Berg reschedules rally for October

Philip Berg

Crusading anti-Obama attorney, Philip J. Berg has set the new date for his massive rally to promote his opposition to everything Obama, including the president’s ineligibility and what the right wing call “Obamacare.” (They will have to eat that word if Obamacare ever becomes as popular as Medicare is today.)

In a letter emailed to supporters just minutes ago, Berg announced that The Obama Birth Certificate / Eligibility / ObamaCare Rally will be held in Washington on Saturday, October 23, 2010 – U.S. Capitol – West Front, unless it gets postponed again.

You can meet Phil Berg in person tomorrow. He will be handing out leaflets at the Glenn Beck rally in DC. The full press release is on Berg’s ObamaCrimes web site.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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29 Responses to Berg reschedules rally for October

  1. brygenon says:

    Berg was supposedly a Hillary Clinton supporter, which makes the Obamacare thing just weird. Did he know where his candidate stood on health care reform? Did he check out whether she thought it an important issue? Did he just think she’s cute?

    On rescheduling the march, Phil, dude, do you realize how hard it is for all those million people you’re expecting to change their plans?

  2. Jules says:

    My understanding is that Berg was a Clinton supporter in the Democratic primaries. If this is correct, then I have to wonder why Berg is now opposed to the healthcare reform bills that Obama signed into law.

    Anyone who was paying attention to the candidates’ healthcare proposals in 2008 knows that the Clinton and Obama healthcare plans were very similar, but the main difference was that Obama’s plan did not contain an individual mandate. As the bill passed by Congress did include an individual mandate enforced through tax penalties, you would think that a Clinton supporter would be pleased that a major healthcare bill got passed with an element that Clinton argued to be necessary for universal healthcare to work.

  3. DCH says:

    The lawsuit bit is worn out as a paypal cash machine. Eightly losses and now the Mario types are getting stuck with court costs.

    So Phil is now seeking donations to “advertise” – to who – Birthers? They already have everyone of then on their websites.

    I can’t wait for the event photos! Phil wil find out how hard it is to do this without the corporate astroturf money and massive Fox News support that the ‘baggers have.
    Beck just makes these delusional baggers look like such suckers. Beck pulls down millions and flys in first class and on private jets while the ‘baggers take smelly buses to come and adore him and Palin.

  4. BatGuano says:

    “Berg will be with Volunteers
    At Glen Beck Rally – Aug. 28th
    Handing out Flyers
    Regarding October 23rd Rally”

    i’m curious what they will be handing out. if it’s a flyer in the traditional sense ( 8.5″x5.5″ or 8.5″x11″ one color photocopy ) then i predict they get discarded soon after they are handed out. not really an affective promotional tool when your event is related to excessive garbage.

  5. Lupin says:

    Jules: you would think that a Clinton supporter would be pleased…

    Remind me, what color Obama is?

  6. sfjeff says:

    I don’t see any troll postings today- I think they are either at the Mall watching Beck preach or eagerly scooping up newsreports on it.

    Of course true Birhers still consider Beck a traitor…..but who else do they have to hang their hat on?

  7. Gregory says:

    From Berg’s press release:

    Lafayette Hill, PA – 08/28/10) – Philip J. Berg, Esquire, the first Attorney who filed suit against Barack H. Obama challenging Obama’s lack of “qualifications” to serve as President of the United States…

    I find it very telling that “qualifications” is in quotation marks. Apparently not even Berg is buying his own, BS lawsuits.

  8. Gregory: I find it very telling that “qualifications” is in quotation marks. Apparently not even Berg is buying his own, BS lawsuits.

    Quotation marks are a Berg trademark. My favorite comment about question marks is:

  9. Majority Will says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Quotation marks are a Berg trademark. My favorite comment about question marks is:

    I can picture the two finger gesture with both hands on each “quoted” word.

    If you “know” what I mean.

  10. misha says:

    The born in Kenya nonsense started with him. He was an ardent Hilary supporter, so he was determined to derail Obama. Now, he can’t quit.

    Besides, he’s a neocon, and he feels Obama is bad for Israel, so he and Orly are obsessed with driving him from office.

  11. Dave says:

    Over in freeperville there is a thread about Berg’s planned rally. Many comments that a big birtherism media event one week before the elections will not be good for Republicans. Some going further and noting that Berg is a Democrat, so that must be his plan. Along with the expected flames accusing all of the above of being Marxist trolls.

    I think all the freeper comments have missed an important point — this event will not likely draw a big enough crowd to make the papers, so it is unlikely to have any effect on the elections.

  12. ellid says:

    Look, the Glenn Beck rally, which was heavily promoted on Beck’s TV and radio shows, attracted less than 90,000 yesterday. If Berg gets two dozen I’ll be shocked.

  13. Jules says:

    misha: Please everyone, watch this:

    The EDL is basically the same as the BNP. Though the EDL claims to be opposed only to Islamic extremism, it is in reality an organisation whose members are bigoted against Muslims in general and fearful of people of Arab and South Asian descent.

    Those who support the EDL typically chant for a ban on new mosques. Of course, an inability to open new mosques would prevent Muslims who disagree with orthodox and extremist views from opening congregations to promote a liberal version of Islam.

  14. Rickey says:

    ellid: Look, the Glenn Beck rally, which was heavily promoted on Beck’s TV and radio shows, attracted less than 90,000 yesterday.If Berg gets two dozen I’ll be shocked.

    To put Beck’s rally into perspective, there will be more people attending the season opener for the Ohio State football team later this week.

  15. misha says:

    Jules: it is in reality an organisation whose members are bigoted against Muslims in general and fearful of people of Arab and South Asian descent.

    As one Indian spokesman in London once said, “we are here, because you were there.”

  16. Black Lion says:

    Glenn Beck…Is he the Father Coughlin or Elmer Gantry of the 21st century?

    “Only this wasn’t about religion on Saturday in Washington, as much as Beck aspires to be the Elmer Gantry of the Tea Party movement, with God as much his co-star Saturday as Sarah Palin.

    And it wasn’t about racial healing on the 47th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech. Once you call the President of the United States a racist and hater of white people – as Beck once did – you just fall in with other, less famous race baiters. No matter how much Beck wants to walk himself back from those comments now.

    Oh, sure. Now Beck says President Obama isn’t a racist, just a “libertarian theologist.” Right. I make that mistake all the time. Maybe Beck thinks you can be a racial healer, but only on weekends.

    In the end, Beck has no real interest in unity or honor, just the best show.

    Then, of course, there is Palin, the pompom girl for pep rallies like Saturday’s, telling the crowd that she’s an even better American than we knew because, well, she raised a combat veteran.

    Beck hates it when people compare him to Father Charles Coughlin, the radio wingnut of the 1930s. He talks about how vastly different their politics are, and he’s right about that. But Beck is the new Coughlin in so many other ways, starting with this one: confusing the size of his crowds and the size of his audience with an actual political movement.”

  17. Black Lion says:

    Monday, August 30, 2010
    WND Pretends Audience at Beck’s Rally Was Diverse
    Topic: WorldNetDaily

    Here’s how Drew Zahn began his Aug. 28 WorldNetDaily article on Glenn Beck’s big rally in Washington:

    People of every race and color in red, white and blue T-shirts gathered in the nation’s capital today for Glenn Beck’s Restoring Honor rally only to receive a heavy dose, not of the radio host, but of Jesus Christ.

    Zahn offered no evidence that the rally audience was diverse, aside from quoting someone with a Hispanic name.

    The truth is qute the opposite — the New York Times pointed out that the audience was “overwhelmingly white and largely middle-aged,” and the Washington Post similarly noted the crowd was “overwhelmingly white.”

    That didn’t stop WND from trying to portray the crowd as diverse. A follow-up article by Anita Crane carried the headline “Glenn Beck crowd: Not so white as advertised,” and Crane insisted that ‘many creeds and colors” attended:

    The crowd itself included veterans, parents, disabled Americans, people of all ages and – contrary to some criticism leveled against the rally – attendees of many races and ethnicities.

    But Crane talked to only two — the head of the National Black Pro-Life Union and Ron Mille, “a black Christian and author of ‘Sellout: Musings from Uncle Tom’s Porch.'” Miller played into Crane’s agenda by stating, “Americans of many races were given prominence on stage for the world to see.”

    As for the “many creeds” supposedly in attendance, Crane cited “Catholics, other Christians and Jews.” The only Jew that took part in Beck’s rally was Daniel Lapin, a right-wing rabbi with ties to disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff.

    By the way, Zahn also indulged Alveda King’s ego by referring to her as “Dr. Alveda King” even though, as we’ve noted, her doctorate is honorary, not earned.

  18. misha says:

    Black Lion: Glenn Beck…Is he the Father Coughlin or Elmer Gantry of the 21st century?

    Beck is a latter day Coughlin, and Palin is a cross between Coughlin and Aimee Semple McPherson.

    We know how they ended up.

  19. Black Lion says:

    Or how the Obama derangement syndrome as affected Pam Geller….Interesting article…The entire article is worth reading…

    “Pamela Geller, the veteran Muslim-basher and co-founder of the rabidly anti-Muslim group Stop Islamization of America (SIOA), has won over a whole new set of supporters: American white supremacists. They just can’t seem to get enough of her since her agitation began against a planned Islamic community center and mosque proposed for a site near Ground Zero in New York City.


    Geller’s Muslim-bashing has resonated with certain conservatives, several of whom, including former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, have come out against the Muslim community center. But Geller’s views are now also finding support from nearly every sector of America’s racist right. This is rather surprising because Geller is Jewish, a fact that is normally enough to dissuade radical rightists from too tight an embrace. Apparently, Geller is a Jew the racist right can love.”

  20. misha says:

    Black Lion: This is rather surprising because Geller is Jewish

    I’ve never been able to understand Jewish conservatives. Maybe they need Prozac or Thorazine.

  21. Black Lion says:

    misha: I’ve never been able to understand Jewish conservatives. Maybe they need Prozac or Thorazine.

    Misha, I have been wondering that myself. Geller, like Orly are alligning themselves with people that hate them. That to me makes no sense. Especially since the folks at Stormfront blame Jewish people for everything that they consider to be bad….I see it similar to guys like Alan Keyes and women like Alveda King allowing themselves to be used by the Beck and other right wingers as props….

  22. Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    misha: I’ve never been able to understand Jewish conservatives. Maybe they need Prozac or Thorazine.

    They make as much sense as Jews for Jesus

  23. Black Lion says:

    Do you think that Berg will get anymore that maybe a couple of hundred up to 1000 people to go to his so called event? I mean the rodeo clown Beck along with FOX fearmongered and built up the 8/28 event and all they got was 87,000…

    Yes only 87,000…However some of the Beck supporters are claiming that it was a as much as 4 times that number….Remember even FOX reported it as in the thousands and not the hundred of thousands….So in other words we are taling about less that 1% of the population of the US….or less that take the LIRR commuter railroad on any given day….Impressive….

    “An estimated 87,000 people attended a rally organized by talk-radio host and Fox News commentator Glenn Beck Saturday in Washington, according to a crowd estimate commissioned by CBS News.

    Beck, who predicted that at least 100,000 people would show up, opened his comments with a joke: “I have just gotten word from the media that there is over 1,000 people here today.”

    Or from Think progress…

    “Today on Fox News Sunday, host Chris Wallace waded into Beck’s psyche to try to clarify Beck’s true beliefs. Noting Beck’s claim that “divine providence” allowed him to reclaim the civil rights movement from “racial politics,” Wallace asked Beck about his previous declaration that President Obama was racist and wondered if he has any credibility “reclaiming the civil rights movement” because of that statement:

    Beck later said he regretted calling Obama a racist and that the real problem with the President is his alleged belief in “liberation theology.” When Wallace then noted that Beck called President Obama’s faith “a perversion of the gospel of Jesus Christ,” and wondered who made him “the God Squad,” Beck called the President “demonic”:

    Though Beck has indulged in tying President Obama to the Lucifer before, he insists he’s not a member of the “God Squad.” Noting that Beck is also not a “newsman,” “preacher,” or “politician,” Wallace finally asks Beck, “What are you?” In response, Beck offered a rambling response, calling himself a “concerned citizen” who “didn’t know his butt from his elbow” 15 years ago, and now “wants to figure out what the real truth is and inconsistencies bother me.”

    “Confronted with fact that King’s march had economic agenda, Beck replies: “That’s a part of it that I don’t agree with”

  24. misha says:

    Black Lion: Do you think that Berg will get anymore that maybe a couple of hundred up to 1000 people to go to his so called event?

    500, tops.

  25. Black Lion says:

    Good article from Media Matters regarding the Beck revival on Saturday….

    Flashback: Cons loved the smaller crowd estimates for Obama’s inauguration
    September 01, 2010 12:06 pm ET by Eric Boehlert

    Yes, the hypocrisy is hard to miss here.

    Conservatives are busy touting the size of Glenn Beck’s “Honor” rally last weekend, claiming, as Beck does, that at least 500,000 people attended. But there is no official crowd count and in fact the only scientific attempt to tally the rally size was done by CBS, which hired an outside firm to estimate the crowd size:

    To calculate attendance at the Beck rally, used what is called a surveillance aerostat balloon to take pictures from both above the event and closer to the ground. In the video above, which was provided by the company, you can see some of the images used to come up with a figure.

    The firm concluded there were approximately 90,000 people at the rally and right-wing bloggers howled in protest. Of course, they didn’t take issue with the science of the estimate. They just didn’t like the results and so they whined. A lot.

    In response to those complaints, Professor Stephen Doig of Arizona State University, a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist and crowd estimate expert who worked on the CBS crowd estimate, noted the irony in conservatives attacking his work today. The irony was that back in Jan., 2009, when Doig came up with a crowd estimate for Obama’s inauguration, and the estimate (800,000) was much smaller than most other crowd estimates, conservatives loved Doig’s work.

    He writes:

    I am amused to see that those who embraced my Obama inauguration estimate as soberly realistic are now attacking the Beck rally estimate, produced using exactly the same methods, as deliberately biased.

    And sure enough, here was Newsbusters early last year specifically touting Doig’s work in connection to his Obama inauguration estimate and suggesting news orgs that used larger crowd estimates for that event were (surprise!) liberally biased.

    So to recap: When Doig estimated Obama’s swearing-in crowd wasn’t as large as other people claimed, Doig’s work was held up as the unvarnished truth. But today, when Doig estimates Beck’s Lincoln Memorial crowd wasn’t as large as other people claimed, Doig’s work is a joke.

    Good to know.

  26. ASK Esq says:

    If Berg ever does manage to have his rally, we’ll finally have an answer to the age-old question, “What if they threw a party and nobody came?”

  27. Majority Will says:

    ASK Esq: If Berg ever does manage to have his rally, we’ll finally have an answer to the age-old question, “What if they threw a party and nobody came?”

    What if they threw him into the Reflecting Pool and nobody cared?

  28. I’d like to go if I could find one of those “I’m not with HIM —–>” t-shirts.

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