Monthly Archives: August 2010

Stanley Ann, not a commie radical after all?

Recent disclosures by Allen and Strunk’s Freedom of Information Act releases have fueled an old conspiracy theory about Barack Obama and his mother. Continue reading

Posted in Misc. Conspiracies, Obama Family | Tagged | 27 Comments

Phil Berg asks for reconsideration in False Claims Act appeal

Crusading birther attorney (if Phil Berg isn’t a “birther”, who is?) has petitioned the 3rd Circuit Circuit Court of Appeals to have his appeal decided by a majority of the entire court after being rebuffed by a three-judge panel. This … Continue reading

Posted in Lawsuits, Philip Berg | Tagged | 10 Comments

The mailbag

This one came in today: You are garbage —  no misdirectred invective — straight-shootin’ truth — we can only hope that you will pay for the crimes that you are committing against the sovereignty of this once great nation Also … Continue reading

Posted in Lounge, Mailbag | 58 Comments

Hawaii Legislator says the birther issue will “go away”

The State of Hawaii was pestered by birthers to the point that the Legislature passed a law allowing state agencies to ignore repeated requests for the same information from the same people. The Department reports that although the law has … Continue reading

Posted in Birthers, Hawaii Dept. of Health | 26 Comments

Comment on the CNN “birther poll”

For some time I have been thinking about these birther polls and that they are probably not representative of the real degree of birther sentiment in the population. It’s rather like the South Carolina Democratic Primary where a fellow that … Continue reading

Posted in Polls | 30 Comments

CNN covers LTC Terry Lakin

CNN’s Rick Sanchez has named Terry Lakin to his list of “most intriguing” people in an article posted Sanchez’s CNN blog this afternoon. CNN published a major article on Lakin Friday (August 6) on the date of his military arraignment, … Continue reading

Posted in Media, Terry Lakin | 248 Comments