, in 1972. Thats what you do if you are going to be working.
These people find it absurd that a 16 year old would be working as an au pair in Chicago but do not find absurd the idea of an 18 year travelling to Kenya to give birth.
They do not find absurd the idea of travelling 11,000 miles, in her third trimester, on a prop airplane in 1961. To a country in turmoil, with rampant violence, yellow fever and polio. To Mombasa, no less. None of those people have ever looked at a map.
I’m confused – as I read the statement, Miss Dunham had been accepted to the Univ. of Chicago for the fall and was in Chicago working as an au pair the summer before. Is that right? How is this unusual or out of the ordinary? Other then the fact it shows her to be a fairly intelligent, mature person. Which would explain the birther resentment of her.
My maternal uncle started college at 16. I started at 17. Of course, there is resentment.
Palin, Shrub and the rest of their coterie pander to the lowest common denominator.
It’s fascinating how birthers can find something sinister in an act as common as applying for a Social Security Number. Occam’s Razor tells us that she applied for her Social Security Number because it was a requirement of her summer employment.
Gilette’s razor says birthers are nuts.
I imagine she got the job the same way my sister (from ages 16-18) was a summer au pair in Maine when she lived in PA. My neighbors, whose children we regularly babysat, spent their summers in Maine. They took Sis along and called her an au pair. Room, board, meals, some spending money, and free transportation to Maine. Everybody was happy. She also got to go on other trips with them throughout the year.
Well perhaps the Virgin Mary came down and held his hand, and the gates opened, and Lucas was free to enter Kenya.
“But why would anyone bother and of what relevance is any of this at all?”
It provides Birthers with an excuse to slander the dead.
Dr. C was asking what’s newly posted from the other side!
Read the whole post. It goes on to espouse the FMD sexcapades, the (daddy) William Ayers connection, etc.
It’s a slow news cycle. It’s summer! Have some fun.
This way we can avoid Blago, Man’s Country, & the Gulf Oil /Methane Release and just comfortably reminisce.
More fail from the Post and Fail….They love making stuff into large conspiracies….They have too much time and not enough brains….
“The Post & Email reported earlier this month on its investigation into the purported Selective Service registration documents belonging to Barack Hussein Obama. Two requests made last month were answered within days, the first by standard mail with documentation enclosed, and the second by email the day after it was made.
However, now the Selective Service System refuses to respond to our requests.
Correction: We predicted incorrectly. The following response from Mr. Daniel Amon was received today, June 30, 2010, and reads as follows:
In our previous letter, we stated the following:
The “1H” status assigned to him at the time was not, strictly speaking, a “classification.” Selective Service has not classified registrants since the draft ended in the mid-’70s. However, since that time, “1H” has been assigned to everyone as a catch-all classification. It was not assigned to Mr. Obama as the result of any action on his part, and there is no related “documentation.” The formal description of “1H” is “Registrant not currently subject to processing for induction or alternative service.”
That information still stands.
Although postal clerks in the past may have asked registrants for identification, it would have been a matter of individual initiative. Regardless, all files are eventually matched against records provided by the Social Security Administration.
We are unable to answer your remaining questions.
A page from the Selective Service System describes the “1H’ grouping as an “Active Registrant (*All registrants currently in the database have this classification)” which could be interpreted as the “catch-all classification” to which Mr. Amon refers in both of his letters. He had said that “The formal description of ‘1H’ is Registrant not currently subject to processing for induction or alternative service.’” Perhaps these two descriptions mean the same thing.
Does a “1H” classification mean “Registrant not subject to processing for induction” or “active registrant”? Have all registrants since 1980 been automatically classified as “1H”? Even Mr. Amon admitted in his letter that “1H” was “a catch-all classification.” There obviously are other “classifications.”
WorldNetDaily had reported that the social security number currently in use by Obama yields “a valid Selective Service number.” They had also reported that numerous error messages had resulted from subsequent searches using the same social security number.
Also, Mr. Amon stated in his first letter that Obama “completed the forms at a local post office.” How does he know that?
Is Obama’s purported registration even valid, given that the social security number entered into the Selective Service database was apparently issued in Connecticut, where Obama never lived or worked? What number did Obama use in 1980, if in fact he registered? Wouldn’t it have raised flags that a young man registering for the Selective Service in Hawaii with a Hawaii address (as shown on the recipient in Debbie Schlussel’s article) and supposedly submitting proof of his birth in Hawaii was using a social security number issued in Connecticut? Did Obama really even register, or has a Selective Service record been created for him?
The link to the article…
Tom the veteran says:
Wednesday, June 30, 2010 at 2:05 PM
He should be classified as 4-C and carted off to jail for treason!
Any word whether or nor the DOJ released Obama’s mama’s passport info?
Mrs. Rondeau replies: I haven’t heard anything yet.
What Selective Service said:
“…in the mid-’70s. However, since that time, “1H” has been assigned to everyone as a catch-all classification”
What is Post and Fail’s follow up question?
“Have all registrants since 1980 been automatically classified as “1H”? ”
Apparently reading comprehension is not a requirement.
I’m sure their next question will be have all registrants since 1990 been automatically classified as 1H?
To the Post & Fail – no, it would not raise any flags. There is nothing unusual about someone living in one state and having a Social Security Number which was issued in another state, even assuming that Selective Service actually takes note of such things. All Selective Service cares about is getting people registered, not how and when they got their SSNs.
Thanks Gorefan and Doc. Guess I’ll have to wait a little longer to have my fun.
Yes! that’s how Lucas will prove that he went to Kenya. I’ve read his account of the Blessed Virgin Mary’s apparition where before this apparition Lucas was actually being possessed by the devil in which at one point he actually livitated and traveled outside the house. Wow! Lucas can actually bilocate to Kenya!
It’s also noteworthy that the birthers believe that Selective Service should have been alarmed when Obama registered with a SSN issued in Connecticut, yet there have been no flags raised when, since at least the late seventies, Obama has been paying income taxes and making FICA contributions with a SSN which supposedly was issued to someone born 110 years ago.
Eh? I can’t hear you. Did you say the president is 110 years old?
I just wanted to say hi and offer a small suggestion for your forum:
DC, have you considered adding an “icon” file (icn) to your main directory?
This is the little icon that most sites have displayed to the left of their URL and which shows up in bookmarked sites on a browser.
As it is now, OCT shows up with a generic blank document icon, but I’m certain you or some other creative type could do one fairly simple.
Whattyathink? 🙂
Why would a clerk at the Selective Service even notice that the SS # was from Connecticut?
Unless he or she was from Connecticut, would they even recognize that the SS # was issued from there?
With hundreds of registrations to process, without having any idea who this 18 year kid was or what his life story was, why would some clerk even give it a second thought?
On another subject:
Here is a picture of Ronald Reagan’s BC
Note that Reagan was born Feburary 6, 1911 and the attending physcian signed it on August 14th, 1942. Same day as the registrar.
Could Reagan have been born outside the US and was this a clumsy attempt to cover it up? Did Warners Brothers not want the public to know their all-american actor was foreign born? Could Reagan have been the first non-natural born Presdient?
I have two questions:
1. – Can anyone prove where Reagan was born? Not just the state but the actual address?
2 – Can anyone name the actual witnesses to Reagan’s birth?
This talk radio guy says the Russian spy case gives the birther movement a little more credibility.
Sorry, forgot the link.
I keep waiting for our resident Russian Spy to mention the Russian Spy case.
Oh- and did they arrest Orly or is she still out there promoting Anti-Government propaganda?
It’s called a Favicon. How do you like it?
I’d weigh in and say it’s up to scale. On balance and by any measure, it’s truly Libra-ating for the masses.
Re: the favicon.
Sorry… I couldn’t recall the name of the thing, yet I have one on my own site.
But it does lend a sense of completeness to the site.
Sort of a cherry on top of an otherwise great sundae.
Thanks for listening!
Hmm, makes sense, Orly being Moldovian, with ties to Israel… It all is starting to make more and more sense now;:-)
As to giving it more credibility to the birther movement, that’s at best a relative issue
On the one hand…
I had a friend who said (paraphrasing), “On the one hand, I agree. On the other hand, I’m still not sure. And on the other hand it could go either way.”
Yes friends, a three handed person would have made Charles Addams proud.
Well I got a response of sorts from Orly
“the most important issue today is integrity of elections. If you believe in Democracy and integrity of elections, you will join me in demanding documents from Obama, specifically that application for the ss card that he got in Ct. why is he sitting in the White House, sing the SS number of aniother individual from CT. Read the affidavits attached ”
and she sent me a pdf of the Susan Daniels affidavit.
I wrote back:
“Dear Mrs. Taitz:
I’d thank you for a prompt reply, except that what you wrote doesn’t really answer my question.
Or qualify as English? Taitz is a disgrace to all Jews.
Whatever4 “I had a friend who said (paraphrasing), “On the one hand, I agree. On the other hand, I’m still not sure. And on the other hand it could go either way”
“on the other hand” is part of the prayer to the Hindu God Shiva! So my guess is that most birthers are Hindus.
Taitz and Berg are a shonde. Disgusting! The only consolation I have is that Obama got 78% of the Jewish vote.
HEY!………… Taitz is a disgrace to all peoples.
I think it should be Boris and Natasha.
But wouldn’t they be out chasing Moose and Squirrel?
taitz is a disgrace to all sentient lifeforms (and a couple non-sentient ones) throughout the multiverse.
Ah, it all becomes clear…he actually meant “the gripping hand” which means your friend is actually an alien called a Motie.'s_Eye
Point taken.
Berg’s appeal in Berg v. Obama was denied yesterday. No surprise there.
From Dr. Kate’s house of horrors….You really can’t make this stuff up….
“The last year and a half of the Obama administration has been like experiencing razor cuts to the psyche and everything we know as American’. And no more hand wringing or wondering why…this is intentional. It is sickening.
Some recent ideas crossing the threshold:
Retired General Paul Vallely calls for Obama/Soetoro’s resignation. Building on the military oath of office, the General states that “We cannot permit the current leaders in the White House and Halls of Congress to continue in their efforts to lead us down the road of Progressive Socialism and destruction of America. This is the current battle that we Constitutionalists face and we must be aggressive in our efforts. Incompetence, Deceit, Fraud, Corruption, Dishonesty and Violation of the US Constitution of officials now come into play as relates to our National Character, National Security, Economy and the Nation’s well-being and is the rationale for resignations. Demand Resignation of derelict officials by the people of this country in now required. Where is our Moral Compass?
Mass demonstrations at the Pentagon, Congress and the Supreme Court, focusing solely on Obama’s ineligibility, to demand the military and congress uphold their oath of office by investigating Obama.
Massive effort to force Republicans in Congress to investigate Obama, including civil disobedience. How about if we show up and don’t leave until they comply?
Massive, nation-wide civil disobedience in every state capitol demanding resignations
Regarding the BP spill: massive civil action to protect the state coastlines, seeking a jury trial upon arrest, and using the opportunity to educate jurors as to judging the law and the facts. What law prevents American citizens from protecting their shorelines?
It is now clear to me that the McCrystal firing is a diversion, plain and simple. Did you know McCrystal voted for Obama and was public about it? While we focus on this, and hope this means the General will stand with us, it is pure theater, in my opinion.
Gotta use those FEMA camps for something!
Black Lion: “How about if we show up and don’t leave until they comply?”
I’m afraid we will never get rid of that nasty birther stench on the National Mall.
Agreed…All 200 people that would actually show up….It would be hilarious….
Even funnier are the comments….I guess some of her commenters didn’t get the memo that Boehner is backing away from the birther insanity….
June 30, 2010 at 5:21 pm
Good News according to Boehner’s Office!
The letters are already coming in. They say the volume of mail is so much that they are being diverted to a special storage area!
The office says it takes about 2 cubic feet to hold 1000 letters (unopened). With an eventual anticipated volume of 10 million letters. This has given the Congressman’s staff an idea. Let us know what you think about it please.
Congressman Boehner says he had a forklift license at a summer job when he was a student. He thinks he can easily get it renewed, because it just takes an eye and hearing test. His idea is that 10 million letters would fill from 50 to 100 containers that could each fit on a fork lift pallet.
Imagine this: A caravan of 100 forklift trucks bearing letters from the post office to the Capital building. Each truck would have the flag of a different State of the Union. The Lead Forklift would bear a US flag, and be driven by Congressman Boehner himself!
This would (of course) be the main visual presentation on ALL the major news networks that night, and the frontpage picture in all newspapers. And it would be played over on all media for weeks to come.
And the link to the article…
First it’s 57 states. Now it’s up to 99 states. Will wonders never cease in this great country of ours.
Having driven forklifts myself, I strongly encourage Birthers to do this. However, they must provide clear notification to the surrounding areas in advance so that all sane people can clear the area before the ensuing collisions and mayhem starts.
Ooooh the Crazy she Burnsssssss
Comment from Heather who I believe is the identical barking mad loon at AGJ and The Pest
Will this oil stop gushing and flowing with the new cap. Will they continue to burn the sea animals. Will the new cap cause the pressure to cause more cracks in the earths core to release more gases and possibly cause a massive tsunami and devastate our towns and cities on the entire coastline.
I believe this is what they are hoping for so the NWO group can walk in and take us over completely.
How much lunacy in so few words……..
Today’s insane loon rantings from the post and fail. It seems when they have nothing new to make up about the President they just print letters from hard core birthers that do the ranting for them….Some of the so called reasons are nothing more than delusional fantasies of the writer…
From today’s Post and Fail….
“Defined as “betrayal of country–violation of the allegiance owed by somebody to his or her own country, e.g., by aiding an enemy,” virtually everything The Obama has done and is doing is called treason. And, as Obama still maintains he is a natural-born US citizen, what he has effected is also High Treason–defined as “treason perpetrated by somebody against his or her own country.” In order to gain some semblance of what the Dictator-and-Destroyer-in-Chief has done and is continuing to do in his “fundamental transformation” of the United States of America, a partial and, I believe, actionable list includes, but is not limited to, the following:
Thus far, over 8,000,000 jobs have been lost under Obamas watch, which VP Joe Biden says will not be recovered or replaced. Biden said: “There’s no possibility to restore 8 million jobs lost in the Great Recession!” No jobs for US citizens (as Obama & Co strategically targets the middle class)=Fundamental Transformation of Employment
Under Obama & Co., US debt will reach 62% of GDP by the end of fiscal 2010. With no information as to where all the Obama Stimulus money has gone (regular readers of this column know where it is), Biden commented: “[There is] no way to regenerate $3 trillion that was lost. Not misplaced, lost!” Note: How were $3 Trillions “lost?” Lost in Biden’s and other Marxists pockets and bank accounts, perhaps? No growth in economy and constant Obama & Co. theft and raiding of US Treasury (resulting in nothing left)=Fundamental Transformation of the US Economy
Obama & Co.’s DOJ drops charges against voter intimidation by racist weapon-wielding, Obama-supporting group–the New Black Panthers–attempting to block white voters. Obama-supporting police allow SEIU intimidation of citizens at [their] private residences. Fundamental Transformation of the Law of the Land=Elimination of US Constitution replaced entirely by racist, anti-white ObamaLaw
Obama refuses to protect Southern border against drug dealers, human traffickers and other foreign invasion. Obama’s DOJ files suit against a sovereign US State for doing the job the US federal government refuses to do. Obama Fundamental Transformation of States’ Rights=End of States’ Rights
In his 25 May 2010 speech at the Border Management Conference, Brigadier General Robert J. Felderman tells how the Obama regime plans the merger of the US with Mexico. Obama & Co. openly working with a foreign power to attack a US State. Obama Fundamental Transformation =End of US sovereignty
Obama wants Blanket Amnesty for illegals from Mexico to be affected via Executive fiat (Dictator Command). Note: This is to provide a new Marxist-Democrat voting bloc (to counter US citizens’ expected vote against the Marxist contingent now running the USA into the ground) for The Obama and its minions. Fundamental Transformation=End of the US Republic and official beginning of the Obama Dictatorship
Obama & Co. takeover of US citizens’ rights to their bodies (ObamaCare) and usage of energy (Cap & Trade). Fundamental Transformation=USA from First world country into Third or even Fourth world country
Also please remember, it is The Obama’s mission to continue the destruction of the USA until it–and WE–is totally annihilated. This IS his true purpose and only We-the-People can save this country, ourselves and our loved ones.”
And of course the usual call from sedition and treason from the Post and Fail…These are real “patriots”….
NUTN2SAY says:
Thursday, July 1, 2010 at 8:39 AM
I can tell you from personal experience … these sad days in America people get harassed for standing up in defense of the U.S. Constitution and especially if you bring up the subject of the ARTICLE 2, SECTION 1 violation! The enemies of America, you know the Barack Obama/ACORN people are out there in numbers for the only purpose of harassing Constitutional Conservatives who make postings about Obama being the ILLEGAL unqualified Usurper according to the A2S1 violation! There is a war going on right now and at this stage the war battlefield is in cyberspace, but I’m afraid that as this war is prolonged the battlefield will move out into the streets of America! Why is it so impossible to get every concerned citizen of America organized and mobilized to the necessary point of having a sharp focus on Obama being an ILLEGAL Usurper that needs to be removed from our White House ASAP for the sake of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND ITS PEOPLE!
Remember when John Boehner was supposed to be the hero for General Valley? He was going to confront the “usurper”? Well since he decided to not join birtherland, they are not too happy with him…
“This, Rep. John Boehner, is what your staffers are telling people who call or communicate with your office about their concerns (we’re talking about nearly 50% of polled Americans who have these concerns) as to whether Barack Obama, AKA Barry Soetoro, is qualified by our Constitution, i.e., whether or not he is a natural born Citizen (look it up, if you don’t know what it means), to be president of the United States and Commander-in-Chief of our Armed Forces (the man who couldn’t possibly even be cleared for a routine government/military security clearance).
Even one of your compatriots in the House of Representatives has said that Obama was not born in Hawaii, as Obama claims. Another has said on the House floor that no one has seen Obama’s birth certificate. Last year, Senator Richard Shelby said he could not be sure that Obama was born in Hawaii.
Recently a former Honolulu elections clerk went on television stating that Hawaii did not issue a long-form, original birth certificate to Obama. This man says he is willing to testify to that fact. He said he asked about it in preparation for the 2008 election, and his supervisor told him it doesn’t exist. Why do you insist on saying Obama was born there when there is not one shred of evidence to support it?
With all of the reports made by Kenyan Parliament members and an ambassador, how can you say without a doubt and against all evidence that he was born in the United States? How do you know?! Obama’s step-grandmother was honored recently in Kenya for her work with widows and orphans, at which occasion she said, “This is a show of blessing from God, since I have always dedicated my time to tend to the orphans. Even the US president passed through my hands.” What else could she possibly mean except that Obama was born there, as she and so many others have insisted?
This, Rep. Boehner, is shameful! What you are telling your constituents and what you are telling We the People at large, is a lie! It may even be misprision of treason on your part (look it up)! The truth of the matter is that Obama/Soetoro was most likely born in Kenya! The overwhelming preponderance of available evidence today indicates that Obama/Soetoro was, in fact, born there, and Obama/Soetoro is doing everything he can to hide this from the American people and even from the soldiers whom he putatively commands! The man is a despicable fraud! He very well could be another Adolf Hitler, but then, Rep. Boehner, you don’t seem to learn from history, do you?”
And the comments….
Linda Starr says:
Thursday, July 1, 2010 at 2:58 AM
Posted on | June 30, 2010 | 1 Comment
I asked Dr. Ron Polarik to check the video where Obama supposedly states that he was born in Kenya
Here are his findings:
“Dr. Orly Taitz ESQ”
It’s a phony voice-over collated from many pieces of other recordings; like
“I was born in” [Recording #1]+”Kenya”[Recording #2], etc…Had his back turned when he “allegedly” said this. When facing front, lips don’t match audio…
Mrs. Rondeau replies: That could very well be the case. However, the other videos within the video have not been debunked. We know the Kenyan ambassador said what he said because it is a matter of record, and the Michelle Obama “Kenya home country” video has not been debunked, at least not yet.
NotDuped says:
Thursday, July 1, 2010 at 7:38 AM
Do the USURPER’s “crotch salutes”, frequent one-finger birdies, and his own admission of being a Muslim not speak volumes? This video hardly comes across as being a voice-over!
“the Barack Obama/ACORN people”
Even though ACORN was disbanded over three months ago.
Oh, yeah. I forgot. Reality is not a strong suit with frothing birthers.
That label works on a few levels – all caps screaming, admission of insanity and vacuousness. Nice.
“whether or not he is a natural born Citizen (look it up, if you don’t know what it means)”
Insulting a Representative’s intelligence is usually the best way to make a convincing case.
The arrogance is astounding and so typical of a birther.
Agree with all of your points…I like especially that we get a Linda Starr sighting….Actually referring to Polarik as someone that could verify something…I guess she missed Loren’s dismantling of Polarik earlier this week. The birthers are devoid of reality and common sense….
whenever i hear stuff like that all i think of is….:
That stuff accusing Biden of stealing $3 trillion is beyond lunacy.
More epic Pest and Fail……..well FAIL
They report the initial hearing of the Virginia challenge to the Healthcare bill so
(Jul. 1, 2010) — As previously reported by The Post & Email, a hearing was held today in the Federal Courthouse in the Eastern District of Virginia in regard to the federal health care bill (PPACA) signed by Obama on March 23, 2010.
Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli represented the Commonwealth of Virginia, and Department of Justice lawyers represented the Obama regime. Cuccinelli had filed his lawsuit within minutes of the federal bill’s signing, claiming that it violated the Commonwealth of Virginia’s Health Care Freedom Act passed and signed by Governor Bob McDonnell prior to the passage of the federal law.
Each side had one hour to argue its case. At issue was whether or not the Interstate Commerce Clause in the U.S. Constitution could be interpreted to mandate the purchase of health insurance. Cuccinelli claims that it cannot be.
Judge Henry Hudson presided. An eyewitness reported that at one point, the judge asked the DOJ if the cost to citizens was considered a tax or a penalty. The DOJ attorneys reportedly answered that the two were synonymous.
The same eyewitness stated that Cuccinelli argued that if the federal law were upheld, it would be the “end of federalism.” The Department of Justice attorneys argued that there are 45,000,000 uninsured people in the country which necessitated the passage of the federal law and had filed a Motion to Dismiss Cuccinelli’s suit. When the judge asked the Department of Justice lawyers where the money collected from the states would go, they answered “Into the general fund.”
The judge stated that he would have a decision within 30 days, which made the question of whether or not
As is traditional they screwed it up as they hearing was to ESTABLISH standing, not miraculously bypass it…
Still what do can one expect from them..?
Hoax busting needed.
This reads very much like a hoax. I submitted it to
I am the authorized agent for former Nigerian General Mugu Gaipan. The General needs your help in tranferring $100,000,000 that he reveived from BP in exchange for oil drilling rights in the Niger Delta during the previous regime. If you would be so kind as to assist by providing $10,000 to facilitate processing of the transfer, the General would be pleased to show his gratitude by allowing you to keep 10% of the transferred amount, or $10,000,000. Please wire payment, along with your bank information to….
I always believe rumors on obscure sites with less than 200 total posts and just two people posting.
I remember seeing this pile of cack via the RAPper (Restore America Plan) bunch of loons.
They seem to have a secondary site or fellow traveller at
They puportedly assist individuals to avoid taxes, currency controls, motgage liens, anonymous money laundering etc etc.
Slightly better set up than yer classic Nigerian 419’er email but the ame in the end.
They do however provide a reach seam of RAP lunacy for your delectation
CJ from A Soldier’s Perspective had done several threads on the enterprising Nigerians. He recently had one on military dating scams.
Some interesting Fail by our buddy Manning….
“Is it possible that Gen. Stanley McChrystal is aware of Lt. Col. Terry Lakin’s refusal to deploy to Afghanistan? Could the General also be aware that his Lt. Col. has requested documentation of Mr. Obama’s citizenship and/or eligibility to meet Constitutional presidential requirements? Is it yet possible that as commander of the Afghanistan and NATO forces of the longest war in American history, the General has been made aware of Mr. Obama’s anti-American support of Islamic goals? Mr. Obama took the political world by storm during the 2008 presidential campaign. He allegedly broke and set many records during that event. There is yet another record set by him that I believe will never be broken. Said record is the control of the media and subsequent control of the American people’s political thought processes. The Rolling Stone article seems to bleed outright contempt for Mr. Obama by Gen. McChrystal, although only one statement in the article about Mr. Obama was attributed to the General. The heart and soul of the statements in the article came from the General’s top aides. These statements were 100% contemptible of Mr. Obama and his military advisory team.
Gen. McChrystal is on record as saying, “When Mr. Obama entered a room where several high ranking military brass were assembled, he looked uncomfortable and intimidated.” Many of the Generals staffers made school yard bully statements against VP Joe Biden, referring to him as “Joe Bite Me,” another statement referred to General James Jones as a “Clown.” The senior editor of the Rolling Stone Magazine, Jann Wenner and the reporter Michael Hastings stated on CNN that there were numerous statements left out of the article. I wonder if any of the omitted statements contained discussion on Lt. Col. Terry Lakin, or the “Birth Certificate” issue. I believe it is highly unlikely that all members of the military would not know and have an opinion on Lt. Col. Lakin.”
” I would like to give Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Joe “Bite Me” Biden, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Bill O’Reilly, and Chris Matthews a rifle and assign them the Helmand Province. Do you think they would fight for Mr. Obama until the death, knowing he is not constitutionally eligible? Listed above are the people complicit in Mr. Obama’s crimes, and have kept this information from our troops. What do they know and when did they know it?
Please support the CIA, Columbia, Obama, Sedition, and Treason Trial Verdict, where Mr. Obama was found guilty on 17 counts ranging from sedition to wire and mail fraud on Tuesday, 18 May 2010. We will be presenting our finding and verdict to Congress in not too many days.”
And a follow up to the Post and Fail’s article on the so called resignation request by former General Valley and Bohener’s so called duty to take to the floor of Congress….We all know that was the usual birther embellishment. But the responses are really hilarious…
I guess the Post and Fail did not like that even Polarik could not defend the obvious paradoy or fraud….
Linda Starr says:
Thursday, July 1, 2010 at 2:58 AM
Posted on | June 30, 2010 | 1 Comment
I asked Dr. Ron Polarik to check the video where Obama supposedly states that he was born in Kenya
Here are his findings:
“Dr. Orly Taitz ESQ”
It’s a phony voice-over collated from many pieces of other recordings; like
“I was born in” [Recording #1]+”Kenya”[Recording #2], etc…Had his back turned when he “allegedly” said this. When facing front, lips don’t match audio…
Mrs. Rondeau replies: That could very well be the case. However, the other videos within the video have not been debunked. We know the Kenyan ambassador said what he said because it is a matter of record, and the Michelle Obama “Kenya home country” video has not been debunked, at least not yet.
Which now makes Boehner guilty in the eyes of the fake grand jury….
Robert Laity says:
Friday, July 2, 2010 at 4:02 AM
Boehner is a misprisioner of Treason and Felony:
And now back to the usual birther call to violate the Constitution and call for sedition…
Larry Brian Radka says:
Thursday, July 1, 2010 at 2:49 PM
Tom, the problem with anybody in Congress admitting that Obama wasn’t born in the US is the fact that all of them were part of the fix to get Obama elected as president in 2008, all the Democrats and Republicans in Congress alike. They had their chance to challenge his birth credentials. To admit now that they ignored the evidence before the election that Obama would be a usurper and that he is one now is for all of them to admit their complicity in one of the greatest ruses ever played and still being played on the American people.
The fact that Obama was a CIA operative with a phony history with all kinds of forged credentials (like his numerous social security numbers) adds to the problem. The CIA has its dirty fingers all over the scam. That may be well why Lt. Quarles Harris, who was involved with the passport break-in, was killed. He quietly serves as a warning to all Congressmen and women as well as the mainstream media that they as well as their families are expendable.
I have done several Web pages on the Obama birth certificate issue, and if one is interested in seeing a lot of pictures and testimony dealing with the subject, they could begin with my page and continue with several more from there.
I have done everything so far I can think of to expose the fact that we do not have a legitimate president in the Oval office—even donated substantially from my small Social Security check to Lt. Col. Lakin’s legal fund, but the military too appears now to be in Obama’s bag. Mrs. Rondeau has done and is still doing even more to expose Obama for the Fraud he is and all of those in power in the American government and the mainstream media who are passively standing by. I have just about given up on my efforts in this area.
Some people say pray, but that only works if we use our God-given tools to act.
Some people say, “march” but that does little good when the mainstream media barely reports on the protest, like the millions of protestors that swarmed into Washington last year.
Some say vote them all out this November, but that only works if we send representatives to Washington who won’t sour after they arrive, while the lobbyists conduct business as usual.
Some say power comes out of the barrel of a gun, and that will work. After all, our Revolutionary forefathers plainly proved this to the British. Let’s hope we don’t have to resort to this choice again to gain more respect for the Constitution and oust that Presidential fraud, Barack Hussein Obama. But this may be the only action that will in the end work.
If a newly elected Congress with fresh faces seriously challenges the diabolical deed the previous Congress has done in allowing Obama to reign, violent revolution can be avoided; but it will be fighting against a lot of lingering incumbents who won’t want to admit their involvement.
Before I vote for any representative this fall, however, I plan to ask him or her where they stand on challenging Obama’s credentials to sit in our President’s chair.
More Obama derangement….The conservative media gives the subtle wink and nod for the birthers to continue with their ridiculous theories….
“Summer of rage”: Obama Derangement Syndrome grips conservative media once again
July 01, 2010 7:32 pm ET —
In recent weeks, conservative media have been consumed by “Obama Derangement Syndrome,” accusing President Obama of being insane, of colluding with Russian spies, of trying to create a civil war and implement one world government, among other things, while also claiming that his administration is trying to control everything under the sun, including the Internet and, inexplicably, your toilet.
Wow, that was some nutty stuff! Just by reading it, the total NWO conspiracy fiction pops out so glaringly that its utter fakeness is beyond question. Heck, most nigerian scams (as Scientist aptly provided a good sample) are more credible than this stuff.
I particularly got a kick out of these paragraphs of conspiracy crazy:
LOL! That was the most hilarious part of his otherwise typical vile violent government overthrow fantasy. Wow, birthers sure seem to just confirm every stereotype about them constantly, don’t they?
Barely getting by on Social Security – check. Extremely gullible to paypal cons by their birther masters, check. Willing to donate to obvious lost causes – check. Oblivious to realizing that there is zero chance of their success – check.
That is the sad thing about all of this. It is the RW media folks on radio & TV who have been brainwashing their poor followers for years, in the hopes that they can inspire some “lone wolf” nutbag to act or get a whole flock of paranoid conspiracy freaks to try to act out on their little “Civil War” fantasies.
There have already been a number of violent outbreaks as a result over the past two years. I have no doubt that there will be more and that they will increase. I also have no doubt that all of them will be put down and stopped, but sadly in many cases, probably not before some damage is done.
I can only hope that someday these RW media folks are held to account for their role in all of this incitement.
Clinton and McVeigh.
Beck and his coterie just cry ‘free speech.’
I went to the Illinois Board of Elections website to see if there were any updates on Sharon Meroni’s objections (BTW, no updates yet). When I tried to do a search, I received the following response:
Birther attorney Gary Kreep had bypass surgery last week.
Don’t worry. Bill Keller is praying for him.
I was wondering why we hadn’t heard anything from him recently. I think we all wish him a speedy recovery.
I don’t. His website had links to Holocaust deniers. Those links have been removed. He and his BFF Bill Keller, are loathsome creatures.
Taitz’s website posted a comment from a facebook fan:
To summarize: Justice Thomas may issue a stay because he is black. The Supreme Court is the last resort, and the last resort after that is the elections in November, and then the other last resort is a “massive people power movement”.
1. stays are only granted when irreparable harm would result otherwise, and Taitz forgot to argue this point in her otherwise lengthy application for stay. So there is no possibility that Thomas will grant a stay. And a stay of the sanctions has nothing to do with the President, or his race, or Thomas’s race.
2. What exactly are the elections in November supposed to do? Is he talking about November 2012?
3. About that “massive” thing. If Taitz could only get 3% of registered voters to vote for her, how many are you going to get to go government-toppling with you?
After an unprecedented quiet spell, LTC Lakin has issued another press release, on his website. It says he is appealing his fitness report. The gist is that it is very unfair that they gave him a bad evaluation, just because he posted a video on youtube in which he clearly stated his intention to disobey an order to deploy to a war zone.
I think it’s been about a month since the last press release, which can’t be good for the paypal button.
And his website still carries the claim that donations to his defense fund are tax deductible.
The dog bite lawyer misses his steak dinners. Lakin should learn tap or at least a better act. The current one is just going to ruin his career, retirement prospects and the rest of his life.
The Hard Facts page is tragically sad and just a bit funny. There’s a slight chance of an overdose of schadenfreude for an Army physician led down an opportunist’s delusional path. That Bronze Star might be worth something for trade at Ft. Leavenworth.
Apparently, it is time for Orly to take out her checkbook:
No. 10A56
Orly Taitz, Applicant
Thomas D. MacDonald, Colonel Garrison Commander, Fort Benning, et al.
Lower Ct: United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit
Case Nos.: (09-15418)
~~~Date~~~ ~~~~~~~Proceedings and Orders~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Jul 8 2010 Application (10A56) for a stay, submitted to Justice Thomas.
Jul 15 2010 Application (10A56) denied by Justice Thomas.
I still think someone should park an old school bus in front of her mansion with “FEMA CAMP” spray painted in huge, black letters on the sides.
She will just apply to another justice. A little more time.
Do we know that collection efforts go on hold while a Supreme Court stay application is pending? I wouldn’t expect that.
“Another justice.”
Does she know that these aren’t real?
The US AG said he would seek enforcement while an appeal is pending. If that includes to SCOTUS, well, ask the AG. But there’s no law granting an automatic stay.
At what point will Mrs. Ego start appointing her own SCOTUS?
At what point will Mrs Ego flee?
Never. Pathological narcissists become martyrs.
We’ll see. I still say she’ll pull a Meyer Lansky, rather than cough up the 20 grand.
They can have her.
Not a chance. She’s nuts.
I just asked Nathan Deal if he’s a birther like his opponent John Oxendine,
Funny story about me and Oxendine and a fight and second grade and his sister grabbing me by my hair.
So, are you going to regale us with the bloody details?
It’s a stupid story.