Monthly Archives: December 2010

Addressing Terry Lakin

Terrence Lakin #89996 830 Sabalu Road Fort Leavenworth, KS 66027 Letters, cards and postal money orders only.

Posted in Terry Lakin | 21 Comments

The Internet

I suppose that not many folks know that there are two meanings for “internet.” One of them simply means any “interconnected network” and in that sense, “internet” is not capitalized. The particular interconnected network where this blog lives is called … Continue reading

Posted in Terry Lakin | 4 Comments

Beware politics by e-mail and the forwarder

That is the headline from an editorial today in the Arizona Daily Star, and a sentiment that I heartily endorse. Friends of mine learned a long time ago that I do not suffer forwarded junk emails quietly. I have this … Continue reading

Posted in Lounge | Leave a comment

Poll: what are you afraid of?

Here’s a poll about your fears. It’s really two polls, one for birthers, and one for obots (here defined as anyone who doesn’t agree with birthers). If the thing you fear most isn’t on the list, leave a comment. You … Continue reading

Posted in Reader Pollls | 11 Comments

Conspiracy theories about Obama’s father

While birthers, for example Andy Martin, have theories of an alternate father for Barack Obama, such theories don’t get much play in the birther movement, mainly because the alternates named (e.g. Malcolm X and Frank Marshall Davis) are American citizens. … Continue reading

Posted in Lounge, Obama Family | 75 Comments

Maui picks birther to chair Republican Party

The Republican Party needs to understand that Maui is a multicultural and multiracial island. To be politically successful, they must have rapport with all of these groups. The Maui (Hawaii) News.

Posted in Birther Politics | 5 Comments