President Obama expresses doubts on where he was born

At least this Saturday Night Live version does.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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11 Responses to President Obama expresses doubts on where he was born

  1. Sean says:

    Jordan Peele from Funny or Die does a spot on Obama.

  2. Sef says:

    The increased exposure by the MSM & satirists will probably be a good thing. It will show everyone just how crazy these folks are. The man-in-the-street will have ammunition for water cooler conversations.

  3. Kupuna says:

    HAHAHA! Mahalo Doc, for this Holiday Laugh, even though most Americans have to curtail their political interests during the holidays because they’re too busy. I missed SNL this week so appreciate your update. Doc, how about starting a 2011 New Years’ wish list? For the folks who browse through your site?

  4. Black Lion says:

    WND Still Complaining About Unasked Questions Going Unanswered
    Topic: WorldNetDaily

    This is becoming a thing. A Dec. 8 WorldNetDaily article complains yet again that White House press secreatary Robert Gibbs didn’t answer a question that wasn’t asked because WND’s Les Kinsolving wasn’t called on at the press briefing:

    For the third time in a row, Les Kinsolving, WND’s correspondent at the White House and the second-most senior reporter on the White House beat behind Connie Lawn, was not recognized for questions at today’s daily briefing.

    The result is that there were no answers from Press Secretary Robert Gibbs or others at the briefing today on what the president thinks about a university snub of his Chicago buddy Bill Ayers.

    One of the questions Kinsolving had prepared to ask was, “Does the president believe that Sen. Robert Kennedy’s son, Christopher, and all the rest of the trustees of the University of Illinois at Chicago were wrong to deny the title of professor emeritus to Bill Ayers?”

    As before, WND has not demonstrated why anyone who would ask such a biased, irrelevant question is deserving of any respect from the White House or its press corps.

  5. Black Lion says:

    Nonsense from the primates over at Citizen Wells…

    GORDO | December 12, 2010 at 11:10 am | “Interview with attorney Stephen Pidgeon. The case for probable cause of high treason against Barack Obama. Atty Pidgeon explains how there is already enough probable cause to warrant investigations and indictment against Obama for high treason under the Logan Act. Atty. Pidgeon also explains Obama’s constitutional eligibility in full detail.”

    Videos(3) at link:

  6. Black Lion says:

    More birther nonsense….This guy has issues…

    “Opinion and/or Analysis by [blog] Author. No (or significant) opinion or analysis will be provided, presently, due to occupation and acceptance of restraints per current federal military service employment.

    OK, I suppose, I can admit this, “I do not know that President Obama is ineligible to hold his office. Mere doubt is an insufficient basis, or should be, for an act of disobedience with regard to the aforementioned circumstance [i.e basis for deriliction of Duty]”. Sorry, Army Officers [Lakin et al].

    Albeit (and inarguably worded), IAW AR 600-20, “4–2. Obedience to orders; All persons in the military service are required to strictly obey and promptly execute the legal orders of their lawful seniors.”

    IN CONCLUSION; What is the [lowly] NCO to think (and act upon) with regard to the present eligibility issue (specifically in relation to the Supreme NCA, Mr. Obama) and the responsibility of maintaining “good order and discipline” within the ranks presently prosecuting a war?

    BTW, and IAW the understanding of my viable chain of command, I [1SG Pieter Nosworthy of the 159th CAB] am solely and legally obligated to follow the orders of my President until properly relieved of such duties…comment directed at the rabid tin-foil “birthers” and otherwise.

    Which, of course, does not predispose an opinion of reasonability of the argument or, as such, an outcome on the challenge to the executive powers that exist today. In fact, some NCOs (and all Soldiers) would assume that they were entitled to a “simple” chain of command (unfettered with concerns of eligibility, and consequent authority, of the current President).

    What is known, not only those whom of which I serve in combat, but those that are public servants…are ALL oath bound to the Constitution…make of this what you will.

    Finally, per the Constitution for which I have sworn to defend, only the power of the Congress can relieve a sitting President. Some would argue that this includes the District Court of the District of Columbia (i.e. Quo Warranto).

    Perhaps, if you are an active duty NCO, the only legal option for redress is imploring your U.S. Representative and Senators to challenge the matter on your behalf.

  7. natural born citizen party says:

    ongoing professionally produced humor is the best delivery modality or SCOTUS “political question” elixir — and the 2009 Colbert Report Orly “interview” did far more for promoting the national credibility (and ultimately “high-five” merits) of Orly Taitz & Co. — than any litigation ever could have done — without the repudiation provided by the outcome of another national congressional election cycle (2010)—orly-taitz

    Videos for colbert taitz
    The Colbert Report – 7/28/2009 – Womb Raiders …
    5 min – Jul 28, 2009

  8. Chris Strunk says:

    Sef: The increased exposure by the MSM & satirists will probably be a good thing. It will show everyone just how crazy these folks are. The man-in-the-street will have ammunition for water cooler conversations.

    Be ware of what you wish for

  9. Sef says:

    Chris Strunk:
    Be ware of what you wish for

    Why should anyone be afraid of the truth?

  10. Chris Strunk: Be ware of what you wish for

    To be afraid of the truth is to have a vested interest in it coming out one way or another. I have no such vested interest. This blog takes the point of view it does because after careful consideration, I believe it to be true.

  11. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    Chris Strunk:
    Be ware of what you wish for

    We have nothing to be afraid of Chris, you’re all talk

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