Suggested reading

I haven’t had time to explore the Veterans Today web site, but on a couple of occasions they have republished articles I found interesting, including one posted yesterday called: The Transformation of the American Conservative Movement into Fascism.

Crusading to restore a holy social order, Tea Partiers have promoted disorder. Claiming to protect democracy, they smashed windows of elected representatives

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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30 Responses to Suggested reading

  1. Slartibartfast says:

    I love the quote and the picture: ‘When Fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross’ – Sinclair Lewis.

  2. Majority Will says:

    Slartibartfast: I love the quote and the picture: ‘When Fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross’ – Sinclair Lewis.

    Read the comments. More hypocrisy and fear mongering.

  3. Black Lion says:

    The comments were hilarious…But ellid had the best response to Orly’s lame attempt to claim that the writer misquoted and lied about her….

  4. sfjeff says:

    Except no one warned the readers about Orly’s site of Malware. Who knows how many virus’s have been spread by that woman.

  5. misha says:

    sfjeff: Who knows how many virus’s have been spread by that woman.

    Computer or biological?

  6. Majority Will says:

    Computer or biological?

    Ask Charles Lincoln III. He would have first hand knowledge of both.

  7. Slartibartfast says:

    Majority Will:
    Ask Charles Lincoln III. He would have first hand knowledge of both.

    Let’s hope they always practiced safe exchange of information…

  8. Ellid says:

    sfjeff: Except no one warned the readers about Orly’s site of Malware. Who knows how many virus’s have been spread by that woman.

    Patrick from Badfiction just did.

    And thanks for the shout-out, Black Lion! 😀

  9. Black Lion says:

    Good article over at ConWebWatch rearding WND’s latest attack on the 14th amendment….Its a long post but very revealing…Especially how the writer rationalizes how the 14th amendment was misued to end segregation….It seems like the election of Obama has caused some on the right really want to move this country back to the 1950’s…

    WorldNetDaily is a prime go-to destination for unhinged screeds, and it makes another contribution with an August 10 column by Christopher Grey attacking the 14th Amendment. The headline sets the tone: “14th Amendment is a fraud that should be repealed.”

    Grey begins by explaining why the amendment is a “fraud and abomination on our Constitution”:

    Let’s begin with how we got the 14th Amendment in the first place. It was ratified under very dubious circumstances in the immediate aftermath of our devastating Civil War. Nearly half of all U.S. states effectively were controlled under martial law when this amendment was ratified. Procedurally, this calls into question whether or not the ratification of this amendment was even legal.

    One of the major reasons for the 14th amendment, in fact, was that the Congress had passed several laws that it knew probably were unconstitutional because they illegally transferred enormous powers from the individual states to the federal government. The 14th amendment was the blunt instrument that they used to correct this problem, but it has grown over the years into a voracious monster that is devouring everything in its path.
    The rant then bashes the amendment’s citizenship clause:

    This clause is why people from Third World countries around the world sneak into our country to have their babies. Once they have a baby here, the child is automatically a U.S. citizen and the parents are allowed to stay here even though they came here illegally.

    This is ridiculous. No other country in the world allows people to do this. This clause encourages people around the world to come here for the express purpose of raising their children on the backs of U.S. taxpayers. Our country is going broke and we still allow this to happen because we have no choice. The 14th Amendment guarantees this to everyone.
    Grey goes on to declare the amendment’s equal protection clause to be something commies would do:

    The Equal Protection clause guarantees that each state provide equal protection under the law to all people within its jurisdiction. Think about this statement for a moment. It sounds reasonable on the surface. However, it has been used as a justification for the creeping advance of socialism and tyranny for decades. It has been the backdoor for the federal government to place more and more restrictions on the ability of states to operate independently from Washington. It also has been used to justify more and more federal regulation of private businesses. If you think about this equal-protection clause statement more deeply, its true implication is extremely Marxist or even Leninist and Maoist.

    How can a state or any government possibly provide equal protection under the law in a free and capitalist society? The answer is that it cannot. It’s impossible. The only way for everyone really to have equal treatment under the law is if people all have the same resources and aren’t allowed to make free choices about their own lives. This is an extreme version of socialism akin to what Mao forced upon the Chinese during the Cultural Revolution.

    Using the equal protection clause to end school segregation is just not realistic, according to Grey, because it’s just too much of a pain for a “free and capitalist system” to give people the same opportunity at a decent education no matter where they live:

    Let’s just take a few examples to further illustrate this point. If you live in a good neighborhood, you have better law enforcement, health and safety services, schools, transportation, and the list goes on and on. There’s no way that someone living in a very poor neighborhood reasonably can have protection under the law equal to a person living in a good neighborhood.

    Someone might say that this isn’t the intent of the equal-protection clause. That’s true. It wasn’t the original intent, but this is exactly how it’s been used over the years. The whole point of Brown vs. Board of Education, one of the most famous Equal Protection clause cases in our nation’s history, was that separate but supposedly equal services such as education were not equal enough.

    It is not any stretch of the imagination to jump from this conclusion to mandating that all school districts must be of equal quality, which is of course impossible in a free and capitalist system. This was the idea behind forced busing in the 1970s, which fortunately was ended after disastrous consequences made it politically abhorrent.

  10. Black Lion says:

    Ellid: Patrick from Badfiction just did.And thanks for the shout-out, Black Lion!

    No problem…when I read your post I was dying of laughter here at my desk….

  11. Ellid says:

    Black Lion:
    No problem…when I read your post I was dying of laughter here at my desk….

    Hey, *someone* had to ask….:)

  12. Borak says: Exclusive!

    Confirmed: Neil Abercrombie IS a Socialist!
    DSA’er Abercrombie Running for Governor of Hawaii to Help Protect Obama’s Ineligibility! | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records

  13. AnotherBird says:

    Borak: Exclusive!
    Confirmed: Neil Abercrombie IS a Socialist!
    DSA’er Abercrombie Running for Governor of Hawaii to Help Protect Obama’s Ineligibility! | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records

    We call this spam. It is always important to ignore the fact that the Republican Governor confirmed Obama birth records though her Department of Health, when spreading misinformation.

  14. Majority Will says:

    Borak: Exclusive!
    Confirmed: Neil Abercrombie IS a Socialist!
    DSA’er Abercrombie Running for Governor of Hawaii to Help Protect Obama’s Ineligibility! | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records

    “Birthers” smell profit in an Abercrombie governorship?
    By Andrew Walden

    When researcher Trevor Loudon in a July 12 NewZeal article posted at Hawai’i Free Press brought out evidence that Neil Abercrombie has for years been a secret member of the Democratic Socialists of America, the “birthers” at World Net Daily, were quick to cover the story–thus providing Abercrombie with the handy foil Abercrombie needed to falsely dismiss Loudon’s questions as the rantings of conspiracists.

    By attacking Abercrombie, the birthers are in fact doing everything in their admittedly limited power to get him elected. As everyone—including WND–knows, a birther attack on a Hawaii candidate can only boomerang to enhance his support.

    In his campaign response, Abercrombie picked up the birther shield tossed his way by WND:

    QUESTION: Was Neil a member of the Democratic Socialists of America or any other socialist or communist organization?
    ANSWER: NO. Neil has never been part of any socialist or communist organization. These rumors are being spread by Neil’s political opponents and conspiracy theorists including those behind the so-called “birther” movement who continually claim that President Obama was not born in the U.S.

    World Net Daily, in response to Abercrombie calls the statement “a clear reference to WND.” But why the interest in Abercrombie? As it turns out, Abercrombie plays a key role in the birthers’ conspiracy theory. World Net Daily explains it from a birther’s eye-view:

    …Abercrombie is known for his role in the dispute over Obama’s constitutional eligibility for the presidency. In 2009, the then-congressman read and posted a letter ostensibly from Obama in which the president purportedly declares his birth to have been at the Kapi’olani Medical Center for Women & Children in Honolulu. The White House has still not confirmed it wrote or sent that letter.

    The birthers’ reasoning is obvious: if the next Hawaii Governor is Abercrombie–someone who is cast in a key role in their conspiracy theory–birthers would no longer have to explain how it is that a Republican Lingle/Aiona administration insists that Obama was born here. Abercrombie’s presence at Washington Place would simplify and amplify their conspiracy theory. The loop would be closed and Abercrombie would be portrayed as covering up for his own 50-year conspiracy to hide Obama’s “true origins”. Abercrombie lying about his membership in the Democratic Socialists of America—a group Obama has worked closely with for years—is icing on the conspiracist cake.

    WND gets a head-start on this process with its headline: “Obama pal slams WND for eligibility reporting.” Suddenly questions about Abercrombie’s dishonest concealment of his socialist political affiliation from Hawaii voters become a debate between Abercrombie and the birthers — to their mutual benefit.

    Conspiracy mongering is a for-profit business and the profit margins require proper care and feeding of the conspiracy theory in order to keep up demand for books, cds, t-shirts, subscriptions, memberships and other paraphernalia—as well as a steady flow of contributions.

    Long relegated to chasing UFOs, Bigfoot, Area 51, and other minor league hustles; in the years since the 9-11 attacks, conspiracists, with the help of Islamism and European Social Democracy, developed the politico-economic business model necessary to operate today’s multi-million dollar international conspiracy businesses.

    When Obama replaced Bush, birtherism replaced trutherism. Without international support, birtherism is nowhere near as lucrative as trutherism was, but it is the only game in town. Many 9-11 truthers are birthers—including the two founders of the birther movement, Democrat former Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania Phil Berg and California Democrat $1000 campaign donor Orly Taitz—both of whom are also Hillary Clinton supporters.

    It would be absurd to believe that such people would NOT intervene in a Hawaii election to enhance their own profit margins.


  15. Lupin says:

    With about 17% in (U6) unemployment, you would only be so lucky to get a bit of real socialism, as opposed to the Halloween bogeyman brandished by the tea party and the birthers. Nixon was more of a “socialist” than Obama.

  16. Lancelot Link says:

    Black Lion: ….It seems like the election of Obama has caused some on the right really want to move this country back to the 1950′s…

    More like the 1850s.

  17. Dave says:

    Majority Will:
    Many 9-11 truthers are birthers—including the two founders of the birther movement, Democrat former Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania Phil Berg and California Democrat $1000 campaign donor Orly Taitz—both of whom are also Hillary Clinton supporters.It would be absurd to believe that such people would NOT intervene in a Hawaii election to enhance their own profit margins.Source:

    Anybody ever heard before the allegation that Taitz was a truther, or a Clinton supporter? Those are new to me.

  18. Majority Will says:

    Anybody ever heard before the allegation that Taitz was a truther, or a Clinton supporter? Those are new to me.

    New to me too. But it was in the article and worth citing if only to explore the veracity.

  19. sfjeff says:

    “The Equal Protection clause guarantees that each state provide equal protection under the law to all people within its jurisdiction. Think about this statement for a moment. It sounds reasonable on the surface. However, it has been used as a justification for the creeping advance of socialism and tyranny for decades.”

    Ah the tyranny of equal protection under the law- that is the true tragedy of our nation. If we could only go back to the days when white male property owners had clearly protected superior legal status, those were the days.

  20. misha says:

    sfjeff: Ah the tyranny of equal protection under the law- that is the true tragedy of our nation. If we could only go back to the days when white male property owners had clearly protected superior legal status, those were the days.

    If only we could go back to the days when the only people who could vote, were white male landowners.

    See what them libruls have done?

  21. Majority Will says:

    Anybody ever heard before the allegation that Taitz was a truther, or a Clinton supporter? Those are new to me.

    More from the same source so nothing from credible secondary sources yet but it offers more clues to track down and verify:

    “Taitz is a Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee donor. Ironically while she pretends her court cases could unseat the president, her June 30, 2006, $1000 donation is hard at work keeping a Democratic majority in the US Senate—the only body with the power to unseat Obama. Taitz’ website is home to numerous articles by anti-Semite and 9-11 “truther” Devvy Kidd.”

  22. Majority Will says:

    Majority Will:
    New to me too. But it was in the article and worth citing if only to explore the veracity.

    Still inconclusive but more and my search of the FEC database did not confirm this so it’s a big question mark as to its accuracy:

    “Orly donates to Democrats…at least she did until 2006
    [ ^ ]
    Posted on Wednesday, October 28, 2009 12:44:03 PM by conimbricenses

    I don’t know if anyone has brought this up yet, but it certainly raises some questions about her in my mind – especially since she is taking such a prominent role in the “birther” movement. It appears that Orly Taitz is a very recent convert to the Republican Party. Prior to 2008, her donation history was Democrat including a very hefty check to the DSCC in 2006. From the FEC database…

    TAITZ, ORLY LAGUNA NIGUEL,CA 92677 SELF/DENTIST AND ATTORNEY 10/22/08 $500 Republican National Cmte (R)

    TAITZ, ORLY DR Laguna Niguel,CA 92677 SELF-EMPLOYED 9/17/08 $2,000 Republican Party of California (R)

    TAITZ, ORLY LAGUNA NIGUEL,CA 92677 SELF/DENTIST AND ATTORNEY 10/10/06 $500 Lieberman, Joe (I)


    TAITZ, ORTY LAGUNA NIGUEL,CA 92677 SELF-EMPLOYED/DENTIST 6/30/06 $1,000 Democratic Senatorial Campaign Cmte (D)

    So why the sudden and drastic change in her donation patterns?

    Make of it what you will, but I’d say Orly’s got some ‘splainin to do.”

    Source: citing

    And Senator Obama would have benefitted from donations to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Cmte.

  23. Dave says:

    Majority Will:
    More from the same source so nothing from credible secondary sources yet but it offers more clues to track down and verify:“Taitz is a Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee donor. Ironically while she pretends her court cases could unseat the president, her June 30, 2006, $1000 donation is hard at work keeping a Democratic majority in the US Senate—the only body with the power to unseat Obama.Taitz’ website is home to numerous articles by anti-Semite and 9-11 “truther” Devvy Kidd.”

    I checked and could find 6 contributions from her. In 2004, to Bush. In 2006, to John Campbell (R, CA-48, her Rep.), DSCC, and Joe Lieberman. And in 2008, to the Republican Party of CA, and the RNC. Most of this is nowhere near supporting Clinton. The closest is the DSCC contribution, as Clinton was running for re-election in 2006, but it still seems remote. If Taitz ever contributed directly to Clinton, it was an amount too small to report.

  24. Dave says:

    I see I took too long writing my comment, so you scooped me. But I did turn up one donation you missed — Bush in 2004. Probably because the database has her first name misspelled.

    Anyhow, I think that along with the R 2006 donations, puts a dent in the conclusion that there was some sea change in her political affiliation. It’s more like that one donation to the DSCC is the outlier in an otherwise consistent story.

  25. Dave says:

    This is in the department of pure speculation — but here’s a possibly relevant fact: the owners of companies that contract with the federal government are under severe restrictions when it comes to political contributions. But their spouses are not. Now comes the speculation part. Maybe Yosef Taitz’s software company has (or had in 2006) federal contracts, and maybe he wanted to donate to the DSCC.

  26. Majority Will says:

    Dave: This is in the department of pure speculation — but here’s a possibly relevant fact: the owners of companies that contract with the federal government are under severe restrictions when it comes to political contributions. But their spouses are not. Now comes the speculation part. Maybe Yosef Taitz’s software company has (or had in 2006) federal contracts, and maybe he wanted to donate to the DSCC.

    I think she’s hiding something. [snicker]

  27. Majority Will says:

    Dave: This is in the department of pure speculation — but here’s a possibly relevant fact: the owners of companies that contract with the federal government are under severe restrictions when it comes to political contributions. But their spouses are not. Now comes the speculation part. Maybe Yosef Taitz’s software company has (or had in 2006) federal contracts, and maybe he wanted to donate to the DSCC.

    You know, to be as fair as the Queen, we don’t actually need credible evidence of anything to accuse her of something. Repeatedly and everywhere.


  28. sfjeff: Except no one warned the readers about Orly’s site of Malware. Who knows how many virus’s have been spread by that woman.

    Actually I did put up such a warning. 🙂

  29. sfjeff says:

    Thanks Patrick for your public service!

  30. Majority Will says:

    Patrick McKinnion:
    Actually I did put up such a warning.

    Yes, thanks badfiction man. Your site is da bomb for debunkers.

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