Monthly Archives: August 2010

Obama racks up another citizenship?

Luke (fake Kenyan birth certificate) Smith claims yet another entry in the list of citizenships for Barack Obama. In addition the three citizenships Obama actually had at one time or another in his life, and the Indonesian citizenship that he … Continue reading

Posted in Birth Location, Citizenship, Inspector Smith, Lounge, Videos | 7 Comments

Why the birth certificate?

This is something that’s been bugging me for some time. I remember seeing (but can’t find now) a comment attributed to an Obama campaign staffer that said the campaign had obtained several birth certificates for Senator Obama in 2007. When … Continue reading

Posted in Birth Certificate | 125 Comments

Taitz loses

In case you haven’t been reading the comments here, Orly Taitz has lost her application for an emergency stay of execution (err, sorry, first things first) sanctions. She’ll have to cough up the $20,000. In a report at TPM Muckraker, … Continue reading

Posted in Birthers Behaving Badly, Orly Taitz, Sanctions, Supreme Court | 104 Comments

I too am an American citizen

This article is in response to an anonymous person claiming to be a veteran and a US citizen, whose comment was published by Armand C. Hale at the RenewAmerica web site. (Readers may want to read the original first.) I … Continue reading

Posted in Lounge | 96 Comments

White House releases Obama passport

One more in the steady drip of information from the the US Government challenging Obama conspiracy theorists appeared on YouTube this past Friday. The White House has a  YouTube Channel that includes a series called “West Wing Week” in which … Continue reading

Posted in Birth Location, Passports | 92 Comments

Why are you here?

Back in January of 2009, when the paint on Obama Conspiracy Theories was barely dry, I wrote an article called “The Audacity of Blog” that explained how I got here. I can condense that experience, and my continuing participation here … Continue reading

Posted in Lounge | 98 Comments