Oh dear. Karl Rove put is foot in the cow patty when he told the birthers that they were just a distraction. This from the front page of the Birthers.org web site:
Thank you Karl Rove
For showing the American people you do not give a damn about upholding the Constitution of the United States. It is not like we didn’t know this already, but your neo-con RINOs always managed to stay in the shadows corrupting its clear intention with laws that circumvented its simplistic clarity. Always have you done your dirty deeds under the pretext of an emergency, the Patriot Act and TARP are just a few unconstitutional acts perpetrated by you and your gang.
Now you are telling us upholding and enforcing Article II of the Constitution is a distraction. Yes you are right, we the Birthers have distracted the American people form the slight of hand theft of their birth-right. \we have shown them that something so simple to understand as the constitutional requirement of being a natural born citizen for the office of the President is being ignored by the government, the courts and press. It is only natural that they start to question all the other shenanigans the government has been up to. And this is what the oppressors of liberty fear.
I knew it! Rove is working for Obama.
He’s in on it too. They got to him.
“neo-con RINOs”
They should trademark that.
It was Rove who convinced Dick Cheney not to call for written objections to the certification of Obama’s electoral college votes. There is a great right wing conspiracy to keep Barack Obama in office in support of the New World Order.
The New World Order’s comin’. Better get ready, You’ll have to give up your guns and be forced to marry someone of the same sex.
I’ll fool ’em. I’ll get that new hermaphrodite surgery with the AK-47 apps built in.
Is your spam filter broken again, Doc?
This is absolutely true. We, French, are looking forward to becoming your Supreme Overlords. I myself have dibs on the State of Colorado. Enslaving a horde of morons like you should be an easy task. The only thing holding us back is — we haven’t decided what to do with you after we enslave you? You’re obviously not good for much, are you?
Firearm carnage, and invading countries for oil. Also, creating a coup against a democratically elected president, installing a military officer as
dictator/puppetShah, to get hold of oil. 2003, meet 1953.We also are as good as 1933 Germany, at producing cranks, like Sharron Angle and the Birthers.
Also, good at shooting uppity ni*****: Medgar Evers, James Meredith, Dr. King, Vernon Jordan. Also, harassing artists: Robert Crumb and Robert Frank:
On patrol near the Mississippi river one afternoon in November 1955, Lt RE Brown of the Arkansas State Police spotted a suspicious, ‘foreign-looking’ man driving down the highway in a battered old Ford and pulled him over.
…the man didn’t have proper ID and his car was full of maps, foreign books, a bottle of ‘foreign whisky’, and – most suspicious – fancy foreign cameras. Thinking he had caught a spy with ‘Communist affiliations’, Lt Brown arrested Robert Frank and threw him into jail for an interrogation that would last until midnight.
More on Robert Frank:
But what has emerged only in the past few years is how perilously close the world came to losing Frank and his pictures when he had the misfortune to meet Lt Brown on that remote stretch of Arkansas highway. Frank probably doesn’t want to hear it now, but Lt Brown had a reputation for violence that was legendary among his fellow troopers.
…one ex-trooper described him as ‘hell on wheels’. Another said, ‘It is possible he killed more men in the line of duty than anyone else in the State Police.’ Apparently, it was not uncommon for him to beat prisoners with his belt. ‘He was definitely someone you did not want to fool with,’ Trooper Ray Carnahan recalled.
@ misha:
but none of that makes very good slave material does it? 🙂
I guess we’ll have to recall the black helicopters and forget our overlordship plans.
Did you hear that jamesey? You’re safe.
Colorado should be wonderful, a lot like the Alps, only higher! You’re right, we Americans are good for nothing except pommes frites (er, Freedom Fries)!