Monthly Archives: August 2010

WND scrubbs article on Obama / Kagan

I continue be amazed. I thought here was noting bad about President Obama that WorldNetDaily wouldn’t say and keep saying in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. (A certain travel ban to Pakistan comes to mind.) I was … Continue reading

Posted in Supreme Court, WorldNetDaily | 31 Comments

LTC Lakin arraignment today

Not much in the way of interest in a strictly by the book formality. Motions and witness requests are due August 20, 2010. Replies are due August 27. Two Article 39(a), UCMJ, sessions have been scheduled for September 2 and … Continue reading

Posted in Terry Lakin | 28 Comments

Obama Conspiracy Theories irony meter explodes

The Obama Conspiracy Theories irony meter has been pegged at maximum since the inception of the site. Since 2010 it has threatened to go critical on an almost daily basis. Today, triggered by the following self-ironic comment, it blew. PetJake: … Continue reading

Posted in Lounge, Ron Polarik | Tagged | 331 Comments

Obama birthday poll

More than 25% have doubts New CNN/Opinion Research poll shows 11% certain and another 16% saying probably that Obama was born outside the United States compared with 42% having “absolutely no doubts” and another 20% saying probably that Barack Obama … Continue reading

Posted in Media, Polls | 67 Comments

Phil Berg wishes the President a happy birthday

In a letter to supporters and press release, anti-Obama attorney Phil Berg wishes the President a happy 49th birthday. (Lafayette Hill, PA – 08/04/10) – Philip J. Berg, Esquire, the first Attorney who filed suit against Barack H. Obama challenging … Continue reading

Posted in Philip Berg | 37 Comments

Happy birthday, Mr. President

Happy Birth, Barack Obama II, “born August 4, 1961, in Honolulu Hawaii” [Encyclopedia Britannica]. Who would have though that this blog would still be going for Obama’s second birthday as President of the United States?

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