At 5:30 pm today I turned in my badge, laptop and keys, and I walked out of the birth certificate factory for the last time.
Over my 30-year career I had the opportunity to serve on a national committee on vital records fraud prevention, I met several state registrars, counting a few as friends, and worked with the National Center for Health Statistics and CDC on national standards for vital records and immunization registries. That all sounds rather grand, although I was just one of many participants in these things.
I don’t promise more time spent on this blog (heaven knows I spend enough already), but I do hope to be more flexible for travel in the future and to be able to report first hand on some Obama conspiracy events, and I hope even to meet some of you in person.
Note that I will be out of the country January 10-24, and probably not updating the site much during that period.
Congratulations, Doc, for all of your accomplishments. I hope you were given a watch or something! I recommend the Tahitian Islands as part of your travel. My husband and I visited 20 years ago (we were married December 22).
Thanks for all you do, we appreciate it.
a suggestion: an Alaskan Cruise
my wife and I took an Alaskan cruise when I retired, it was the best vacation we ever had. Try it!
Yes, thank you. And congratulations!
Congrats, Doc!
Congratulations Doc! Wishing you a long and interesting retirement! (but not in the sense of the Chinese curse… ;-))
Congratulations, I’m going to miss this site. I post sometimes
but I always read it.
I’ll say Punta Cana, Puerto Rico; El Conquistador Hotel a very beautiful hotel in Pto Rico, also Bahamas.
i hope you remembered to take you-know-who’s birth certificate with you … could come in handy some day!
The site isn’t closing (except for updates for a couple weeks in January).
My sincere congratulations Mr. C,! And happy holidays to everyone!
Well now that the birther movement is ended, what kind of topics do you plan to address?
Congratulations Doc! ( Does this mean Obama’s offishul new birth certifcate is done cooking?) Enjoy yourself!
Oh, if the birther movement has ended, then the site will cease to be updated. What was that line that the Joker said to Batman: “you made me.” Without the birthers, there would be no Dr. Conspiracy.
Best wishes for a happy retirement, Doc! (I, for one, hope it means more time for you to blog. :-))
One of the great benefits of this whole Obama business is the opportunity to learn new things and meet new people. I count you and Phil (at least to talk on the “radio” with you for a couple of minutes and to read your blog) as one of those benefits.
Doc, reading your site, and Politijab, has made me a better-informed person.
I was forcibly retired when I had an aneurysm at 49.
Most people do not survive the kind I had. I told it was worse than a stroke.
Hey Doc if you get up to NYC we would appreciate if you would join our New York Wrecking Crew. We’ve had two meetings so far
Congratulations on your retirement. Enjoy every moment. And thank you for all that you’ve done here. Reading your insights is always a pleasure.
The election of Obama seems to have so deeply rattled some people that they communally developed birther myths, which help them deal with the psychic trauma. A coping mechanism of sorts.
Like any good coping mechanism, Birther myths quickly evolve as needed in order to continue soothing their creators.
An example: Obama was born in Kenya. Ok, maybe he wasn’t… but it doesn’t matter where he was born because his mother was too young to convey citizenship anyway… well, maybe that isn’t right, but it doesn’t matter, because he’s a duel citizen, which means he can’t be a natural born citizen… well, maybe that isn’t right, but that doesn’t matter, because de Vattel said…
And so on.
Birthers and birtherism aren’t in danger of disappearing until Obama is no longer in office. If anything, I see birtherism increasing as we edge closer to the 2012 elections.
It’ll be interesting to see how quickly birthers will turn on GOP candidates who’ll be running in 2012 when they don’t tow the birther line.
Congrats! Best wishes for this new chapter in your life.
Thanks for the hard work, wealth of information, and the subtle advice.
Doc, if you ever think of visiting our beautiful region in the South of France (lovely wines, ancient castles, etc.) I’ll be happy to help & take you out for a good dinner. There are cheap flights on Ryan Air from London Stansted to Carcassonne airport for a few pounds off-season.
Yup, he lost his citizenship in a duel.
I got a very nice pair of binoculars, perfect for the upcoming trip.
Congrats on your retirement. Have great time for the rest of your life.
Just remember that the Aussies taught all those winemakers in the south of France everything they know 😉 . Come on down under and I’ll make sure you find the right stuff.
Congrats Doc!
Time to take it easy and enjoy your life.
I retired 12 years ago and I am happy as heck!
That reminds me of the idiots who are afraid of Marshall Law and not Martial Law.
Congratulations, Doc – and enjoy your travels.
Well, to be fair, it all depends on the Marshall. I know a few Marshalls who’d make terrible laws.
Congrats Doc…enjoy retirement….make sure you go Jamaica….Very relaxing vacation and let us know if you get up to the NYC area….
Congrats and best wishes for a happy and long retirement.
I third the request to come and visit the NYC Wrecking Crew although there are a couple of other good reasons for coming and visiting… 😎
Congratulations and thank you for running this site.
Congradulations Doc!
Enjoy the binoculars and your trip!
Congratulations! And if you decide you want a European vacation, check out Florence. Gorgeous art, wonderful food, and a palpable sense of history.
Congratulations, Doc! I’m sure that you won’t have any trouble filling your days with interesting things to do!
Congratulations Doc.
Hmm… The last President who was fond of dueling had a non-citizen father and there is some question to where he was born. Coincidence?
A happy retirement Doc , I’m sure you will have less “free” time than ever lol
You wish it was ended… This issue will continue to grow and follow Obama until dealt with…
Take that to the bank!
And “dealing with” it means releasing his kindergarten records? Do you have any idea how stupid that sounds?
I don’t how Obama or any one else has ever “dealt with” a conspiracy theory. Conspiracy theories have a life of their own, and are generally resistant to any form of evidence and to reason.
Don’t fool yourself, or try to fool us. If Obama gave you every one of those records you’re demanding, you would just find something else to demand.
Good point. I found Obama’s authentic Kenya BC!! Don’t give up – keep at it.
Really? when will it start to grow? If anything it’s smaller and less significant (if that’s even possible) than it was two years ago, before you fools started losing court case after court case.
Obama will be re-elected, and Cory Booker will follow. Better get used to it.
isn’t it puzzling how such a righteous and principled movement consisting of millions of angry (naturally-born) citizens and (locked-and-loaded) servicemen barely seems able to muster more than a dozen patriots at a time to show up at courthouses and rallies to physically demonstrate their overwhelmingly superior numbers — and after more than two years still needs time to grow?
You know, they always have to tell that to themselves in order to not fall into despair.
“Once the November elections are over, Congress will unravel the treason.”
“Once Lakin is sentenced, the people will rise up against the usurper.”
“Once the sky falls down upon us, Sarah Palin will say something that is not stupid.”
“Once June 2011 has come, the aliens will reveal themselves and make us gods.”
You know how that goes. As it’s always gone for the last 100 years of conspiracy religion. Waiting for Godot. Nothing to see, move on. 🙂
I am currently writing a sequel to Waiting For Godot. In the second act, Godot shows up, speaking his lines in Ladino.
All the best as you move into retirement. I sent you an email yesterday at the [blog] address.
Congratulations, Doc. I hope your retirement is relaxing and enjoyable.
Come to NOLA in early spring and meet up with some of us anti-birthers. We’d love to have ya.. 😉
Congratuations on your retirement, Doc!
I vote for Belize. You won’t even know what’s going in the world. It might be a nice respite from Birfistan.
“This issue will continue to grow and follow Obama”
however, you are out of OMG moments for now. The time to grow is past (except in your retarted mind), it’s now time for crow!
Wishing you a long, happy and fruitful retirement, Doc C.
Congrats. Good luck with all your future endeavours. I encourage you to attend as many birther events as possible. I know from experience they are hilarious.
So they tell me, but I’m going to take off my shoes, climb a tree and learn to play the flute.
Congratulations, Doc. And, having retired myself on July, 1st, I can assure you that free time is what you will miss the most from the timebefore retirement. We are having an awful winter here, so taking off my shoes is a bit difficult. I felled the last climbable tree in my garden two years ago – a quince that grew far too much fruit. My musical IQ is too low for any instrument but I am trying to improve my knowledge of Polish.
To everybody: compliments of the season, and a Polish proverb: “only in a carol and in wine, is the truth and brilliance of life revealed”.
Excellent Porgy Tirebiter reference.
ANNOUNCER: He walks in! He’s ready for mystery…he’s ready for
excitement! He’s ready for anything…he’s…
NICK: Nick Danger, Third Eye!
GEORGE: (ON FILTER) Uh-I wanna order a pizza to go, and no
NICK: No anchovies? You’ve got the wrong man. I spell
my name…Danger! [click]
Ho’omaika’i Doc! Judging from the excellent quality of your work here on an issue that’s just a hobby for you, I’m sure your coworkers are really sad to see you go. If you include Hawaii in your travels, the Aloha State Soros Team will be sure to sneak you into the vault. No cameras allowed though.
Betty Jo Bialorski? Melanie Farber? Everyone knew her as Nancy.
– Why, that’s a cheap ring from a Crackerback Jox. What kind of fool do you take me for?
– First class.
“You wish it was ended… This issue will continue to grow and follow Obama until dealt with…Take that to the bank!”
The only bank required is the payal account of the grifters birthers send their money too.
Birther Records to date: Eighty-Plus court losses in a row, all decisions sustained on appeals to higher courts, all cert requests to the SCOTUS denied without comment. One Army doctor in jail and losses $2million in retirement benefits. With a record like that I’m sure Obam is worried. Losers..
ObamaReleaseYourRecords doesn’t think like a lawyer or a liberal politician.
You must remember that Obama is a Harvard Law School grad, editor of the Harvard Law Review, an attorney in Chicago’s largest law firm and a Senior Lecturer at the University of Chicago Law School. He LOVES that this issue is staying alive, although he would never say that publically.
The former lawyer in Obama loves winning lawsuit after lawsuit on summary dismissals. He loves having Republicans forced to back him on this issue like the former Governor of Hawai’i Linda Lingle and the Governor Daniels and the Attorney General of Indiana in the Ankeny lawsuit.
For political motivations, being attacked by the birthers works for him with his base and there is another large constituency group that also has its citizenship status questioned: Latinos. Obama will be needing a larger percentage of their votes in 2012.
Obama was a follower of Saul Alinsky in his community organizing days. One of Alinsky’s most famous quotes is: “Take what your enemies perceive to be your greatest weakness and make it your greatest strength.”
Obama has no real problem with the birthers and now that his good buddy Neil Abercrombie is the new Democrat Governor of Hawaii….well, you can figure that out! 🙂
I did get a tour of one state vault while I was working on a project for them. They were in the process of scanning and indexing their paper records. All of the work was done in the vault; the records never left the room. (I say “vault” but it was actually a very large secured room maybe half the size of a basketball court.)
Any hint about your destination?
We know out of the country, and obviously privacy is paramount. Climate? I know I am being nosy so no offense taken if you ignore me.
Costa Rica and Panama.
Congrats Doc on your retirement! 30 years is quite a career achievement! I’m sure you’ll find many things to do to keep busy during your well earned retirement. I hope to run into you in person some day.
Wow, aneurysm’s are quite scary and serious. I know a few people who didn’t survive them. My condolences on what you went through, Misha. I’m glad you’ve survived and are around here to share your sense of humor. 🙂
Well, had they only said “Marshal Law”, I would have assumed they meant the British comic book character from the 80’s… 😉
As someone who is half-polish myself, “Wesolych Swiat” to you!
I wish you a pleasant retirement and a wonderful holiday.
I see that your upcoming travels will not take you to Britain, which is just as well given that some mildly inclement weather has brought the airports and Eurostar into chaos here. However, in the event that some future travels take you to London and you need a place to stay or would like a fellow American to buy you a pint, then please send me an e-mail.
Same here but I’m still not sure of which half.
For me, my mother’s side is 100%.
Actually by which half is Polish, I meant whether it’s from the waist down or from the waist up.