Monthly Archives: November 2010

Birther v CNN

CNN has not been shy about confronting the birther movement with hard-nosed facts and informed opinion. It was CNN legal expert Jeffrey Toobin that may have been the first to label them “whack jobs.” Anderson Cooper has carried on the … Continue reading

Posted in Media | 169 Comments

Higher expectations

I’ve been thinking about this article for a couple of days, and just now I found myself writing a reply to Mario Apuzzo in which I said: I assume that folks who visit my site follow my links and read … Continue reading

Posted in Lounge | 152 Comments

Kerchner bites dust

The Supreme Court today published its order denying a writ of certiorari in the case of Kerchner v. Obama. Move along. Nothing to see here.

Posted in Charles Kerchner, Lawsuits, Mario Apuzzo | Tagged | 63 Comments

Amicus brief in Kerchner

As we wait for the denial from the US Supreme Court in Kerchner v. Obama, I note that USJF attorney Gary Kreep (representing the Joseph Farah/WorldNetDaily front organization, the Western Center for Journalism)  filed an amicus brief with the Supreme … Continue reading

Posted in Charles Kerchner, Gary Kreep, Joseph Farah, Lawsuits, Supreme Court | Tagged , | 77 Comments

Conservative Arizona news site goes full birther

The Sonoran News, billing itself the “Conservative Voice of Arizona” has gone full birther in an article this week about Lt. Col. Terry Lakin’s upcoming trial. Far beyond simple shoddy research, this puppy is actually spinning the issue. My favorite … Continue reading

Posted in Media, Terry Lakin | Tagged , , , , , , | 41 Comments

Supreme Court reviews Kerchner

The United States Supreme Court scheduled review of the appeal in Kerchner v. Obama yesterday, and we presume they will announce that it has been denied on Monday. WorldNetDaily asks: “Is this the case that will break the presidential eligibility … Continue reading

Posted in Charles Kerchner, Lawsuits, Supreme Court | Tagged | 473 Comments