In a news conference this afternoon, the pragmatic side of President Obama was in evidence as he talked about working with Conservatives on the big issues confronting the nation. In addition to an offer to meet with congressional leaders of both parties and to host a meeting with Governors in December, Obama demonstrated another overture he has made to the “Tea Party”:
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I don’t really feel qualified to comment on the minutiae of your day-to-day politics, but seen from here, it seemed that he was quite cooperative before. Or maybe I missed something?
The text of the article was merely a set-up for the joke photo.
Speaking of weird bedfellows…It looks like Sharon Rondeau over at the Post and Fail is taking the wild rantings of Walt Fitzpatrick too seriously as evidenced by her latest screed….
“When we asked why it was so cold in the jail, Robbie answered “It’s winter-time.” We then asked, “Why don’t you turn on the heat?” and Robbie said, “It’s on, ma’am.” We then asked, “Then why is it between 58 and 60 degrees in there?” and he said, “It’s set for 68 degrees all year round, ma’am.” The Post & Email then said, “That’s not what we’re hearing from inmates and former inmates.”
We then asked if Mr. David Jacobs had been bleeding for three weeks before being rushed to Sweetwater Hospital, and we were told no. Robbie denied that Mr. Jacobs had been sent to the hospital. He said, “He was sent to Loudon County Jail.” When we said, “We got the information that he was rushed to the hospital directly from an eyewitness,” Robbie said, “If you got it from an inmate, don’t believe it, because inmates are subject to lie.” The Post & Email answered, “So are you.” Robbie then said, “I work for law enforcement, so I don’t lie.” We then said, “So you’re denying that Mr. Jacobs is in the Intensive Care Unit at Sweetwater Hospital?” and he said “Yes, he’s not there. He didn’t go there.”
We also stated that we heard that Officer Trent Prock takes pleasure in tasering the inmates at night. He didn’t address that.”
It looks like Fitzy may be another “cash cow” for Rondeau and her cronies…
“Editor’s Note: After finishing the call with LCDR Fitzpatrick, this writer contacted the FBI in Knoxville at 865-544-0751. As reported by readers of The Post & Email this morning, the option for “complaining or asking a question about a case” (option #6) now goes to a voice mail message. A message was left with full identification and phone number stating that if the FBI fails to take action on the Monroe County detention facility soon, The Post & Email will be writing an article about how their inaction has resulted in prolonged medical and physical risk to the inmates there. A similar message was also left with the media contact person.
The calls from LCDR Fitzpatrick are very valuable, as each time we glean more information about the conditions there. However, each call is now costing $25, and The Post & Email cannot sustain the costs. Please assist us in any way you can so that the information from LCDR Fitzpatrick can continue to flow to us until he is out of jail and action is taken to rid Monroe County of its systemic corruption.”
More bull than cow. Bankrupting gullible birthers for fun and profit.
She will eventually drop her rabid support for Walt once her phone bill becomes atomic.
Dear Mrs. Rondeau:
I will help you out since I am somewhat sympathetic to your plight. Did you know that you can refuse a collect call? 😉
You’re welcome!
Obama’s stance where he wishes to cooperate with republicans is very different than his stance on October 25, 2010.
Obama Tells Republicans to ‘Sit in Back’
…a point that was reiterated by Robert Gibbs on October 26, 2010
More birther nonsense from GW…
In parts 1 and 2 of this series I explored a few of more critical the issues around the ongoing controversy regarding the Constitutional Eligibility of Barack Obama (photo above) to hold his office:
Today I would like to take a look at what lays ahead.
Suffice it to say that there is more than enough factual evidence to raise the legitimate question as to whether Obama is indeed legally qualified to hold his office. Dr. Jerome Corsi’s latest copyrighted report at WND on the recently published Congressional document which confirms that no one vetted Obama prior to the 2008 Democratic National Convention is very interesting – but not at all surprising:
Our biggest problem to this point has been that every Court to which such an eligibility case has been filed has refused to hear any arguments – and dismissed the suits for lack of legal standing among the plaintiffs. Obama has spent millions of American dollars to fight the truth-seekers in Courts of Law – and he has prevailed, because there has not yet been a Judge with the wherewithal to grant a Motion for Discovery of the President’s historical documents that would provide answers to our questions.
The JAG presiding over the present case of Lt. Colonel Terry Lakin has ruled that a Court Martial is not the proper venue for examining the Commander In Chief’s credentials and therefore denied Lakin’s Motion for Discovery. The House of Representatives, which will be dominated by Republicans come January of 2011, can now decide to pursue truth or fumble the ball and allow the controversy to continue. Based upon the numbers of heretofore rather squishy Repubs in Congress, I’m not counting on an investigation and issuance of subpoenas for Obama’s hidden credentials. But we shall very shortly see how the wind actually blows through the House.
On another hand, if we suppose that at some point there is a Court of Law in the land wherein such a Motion for Discovery were to be granted, I am fully convinced that Obama’s lawyers will appeal that decision all the way up to the Supreme Court of The United States. I will not presume to guess how that Court may decide the issue. But, for your review, here is the list of current Justices on the Supreme Court and the Presidents who appointed them. You can make your best guesses as to which way they will go:
Elena Kagan……………………………………..Barack Obama
Sonia Sotomayor…………………………………Barack Obama
Samuel Alito……………………………………..George W. Bush
John Roberts……………………………………..George W. Bush
Stephen Breyer…………………………………..Bill Clinton
Ruth Bader Ginsburg…………………………….Bill Clinton
Clarence Thomas…………………………………George H.W. Bush
Anthony Kennedy………………………………..Ronald Reagan
Antonin Scalia……………………………………Ronald Reagan
No really. Obama’s point is that the Republicans don’t get to “drive the car” as long as he is President.
When they take control of the House, the Republicans there can pass whatever they want, but getting it through the Democratic-controlled Senate is another thing. And the President has the veto, so he always has his hands on the wheel.
Of course, he needs cooperation from the Republicans to get anything he wants passed, but in that regard the only thing that has changed is the number of Republicans who will refuse to cooperate.
Some more birther humor….
Not to be deterred, some White House staffers have sought out journalists and have arranged to meet them at nearby Starbuck’s cafes to discretely convey to them inside information about the current disarray within the Obama administration. Some staffers have personally born the brunt of Obama’s temper and witnessed his extreme narcissistic behavior. WMR has also learned from White House sources that Obama is taking presciption anxiety medication
Meanwhile, a team of ex-CIA officers are traveling the globe assembling a dossier of documents on Obama’s past, including his education, passport, travel, and residency records. The team has scoured Kenya, Indonesia, Pakistan, and other countries collecting documents that are not already maintained in the CIA’s own files on Obama’s past. There is a possibility, according to WMR’s sources, that any “smoking gun” documents may be released while Obama is in Asia in order to elicit a public and, perhaps, irrational enough response from the president to prompt the public to begin raising questions about Obama’s suitability for office. Such an incident would make it easier for Biden to begin the succession process that was previously considered when President Richard Nixon was drinking heavily and taking prescription medication during the final days of his administration, twice during the Ronald Reagan administration — after his attempted assassination and in 1987 when he demonstrated early stages of Alzheimer’s Disease — and during the Bill Clinton administration, when Clinton’s self-destructive sexual antics had Vice President Al Gore considering taking similar steps.
Some staffers have said on deep background that the revelations by the ex-White House official to “Ulsterman” are not even half of the story about what is actually occurring in the White House
Also…keep a watch on this blog for the W H i n s i d e r s…leaks
Some hilarity from the Freeper debate regarding birther Senator Marco Rubio….One poster specifically says the following…
To: truth_seeker
That analysis used a number of false and erroneous statements and claims. English common law was not the source of law for all jurisdictions of the United States at the time of the adoption of the U.S. Constitution. Each of the states was responsible for establishing its own citizenship and naturalization laws following their declaration of independence from Great Britain. A uniform system of naturalization law for all of the United States did not occur until decades into the 19th Century following the adoption of the U.S. Constitution. Until then, the requirements for citizenship differed from one state to the next in the United States of America, and these states used a variety of Continental European (Ancien Regime), english Common Law, and natural law principles from England, France, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Rome, and more.
Alexander Hamilton proposed to make any citizen of the United States eligible for the Office of the President so long as the age and residency requirements were also satisfied. John Jay objected and asked for the qualifications to require a natural born citizen requirement. The erroneous analysis omits the obvious distinction that a natural born citizen requirement is superfluous and quite unnecessary if the intent was to authorize any U.S. citizen to be eligible to the Office of the President. Even the English Common law being cited required two citizen parents for the child to be deemed to have English/British citizenship by jus sanguinnis.
The whole issue was about a determination of which sovereign could claim the allegiance of a child at the time of the child’s birth. Dual citizenship was not recognized and was an impossibility at the time the laws and the U.S. Constitution were written and practiced. It is quite clear whether using Charles Vattel’s Law of Nations, blacksone’s Commentaries, or the ancient laws and traditions of Roman law common to Europe and America; citizenship followed the citizenship of the parents or the father, unless you were born in the Jurisdiction of the Sovereign of Great Britain. Under the naturalization laws of the some states after the adoption of the U.S. Constitution, birth upon U.S. soil sometimes was not enough to qualify for citizenship in that state and thereby the United States.
The person presently calling himself Barack Hussein Obama II is on public record acknowledging that his father was a citizen of Great Britain at the time of his own birth. Vattel’s Law of Nations used by John Jay and the other authors of the U.S. Constitution defined a natural born citizen as the child of two parents having U.S. citizenship at the time of the child’s birth. Obviously, even he acknowledges that he did not have the requisite two U.S. citizen parents and undivided loyalty to the United States at the time of his birth.
37 posted on Saturday, November 06, 2010 2:52:21 AM by WhiskeyX
Amazing, I do not think there is an accurate statement in that entire post. Looks like it was written by that idiot paralegal who visited here once.
Ballantine, definately….How about this one…
To: rfp1234
Yes, Arthur McGowan is correct, there is a ‘grandfather clause’: Article 2, section 1 of the Constitution states, “No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of president; neither shall any person be eligible who shall not attained to the age of thirty-five years, and been fourteen years a resident within the United States.”
The addition of a grandfather clause in this paragraph says a lot as to the meaning of natural born. The first thing it says is that being born in the US is not enough to be natural born, otherwise the grandfather clause would not be necessary. The writers and delegates, having been born in the US, wanted to be eligible for the presidency, but most were the children of British subjects. Knowing that that eliminated them from being natural born and, thus, from eligibility, they included the grandfather clause which expired when the last person alive at the time of the ratification of the Constitution died. So, being a native born citizen is not the same as being natural born. If it were the framers would not have included the clause.
(As posted by freeper 2ndDivisionVet on the website “Natural Born Conservative”)
The comments on the page are interesting as well.
The same nonsense over and over. Never occured to this genius that some framers were not born in America. I expect this from freepers. Hard to imagine actual lawyers repeat the same nonsense after it has been repeatedly pointed out what occured in the convention.
My favorite idiot argument lately has been the claim that because George Washington borrowed de Vattel from the library after adoption of the Constitution, such meant that de Vattel was the basis of the NBC clause. I actually argued with someone making such argument recently. Hard to imagine an adult typing that on the internet thinking they are making a good point.
There certainly was a whole lot of stupid going on in that post.
Guys, this is even more hilarious…There is a poster over at GW still attempting to pimp the infamous “Danae” long form BC. as proof that the President can still get the long form BC…I pointed out the lack of date proof on the document but we all know that won’t stop them…
Anyone remember which blogger posted their BC here from Hawaii????????
Found it, scroll down
People should watch the CBS Evening news tonight. There was a report on the President’s return to Indonesia. The one part was when they read the infamous school report and emphasized the part about the President being “BORN IN HONOLULU, HI”…Interesting….I guess CBS is in on it…
Obama Conducting “Reign Of Terror” On Suspected White House Leakers
President Obama was urged by the few White House insiders from whom he still takes advice to leave the country on his 10-day Asian trip, his longest trip abroad since becoming president, in order to not inflict any more damage to the Democratic Party in the wake of one of the worst electoral defeats for the party of an incumbent president in recent history.
According to sources close to the White House, who put themselves in great danger by even talking to members of the media, the plans to have Obama leave for a visit to India, Pakistan, Indonesia, South Korea, and Japan are an attempt to get Obama out of the country while top Democrats can sort through the political disaster created for the party by Obama’s increasingly detached-from-reality presidency.
Virtual political guerrilla warfare has broken out between Obama’s inner circle on one hand and senior Democratic officials, including outgoing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Democratic Party strategist James Carville, former Demcratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean, and, behind-the-scenes, Vice President Joe Biden and former President Bill Clinton, on the other
White House leaks about the ineffectiveness of Obama’s presidency are expandng beyond the revelations attributed to a former high-level Obama administration insider and which have been reported by a blogger named “Ulsterman.” Some White House staffers have described a “reign of terror” in the White House over continued leaks and a troika of leadership that is making decisions without any input from the president. The troika reportedly consists of First Lady Michelle Obama, presidential adviser Valerie Jarrett, and the president’s mother-in-law, Marian Robinson, who resides in the White House.
Not to be deterred, some White House staffers have sought out journalists and have arranged to meet them at nearby Starbuck’s cafes to discretely convey to them inside information about the current disarray within the Obama administration. Some staffers have personally born the brunt of Obama’s temper and witnessed his extreme narcissistic behavior. WMR has also learned from White House sources that Obama is taking presciption anxiety medication.
Although some observers believe African-Americans would react negatively to the invocation of the 25th Amendment, WMR has learned that members of the Congressional Black Caucus would reluctantly go along with such a move. Many in their ranks, including outgoing House Judiciary Committee chairman John Conyers (D-MI), were outraged over Obama’s lack of interest in Haiti after that nation’s devastating earthquake. For many black caucus members, it was their first indication that there was something very wrong with Obama and his grasp of reality.
Meanwhile, a team of ex-CIA officers are traveling the globe assembling a dossier of documents on Obama’s past, including his education, passport, travel, and residency records. The team has scoured Kenya, Indonesia, Pakistan, and other countries collecting documents that are not already maintained in the CIA’s own files on Obama’s past. There is a possibility, according to WMR’s sources, that any “smoking gun” documents may be released while Obama is in Asia in order to elicit a public and, perhaps, irrational enough response from the president to prompt the public to begin raising questions about Obama’s suitability for office. Such an incident would make it easier for Biden to begin the succession process that was previously considered when President Richard Nixon was drinking heavily and taking prescription medication during the final days of his administration, twice during the Ronald Reagan administration — after his attempted assassination and in 1987 when he demonstrated early stages of Alzheimer’s Disease — and during the Bill Clinton administration, when Clinton’s self-destructive sexual antics had Vice President Al Gore considering taking similar steps.
National Impeach Obama Tea Party
An informal group of Tea Party organizers, bloggers and FaceBook users has scheduled protests in several cities to call for the impeachment, conviction and removal of Barack Obama. The suggested day of the protest is November 13th, 2010. It will be simple street protest, not a rally with speakers. The FaceBook group at the like below is the central site for protests. Join the group to stay in touch.
(Note: this event in Tennesee was cancelled. Local Tea Party leaders are fearful, because an election official in Monroe, Co. was murdered in July. I have re-scheduling it, though, under my own name, so that individuals can still protest, if they want.)
2-5 pm
Monroe County Courthouse
105 College St.
Madisonville, Tennessee
Can Obama be Impeached?
In general, we do not believe that he is a loyal American, due to his seditious background with Jeremiah Wright and other associates, and that his actions since taking office in many ways confirm the fears formed during the campaign. It is generally felt that it is a danger for America for such a man to remain in office and are very frustrated that the media and politicians are too cowardly and patronizing to fully address these concerns in public. Obama is rather open about his intent to “fundamentally transform” America. Amazingly, he has never been asked by the media or the politicians to fully explain what this transformation will be, but from his actions his plans are not consistent with the Constitution and the Rule of Law. For that reason we believe that he must be removed from office, before he and his allies do further damage to our democratic institutions.
Took part in an extremely racist, seditious anti-American cult-like sect for 20 years.
Attempting to impose these bizarre beliefs of his seditious alternative religion on America.
Uses the unethical methods of agitation/provocation of the well-known anarchist, Saul Alinsky, to manipulate the American People.
Irresponsibly spending the nation into debt at an unsustainable rate, threatening to bankrupt the country
Associations, direct and indirect, with various totalitarians & criminal elements
Shameful displays of subservience to foreign dictatorial powers
Integration of anti-democratic elements into his administration
Nullification of crimes based on race of the New Black Panther Party
Refusal to satisfy concerns from some segments of the public about his eligibility
Failure to respect the Constitution as the basic law of the land
Failure to protect borders from an invasion of foreigners
Failure to uphold the sovereignty of the US in the UN and in other venues, such as the Arizona lawsuit
Chicago gangland-style graft & corruption
Attempt to implement a collectivist, statist form of government
Failure to protect the integrity of the voting system
Interference with states in enforcement of the law
Failure to uphold his solemnly sworn oath of office
A strong, growing grassroots effort is needed to increase public awareness and support. Congress won’t act without massive public demand for it. Let’s start building that demand now!
There was a small “Impeach Obama” Tea Party street protest in San Diego on August 28th. Thanks to all of those that took part, about 70-80 people. Let us see if we cannot scale it up to a larger size and all over the country! Someone said that, for each protester, there are 1,000 sympathizers. Come out and have an impact.
Scale up. There’s room enough in the prisons and jails for this anti-American scum.
Will they be passing out free hoods and offering swastika tattoos?
“Shameful displays of subservience to foreign dictatorial powers”
Like this?
More nonsense from Fitzy….
LCDR FITZPATRICK: This is supremely important. This is big, big, big, BIG.
MRS. RONDEAU: Make sure you speak really loudly.
LCDR FITZPATRICK: OK, I’m going to do my best. In July of this year, the Monroe County Sheriff’s Department arrested a suspect in the murder of Jim Miller. Mr. Miller was murdered between 1:00 and 8:00 on the 17th of July of this year, 2010. This man was brought into the Monroe County jail. While he was in the Monroe County jail in July of 2010, he bragged to the other inmates that he was the shooter, one of two shooters, in the death, the murder of Jim Miller. This is a break in the case, this is a lead in the case, and you need to get this to the FBI. You need to type this up tonight and print it.
LCDR FITZPATRICK: The man’s identity is known. I know an identity, and a description is available. More information can be made available to the FBI, but it can’t be made available over the phone, OK? This person was released. Sheriff Bivens released this individual, this person of interest, for who knows why, but they let him go. I do not know at the time of his release who had the investigation at the sheriff’s department, but they let this man go. He’s on the loose tonight. He seems to be in Loudon County. As I say, there is a physical description, but this man has bragged to inmates that he was one of two men who shot Jim Miller dead on the 17th of July of 2010.
I don’t want to go into any more detail than that over the phone. The FBI needs to be alerted to this as soon as you can. You can print this up and put it out tonight as a lead. There’s a lead, there’s a man who has identified himself as one of two shooters, and the sheriff let him go in July. The information is rock-solid. More information is available to potential law enforcement if they could get on the scene.
LCDR FITZPATRICK: Yes. This person was incarcerated in the Monroe County jail and he was released; the sheriff released him. And while he was incarcerated, he made quite a stir here; he was telling others around him, bragging about the fact that he was one of two shooters.
MRS. RONDEAU: I see. And you don’t have any reason to believe that the guy was drunk and just saying it or anything like that?
LCDR FITZPATRICK: Oh, no, oh, no, oh, no, no. I’m very clear about this, and it’s a really big deal, and as I say, I can’t say more on the phone without, you know… There needs to be a scheduled response to this, and when they arrive, I’ll look up another federal agent who needs to be involved, and we’ll go from there.
MRS. RONDEAU: It has to do with a homicide.
LCDR FITZPATRICK: Yes, Jim Miller. So I’ll go from there. When those guys show up, we have that aspect that this is huge. It’s a very big deal, and it’s your catch.
MRS. RONDEAU: OK. I’m going to get the story out, and I’m going to call this guy at the FBI right away.
Leo Patrick Haffey says:
Tuesday, November 9, 2010 at 12:03 PM
Is there any proof that the Republican Elections Commissioner was working with Walt to expose the corruption in Monroe County? If the murder of the Elections Commissioner was connected to Monroe County Corruption that would be something that should interest the National Press.
I disagree with the suggestion that Walt should have his case removed to Federal Court unless it is the Federal Court in Nashville. Walt has been demonized in the local press from Chattanooga to Knoxville. It is doubtful that he can get a fair trial in any court in that area of the State. What Walt needs is a Motion for Change of Venue far away from Monroe County.
I urge all to contact Republican Senators Alexander and Corker and the National Press regarding the murder of the Republican Elections Commissioner.
Corey-Brendan says:
Tuesday, November 9, 2010 at 10:23 AM
If the goal is to get this into a Federal Court, then one only need to present a Consitutional Question, which it seems the LCDR could easily do. Anyway, Petition for Warrant of Removal to the Federal Court. I did this and not only did the state Court quickly setup a hearing for it, which I didn’t request, the prosecutor fell over himself trying to get this dismissed.
Now I’m struggling to get felony charges filed for Criminal Confinement, Perjury, Unlawful Arrest, etc…, but the case against me went away fast. No area of corruption wants to lose control of the case and right now, I hold a federal civil case for Neglect of Duty against the State. We’ll see how that goes.
Leo Patrick Haffey says:
Tuesday, November 9, 2010 at 12:39 PM
Darren Huff is being prosecuted in Federal Court in Knoxville on False Charges isn’t he? From what I have read, there is no legal basis for Mr. Huff to be prosecuted in Federal Court in Knoxville, so how would it benefit Walt to have his case removed to Federal Court in Knoxville where his co-defendant is being wrongfully prosecuted?