That’s the phrase that I would use to characterize the ending of 2010 for the birthers. I hope everyone will read Great Birther Moments In 2010 at the Oh, For Goodness Sake blog. It’s a great recap of what’s happened this past year.
When I look back at things from this last day of 2010, I see not much cheer for the birthers. All their great hope lawsuits have been to the Supreme Court and been denied. Terry Lakin plead guilty and tearfully said that disobeying orders was not the way to get his questions answered. Taitz lost her bid for political office. National birther events haven’t generated enough attendance to fill a school bus. There just isn’t much left besides a bunch of foul-smelling web sites spinning rumors and telling lies. It’s pretty pathetic.
On a further negative note, there is a much more unsympathetic administration in Hawaii that has no vested interest in preventing the public from knowing exactly what the state knows about Barack Obama’s birth. The economy is finally starting to recover. All of this bodes ill for the birthers.
That stuff HAS to be true, no one could make that much foolishness up!
The title of your post captures it all. Of course, although one could argue that in 2008 and 2009, the birthers had a lot of their activity in earlier stages and all had their high hopes up, those years in Birtherism too could be summed up with the same thoughts: “Not with a bang but a whimper.”
After all, with nothing but nonsense from the gut rumours and unsupported fact-free premises to go on and a 3rd-rate cast of unqualified hack lawyers, unscrupulous con artists and a host of damaged and deluded bloggers running the show for them…well, let’s just say that every “OMG” moment they have had from the very beginning has been a perfect recipe of ineptitude and destined for obvious failure.
Anyone rationally looking into these things quickly was able to see where each and every one of these things was likely headed. Only the birthers themselves seem to not only buy into their garbage, but even more incredulously, actually thought their actions stood a chance and couldn’t see the failure coming their way.
So on reflection, I’d say this is definitely year 3 for them under that title… and I fully expect them not to be deterred and to see a similar post heading summing them up in 2011 and 2012.
Will we still be reporting on them in 2013? Too early to tell on that one. Just because a movement is an utter failure, doesn’t mean it fades away – at least not in the cases where the movement is based purely on blind zealously.
On that thought, I suspect as the 2012 campaign winds up we’ll even start hearing a bit more from that other, similar delusional EPIC FAIL movement – the PUMAs. They too owe their existence to a visceral hatred of Obama. In fact, in many ways they really gave birth to the Birthers – and quite a few Birthers really are just PUMAs under another name. Although their pathetic movement has seemed to have faded into the woodwork, they are still out there – whether acting as Birthers, or SP fans or having joined the Tea Party… or sadly even still haunting several die-hard PUMA sites and hopelessly clinging to the fantasy that HRC will run again in 2012…
So yeah, I don’t expect the resulting fizzle and whimper from the spectacular EPIC FAIL moments of movements like these to deter them as we move forward into a new year. If anything, just the mere thought of Obama’s re-election campaign will fill them with anger and energy and sustain them to remain a small but loud and squeeky voiced contingent over the next two years. If anything, even if they have less then ever to hang their hopes on, the mere campaign atmosphere might make them an even noisier presence than they have been over the past two.
Not that they have any real chance or hopes of success mind you. But then again, they never really did in the first place.
Can’t believe you people are still arguing over the birth certificate…thought that issue was dead. Regardless of where he was born, the fact remains that Obama has been the worst president since Jimmy Carter (and yes, I’m old enough to remember Jimmy Carter. What a piece of work.) His Royal Highness Obama does what he wants to do and to hell with what the people want. You’ve been lied to, but he’s such a smooth double-talker you keep falling for it. You want four more years of this crap, you go right ahead and vote for him again. You’re obviously happy with the “change” the guy promised you. I read over and over again on this site about how “dumb” the birthers are, what a bunch of idiots they are! At least they have the temerity to question something that comes out of Obama’s mouth. Too bad I can’t say the same for the rest of you. Knock it off about the stupid birth certificate and wake up already.
Well, “justme” and I agree on one thing-the legal technicality of where someone is born is (or ought to be) irrelevant in judging them. Barack Obama happened to have been born in the US, but so what if he hadn’t? If I were going in for life-and-death brain surgery I would care deeply about the surgeon’s professional abilities and experience. What I absolutely would NOT care about is where he or she was born and whether he or she prayed to God, Allah, Rama, Buddha or noone. Similarly a President’s leadership qualities, judgement and intelligence trump the accidents of birth.
As far as Obama’s accomplishments in office, let me illustrate with one example-the rescue of GM. The Republican boo-bird chorus was strong-let it fail, who cares about the millions of jobs, not just with GM, but with their entire network of suppliers. Let it fail (they seem to have a powerful attraction to failure)! After all more job losses would give them more ammunition to attack Obama. Fortunately, the President ignored them. The result? 18 months later, there was a fabulously successful IPO with a net PROFIT for the taxpayers. Not to mention that several of their recent models have won awards for “Best in Class”.
I for one remember in March 2009 when the President said stocks were cheap and people ought to consider buying them. I’m sure “justme” had his ideological blinders on and didn’t listen. Well, I did, and guess what? The markets are up over 80% since then, making Barack Obama one of the great Wall Street gurus of all time and making “Scientist” a nice chunk of change, while making the boo-birds like “justme” very, very sad.
Happy New Year!
and you wonder why the eligibility issue isn’t dead? that isn’t called “temerity”! d’oh!
So, JustMe
Just to clarify and based on your posting
You explicitly accept that the current POTUS is wholly and legally President based upon Article 2 of the Constitution, common law, SC rulings, 14th Amendment etc.
Your issues are that you simply don’t like the man and some, many or all of his policies.
The reason is that
a. This is specific conspiracy debunking site and not a general politics site
b. I am still working on delineating a rigorous taxonomy of Birthers and want to ensure the methodology can reliably separate the Birther from the disgruntled etc.
If you don’t like discussing an interesting issue that has been discussed on the national televised news and highlighted in major newspapers during the past week and an issue that has about twenty different internet web sites discussing both sides, then just go away.
No one is forcing you to discuss the birth certificate, the natural born citizen clause or whether the Constitution requires two American born parents in order to qualify as eligible to be president.
You’re certainly entitled to your personal opinion on how Obama is doing as president. However the Gallup Poll’s Daily tracking for presidential job approval shows Obama at 48% approval and 46% disapproval. Other polls have different findings but does an averaging across many polls and Obama is currently just about a “50-50” president in job approval, close to the two year mark of his term in office. That is a long way from being the worst president. Presidents Nixon and Truman both dropped into the low twenties in job approval rating: Nixon resigned and Truman didn’t run for a second term.
Sure sure this has to be the most shallow piece written by anyone. If Obama was able to do what he wants when he wanted he wouldn’t have caved to republican demands on the stimulus, health care, dadt, etc. Everything would have been done right away without concessions. I find it funny how everyone ragged on Jimmy Carter but then ignore all the crap Reagan got us into. Reagan B&Med for years about the economy he inherited. 3 years in he was still complaining.
Sorry “justme”, but I’m with Bob Ross and the others on this – what you wrote was one of the shallowest and hollowest pieces of sour grapes whining that has been posted here in quite some time.
The site exists to investigate conspiracy and DEBUNK nonsense. If fool birthers weren’t impervious to reality and constantly needing to make up garbage, issue unfounded insinuations and endlessly resurrect long debunked myths – then we wouldn’t need to be here.
So, it is not an “argument” that we are choosing to carry on. You and the birthers are just unhappy whiny people who still can’t deal with an election from over 2 years ago not going your way and have to invent fake scandals to demonize and pretend his election didn’t really happen in your fragile little minds.
All the birther arguments against him being NBC and stuff are NOT real arguments, but mere slur propaganda. The rest of us don’t have any worries or concerns about Obama’s eligibility, so the whole point is that is a completely non-issue to most of us. It is the birthers who can’t let it go and take actions or make posts that keep this site alive, because we are here to report on and rebut such unfounded nonsense.
The rest of your post is just bitter sour grapes and all your opinion. You mistakenly use the word FACT to mask that your rant is nothing but your own bitter feelings. Hey, you are fully entitled to your own opinions as others are entitled to their and to disagree with you.
But when you use simple, basic words like FACT completely wrong, you deserve to be mocked for coming across so foolish. All you’ve done here is make yourself look pathetic.
This just goes to show that confirmation bias is not limited to conspiracy theories. And, by the way, I’m old enough to remember Eisenhower.
And by the way, your comment is inappropriate for this blog. Obama’s job performance is out of scope.
I didn’t vote for Obama last time. I’m unlikely to vote for him next time.
When you refer to “dumb”. is that like when you automatically assume that everyone who sees the stupidity of birthers has to be a supporter of Obama?
Is that the kind of “dumb” you mean?
Beware of “scope creep.”