Sean Hannity and Joseph Farah discuss the birth certificate. Radio interview:
Also includes clips from Chris Matthews and Donald Trump.
Farah is just plain wrong when he says that John McCain was forced to produce his birth certificate during the Senate hearings.
Conclusions…..Hannity isn’t too bright, Farah is a barefaced liar and the lawyer completely missed every chance to nail Hannity’s ignorance and Farah’s duplicity.
like every birfer and the lowlives who pander to them, farah is just plain wrong. period.
Farah is just plain wrong when he says that John McCain was forced to produce his birth certificate during the Senate hearings.
It was wrong the first time he said it. Now he’s nothing more than an liar.
He knows and he doesn’t care. He also knows he won’t be held responsible for his slander and libel. Farah does an excellent job of creating, feeding and cultivating hardcore, paranoid birthers. He runs a well oiled propaganda machine that must be making quite a bit of money.
No way does Farah (or Corsi for that matter) believe for a nanosecond that Obama was born anywhere other than Hawaii. This is about nothing but money.
Money, ego and a deep seated hatred and bigotry for “those people”.
A search of Joseph Farah on (one of the Good listed below) yields quite a few interesting articles on the motivations of the World Nut Master.
Nothing new here. The “fair and balanced” commentators on FOX News frequently pose the rhetorical equivalent of the question “Have you stopped beating your wife yet?” to liberals and progressives under the guise of objectively posing the questions that good, God-fearing, patriotic Americans want them to ask.
Every time a birther is shown a web link to, or hard copy of Obama’s official birth certificate (you know, the one that is recognized by the federal government when applying for a passport), they pull the equivalent of a 9-year old covering his ears and shouting “nyah, nyah, nyah, I can’t hear you!”
You can lead right wingers to the truth, but you cannot make them embrace it.
You have to look at the motivations of the majority of the birthers to understand why they simply cannot “let go”. Fundamentally, it comes down to the following mindset: “I cannot accept THAT man in the White House because…. (fill in the blank).”
Just about ANY reason will do — any excuse that will legitimize their bigotry-based outrage. If it wasn’t about a birth certificate, it would be about his middle name. (He’s a closet Muslim, you know.)
In addition, there are a handful of unscrupulous politicians and pundits who, although not necessarily racists themselves, have no problem capitalizing on the bigotry of others by fueling their fear and hatred of Obama in order to score political points or further a personal agenda.
Well said.
Hear, hear. Thanks.