I sent Orly an email (which you can read on her site), and she sent me a reply, and she published that reply on her web site. Her reply is libelous. It contains defamatory lies and exhibits a reckless disregard for the truth. My comments are in [bold].
Mr. Richardson [sic]
you [sic] belong to an oganization [sic] “Fogbow”. [I do not belong to the “Fogbow organization”. I have an account to post there, just as I have on other sites including the Columbus Examiner newspaper. That doesn’t make me a part of the Columbus Examiner newspaper. I have visited Fogbow and posted just a few times. Note that all Obama eligibility-related comments (including many by me) made at Politijab.com were copied en masse to The Fogbow, but they were not made there.] This organization was created with the purpose of slandering and denigrating law abiding citizens. Despicable e-mails, letters were sent to me, to my children, to my husband and his associates. I did not post your picture to threaten you or your family. [Then why did you post my name? I never sent improper emails to you, or to your family.] My supporters are decent people. Nobody threatens you, but you and your associates can no longer harass and denigrate people, attack their families and their livelihood, while hiding behind assumed names. [I have no “associates” who attack anyone’s families or livelihood. I do not harass anyone.] We have a right to know, who attacks us. I am concerned about my safety and safety of my family, specifically knowing that leader of your organization “Foggy” aka [personal information deleted], according to the public record of the CA bar has a history of a psychiatric disorder and drug abuse. [I am not part of Foggy’s “organization”. I don’t know if he even has an organization. Exactly where on Fogbow was your family threatened? I have not seen such a thing.] We have a right to know, who are the people, who belong to his organization. We have a right to protect our families. [I have never threatened anyone’s family. I am not part of any “organization” related to Obama’s eligibility.] I hope you think long and hard about all the tremendous emotional distress and tremendous financial damage your group caused me and my family. [I do not have a group that is threatening anyone. I do not know about your personal financial situation, but I can assure you that I have never attempted to influence it.] You and other members of Fogbow were no different, than KKK members, who were saying that they are private citizens, while they were hiding behind the hoods and destroying peoples lives. [I have a user account at Fogbow because it is required to post messages. My occasional posting at The Fogbow does not imply my assent to everything others say there, any more than it would if I posted on your web site.]
Have you thought of severe emotional and financial damage you caused to the family of LTC Lakin? [What?!? I did not put those crazy conspiracy theories in Dr. Lakin’s head. I never asked him to disobey orders. I didn’t court martial him and I didn’t sentence him. I didn’t advocate a stiff sentence for him. How am I responsible for his troubles? I have written sympathetically about him as a person even though I disagree with his ideas.] This man stood up for the constitution. All he asked, was to see Obama’s proper papers, which nobody have seen yet. [Barack Obama’s birth certificate was published in June of 2008.] Obama regime threw him in prison, took away his pension. [Actually, military justice is carried out under the authority of Congress, not the President.] You added insult to injury. [How, where, when?] Have you thought of his family, of his children? [Yes, I have thought of his family and his children, and I feel for them. However, their trouble is no doing of mine. Lakin is in prison today because he trusted the wrong people, people who lied to him about the facts of Obama’s eligibility. If LTC Lakin had read my web site, perhaps he would be honorably serving in Afghanistan today.]
Many members of Politijab and Fogbow are attorneys, educated people. Where is your human decensy [sic]? If you are a decent man, you should have been next to me shoulder to shoulder demanding Obama’s records, demanding integrity and honesty from judges, court clerks, court reporters, US attorneys and Congressmen in hearing this issue on the merits and resolving it. [I think reasonable people have seen all the evidence necessary to convince them of Obama’s eligibility. From what I have seen of the “birther” court proceedings, the courts are following the law without any necessity of encouragement from me.] You and/or your associates did not kill this issue by attacking me, by attacking my children, by calling my children names. [I have never spoke ill of your family or attacked your children. I think that you personally are deeply misguided and I have said so. I have attempted to kill the issue by refuting it with facts and evidence.] You engaged in public lynching of me and my family hiding behind the assumed names, and now you claim to be a private person? [I have never, even metaphorically, attacked your family.] If you and your associates stop the attacks, dismantle this organization, created for the purpose of harassment and obstruction of justice, stop destroying peoples’ lives while hiding behind the assumed names, there will be no reason to show your picture. [I am not a member of any organization related to the Obama eligibility issue. I have never attempted to harass you, or your family. Where is the evidence that I am “destroying peoples’ lives”?]
So, my response: we did not attack you. We have no plans to attack you or your family. [Then what did you hope to accomplish by posting my name, address and telephone number , save to “get back at me” for imagined attacks, or to intimidate me from speaking out in criticism of your conspiracy theories, or to blackmail me into “renouncing” the Fogbow forum?] Come out of the shadows. Let’s appeal to Obama’s decensy [sic]. Let’s demand together resolution of the problem and let’s deal with other pressing problems in front of us, such as economy, which is in down turn, serious problems of national security and the threat coming from the international Jihad.
If you have decensy [sic], if you care about children, not just yours, but mine and Lakin’s and other children, give me a call and let’s work together 949-683-5411
Taitz needs to be hospitalized. She’s even worse now than when she first started her nonsense
I am also a member of Fogbow and damn proud of it. I got to know Foggy from when he came to the gretawire forum to defend the president against Taitz’s and the rest of the birther klan’s slander, and he did a damn fine job too
Wow! I hope she gets more cases into the courts soon – the more time she spends in front of a judge, the sooner she will end up disbarred, in my opinion (and the sooner that happens, the better…).
Could you post your email to her? I don’t care to visit her site…
Just curious, have Orly’s children ever been named or made issue of? This is new to me.
Oh dearie me. Obly has lost it for reals this time. Perhaps a 72 hour 5150 hold is in order?
Slartibartfast, here it is:
From my point of view, her ballistic response to this reasonable message (both shown on her web site) makes her look really bad.
Doc. I don’t know if you’ve seen her latest post about you – I can’t make head nor tail of it!
Thanks, Doc. I don’t think it’s just you that thinks this makes her look like a pathetic human being…
Yeah her supporters are “decent people” who just want to overthrow the government through acts of sedition and armed insurrection. What is this Fogbow Organization? Is this a new crime family? Is it something out of the TV Show Alias?
There were some back and forth emails where she demanded that I “renounce” The Fogbow and then she would take my photo off her site. I replied:
and you see her reply.
It’s funny. I could post comments on her web site until the cows come home and never get past moderation, but send here a private email, and it’s a feature article.
I need to start using one of those Joseph Farah confidentiality statements on all my emails.
What. A. Nutjob. In the past when I said that she was crazy I was just joking, but now I don’t know. She is in need of a serious mental evaluation.
Orly is from the former USSR and doesn’t believe in freedom of speech for others- Advocating sedition and armed rebellion should be against her citizenship vow, and work should be done to deport her as a rabble-rouser.
She is traitorous scum.
Taitz should just quit trying to succeed at something that has no chance of succeeding, do her dental thing, and spend some quality time at home with her husband and raising her pancakes.
Bleh. She is rapidly becoming irrelevant, even to the birthers. Her posts rarely solicit more than a comment or two, and half of those are unrelated and t he other half are Obots poking fun at her. Orly craves the limelight but it is fading to black, so she is posting anything — anything — in a vain attempt to grab the headlines. Expounding upon foreign policy, economics, abortion, health care. No one wants what she is offering.
Obsolete, I’m not sure she’s “traitorous” because I have yet to see any proof that she is a citizen. And I’d also really like to know who took her Bar Exam for her.
This is rather awkward about The Fogbow.
I didn’t create an account at The Fogbow; it was copied over from Politijab. In fact, I heard folks talking about The Fogbow and really didn’t know what it was until, I think, early January, because I really don’t have the time to spend on anti-birther web sites.
However, I don’t object to an account being created because that means I could post if I wanted to. Orly paints The Fogbow as an organization; but it is no more an organization that ObamaConspiracy.org is. Certainly not every one here agrees, nor does everyone there agree.
Orly demands that I “renounce” the organization. There is no organization, only a number of individuals, all different. And in truth, I don’t really know what’s going on over there because they have far too much content for me to read. However, what I have read there has never urged attacks against Orly Taitz’s family. If anyone has urged attacks against Orly’s family, then I do denounce those messages. I also denounce those messages on the Taitz web site that denigrate President Obama’s family.
I wonder what she takes to get through the night. According to the TV ads, some of those things have some really serious side-effects.
Maybe she’s just outraged that Black History Month will get more attention than her and yet another psychotic tantrum was the plan.
Orly herself had an account and posted on The Fogbow. She was banned for posting personal information about a member. (She lasted 3 days, I think.)
Doc — would you consider redacting the name Orly refers to?
After all the publicity, I went over to The Fogbow and I see that there is a section titled Birther Cast and Characters dedicated to personally identifying birthers and associating them with whatever fringe history they might have.
You know that I don’t hold with this kind of personal identification. Intrusion into someone’s private life has, intentionally or not, a chilling effect on their free expression. I would rather douse them with facts and reason than to chill them with personal identification.
Dr. C – Sorry to hear that you’ve become a target of crazy Orly. Although I give you credit for trying, I don’t think you can be that surprised that she doesn’t respond back like a civil or decent person and goes off on broad rants accusing you of stuff you have nothing to do with.
That is her M.O. after all. She has consistently shown that she is a vindictive, hypocritical and spiteful crazy person. I wouldn’t worry too much about that pyschotic woman’s rants…she may be vicious, but she’s also fairly incompetent.
I don’t want to be a dick or anything, Doc, but I want you to be aware of something just in case Taitz tries to call you a liar. I just went to Fogbow and found a post by you on the “Introduce Yourself” thread that you posted back on 1/23/09. Just thought you should be aware of that in case you might have to explain it.
Orly is NOT crazy. She, like her landsman Avigdor Lieberman, are standard issue refuseniks. They spend their day licking their wounds, instead of looking to the future. Sidenote: Lieberman was a bouncer, before being elected to parliament. I had a co-worker in NY who was a refusenik, and he was one of the most contentious people I ever met. There was a sigh of relief when he left.
I saw their crowd all the time in Israel.
Let her stew. She is lashing out at everyone, and eventually it will collapse on her. I’m sure her husband is getting tired of her act. It already cost her $20K.
I can say with satisfaction that Jewish culture has flourished in New York.
Doc, am I considered Orly’s enemy if I don’t renounce your site?
I don’t want any trouble.
There was no Fogbow in 2009. The Fogbow domain wasn’t even registered until September of 2010. As I explained, when The Fogbow was created, they copied all the birther content from Politijab to Fogbow. That introductory message was posted at Politijab.
Do whatever you feel that you have to.
Okay, just so you’re prepared.
Foggy’s name has been blasted all over the Internet, but you’re right. I should be consistent. It’s been redacted. Thanks.
I was kidding.
Orly’s tactics sound much like those of the Church of Scientology.
Hey Orly: Socialism needs democracy like the human body needs oxygen. – Leon Trotsky
So was I.
She appears to be butthurt that Lakin didn’t have her represent him.
But had she, I doubt he’d have only received 6 mos in LW.
They’d have given him a lot more had little-miss-eyelashes been allow to “feenish.”
Hey Orly… we had nothing whatsoever to do with you and Charles Lincoln III, did we?
How did that affect your family?
We’ve seen the letters that Charles wrote about your little tryst in the dental chair.
He said that happened and you never denied it. Why not?
It was completely your own doing and nothing to do with any of us, either.
So… was your family proud of you then?
Were they proud of you when you had to pay $20K?
And folks.. how is that she starts blaming the Doc for Lakin’s woes, then says it was Obama’s regime that did it? WTF?
All she does is blame one person or another for everything.
It doesn’t even matter if it’s the truth or the right person or anything.
And what’s absent? HER… saying that she was ever wrong, ever made a mistake and so on.
She thinks she’s snowflake-white and everything bad is Obama’s fault..er…well… someone’s fault… maybe him, maybe her.. but NEVER herself. Never ever herself.
Classic NPD trait.
In fact, never is the same word many of us use when we describe her success as a lawyer as in “Never won a case yet.”
All she ever does is fail… unless she’s chasing windmills.
At THAT, she’s excellent.
I’ll have to ask Charles Lincoln for other superlatives to describe her past excellence.
Does hotter, wetter or tighter accurately describe how a lawyer conducts their business?
You’re absolutely right.
It indicates that she controls everything that’s posted or not.
She’s in the driver’s seat, but never has a clue where she’s going.
Straight off a cliff.
Let’s hope this is a passenger in that car….
Interesting. Has anyone done some research on this? I remember the whole “free Soviet Jewry” movement in the 1970s and wondered what happened to the refuseniks….
So essentially, Orly’s defense of posting your personal information boils down to this:
-She has no evidence that you’ve ever advocated or perpetrated attacks on her or anyone else.
-She blames you for attacks on her and others anyway.( I know; that’s a headscratcher. )
-She’s trying to extort you. If you’ll dance to her tune, she’ll agree to remove your information from her website.
-She also feels justified in exposing the personal information of every single American who disagrees with her political positions. Following that logic, she’s got 308M more people to out.
I think that covers it.
Well, I certainly don’t believe people at Fogbow threatened Orly because she says so. She said Bill Bowman at the Examiner threatened her in his article and he did no such thing:
And, of course, there are probably smarter things to do than poke a stick at a blog full of accomplished lawyers who wouldn’t hesitate to sue the crap out of anyone who libeled them. I suspect Orly will eventually find out the difference in libel law that applies to persons such as herself that have made themselves public figures, and those who have gone out of their way not to.
Finally, the lack of self awareness is astounding. If Lt. Col. Lakin had listened to the people at Fogbow, he would be free and have a career, as the people at Fogbow stated what the law was and predicted exactly how the court would rule. Rather, he listened to idiot birthers who knew nothing about military law. Do we see any guilt in the birther community for giving wrong advice. Of course not. Rather, the judge must be the corrupt one as it couldn’t be possible for people with no knowledge of military law could be wrong.
Suddenly, all that (documented) talk about how many interviews she’s given for radio and TV and her high Google counts don’t mean as much to her as they used to. 😉
I’m not disputing your refusenik charge, but I do think she is clinically crazy as well. I also agree with US Citizen that she shows classic NPD symptoms to boot. She is a seriously messed up individual.
“Hey, look at me! Look at me! Look at me! No, not over there — over here, at me. I’m the Queen of the Birthers! Look at me! Let me feeneesh!” – Orly Taitz
These are the comments at Dr. Taitz’s site relative to her attempts to “out” the person behind Oh for Goodness Sake. You will note that Dr. Taitz and at least one of her posters do not believe in freedom of speech and say so.
Begin quote:
8 Responses to “I need info on this NAME REDACTED. If indeed she writes this blog, she is really nasty”
February 3rd, 2011 @ 12:04 pm
You NEED to know … exactly, why? Did she say bad things that hurt your feelings? You want to meet her on the playground aftet school or sumptin’?
February 3rd, 2011 @ 12:23 pm
Don’t people who disagree with you have a constitutional right to freedom of speech?
February 3rd, 2011 @ 1:08 pm
of course not.
richard Ker
February 3rd, 2011 @ 3:49 pm
Why not? Why can’t everyone live and let live? Why can’t you let [Name redacted, Doc] do her thing while you do yours?
Kathy M
February 3rd, 2011 @ 4:06 pm
This website is operating on a server located in Encino, which is in Calif located Northwest of L.A north of Santa Monica. The Registrant on the site is:
Administrative Contact: REDACTED xf9t934d67h@nameprivacy.com REDACTED
GEO Location Of Server: REDACTED
February 3rd, 2011 @ 5:07 pm
Freedom of speech? Yes! Attack verbally? No! Speak anonymously? Well, the fact that you want your identity hidden tells us as much as we need to know and more. Get reeal. Even an idiot can figure that out!!!
February 4th, 2011 @ 1:28 am
queenofshina, if you truly believe that then you’ll post your name, address, phone number. (not like i care either way)
Chum Lee
February 4th, 2011 @ 7:54 am
You are hiding behind a fake name. Pot meet kettle.
Have they ever been to Lame Cherry’s blog?
Now THAT is nasty.
You have misquoted me. I do not believe I have ever stated that Dr. Taitz is nasty. I merely quoted from her site. The reader is free to draw his or her own conclusions.
Hahaha, kinda funny since someone posted MY info on Fogbow, but THEY didn’t get banned! Why not?
Gues you’re stiull censoring me, eh?
I have no control over anything that happens at Fogbow.
Yes, I am still censoring you.
No, the software of this blog misquoted you.
If one publishes a quote of someone under their own screen name and I hit the “quote” button, it will attribute their quote to them.
It has nothing to do with human error or intent; it’s the way the software works.
I apologize if this caused any undo stress, but it was not intentional.
And nasty was a reference to Oh for Goodness Sake.
In Orlyspeak, truth is nasty.
Understood. I’m just protecting myself from Ms. Taitz “outing” me, despite my military record and that I voted for Senator McCain.
On second thought, I’m not sure anything would protect one from the wrath of Ms. Taitz.
That is most likely. Can’t stop the wrath of a paranoid narcassist. All you have to do is look at someone like that wrong and they’ll put you on their “enemies list” for llfe.
But please don’t let fear rule your life. You can’t live in fear of nuts like her and her crazed followers.
For one thing, outside of showing the ability to be annoying, they are nothing but a bunch of incompetents and not that large in size.
My suggestion is that you continue to operate and live your life as you always have done, with you head up high. You can’t appease crazy, so don’t even try.
OFGS hasn’t posted any new material since January 31. I’m guessing that this is not a coincidence.
Earlier this week, there was a statement on 1st at OFGS that mentioned they were having trouble posting that day and would be back once that was remedied.
That notice disappeared yesterday and the material from the 31st is now the last stuff to display.
So, I’m not sure what all is going on there…
I’m guessing that it is (well not really guessing).
A blog like OFGS takes a tremendous amount of time.
It’s actually a software issue, the blog owner lost several pending posts and was waiting for an upgrade and tech support. I heard.
I am so sorry this has happened to you. You are a good, DECENT (I can even spell it) person who didn’t deserve that.
FYI – OFGS is back up and running. Several new articles were posted today.