The Doc’s FOIA (part MCMLVII)

I finally got a response out of the US Department of State about when I might expect a response to my January 2009 Freedom of Information Act request. Here it is:

I have spoken with my staff members of my office and since then your information have been discussed with the Program Analyst and they are aware of your request. At this point I have nothing new to report but everyone is working hard to satisfy your request and I hope this information was helpful.

I don’t know in what alternate universe that would be considered “information” or how one could harbor a rational hope that it could be “helpful.” At first reading one might take it as a mildly encouraging reply, but this is the same stuff they’ve been feeding me for months.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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43 Responses to The Doc’s FOIA (part MCMLVII)

  1. Slartibartfast says:


    Forgive me for not remembering, but what information are you requesting? Does this request come under the effect of Hawaii’s new law?

  2. Slartibartfast: Forgive me for not remembering, but what information are you requesting? Does this request come under the effect of Hawaii’s new law?

    I asked the US Department of State for details of all the passports issued to Stanley Ann D. Obama/Dunham/Soetoro.

    This is requested under the US Freedom of Information Act, and is not related to any Hawaiian law.

  3. Hawaiiborn says:

    Hey, Doc, that’s just how it goes. On another forum that I regularly post at, a member put in an FOIA request for the flight records/data of Flight 77 ( 911 plane) and its now going on 2 years. The request was made as a back up to a FOIA request that truther posted to the forum, so the member just copied word for word of that request and put in his own request.

    He pretty much got the same reply (almost word for word), when he inquired about his request: that they received the request and are looking into it, and will let him know when something is found

    2 years….

  4. Ted says:

    Why don’t you sue? That’s sometimes the only way to prompt a FOIA response.

  5. Ted: Why don’t you sue? That’s sometimes the only way to prompt a FOIA response.

    That’s not a step I would take lightly (plus it would cost me $320 bucks). It remains an option, but remember, I don’t think any of this means the end of the world.

  6. Gorefan says:

    Dr. C-

    Since their suppose to be collecting this same info for Allen v. Soetoro, could they be waiting to deliver that first and then send you the material you requested?

  7. Gorefan: Since [they’re supposed] to be collecting this same info for Allen v. Soetoro, could they be waiting to deliver that first and then send you the material you requested?

    And the same information for Stunk v State.

    I think you are probably right, but how could they justify delaying my request on that basis?

  8. charo says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    And the same information from Stunk v State.I think you are probably right, but how could they justify delaying my request on that basis?

    They think you’re a birther?

  9. Gorefan says:

    What are the sanctions for delaying your request? And I think Charo is maybe right.

    Isn’t Allen v. Soetoro suppose to have something delivered to Allen by the end of June? So something could happen this week.

  10. charo: They think you’re a birther?

    That possibility has crossed my mind, but last time I checked the FOIA didn’t include an exception for birthers.

    I can understand the complexity of a FOIA for flight 77 data, but this is a simple passport issuance request. I have been told that these normally don’t take long.

  11. Majority Will says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    That possibility has crossed my mind, but last time I checked the FOIA didn’t include an exception for birthers.I can understand the complexity of a FOIA for flight 77 data, but this is a simple passport issuance request. I have been told that these normally don’t take long.

    Have you asked your Senator? It’s free and faster than a lawsuit.

  12. charo says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    That possibility has crossed my mind, but last time I checked the FOIA didn’t include an exception for birthers.I can understand the complexity of a FOIA for flight 77 data, but this is a simple passport issuance request. I have been told that these normally don’t take long.

    The act doesn’t have to include an exception for there to be an exception in reality.

  13. Majority Will: Have you asked your Senator? It’s free and faster than a lawsuit.

    That’s next on my escalation list. First was a letter to the chief of the section (sent last Saturday).

  14. E GLenn Harcsar says:

    Hi Dr. C.

    There is likewise an article about an FOIA stall regarding, there, Obama’s Selective Service records over at Mrs Rondeau and Mr Charlton’s site. As your own efforts escalate to obtain your request, and you realize that these efforts are conspiratorially stonewalled, perhaps you could join forces in a common call. 😉

  15. Majority Will says:

    “Obama’s Selective Service records”

    The conservative website, Pajamas Media obtained official confirmation from the Selective Service System via email that Barack Obama did indeed register for the Selective Service.

    “After contacting the Selective Service System for an answer several times since late June, Pajamas Media obtained official confirmation from the Selective Service System via email that Barack Obama did indeed register for the Selective Service as required by law, and is eligible to run for the presidency.

    Mr. Owens,

    Barack Hussein Obama registered at a post office in Hawaii. The effective registration date was September 4, 1980.

    His registration number is 61-1125539-1.

    Daniel Amon
    Public Affairs Specialist”

    Another ridiculous and paranoid birther lie bites the dust.

  16. misha says:

    Majority Will: that’s what I wrote in my article:

    “Perhaps she got him into the States some other way? Sorry, our president registered for the Selective Service as required.”

  17. Majority Will says:

    misha: Majority Will: that’s what I wrote in my article:“Perhaps she got him into the States some other way? Sorry, our president registered for the Selective Service as required.”

    I like your funny quotes in the right column!

  18. misha says:

    Majority Will: I like your funny quotes in the right column!

    A Jewish couple is living in a Florida retirement community. She shouts downstairs, “Max, come upstairs and make love to me.”

    Her husband goes to the foot of the stairs and says, “I can only do one or the other.”

  19. Majority Will says:

    A Jewish couple is living in a Florida retirement community. She shouts downstairs, “Max, come upstairs and make love to me.”Her husband goes to the foot of the stairs and says, “I can only do one or the other.”

    Badump bump!

    NICE ! !

  20. Don Draper says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    That possibility has crossed my mind, but last time I checked the FOIA didn’t include an exception for birthers.I can understand the complexity of a FOIA for flight 77 data, but this is a simple passport issuance request. I have been told that these normally don’t take long.

    Generally, the US Passport is turned in to the CA Officer to finalize a renouncement of citizenship. Forfeiture of Passport is recommended, but not a requirement, for the Sec of State to issue a Certificate of Loss of Nationality.

    If Stanley Ann renounced, then BHO’s II State Dept may not want to release it. Especially if it is marked VOID by order of the US Sec of State.

  21. misha says:

    Don Draper: Generally, the US Passport is turned in to the CA Officer to finalize a renouncement of citizenship. Forfeiture of Passport is recommended, but not a requirement, for the Sec of State to issue a Certificate of Loss of Nationality.If Stanley Ann renounced, then BHO’s II State Dept may not want to release it. Especially if it is marked VOID by order of the US Sec of State.

    Hey everyone: here is a textbook perfect display of clinical insanity.

  22. sfjeff says:

    “If Stanley Ann renounced, then BHO’s II State Dept may not want to release it. Especially if it is marked VOID by order of the US Sec of State.”

    Because that would matter how?

  23. Gorefan says:

    Don Draper – you do realize that:

    A) the BHO II’s State Department has already agreed to release that information in the case of Allen v. Soetoro,


    B) the Supreme Court in Perkins v. Elg decided that a minor child cannot lose their citizenship based on what the parents do.

  24. G says:

    Gorefan: Don Draper – you do realize that:

    A) the BHO II’s State Department has already agreed to release that information in the case of Allen v. Soetoro,


    B) the Supreme Court in Perkins v. Elg decided that a minor child cannot lose their citizenship based on what the parents do.

    Don Draper, aka Sven is impervious to reality. It is his secret X-Man power.

  25. The Sheriff's A Ni- says:

    Barry and the Pirates Part 86: Void On Arrival

  26. Don Draper says:

    I’m a helper. I like to help people. Start working on your talking points now, Obots.

    Stanley Ann Dunham-Soetoro obtained a US Passport, moved to Indonesia, returned her passport to a Consular Affairs Officer in Indonesia and never held a US Passport after that.

    Other President’s mothers who have done similar things are ….

  27. Bovril says:

    Dear Donny,

    And your demonstrable proof of this passport shuffle is………?

    Not to mention do pray tell, even if true…which it has no foundation in reality, what this would have to do with the President?

    Born in Hawai’i = NBC

    Mothers status at the time = irrelevant

    Mothers status later = irrelevant

    Your point = irrelevant

  28. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    Don Draper: I’m a helper. I like to help people. Start working on your talking points now, Obots.Stanley Ann Dunham-Soetoro obtained a US Passport, moved to Indonesia, returned her passport to a Consular Affairs Officer in Indonesia and never held a US Passport after that.Other President’s mothers who have done similar things are ….

    What was the consular affairs officer’s name?

  29. Black Lion says:

    Don Draper: I’m a helper. I like to help people. Start working on your talking points now, Obots.Stanley Ann Dunham-Soetoro obtained a US Passport, moved to Indonesia, returned her passport to a Consular Affairs Officer in Indonesia and never held a US Passport after that.Other President’s mothers who have done similar things are ….

    What other President’s mothers have done the same thing? And what direct evidence do you have that this happened? You can’t use the possibility that it happened or lets take a look to see if it happened as proof? So you just have wild speculation. Which is no different than any of the other birthers….

  30. Slartibartfast says:

    Don Draper: I’m a helper. I like to help people. Start working on your talking points now, Obots.Stanley Ann Dunham-Soetoro obtained a US Passport, moved toIndonesia, returned her passport to a Consular Affairs Officer in Indonesia and never held a US Passport after that.Other President’s mothers who have done similar things are ….

    There is no need for talking points since if what you say is completely correct it is still irrelevant to the president’s natural born status. President Obama was born on US soil and is a natural born citizen – nothing that happened in Indonesia years after his birth in any way effects his eligibility for the presidency (that’s what the law says, not just me). So good luck finding evidence of your assertion – I guess wasting time doing something irrelevant and pointless is pretty much standard operating procedure for the birthers…

  31. ellid says:

    And Don Draper’s little unproven rant proves what? One cannot renounce citizenship on behalf of a minor child. Period. The President was and still is a natural born citizen.

  32. Don Draper says:

    ellid: And Don Draper’s little unproven rant proves what?One cannot renounce citizenship on behalf of a minor child.Period.The President was and still is a natural born citizen.

    Anyone can renounce their US Citizenship. Signing an Oath of Renoucement is merely a request for the US Sec of State to issue a Certificate of Loss of Nationality.

    Asking a renunciant to return their US Passport to the CA officer is one way to determine if the renunciant is willing and determined to forfeit their US Citizenship. The issuance of a Certificate of Loss of Nationality is entirely discretionary by the US Sec of State.

    And he can’t be a Natural born citizen if he’s naturalized after a Certificate of Loss of Nationality has been issued. Period. Done. Write it down. Memorize it. Print it, paste it on the wall.

  33. richCares says:

    Dum Draper says: “And he can’t be a Natural born citizen if he’s naturalized after a Certificate of Loss of Nationality has been issued. Period. Done. Write it down. Memorize it. Print it, paste it on the wall.”
    Who did this dear birther, was it you or your shadow? Show us proof that you did not imagine this !
    The Birther stuff is over, Obama is the President, what do you expect birtherism to accomplish as all birther evidence is printed on toilet paper.

  34. Slartibartfast says:

    Don Draper: And he can’t be a Natural born citizen if he’s naturalized after a Certificate of Loss of Nationality has been issued. Period. Done. Write it down. Memorize it. Print it, paste it on the wall.

    And the president’s citizenship status cannot possibly be affected by anything that happens regarding his mother’s citizenship status after he was born – I believe that is what is said in Perkins v. Elg. Maybe you should make a note of that yourself…

  35. BatGuano says:

    Don Draper: Other President’s mothers who have done similar things are ….

    Nelle Wilson Reagan.

    …..and i have just as much proof as you have.

  36. Black Lion says:

    BatGuano: Nelle Wilson Reagan.…..and i have just as much proof as you have.

    I still believe that Sarah Palin was born in Canada…..No one has seen her BC or COLB….How do we know if her parents were even born in the US or didn’t renounce her US citizenship if she was born in the US? I demand that she produce her Certificate of Loss of Nationality form and her passport records that show that she was a Canadian citizen…..If she doesn’t produce the documents then that means she is guilty and cannot be a NBC…

  37. Scientist says:

    Don Draper: And he can’t be a Natural born citizen if he’s naturalized after a Certificate of Loss of Nationality has been issued. Period. Done. Write it down. Memorize it. Print it, paste it on the wall.

    Don: Don’t you read the great scholars-Apuzzo and Donofrio? As they have explained, mere ordinary citizenship and natural born citizenship are two completely different beasts. Sure, you can walk into an embassy and renounce plain-old citizenship. Big deal. But renouncing natural born citizenship is a whole other thing. Since it involves the presidency, you can only renounce natural born citizenship in front of the President in the Oval Office. This has all been decided in numerous Supreme Court cases.

    Really, I would have expected you to know something as basic as this.

  38. sfjeff says:

    Barbara Bush

  39. ellid says:

    Don Draper:
    Anyone can renounce their US Citizenship. Signing an Oath of Renoucement is merely a request for the US Sec of State to issue a Certificate of Loss of Nationality.Asking a renunciant to return their US Passport to the CA officer is one way to determine if the renunciant is willing and determined to forfeit their US Citizenship. The issuance of a Certificate of Loss of Nationality is entirely discretionary by the US Sec of State.
    And he can’t be a Natural born citizen if he’s naturalized after a Certificate of Loss of Nationality has been issued. Period. Done. Write it down. Memorize it. Print it, paste it on the wall.

    None of which addresses the fact that a parent cannot legally renounce citizenship on behalf of a minor child. That means, in teeny little words that you can understand, that even if Stanley Dunham became an Indonesian (and there is not an iota of proof that this happened), her American-born son would remain an American citizen unless HE renounced his citizenship when he turned 18…which he didn’t do.

    Have fun papering your wall with “YOU’RE WRONG,” old sport. Because you are.

  40. BatGuano says:

    ….her American-born son would remain an American citizen unless HE renounced his citizenship…..

    in Svenland a 6year old can legally sign a complex binding contract. i agree and have been cruising local kindergartens with adjustable rate mortgage loans.

  41. ellid says:

    in Svenland a 6year old can legally sign a complex binding contract. i agree and have been cruising local kindergartens with adjustable rate mortgage loans.

    Criswell predicts:

    Within one month, tops, some lunatic over at the Pest & Efail or another fine harp-financed publication will claim that Obama and ACORN had helpless children signing loan documents.

  42. Don Draper says:

    None of which addresses the fact that a parent cannot legally renounce citizenship on behalf of a minor child.That means, in teeny little words that you can understand, that even if Stanley Dunham became an Indonesian (and there is not an iota of proof that this happened), her American-born son would remain an American citizen unless HE renounced his citizenship when he turned 18…which he didn’t do.Have fun papering your wall with “YOU’RE WRONG,” old sport.Because you are.

    Despite your poor attempt at misdirection, I’m staying on topic with “The Doc’s FOIA”; which has nothing to do with Barry Obama … Barry Soetoro … or whatever his name was 40 years ago.

  43. Majority Will says:

    Don Draper:
    “Despite your poor attempt at misdirection, I’m staying on topic with “The Doc’s FOIA”; which has nothing to do with Barry Obama … Barry Soetoro … or whatever his name was 40 years ago.”

    “And he can’t be a Natural born citizen if he’s naturalized after a Certificate of Loss of Nationality has been issued.” “I’m staying on topic . . .”

    Contradict yourself much?

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