Orly Taitz has bad reputation on Internet safety based on a string of malware-infested web sites. I know some of you would never visit her site and others use enhanced security techniques when going there.
Perhaps responding to these concerns, Taitz has enrolled her site in the Network Solutions SAFE program, a subscription service in which Network Solutions scans her site daily for various exploits and certifies that it didn’t find any. This is her Network Solutions certification page.
Based on this certification, I’m changing my policy against linking to her site in my articles. The site is still a visual train wreck.
I have heard people having problems with Taitz’s web site, but have never had a problem. However, I do have various software to protect my computer from malware and viruses.
Though I’m no expert on blogging, I have always suspected that the malware and the visual train wreck have some common origin. The visual problems seem to come from her doing some kind of cutting and pasting from other web pages that actually grabs the source html and dumps it into her page, complete with bits of CSS and Javascript and God knows what else. It’s no mystery why this makes things look terrible, but it also strikes me as a shaky thing to do from a security perspective. Though I confess I can’t provide a specific way this would bring in malware.
I think the link is incompetence. To hear her former webmaster. Lisa Ostella tell it, Orly intentionally introduced some kind of tracking script that was a vector for infection.
I cover some older material here:
Just another puzzle piece revealing paranoia, incompetence and self-defeating narcissism.
Even if Orly’s site is safe from viruses, how do we make it safe from psychosis?
Taitz’s site seems to be transitioning from birtherism to fomenting anti-Muslim hatred.
Taitz hasn’t had any problems with her website since last March or so. It used to be that a visit would either re-direct or would warn of possible malware being installed. My security software would pop up a warning and allow me to remove it.
More than likely, her problems were due to WordPress exploits and her inability to keep it patched. I’m sure prefers to blame it on hacking by obots since that keeps the PayPal button busier.
I agree that her website has become more focused on anti-Muslim issues than it is on Obama.
The word “reason” is not in Taitz’ vocabulary…
As is traditional with Mad Ole Orly, the beginning, middle and end of her life is all about MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Birferism for her had until recently, mined a deep and rich swathe of idiocy and bigotry that kept her profile nice and obvious.
Particularly since her money grubby side was fully exposed with the $20,000 fine the hits and responses on her site have dropped markedly.
She is now deliberately or unconsciously moving to the next seam of hatred to keep her profile above water.
Her greatest fear would be “Orly Who,,,?”
The word “reason” is not in Taitz’ vocabulary…
But you de see (T)reason an awful lot……
And tyranny which is bizarre considering her fascist tactics.
From Orly’s site…Are people really that stupid that they would donate money to someone that is already rich because they hate the President?
Posted on | September 20, 2010 | No Comments
Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Tisdale for a very generous contribution of $500, Mr. Murray for $30, Mr. Graham $$25, Mr. Keen $30, Geraldine Rodgers $25, Harold Tarter $20, Mr. Mrs Coiner $10, Roger Cox $5
Since August 9 I collected $7,556 in contribution and have to collect $12,444 of the judicial extortion assessed against me to keep all of us silent about the illegitimacy of this Kenyan born usurper Barack Hussein Obama, sitting in the White House without a valid Social Security number and a valid long form Birth Certificate”
I wonder how the tax laws will effect Taitz collection of money, if at all. Anyways, it doesn’t surprise me how silly people can be after the truthers and the birthers.
I wonder how the tax laws will effect Taitz collection of money, if at all. Anyways, it doesn’t surprise people can be with the birthers and truthers around.
Good Article from the Washington Post…
“Christine O’Donnell, the Tea Party candidate from lil’ ol’ Delaware, confesses to have once “dabbled into witchcraft” — a fittingly ungrammatical revelation that not only was to be expected but explains what has happened to the Republican Party. Someone — possibly you know who — has cast a spell on it, and now it has a candidate whose main contribution to political thought or, indeed, the plight of the poor is to have railed against masturbation, which she likened to adultery. Only a spell can explain such thinking.
Only a spell also can explain how Newt Gingrich, possibly a presidential candidate, can attribute the politics of Barack Obama to “Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior.” Obama allegedly picked up this behavior from his father, whom he knew only fleetingly, which is to say almost not at all, and who has long been dead. This, as Gingrich and others under the spell can tell you, is proof of the demonic power that can come out of the grave, enter the White House (look, the gate-crashing Salahis did it) and pervade the very body and mind of the commander in chief. It’s enough to give you the willies.
Similarly, only a spell can explain why much of the Republican Party insists on calling Obama a socialist. To apply this label to the very man who saved Big Finance, who rescued Goldman Sachs and the rest of the boys, who gave a Heimlich to the barely breathing banks, can only be explained by witchcraft or voodoo or something like that. It has caused the GOP to lose its mind. Obama did something similar to the American auto industry, saving it from itself. He did not let it fail or nationalize it, as a socialist would have done, but pumped cash into it so that — this is me speaking — it can fail later on.
The unseen effects of witchcraft are clearly the reason about one-fifth of Americans believe Obama is a Muslim. In fact, as time goes by, more and more people subscribe to this belief — a phenomenon so at odds with logic or rational thinking that the explanation has to lie in the darkest of arts — witchcraft and voodoo. (The GOP does the voodoo that you do so well.) Many other Americans think Obama was not born in the United States but abroad, in Indonesia or Kenya or even Hawaii, which unknown to a lot of people is an American state. (It’s Alaska that’s a foreign country.) …
O’Donnell is where the GOP has been heading for some time. The party’s leaders have steadfastly refused to take a stand against any idiocy, even suggesting they agree that Obama might not be a Christian. Their intellectuals have supported and advanced the know-nothingness of Sarah Palin. Nothing to them is beyond the pale. This party is not fit to govern. It would support the Joker but not Batman, who hangs too much with Robin.”
A bit OT but worth it. The GOP and birthers, who always claim that the Black Panthers and ACORN will attempt to mess with the 2010 elections, and evidence will be if the Dems win or are not beaten that badly in some races…..This article shows that maybe the right maybe involved in some voter suppression….
“Documents and audio recordings released yesterday by One Wisconsin Now document an apparent plot by the Wisconsin Republican Party, Koch-funded Americans for Prosperity (aka Fight Back Wisconsin), and various other tea party groups to suppress votes from minorities and students in this year’s elections using a well-documented — and illegal— practice known as “voter caging.” The alleged plot offers fresh evidence that long-discredited right-wing conspiracy theories about massive voter fraud supposedly perpetrated by minorities and others remain alive and well in both the official GOP establishment and its tea party base.
“Voter caging” is a means of voter suppression and intimidation that involves sending mail to a list of voters, compiling a list of mail pieces returned as undeliverable, and then challenging those voters at the polls or otherwise attempting to remove them from the voter rolls. The mere process of challenging voters can intimidate from voting even if they are eligible, cause long lines to form at polling places that will then discourage others from voting, and may result in eligible voters casting provisional ballots which stand a high likelihood of not being counted in the final tally.
In the alleged conspiracy uncovered in Wisconsin, Koch-funded Americans for Prosperity, whose Wisconsin state chair was previously banned from politics in Wisconsin for three years, would finance a test mailing and other costs associated with compiling the caging list and then coordinate with the Wisconsin Republican Party to undertake an elaborate process to remove voters from the rolls ahead of the election, if possible, or at the polls on Election Day. Tea party groups were to provide the volunteer labor and cover for the activity — with all participants signing an extensive non-disclosure agreement under which they agreed to publicly operate in the name of Wisconsin GrandSons for Liberty, who would also provide some funding for the plan. The Wisconsin GOP would also provide additional funds, trainers for the tea party volunteers and would have a team of lawyers “standing by” on Election Day to respond to tea party volunteers and “bring the police” if necessary. As is typically the case in voter caging operations, the plotters appeared intent on targeting minorities, students, and others from heavily-Democratic areas of the state.
Audio recordings of the tea party meeting where the alleged voter suppression plot was discussed include numerous references by presenters to supposed instances of minorities and college students voting illegally. Tim Dake, a prominent tea partier in the state who belongs to Wisconsin GrandSons of Liberty, cited an anecdote about busloads of out-of-state voters voting multiple times in previous elections, then went on to discuss “the racial thing”: