Monthly Archives: August 2010

The occasional open thread (v 2.1)

Have at it, but play nice.

Posted in Open Mike | 325 Comments

Yes, Pamela, they reuse them

As a educational feature of Obama Conspiracy Theories, we sometimes answer general questions for the public. This question comes from Pamela, posting on the Orly Taitz web site. Pamela is having a problem searching for material at the congressional web … Continue reading

Posted in Ask a Theorist | Tagged , , | 13 Comments

Orly Taitz asks you to pay her court sanctions for her

In an email appeal to supporters last Tuesday Birther Queen Orly Taitz Esq, DDS, surrounded by foes, pleads with her supporters for donations: It is a coordinated attack: Obama-Holder Department of Justice on one side, Convicted Forger and Thief, Lisa … Continue reading

Posted in Orly Taitz, Philip Berg, Sanctions | Tagged | 43 Comments

Phil Berg anticipates Obama quitting soon

In an email to supporters, and on his web site, crusading birther attorney Philip J. Berg says that Michelle Obama’s vacation in Spain is a signal of the end. He wrote: Michelle Obama Celebrated, for one last time, in Spain … Continue reading

Posted in Philip Berg | 32 Comments

“What am I supposed to do?”

That’s a comment from GOP Senate nominee Ken Buck, caught on tape in an unguarded moment at a Tea Party event in Crowley, CO June 11. [laughing] What am I supposed to do? The question followed his oft quoted remark: … Continue reading

Posted in Birth Certificate, Tea Party | 489 Comments

Suggested reading

I haven’t had time to explore the Veterans Today web site, but on a couple of occasions they have republished articles I found interesting, including one posted yesterday called: The Transformation of the American Conservative Movement into Fascism. Crusading to … Continue reading

Posted in Lounge | 30 Comments