Monthly Archives: December 2010

Dear Santa

It’s that time of year when many are sending letters to that jolly old elf. Here’s mine: Dear Santa, Could you please bring me a complete answer to my Freedom of Information Act request? I would also like a Chia … Continue reading

Posted in Lounge | 23 Comments

President Obama expresses doubts on where he was born

At least this Saturday Night Live version does.

Posted in Wild & Wacky | 11 Comments

Mail bag – Fake McCain birth certificate

Despite the obvious fact that the birth certificate floating around the Internet taken from a filing in the Hollander v McCain lawsuit is a very clumsy forgery, there are folks who doggedly support it, including one fellow who submitted a … Continue reading

Posted in Birth Certificate, Birthers | Tagged , | 14 Comments

Diluted title

I applauded when MSNBC commentator Keith Olbermann named WorldNetDaily publisher Joseph Farah the “Worst Person in the World.” But now I think Olbermann has cheapened that appellation by giving it to baseball player Luke Scott, who like Farah is a … Continue reading

Posted in Birthers | Tagged , | 38 Comments

Pretty please with sugar on it

Orly Taitz entered a second request for reconsideration of the decision against her in the case, Taitz v Obama. Judge Royce Lamberth said “DENIED.” This was not a one-word denial, though, but 8 pages which you may read for yourself … Continue reading

Posted in FOIA, Lawsuits, Orly Taitz | 15 Comments

LTC Lakin to plead “not guilty”

You may recall that LTC Terry Lakin, the Army doctor that didn’t sh0w up to deploy to Afghanistan with his unit in order to force the issue of Barack Obama’s presidential eligibility, did not enter a plea at his earlier … Continue reading

Posted in Terry Lakin | 194 Comments