Monthly Archives: December 2010

Dr. Conspiracy finds Supreme Court biased in birther decision

The Supreme Court dismissed the case due to the lack of standing of the plaintiff. The Court ruled 7-2 that the plaintiff lacked standing to bring the lawsuit in federal court because he was not a US Citizen and so … Continue reading

Posted in Lawsuits | 29 Comments

Obama Conspiracy Theories predictions for 2011

OK, I’m going WAY OUT ON A LIMB this year with my predictions for 2011. A copy of Barack Obama’s original Birth Certificate will be released to the public The Birth Certificate will show the President was born at the … Continue reading

Posted in Lounge | 17 Comments

Not with a bang but a whimper

That’s the phrase that I would use to characterize the ending of 2010 for the birthers. I hope everyone will read Great Birther Moments In 2010 at the Oh, For Goodness Sake blog. It’s a great recap of what’s happened … Continue reading

Posted in Birthers, Lounge | 12 Comments

A disturbance in the Force

“I haven’t felt such a disturbance in the Force since…” Neil Abercrombie’s decision to take on the birthers has created an unprecedented flood of Google Alerts. This has become quite a big deal with articles in the New York Times … Continue reading

Posted in Neil Abercrombie | 47 Comments

Doctor C predicted latest birther ploy

At number 1o on my list of The Top Ten Obama Conspiracy Theories to be Revealed in 2009 was this prescient item: Hawaii is not a state! It tuned out that only a few days would elapse before emailed me … Continue reading

Posted in Lounge | 7 Comments

Chris Matthews calls for birth certificate

Chris Matthews, host of MSNBC’s Hardball program and self-declared enemy of the birthers asked the question: “Why has the president himself not demanded they put out the original documents?” Matthews describes the birther movement as a “manufactured controversy” but expresses … Continue reading

Posted in Birth Certificate, Birthers, Neil Abercrombie | 28 Comments