Monthly Archives: October 2010

What is afraid of?

I’ve been pointed to a rather remarkable set of messages at It appears that they have created an account for me and others who post here and then banned them. What do they call that — prior restraint? Of … Continue reading

Posted in The Blogs | Tagged , , , , , | 63 Comments

Long form sighted?

A commenter under the name Danae at the Free Republic forum has posted what is claimed to be a recently-obtained (since 2001) copy of their original Hawaiian birth certificate. Here’s the image: In support of the claim of authenticity, an … Continue reading

Posted in Birth Certificate | 305 Comments

The spam just keeps rolling in

Over 200 spam comments today. 200! One slipped by (now deleted) and one legitimate comment caught (now approved).

Posted in Lounge | 10 Comments

Phil Berg Birth Certificate, Eligibility, Obama Care Rally this Saturday

I wish I could make it to DC on the 23rd just to document the turnout. No doubt the turnout for  Phil Berg’s Obama Birth Certificate, Eligibility, Obama Care Rally will be vastly over reported. In the promotional YouTube Video … Continue reading

Posted in Philip Berg, Videos | 46 Comments

Long forms for sale?

While various official statements from the Hawaii Department of Health say that certified photocopies of original birth certificates (aka “long forms”) are no longer issued by the department, it has been my position that the State would be hard pressed … Continue reading

Posted in Birth Certificate, Videos | Tagged | 251 Comments

More backtracking by conservative candidates

It seems to me that every time I turn around some conservative candidate for office is letting slip some birther or other crank view about Barack Obama, and then retracting it. It appears that despite the poll numbers showing significant … Continue reading

Posted in Birther Politics | 54 Comments