More tours to Obama birthplace

Obama Conspiracy Theories broke the story of a Kenyan tour guide company offering an Obama tour, including the “original home of the world’s most powerful President,” the village of Kogelo in Kenya. The Kenyan tour company’s web page also mentioned that President Obama was born in Hawaii at the Kapi’olani medical center. [This is the only Kenyan web site I know of that names the hospital where President Obama was born.]

Obama tourism isn’t limited to Kenya

Several companies are offering Obama tours as reported by WhyGo Hawaii. And yes, the tours include: the “Kapiolani Medical Center (place of Obama’s birth).”

However, in a place that is already a major tourist destination like Oahu, there has been a veritable onslaught of Obama based tourism.

There are now several different operators offering up tours of Obama’s Hawaii–”from the places he most recently stayed during his 11-day vacation to the islands in January to the ice cream shop he worked in as a teenager….

Michelle Obama was quoted saying, “You can’t really understand Barack until you understand Hawaii” and for those looking to better understand Hawaii and the President can check out these various Obama tours in Hawaii.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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59 Responses to More tours to Obama birthplace

  1. Majority Will says:

    It’s a tropical paradise!

    Ua pili anei keia ‘ohune i ke komo hawele li a me ka holo wawae ma kahakai?

  2. marlio says:

    Right , he was born in hawaii like I was born on the Moon. EVeryone KMOWS he was born in Kenya and it is apparent, in that he has spent almost 2 million to keep his records locked up. YOu dont have to be a rocket scientist to figure this out. If it talks like a duck, walks like a duck, it IS a duck and obama is a socialist, muslim kenyan. And until he proves he is not a kenyan, I wont believe he is an american.

  3. marlio says:

    WEll I deduct that he is a muslilm, socialist, kenyan and that he doesnt like America or our militlary. And until he proves he is a patriotic, Christian, American, by providing his birth and baptismal certificate, I wont believe he is.

  4. Majority Will says:

    marlio: WEll I deduct that he is a muslilm, socialist, kenyan and that he doesnt like America or our militlary.And until he proves he is a patriotic, Christian, American, by providing his birth and baptismal certificate, I wont believe he is.

    Why does he have to be Christian? Is that in the Constitution?

  5. marlio: [Obama] was born in hawaii like I was born on the Moon.

    Are you going to share your COLB (Certificate of Lunar Birth) with us?

  6. marlio says:

    If he is a muslim, his allegiance is to allah, NOT the United States of America!!! YOu cannot have two masters.

  7. Dave says:

    marlio: If he is a muslim, his allegiance is to allah, NOT the United States of America!!!YOu cannot have two masters.

    Is the allegiance of American Christians to the USA, or to Jesus?

  8. BatGuano says:

    marlio: If he is a muslim, his allegiance is to allah, NOT the United States of America!!!YOu cannot have two masters.

    then if he is a christian wouldn’t his allegiance be to jesus christ and not the USA ? you can’t have two masters you know.

  9. Majority Will says:

    marlio: Why does he have to be Christian? Is that in the Constitution?

    You didn’t answer my question.

    Why does he have to be Christian? Is that in the Constitution?

    Are Jews, Buddhists or followers of any religion but Christians ineligible to be President by the U.S. Constitution?

  10. Majority Will says:

    “EVeryone KMOWS he was born in Kenya . . .”

    How would everyone at the Kosher Meals on Wheels Service know this?

  11. jamese777 says:

    I would be interested in Marlio’s explanation as to why the Republican Governor of Hawaii who endorsed John McCain, campaigned for John McCain and delivered one of Sarah Palin’s nominating speech at the Republican National Convention would state that Barack Obama, a Democrat, was born in Hawaii if he wasn’t born in Hawaii.
    Here’s what Governor Lingle said, and I quote her:
    “You know, during the campaign of 2008, I was actually in the mainland campaigning for Sen. McCain. This issue kept coming up so much in the campaign, and again I think it’s one of those issues that is simply a distraction from the more critical issues that are facing the country. And so I had my health director, who is a physician by background, go personally view the birth certificate in the birth records of the Department of Health, and we issued a news release at that time saying that the president was, in fact, born at Kapi’olani Hospital in Honolulu, Hawaii. And that’s just a fact. And yet people continue to call up and e-mail and want to make it an issue. And I think it’s, again, a horrible distraction for the country by those people who continue this. … It’s been established. He was born here.”—Governor of Hawaii Linda Lingle (R)
    Furthermore ALL of the appointed officials of the state of Hawaii who have verified Obama’s birth in Honolulu at 7:24 p.m. on Friday, August 4, 1961 are appointees of the Republican Governor of Hawaii.

    Finally, President George W. Bush appointed a Muslim, Dr. Zalmay Khalilzad to be the United States Ambassador to the United Nations. Are you saying that because Dr. Khalilzad is a Muslim that he didn’t really serve the United States at the United Nations for the Bush administration?

  12. Sef says:

    marlio: If he is a muslim, his allegiance is to allah, NOT the United States of America!!!YOu cannot have two masters.

    According to marlio’s logic only atheists would be eligible.

  13. AnotherBird says:

    marlio: Right , he was born in hawaii like I was born on the Moon.EVeryone KMOWS he was born in Kenya and it is apparent, in that he has spent almost 2 million to keep his records locked up.

    Yes, Marlio you were born on the moon. If everyone knows something, or something is known, then it can’t be hidden or locked up. For once please think.

  14. AnotherBird says:

    According to marlio’s logic only atheists would be eligible.

    It isn’t logic but an empty argument.

  15. Majority Will says:

    According to marlio’s logic only atheists would be eligible.

    Or zombies. They’re the ones with the brains.

  16. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    marlio: Right , he was born in hawaii like I was born on the Moon.EVeryone KMOWS he was born in Kenya and it is apparent, in that he has spent almost 2 million to keep his records locked up.YOu dont have to be a rocket scientist to figure this out.If it talks like a duck, walks like a duck, it IS a duck and obama is a socialist, muslim kenyan.And until he proves he is not a kenyan, I wont believe he is an american.

    You were born on the moon? That explains your logical disconnect. Never has any birther been able to produce evidence of this 2 million spent on having “records locked up”. Do you have some evidence of this? So prove to us you’ve never diddled children

  17. Liberal Cop says:

    marlio: WEll I deduct that he is a muslilm, socialist, kenyan and that he doesnt like America or our militlary. And until he proves he is a patriotic, Christian, American, by providing his birth and baptismal certificate, I wont believe he is.

    I remember hearing that JFK, a Roman Catholic, could not be president of the United States because as a roman catholic, his allegience was to the Vactican and the Pope first and the country second. Last time I checked, a catholic was a considered a christian.

  18. marlio says:

    I go to alot of different sites for my information so the amount obama has spent on hiding his records is 2 million in general they say. anyone who spends ANY funds to hide records is trying to conceal information that would be detrimental to them. And its obvious he and michelle both hate americans. ob uses the race card every chance he gets. YOu would think he has a chip on his shoulder and hates whites. He definitely appears to have an inferiority complex and a need to be in the spot light every day, to feed his ego imo.

  19. AnotherBird says:

    marlio: I go to alot of different sites for my information so the amount obama has spent on hiding his records is 2 million in general they say.anyone who spends ANY funds to hide records is trying to conceal information that would be detrimental to them. And its obvious he and michelle both hate americans. ob uses the race card every chance he gets.YOu would think he has a chip on his shoulder and hates whites.He definitely appears to have an inferiority complex and a need to be in the spot light every day, to feed his ego imo.

    Yes, there are actual sites that “If you send your bank information and some money that they will send you 10% of millions of dollars.”

    Just because some information was found on a some rouge web site doesn’t make it a truthful representation of the facts. There has to be some origination that will stand behind those facts, and are in the position to do so. In simpler terms someone who can confirm the authenticity of the claims have been made.

    Most news organization has discredited your claims over two years ago, and those are that have not are more interest to spreading the misinformation than reporting the facts.

    Anyways, I think it is you who has a problem with people who you perceive are different from you.

  20. Dave says:

    marlio:YOu would think he has a chip on his shoulder and hates whites.

    Aren’t you the guy who thinks Christians are unpatriotic, because their allegiance is to Jesus?

    I don’t think a lot of Christians are going to agree with you about that.

  21. marlio: anyone who spends ANY funds to hide records is trying to conceal information that would be detrimental to them.

    That Obama has spend millions to hide his records is a myth. He hasn’t spent anything “hiding records.” That idea presumes that if Obama released some records then folks would stop suing him. However, one just need look at the array of fantastic claims in these lawsuits to see that is not true. Not one single lawsuit has only asked for records.

    There are hundreds of thousands of web sites with bad information. You are privileged to have stumbled upon one that takes care to have accurate information. Why don’t you take advantage of your good fortune to read a couple hundred of the articles?

  22. Majority Will says:

    marlio: And until he proves he is a patriotic, Christian, American, by providing his birth and baptismal certificate, I wont believe he is.

    Why are you avoiding the question? You implied the President must be Christian to hold office. What section of the Constitution’s eligibility requirements demands that a President must be Christian and have a baptismal certificate?

    Do you respect the Constitution?

  23. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    marlio: I go to alot of different sites for my information so the amount obama has spent on hiding his records is 2 million in general they say. anyone who spends ANY funds to hide records is trying to conceal information that would be detrimental to them. And its obvious he and michelle both hate americans. ob uses the race card every chance he gets. YOu would think he has a chip on his shoulder and hates whites. He definitely appears to have an inferiority complex and a need to be in the spot light every day, to feed his ego imo.

    And have you ever verified the information on those websites claiming 2 million dollars? If Obama is hiding records how exactly would those websites know he spent 2 million dollars if he is hiding all the records? You’re not an American are you Marlio. I can tell by the way you speak. I find you contradicting yourself. Someone who is racist thinks that their race is superior to others yet you claim he has an inferiority complex. These two thoughts are at odds.

  24. kimba says:

    Dear marlio,

    You love the Constitution don’t you? You believe in the Constitution right? But you don’t know the Constitution. Here’s what is stated in Article VI of the US Constition:

    “no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.”

  25. Majority Will says:

    kimba: Dear marlio,You love the Constitution don’t you?You believe in the Constitution right?But you don’t know the Constitution.Here’s what is stated in Article VI of the US Constition:“no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.”

    Marlio’s copy might be amended with crayon and Liguid Paper. And the 13th Amendment is now Exodus 21:1-4.

  26. marlio says:

    Well, since our government cherry picks which parts of the Constitution they will enforce and those they wont obey, I say, the majority of Christian Americans will NOT vote for a muslim. I believe Obama is a closet muslim, and that he is a Christian in name Only. WE dont REALLY have a free country anymore but most americans dont know that. YOu cant by, Freedom of Information act, get information about Fannie Mae and Mac and govt stonewalls information on North American Union and North American Corridor. Congress either lies or witholds information from the citizens, thinking we are so stupid, we will never know the truth. I actually am ashamed of the present Congress we have and plan to vote them ALL out, REpublicans and Democrats. I love the Constitution, but they dont! They have been bought and paid for by the the International Bank Cartels and their God seems to be MONEY!!! They dont CARE what the people think about ANYTHING and they, more or less, trample on the Constitution like Bill Ayers 60s hippy.

  27. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    marlio: Well, since our government cherry picks which parts of the Constitution they will enforce and those they wont obey, I say, the majority of Christian Americans will NOT vote for a muslim. I believe Obama is a closet muslim, and that he is a Christian in name Only. WE dont REALLY have a free country anymore but most americans dont know that. YOu cant by, Freedom of Information act, get information about Fannie Mae and Mac and govt stonewalls information on North American Union and North American Corridor. Congress either lies or witholds information from the citizens, thinking we are so stupid, we will never know the truth. I actually am ashamed of the present Congress we have and plan to vote them ALL out, REpublicans and Democrats. I love the Constitution, but they dont! They have been bought and paid for by the the International Bank Cartels and their God seems to be MONEY!!! They dont CARE what the people think about ANYTHING and they, more or less, trample on the Constitution like Bill Ayers 60s hippy.

    You’re not from America are you? Just another foreigner ramblign on an on about conspiracy theories. How could congress give you information on something that doesn’t exist like the North American Union or North American Corridor. I have never seen so much crazy in a posting. You haven’t read the constitution, you don’t know what it says. I can also say you are a christian in name only but not in reality. See how easy it is to make stuff up?

  28. BatGuano says:

    marlio: They have been bought and paid for by the the International Bank Cartels and their God seems to be MONEY!!!

    so……. you’d be in favor of moving away from a free-market capitalist system and more towards a socialistic form of government ?

  29. Majority Will says:

    marlio: Well, since our government cherry picks which parts of the Constitution they will enforce . . .

    You keep dodging a very simple question with irrelevant, rambling nonsense. And it has absolutely nothing to do with enforcement.

    Why can’t you answer a very simple question?

    You asserted, “And until he proves he is a patriotic, Christian, American, by providing his birth and baptismal certificate, I wont believe he is.”

    What section of the Constitution’s eligibility requirements demands that a President must be Christian and have a baptismal certificate?

    Do I need to explain this question to you?

    You seem to be having a VERY difficult time answering a simple question.

  30. BatGuano says:

    Majority Will: You keep dodging a very simple question…..

    i’m still waiting to hear where his allegiance lay, with jesus or the US. you can’t have two masters y’know.

  31. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    BatGuano: i’m still waiting to hear where his allegiance lay, with jesus or the US. you can’t have two masters y’know.

    I’m waiting for him to reply with “Chocolate Hamster”

  32. Majority Will says:

    i’m still waiting to hear where his allegiance lay, with jesus or the US. you can’t have two masters y’know.

    But you only need one baiter.

  33. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    Majority Will: But you only need one baiter.

    I thought Sho Nuff was the master?

  34. Majority Will says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross):
    I thought Sho Nuff was the master?

    Or a renegade Time Lord. You just never know.

  35. Black Lion says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross): I thought Sho Nuff was the master?

    “The Last Dragon”…Great movie..But I thought that Leroy ended up being the master….

  36. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    Black Lion: “The Last Dragon”…Great movie..But I thought that Leroy ended up being the master….

    All I remember of that movie was the movie theatre scene and Sho Nuff continually saying “Whose the master” Sho Nuff!

  37. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross): All I remember of that movie was the movie theatre scene and Sho Nuff continually saying “Whose the master” Sho Nuff!

    I saw that movie decades ago and remembered it as really cool. However, when I recently got it to see again, I was not impressed and didn’t finish it.

  38. Black Lion says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I saw that movie decades ago and remembered it as really cool. However, when I recently got it to see again, I was not impressed and didn’t finish it.

    In 1985 it was cool but here in 2010 it is very dated, maybe corny….Remember “Bruce Leroy”? But Sho’nuff did go around asking everyone “Who is the master”…Ironically it was the highlight and lowlight of the movie producing career of Berry Gordy Jr. of Motown fame….

  39. dunstvangeet says:

    Majority Will:
    ”What section of the Constitution’s eligibility requirements demands that a President must be Christian and have a baptismal certificate?

    Not to mention the fact that the Constitution specifically forbids a religious litmus test for holding office.

  40. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    Black Lion: In 1985 it was cool but here in 2010 it is very dated, maybe corny….Remember “Bruce Leroy”? But Sho’nuff did go around asking everyone “Who is the master”…Ironically it was the highlight and lowlight of the movie producing career of Berry Gordy Jr. of Motown fame….

    When I say who is the master, you say Sho’nuff!

  41. Dave says:

    marlio: Well, since our government cherry picks which parts of the Constitution they will enforce and those they wont obey,

    This is done by the Constitution Part Cherry Picking Committee, the little known 4th branch of government.

    I say, the majority of Christian Americans will NOT vote for a muslim.

    I believe you were earlier expressing the view that Christians are not Americans, because they owe their allegiance to Jesus.

    I believe Obama is a closet muslim, and that he is a Christian in name Only.

    Oh, I get it. His name is Hussein, and he’s a Christian in name only. That’s funny.

    WE dont REALLYhave a free country anymore but most americans dont know that.YOu cant by, Freedom of Information act, get information about Fannie Mae and Mac and govt stonewalls information on North American Union and North American Corridor.

    Information about the North American Union and the North American Corridor is available from the websites that made these things up.

    Congress either lies or witholds information from the citizens, thinking we are so stupid, we will never know the truth.I actually am ashamed of the present Congress we have and plan to vote them ALL out, REpublicans and Democrats.

    You’re going to vote them all out? Not just the ones that represent you? You’re going to have to put in a lot of travel on election day.

    I love the Constitution, but they dont!

    You definitely need to read Area Man Passionate Defender Of What He Imagines Constitution To Be.

  42. Dave: Oh, I get it. His name is Hussein, and he’s a Christian in name only. That’s funny.

    Snappy repartee. [I don’t think I’ve ever used that word before.]

  43. AnotherBird says:

    marlio: Well, since our government cherry picks which parts of the Constitution they will enforce and those they wont obey…

    Marlio, please don’t shift the blame of your behavior onto others.

  44. Rickey says:

    Oh, I get it. His name is Hussein, and he’s a Christian in name only. That’s funny.

    That is very funny, Dave! Well played. The only problem is that it will go straight over marlio’s head.

  45. BatGuano says:

    The only problem is that it will go straight over marlio’s head.

    i wonder what he’d do with the knowledge that allah is the same god of the old testament ? or that jesus and mary are aspects of the muslim faith.

  46. Majority Will says:

    i wonder what he’d do with the knowledge that allah is the same god of the old testament ? or that jesus and mary are aspects of the muslim faith.

    Christianity, Judaism and Islam are all tied together through Abraham, the exalted father.

  47. Black Lion says:

    More innane writing from Rondeau….

    Jul. 28, 2010) — Is there a difference between a “Certificate of Live Birth” and a “Certification of Live Birth”?

    We all know there is! Some just don’t what to acknowledge that there is a difference.

    According to recent reports, the Hawaii DOH decided to change the name of their COLB from “Certification” to “Certificate”! Why? The only possible conclusion for using such deceptive and inaccurate terminology, in the wake of the present controversy, is to further confuse the public.

    A Certificate of Live Birth (in the traditional sense) is an original birth report that has been filed with the state. It is signed by someone who declares to be a witness to the event. The identity of that witness is what gives the filed certificate credibility. Most original birth certificates are witnessed (attended) by a physician. Some are witnessed by a nurse. Others are witnessed by a midwife. Since most of these people are licensed by the state, we trust them to provide a true and accurate account of the event. The penalty for filing a false report would include loss of their license. That is why births attended by a physician are considered to be extremely reliable.

    In some cases, a parent, relative, or any adult may report an extra-institutional (outside the hospital) birth. Only a fool would consider a report filed by an “interested party” (a parent or relative) to have the same credibility as one filed by a “disinterested party” (a doctor or nurse)! Was Obama’s birth reported by an interested party, or a disinterested party? For some reason, Obama doesn’t want us to know, and the State of Hawaii is unwilling to disclose that information. Who is being protected by not disclosing that information? How and why would they need to be protected?

    For most of our history, when proof of a birth event was required, the state would issue a certified copy of the original certificate. Today, however, as a means of cutting costs, many states now issue a “certification.” While this new “certification” (an abstract of the information on file) has been deemed adequate for most situations, it completely eliminates subsequent discovery of fraud having taken place when the original was filed. This omission of key information (though unintentional) prevents anyone from asking; “Who submitted that original report?”

    A COLB is a “certification” of live birth. It is merely an abstract used to demonstrate that the issuing authority has some source information on file. Nothing more! The government (the issuing authority) is not claiming to be a witness to the event. All they are claiming is that SOMEONE has stated that they witnessed the event, and the record of such is on file. Many people have concluded that the State of Hawaii knows that Obama was born in Hawaii. A Representative of the State of Hawaii was not present at Obama’s birth. Dr. Fukino was not a witness to the event. At best, she can only rely on the statement of another. In the legal world, they would call that “hearsay”. However, the relative ease with which the original record could be made available, and the national security interest at stake, demands that hearsay should not be accepted when turning over the keys to the most powerful military force in the world.

    Why accept a “certification” in lieu of a certified copy of the original? This would be akin to a college or university notifying one’s state of record that the registrant has obtained a degree of education. The state would then issue an abstract or “certification” stating that they have (in their files) a document that supports the registrant’s degree. What information would be omitted from that “certification of degree”? It wouldn’t contain the name of the college or university who issued the degree. It would only demonstrate that the degree was obtained. -I may be wrong, but I doubt the liberal intellectuals would ever consider the acknowledgment of a degree, without the name of the university who issued it, to be a true indication of the value of that degree. (Didn’t most of the liberal lawyers attack Orly Taitz because of where she obtained her degree?)

    If we look at this from a COLB vs. the original birth certificate, it would be like the state saying that Obama has earned the degree, but when we ask what college or university awarded that degree, the state would refuse to disclose such information. In essence, did Obama obtain his degree from an “Ivy League” school, or did he just obtain it by paying some online university?

    Shouldn’t WE, as his employer, be able to ask such questions?

    It should not be “The Birthers” fighting in the courts to obtain access. It should be Barack Obama who voluntarily authorizes the release of that information. It should be disclosed to a plethora of media representatives, directly by the Hawaii DOH, and it should be disclosed to all of them at the same time. It should be disclosed because it is the right thing to do.

    A country in which a large number of citizens have serious questions about the Commander-in-Chief’s authority to hold that office is a country in turmoil. When the source of that turmoil is a game of hide and seek being played by a de facto president, his intent must be seen as nothing less than a deliberate attempt to destroy this country.

    Who am I? I may be the person who witnessed Obama’s birth!

  48. Black Lion (from the Post & Email blog): According to recent reports, the Hawaii DOH decided to change the name of their COLB from “Certification” to “Certificate”! Why? The only possible conclusion for using such deceptive and inaccurate terminology, in the wake of the present controversy, is to further confuse the public.

    Or it could be that Hawaii wants to name their form the same thing as the rest of the states so as not to confuse the public.

  49. PetJake says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Or it could be that Hawaii wants to name their form the same thing as the rest of the states so as not to confuse the public.

    You mean, so as not to confuse who kept flipping between Certification and Certificate like a weather vane in a tornado, and Snopes,com who kept calling it a “Certificate of Live Birth” along with pretty much the rest of the media. Long form, short form, long-shot, short arm,” don’t matter, ’cause they are just words, according to Information Director, Janice Okobufukinonaka.

  50. Majority Will says:

    You mean, so as not to confuse who kept flipping between Certification and Certificate like a weather vane in a tornado, and Snopes,com who kept calling it a “Certificate of Live Birth” along with pretty much the rest of the media. Long form, short form, long-shot, short arm,” don’t matter, ’cause they are just words, according to Information Director, Janice Okobufukinonaka.

    Where’s your training and credentials in forensic science and forensic document examination?

  51. SluggoJD says:

    You mean, so as not to confuse who kept flipping between Certification and Certificate like a weather vane in a tornado, and Snopes,com who kept calling it a “Certificate of Live Birth” along with pretty much the rest of the media. Long form, short form, long-shot, short arm,” don’t matter, ’cause they are just words, according to Information Director, Janice Okobufukinonaka.

    PooPooPolarik! How are you, you crazy dude!? Crazy, habitual deceiver dude! You really had us all fooled for a short time…who would have ever thought that the legend-in-his-own-mind great Doctor of Forensic Birth Certificate Analysis would invent a sockpuppet!?!?!

  52. AnotherBird says:

    You mean, so as not to confuse who kept flipping between Certification and Certificate like a weather vane in a tornado, and Snopes,com who kept calling it a “Certificate of Live Birth” along with pretty much the rest of the media. Long form, short form, long-shot, short arm,” don’t matter, ’cause they are just words, according to Information Director, Janice Okobufukinonaka.

    Open a dictionary for once. When a person’s best argument is based a variation on one word they have no argument.

    If you are going to be picking about words spell the word “because” not “’cause” because you might get it confused with “cause.”

  53. nc1 says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Or it could be that Hawaii wants to name their form the same thing as the rest of the states so as not to confuse the public.

    How will they call the actual birth registration document – the one containing signatures? Is it still the Certificate or does it have a new name?

  54. nc1: How will they call the actual birth registration document – the one containing signatures? Is it still the Certificate or does it have a new name?

    They don’t do paper birth certificates any more. 95% of births in the United States are filed electronically.

    Where paper documents exist, the original and the certified copy bear the same name. This is not confusing to the general public because all anyone ever sees is a certified copy. What was confusing within our narrow Obama Conspiracy topic was the allegation that Hawaii’s “Certification” was materially different from other states’ “Certificate” when in fact all the states do pretty much the same thing.

  55. Majority Will says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    They don’t do paper birth certificates any more. 95% of births in the United States are filed electronically.Where paper documents exist, the original and the certified copy bear the same name. This is not confusing to the general public because all anyone ever sees is a certified copy. What was confusing within our narrow Obama Conspiracy topic was the allegation that Hawaii’s “Certification” was materially different from other states’ “Certificate” when in fact all the states do pretty much the same thing.

    I admire your patience.

  56. BatGuano says:

    ’cause they are just words, according to Information Director, Janice Okobufukinonaka.

    heartless fiends. next they will try and convince me that my car is nothing more than their so called “automobile”.

  57. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    PooPooPolarik!How are you, you crazy dude!?Crazy, habitual deceiver dude!You really had us all fooled for a short time…who would have ever thought that the legend-in-his-own-mind great Doctor of Forensic Birth Certificate Analysis would invent a sockpuppet!?!?!

    *raises hand* I don’t put anything past these fruitcakes, it never surprises me that they would use sockpuppets

  58. AnotherBird says:

    heartless fiends. next they will try and convince me that my car is nothing more than their so called “automobile”.

    maybe a auto, jalopy, motorcar, wheels, ….

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