The mailbag

This one came in today:

You are garbage —  no misdirectred invective — straight-shootin’ truth — we can only hope that you will pay for the crimes that you are committing against the sovereignty of this once great nation

Also today I’ll be watching for results in the Georgia  gubernatorial primary between Nathan (we need to get to the bottom of this birth certificate thing) Deal and Karen (momma grizzly) Handel. Is this a proxy battle between Mike Huckabee and Sarah Palin?

Stay tuned.

Results from Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Candidate Votes
Nathan Deal 290,580 51%
Karen Handel 288,091 49%

Updated Aug-11-2010
07:20 AM 99% reporting (2895 of 2898 precincts)

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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58 Responses to The mailbag

  1. Expelliarmus says:

    Sounds like a lose-lose situation for Georgia Republicans.

  2. Dave says:

    “Once great nation”?! What does he mean, “once great nation”? This is a great nation. Why does this person hate America?

    I’ll have to google “crime against sovereignty.” Not sure where you find that in the US Code.

  3. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    Dave: “Once great nation”?! What does he mean, “once great nation”? This is a great nation. Why does this person hate America?I’ll have to google “crime against sovereignty.” Not sure where you find that in the US Code.

    You gotta love how during the campaign people say that Michelle Obama didn’t love her country because she said she was really proud when her husband was running. Now birthers show open contempt for our country and show they hate america. Doc post more of these.

  4. thisoldhippie says:

    I’m in Georgia and I’m embarrassed to say that this state will probably elect another R for gov’nuh. I will be doing all I can to ensure that Barnes is the victor in the final race!

  5. thisoldhippie says:

    I know this is off topic – but can nothing be done about Orly Taitz? The latest on her site:

    “I will appreciate donations to pay this $20,000, in case they move before I get relief from the Supreme Court or before a new Congress has a chance to impeach Obama, kick him out of office and convict him for this massive fraud perpetrated upon the whole nation.”

    What paypal account is she using? the one where she received donations to her campaign? Is this not some kind of eithics violation in California?? She is receiving money from the deluded who follow her and is posting the totals on her site.

  6. Majority Will says:

    thisoldhippie: I’m in Georgia and I’m embarrassed to say that this state will probably elect another R for gov’nuh. I will be doing all I can to ensure that Barnes is the victor in the final race!

    Right there with you.

  7. Dave says:

    thisoldhippie: What paypal account is she using? the one where she received donations to her campaign? Is this not some kind of eithics violation in California??

    This is at least one thing she hasn’t done wrong. She had (has?) a separate campaign fund. The paypal button at her blog goes to the Defend our Freedoms Foundation, and presumably straight into her pocket. As has been discussed here before, this foundation has apparently not filed the right paperwork to make it legal with the state of CA, but anyhow it’s not her campaign fund.

    The larger oddity to me is that, by all reports, her husband is quite wealthy, but here she is getting paypal donations doubtless from people much less well off to pay her sanctions.

  8. Majority Will says:

    thisoldhippie: I know this is off topic – but can nothing be done about Orly Taitz? The latest on her site:“I will appreciate donations to pay this $20,000, in case they move before I get relief from the Supreme Court or before a new Congress has a chance to impeach Obama, kick him out of office and convict him for this massive fraud perpetrated upon the whole nation.”What paypal account is she using? the one where she received donations to her campaign? Is this not some kind of eithics violation in California?? She is receiving money from the deluded who follow her and is posting the totals on her site.

    She’s also not hurting for money. I hope these suckers eventually realize she’s probably buying expensive lunches and shoes with their savings and retirement funds.

    And hopefully, she’ll be disbarred. She is a hate driven bigot and a disgrace like so many birther trolls.

  9. By the way, in the original email what is shown here as ” — ” is four spaces. When HTML is displayed, it compresses out multiple spaces, so the hyphen was the best I could do to preserve the original non-punctuated formatting.

  10. thisoldhippie says:

    thanks for the info on orly’s paypal accounts. I still just don’t understand how California has not, at the very least, sanctioned her themselves much less disbarred her.


    thisoldhippie: I know this is off topic – but can nothing be done about Orly Taitz? The latest on her site:“I will appreciate donations to pay this $20,000, in case they move before I get relief from the Supreme Court or before a new Congress has a chance to impeach Obama, kick him out of office and convict him for this massive fraud perpetrated upon the whole nation.”What paypal account is she using? the one where she received donations to her campaign? Is this not some kind of eithics violation in California?? She is receiving money from the deluded who follow her and is posting the totals on her site.

    I went to the California Bar website and complained about her antics through an email feature on that site. I think it was just to the webmaster, so I don’t know if they will actually get it. There is no other way to contact them through their website

  12. Gorefan says:

    As an exGeorgia Bulldog, I don’t have any ill will for the State of Georgia,

    But, I have to confess that I’m kinda rooting for the birther. Only because I think it makes Palin appear weaker and as Governor (if he wins the general election), Deal will be bound by the Constitution (fair faith and credit clause) to accept the President’s COLB. That should really send birther heads a spinning.

  13. Black Lion says:

    The birthers are now into fiction. This is interesting…..

    “Ever wonder what would happen if our worst fears were realized and we elected someone who was willing to destroy the USA, even if he was destroyed himself? The Usurper is that novel.

    The Usurper is a fictional account of what would happen if the Soviet Union and KGB were given the chance to take down the United States from within. They use the American political system, education system, terrorism, and commit environmental disasters to achieve these goals.

    Gary Jackson, the main character, is the fulfillment of the KGB plan to destroy the United States from within. They raise him from birth to hate everything about the United States, indoctrinate him, and introduce him to terrorists across the world, where the KGB dictates all terrorist attacks. When Gary is a teenager, he is sent to the United States, with his fake birth certificate, to assimilate and begin his mission. Nothing will deter his goals of completely and utterly destroying the United States. When the Soviet Union dissolves, he is given a choice, and he decides to continue with the mission. A terrorist organization ends up filling in the gap left by the absent KGB, and they, together with Gary, conspire to destroy everyone in the United States who doesn’t agree with them.”

    Pat over at Badfiction has a great overview…

    It seems like there are others out there besides Sven that are into fiction….

  14. Dave says:

    Black Lion: The birthers are now into fiction.

    As Ayn Rand discovered, if the real world obstinately refuses to work the way you want, just write a novel in which it does.

  15. If Deal wins, I will have to write an article on the general election titled “Deal or no Deal.”

  16. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross): Doc post more of these.

    I really don’t get a lot of “hate mail” — probably less than one a week.

  17. thisoldhippie says:

    I do hope Deal wins the primary because Palin is just…well an idiot. I literally cringe whenever she opens her mouth. But then I’ll be stumping for Barnes!

  18. Majority Will says:

    thisoldhippie: I do hope Deal wins the primary because Palin is just…well an idiot. I literally cringe whenever she opens her mouth. But then I’ll be stumping for Barnes!

    And Deal’s greed and lack of ethics will eventually end his political career in disgrace. Again.

  19. mimi says:

    Deal’s a birther and he’s also under an ethics probe. Looks like he’s the GOP candidate.

  20. mimi says:

    This is about Deal’s ethics issue:

    It didn’t go away.

  21. Expelliarmus says:

    Dave: The larger oddity to me is that, by all reports, her husband is quite wealthy, but here she is getting paypal donations

    But maybe the husband isn’t all that enthusiastic about financing her little crusade.

  22. Majority Will says:

    But maybe the husband isn’t all that enthusiastic about financing her little crusade.

    She could always “recommend” a few root canals. Remember Marathon Man?

    “Wider. Wider. WIDER! LET ME FEEN-EEESHHH ! ! !

  23. Arthur says:

    The author of “Usurper” is Cliff Bell. Here’s what his biography on says: “I’m 36 years old, a Christian, I have a Bachelor’s of Art degree in English from Midwestern State University in Wichita Falls, TX.” It seems that in Mr. Bell’s English classes at Midwestern State (eye roll), he didn’t learn that little old rule about using a coordinating conjunction when connecting three or more items in a series–and that’s too bad, because in addition to being an author, Mr. Bell tells us that he’s “gone into business editing/proofreading documents for businesses, students, and authors at $1 per page.”

  24. Majority Will says:

    Dave: “Once great nation”?! What does he mean, “once great nation”? This is a great nation. Why does this person hate America?I’ll have to google “crime against sovereignty.” Not sure where you find that in the US Code.

    He only hates his half.

  25. AnotherBird says:

    Birther nation. It is hard to understand why this is close. Could it be sister Sarah?

  26. obsolete says:

    Your more hardcore birthers won’t be happy unless Obama, his family (including young daughters and pet dog) are in jail along with 69 million Americans that voted for him. They want to torture us all, too. You can feel it dripping from their venom.
    How can they possibly believe that 69 Million Americans are “traitors” and “the Enemy”? Of course, your less hardcore birthers only want Obama, his family (including young daughters and pet dog) in jail & someone to sit down with and explain to the 69 million Obama voters how we were stupid and/or hypnotized. I’m sure that instead of jail, losing our voting rights permanently will suffice for them.

  27. Gorefan: As an exGeorgia Bulldog, I don’t have any ill will for the State of Georgia,
    But, I have to confess that I’m kinda rooting for the birther.Only because I think it makes Palin appear weaker and as Governor (if he wins the general election), Deal will be bound by the Constitution (fair faith and credit clause) to accept the President’s COLB.That should really send birther heads a spinning.

    Congressman Deal was not trying to embarrass the Obama administration by asking for Soebarkah’s birth certificate through a letter to the WH. Deal was merely seeking the document to prove to his constituents their fear of Obama’s ineligibility was unfounded.

    Unfortunately, Soebarkah chose to exacerbate the problem by not showing his birth certificate because it would have conflicted with the COLB image posted on the internet during the campaign. Any CIA agent knows, when there is fear and contradiction, the population will rally toward the leadership seeking to resolve the problem and not the one telling the people to ignore the problem.

    The only chance ex-Gov Barnes has is to demand a complete investigation into Obama’s birth record, passport record, college transcripts and IRS filings of Obama.

  28. ellid says:

    Congressman Deal was not trying to embarrass the Obama administration by asking for Soebarkah’s birth certificate through a letter to the WH. Deal was merely seeking the document to prove to his constituents their fear of Obama’s ineligibility was unfounded.Unfortunately, Soebarkah chose to exacerbate the problem by not showing his birth certificate because it would have conflicted with the COLB image posted on the internet during the campaign. Any CIA agent knows, when there is fear and contradiction, the population will rally toward the leadership seeking to resolve the problem and not the one telling the people to ignore the problem.The only chance ex-Gov Barnes has is to demand a complete investigation into Obama’s birth record, passport record, college transcripts and IRS filings of Obama.

    I see it’s someone’s week to stop sniffing glue.

  29. ellid says:

    Black Lion: The birthers are now into fiction. This is interesting…..“Ever wonder what would happen if our worst fears were realized and we elected someone who was willing to destroy the USA, even if he was destroyed himself? The Usurper is that novel.The Usurperis a fictional account of what would happen if the Soviet Union and KGB were given the chance to take down the United States from within. They use the American political system, education system, terrorism, and commit environmental disasters to achieve these goals.Gary Jackson, the main character, is the fulfillment of the KGB plan to destroy the United States from within. They raise him from birth to hate everything about the United States, indoctrinate him, and introduce him to terrorists across the world, where the KGB dictates all terrorist attacks. When Gary is a teenager, he is sent to the United States, with his fake birth certificate, to assimilate and begin his mission. Nothing will deter his goals of completely and utterly destroying the United States. When the Soviet Union dissolves, he is given a choice, and he decides to continue with the mission. A terrorist organization ends up filling in the gap left by the absent KGB, and they, together with Gary, conspire to destroy everyone in the United States who doesn’t agree with them.”Pat over at Badfiction has a great overview… seems like there are others out there besides Sven that are into fiction….

    I bunnied over his website. Not only is this guy a birther, he’s a TERRIBLE writer who seems to have only the slightest grasp of how to punctuate. And he has the nerve to offer himself as an EDITOR!

    What IS it about birthers? Are they all this stupid and unaware?

  30. ellid says:

    Black Lion: The birthers are now into fiction. This is interesting…..“Ever wonder what would happen if our worst fears were realized and we elected someone who was willing to destroy the USA, even if he was destroyed himself? The Usurper is that novel.The Usurperis a fictional account of what would happen if the Soviet Union and KGB were given the chance to take down the United States from within. They use the American political system, education system, terrorism, and commit environmental disasters to achieve these goals.Gary Jackson, the main character, is the fulfillment of the KGB plan to destroy the United States from within. They raise him from birth to hate everything about the United States, indoctrinate him, and introduce him to terrorists across the world, where the KGB dictates all terrorist attacks. When Gary is a teenager, he is sent to the United States, with his fake birth certificate, to assimilate and begin his mission. Nothing will deter his goals of completely and utterly destroying the United States. When the Soviet Union dissolves, he is given a choice, and he decides to continue with the mission. A terrorist organization ends up filling in the gap left by the absent KGB, and they, together with Gary, conspire to destroy everyone in the United States who doesn’t agree with them.”Pat over at Badfiction has a great overview… seems like there are others out there besides Sven that are into fiction….

    I bunnied over to his website. Not only is this guy a birther, he’s a TERRIBLE writer who seems to have only the slightest grasp of how to punctuate. And he has the nerve to offer himself as an EDITOR!

    What IS it about birthers? Are they all this stupid and unaware?

  31. ellid says:

    Sorry for the double post, Doc! It’s too early for this nonsense….

  32. Slartibartfast says:

    Congressman Deal was not trying to embarrass the Obama administration by asking for Soebarkah’s birth certificate through a letter to the WH. Deal was merely seeking the document to prove to his constituents their fear of Obama’s ineligibility was unfounded.Unfortunately, Soebarkah chose to exacerbate the problem by not showing his birth certificate because it would have conflicted with the COLB image posted on the internet during the campaign. Any CIA agent knows, when there is fear and contradiction, the population will rally toward the leadership seeking to resolve the problem and not the one telling the people to ignore the problem.The only chance ex-Gov Barnes has is to demand a complete investigation into Obama’s birth record, passport record, college transcripts and IRS filings of Obama.

    How long has it been since you visited reality? What would it take to make you admit that the President is a natural born citizen and the legitimate holder of his office? Will you and the rest of the birthers apologize when all of the ‘sealed’ information is released to President Obama’s library years after his presidency and shows that all of your conspiracy theories are baseless?

  33. Sef says:

    How long has it been since you visited reality?What would it take to make you admit that the President is a natural born citizen and the legitimate holder of his office?Will you and the rest of the birthers apologize when all of the sealed’ information is released to President Obama’s library years after his presidency and shows that all of your conspiracy theories are baseless?

    They’ll believe the things in his library to the same extent as those in the real world believe the things in that silly creationist museum. This will never end. Look how many holocaust deniers there are.

  34. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    Sef: They’ll believe the things in his library to the same extent as those in the real world believe the things in that silly creationist museum. This will never end. Look how many holocaust deniers there are.

    No because they’ll still be looking for confirmation of the confirmation they’ll hound the Hawaii DOH to confirm that the information in Obama’s library is accurate.

  35. Resign_Soebarkah_Resign says:

    How long has it been since you visited reality?What would it take to make you admit that the President is a natural born citizen and the legitimate holder of his office?Will you and the rest of the birthers apologize when all of the sealed’ information is released to President Obama’s library years after his presidency and shows that all of your conspiracy theories are baseless?

    46% of the country has turned racist.


    Forty-six percent (46%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -22.

    Overall, 43% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of the president’s performance. Fifty-six percent (56%) disapprove.

  36. Dave says:

    The only chance ex-Gov Barnes has is to demand a complete investigation into Obama’s birth record, passport record, college transcripts and IRS filings of Obama.

    Did Deal demand an investigation into the President’s birth record? How about his passport record? College transcripts? IRS filings? Fact is, Deal never demanded an investigation into anything related to the President’s eligibility. Here’s what he did — he sent the White House a letter, and he won’t let anybody see a copy.

    I can understand why Democrats label Deal a birther — they want to saddle him with his misdeeds. But the fact is, he’s not a birther — he’s a swindler of birthers.

  37. Slartibartfast says:

    46% of the country has turned racist.

    A ridiculous statement unsupported by the statistics you quote. Besides, the only presidential approval poll that matters doesn’t take place for another two years… I’m sure you’d love to believe that racists made up a majority (or plurality) of this country – probably so you wouldn’t feel as ashamed, but the majority of Americans are decent, patriotic people, not seditious scum like you.

  38. Slartibartfast says:

    Dave: I can understand why Democrats label Deal a birther — they want to saddle him with his misdeeds. But the fact is, he’s not a birther — he’s a swindler of birthers.

    Like PT Barnum said, “There’s a birther born every minute.”

  39. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    Resign_Soebarkah_Resign: 46% of the country has turned racist.Rasmussen:

    What does any of that have to do with Slartibartfast’s comment?

  40. obsolete says:

    Did Deal demand an investigation into the President’s birth record? How about his passport record? College transcripts? IRS filings? Fact is, Deal never demanded an investigation into anything related to the President’s eligibility. Here’s what he did — he sent the White House a letter, and he won’t let anybody see a copy.I can understand why Democrats label Deal a birther — they want to saddle him with his misdeeds. But the fact is, he’s not a birther — he’s a swindler of birthers.

    And do you know WHY Deal didn’t demand an investigation into the President’s birth record, passport record, College transcripts, or IRS filings???
    Two Guesses:
    1- As a congressman, Deal was in a good position to know that there is nothing to support the birther’s baseless crap, and that while yelling about those things sounds good at a tea party, actually having to put your name on the line before Congress to push conspiracy BS is not something to take lightly.
    2- A vast fifty-year old Worldwide Conspiracy that will silence him!!1!!!11111!!! OMG

  41. Majority Will says:

    Did Deal demand an investigation into the President’s birth record? How about his passport record? College transcripts? IRS filings? Fact is, Deal never demanded an investigation into anything related to the President’s eligibility. Here’s what he did — he sent the White House a letter, and he won’t let anybody see a copy.I can understand why Democrats label Deal a birther — they want to saddle him with his misdeeds. But the fact is, he’s not a birther — he’s a swindler of birthers.

    And Deal is a former Democrat. We had a Rep. named Pat Swindall (R) who was convicted of swindling. And now we have a dirty Deal.


  42. Resign_Soebarkah_Resign says:

    Did Deal demand an investigation into the President’s birth record? How about his passport record? College transcripts? IRS filings? Fact is, Deal never demanded an investigation into anything related to the President’s eligibility. Here’s what he did — he sent the White House a letter, and he won’t let anybody see a copy.I can understand why Democrats label Deal a birther — they want to saddle him with his misdeeds. But the fact is, he’s not a birther — he’s a swindler of birthers.

    DNC Chairman Kaine is correct. Dems shouldn’t distance themselves from Obama, they should embrace him. They should ask Obama for a certified copy of his COLB to show to constituents who believe Obama is not eligible to be President.

    When their requests are ignored they can say, “We’re just going to have to take his word for it.”

    Or they can say, “I’ve see it behind closed doors and trust me, it’s legitimate.”

  43. Slartibartfast says:

    DNC Chairman Kaine is correct. Dems shouldn’t distance themselves from Obama, they should embrace him. They should ask Obama for a certified copy of his COLB to show to constituents who believe Obama is not eligible to be President.When their requests are ignored they can say, “We’re just going to have to take his word for it.”Or they can say, “I’ve see it behind closed doors and trust me, it’s legitimate.”

    Would you suggest that President Obama give a certified copy of his COLB to every voter? Or just to every elected official? Or should he just post an image on the web… Oh wait, he already did that.

  44. Lupin says:

    Resign_Soebarkah_Resign: They should ask Obama for a certified copy of his COLB to show to constituents who believe Obama is not eligible to be President.

    Of course when a n*** shows his papers, even if they are authenticated by the issuing authorities, we know they’re lying.

    With so much hate it must be rather hot under the cowl, no?

  45. Majority Will says:

    Would you suggest that President Obama give a certified copy of his COLB to every voter?Or just to every elected official?Or should he just post an image on the web…Oh wait, he already did that.

    Or trust in the statements of the lawful authority of Hawaii over deranged, seditious narcissists with a non-existent grasp on reality.

  46. Slartibartfast says:

    Majority Will:
    deranged, seditious narcissists with a non-existent grasp on reality.

    I like that.

  47. BatGuano says:

    Congressman Deal was not trying ……..

    good to see that you are dealing just with the facts and not diddling with wild unsupported speculations.

  48. Majority Will says:

    I like that.

    Seems like an easy choice to me.

  49. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    Lupin: Of course when a n*** shows his papers, even if they are authenticated by the issuing authorities, we know they’re lying.With so much hate it must be rather hot under the cowl, no?

    Wasn’t this an In Living Colour sketch with David Allen Grier? I’m not sure it was the Anonymous Express Card or another one. In the sketch a white guy walks in with his credit card and is able to make a purchase. A black guy then walks in and tries to purchase something and they start asking him for details like His mother’s maiden name, street address, father’s name, blood type, etc.

  50. Slartibartfast says:

    Majority Will:
    Seems like an easy choice to me.

    I was referring to the epithet, not the choice, but I agree.

  51. Majority Will says:

    I was referring to the epithet, not the choice, but I agree.

    I got it. Thanks. They want “their” country back. Transparent code.

  52. Lupin says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross): Wasn’t this an In Living Colour sketch with David Allen Grier? I’m not sure it was the Anonymous Express Card or another one. In the sketch a white guy walks in with his credit card and is able to make a purchase. A black guy then walks in and tries to purchase something and they start asking him for details like His mother’s maiden name, street address, father’s name, blood type, etc.

    Yes pretty much. I think there was one like that on MAD TV with Phil Lamar.

  53. Majority Will says:

    “results in the Georgia gubernatorial primary”

    We spell it goobernatorial.

  54. Ellid says:

    Majority Will:
    I got it. Thanks. They want “their” country back. Transparent code.

    I keep wondering which country that is, because it sure isn’t the one my family has lived in and defended for 260 years….

  55. AnotherBird says:

    Resign_Soebarkah_Resign: They should ask Obama for a certified copy of his COLB to show to constituents who believe Obama is not eligible to be President.

    Wow. To bad that the State of Hawaii has already verified the fact of his birth. It is great to have a state government go that extra mile just to confirm that I was born in that state and a natural born citizen.

  56. AnotherBird says:

    Wow. To bad that the State of Hawaii has already verified the fact of his birth. It is great to have a state government go that extra mile just to confirm that I was born in that state and a natural born citizen.

    But hey no state government has done that for me, but they have for Obama.

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