I came across some birther t-shirts and a birther calendar while trying to find something else.
What I was looking for was the other Birther Calendar, a calendar of the various activities associated with birthers and their court cases. I’ve added it under the Docket menu up top.
It’s a great way for me to add content without doing any extra work 😉
The birther calendar is great (the one on the Docket menu, not the one for sale… ;-)). Thanks.
Agreed!!! The one on the docket menu is VERY impressive…it even has the “loosely” connected birther tangent court cases & events.
My favorite, as I clicked months ahead was seeing “The End of The World” marked on 5/11/11. ROTFLMAO!!!
That other birther calendar for sale…wow…extremely weak and lame. I’m not just saying that because I think Birtherism is stupid…it truly is a weak effort and I can’t even see why a Birther would waste money on buying it. They might as well just use a crayon and mark up their own calendar at home. Bland and amateurish. No artistic merit at all.
I actually got a kick out of some of the t-shirt designs at that link. Even though I think they are nuts, there were a few that were put together well and actually creative. A greater amount of them were overly-busy and just didn’t work at all. Some were predictably lame. Not surprised to see quite a few “Go Galt” shirts show up under that link. Similar simplistic mindset view of the world…obviously from the Tea-Party wing of birtherism. Anyways, if someone was crazy enought to walk around in public with any of those birther shirts, I’d be able to peg them as an ignoramus right away.
I also thought it was funny that there was a “Death to All Birthers” shirt in that mix. It just really stood out amongst the rest. LOL!
And, of course, for someone, it will be. Maybe lots of someones. Approximately 155,520 someones.
Sorry, it was authorized by the U.N. This is a joint coalition effort, not a US campaign.
That’s called quote mining. It’s a logical fallacy and it’s dishonest.
Just like McSame, Shrub and Romney.
Libya proves my contention that oil companies and defense contractors set US policy, not the “Israel lobby.” See Iran 1953.
For the record, I disagree with Libya, Afghanistan and Iraq.
Also, try this: “The British Government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa .”
Here’s another gem from Shrub: “There are some who feel like that the conditions are such that they can attack us there. My answer is bring them on.”
Show me a politician who is not.