ORYR repeats old discredited rumor as if it were news

In the article Note to the Lying Communist Obots: The Nail in the African Coffin; The Facts Don’t Lie! ObamaReleaseYourRecords  (ORYR), drags out a long-discredited objection to the authenticity of Barack Obama’s Certification of Live Birth (COLB), and reports it as if it were breaking news and worse, as if it were true!

The objection is that Obama’s father’s race is listed as “African” on President Obama’s published birth certificate, a term that someone in 1961 would not have used.  I dealt with that claim almost two years ago in my article, The African Race. ORYR links to a document we’ve talked about several times, Vital Statistics of the United States – 1961, claiming that it proves the race on the COLB is impossible. The document says:

Births in the United States in 1961 are classified for vital statistics into white, Negro, American Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Aleut, Eskimo, Hawaiian and Part-Hawaiian (combined), and “other nonwhite.”

The operative word here is “births.” The race of the child is not reported by parents, but determined by the staff, according to a set of rules, into those classifications. The race of the father is whatever the father describes himself to be, not limited to any list of pre-determined values.

I documented back in my 2009 article uses of “African” as a race by Africans in 1961, and that the parents’ race is self-reported.

The incessant recycling of discredited claims reminds me of this passage from the Bible:

It has happened to them according to the true proverb, “A dog returns to its own vomit,” and, “A sow, after washing, returns to wallowing in the mire.”

2 Peter 2:22 – (NASB)

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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24 Responses to ORYR repeats old discredited rumor as if it were news

  1. Black Lion says:

    Doc, I have seen a lot of this recently by the birthers. The recycle old debunked stories as if they are new or as it had never been discredited before….There is one birther over at Gratewire that keeps repeating the claim that “Obama was never certified” as if that was some sort of requirement…I think the birthers are getting desperate and recycling lies in some way keeps them and the paypal button going….

  2. Black Lion: Doc, I have seen a lot of this recently by the birthers. The recycle old debunked stories as if they are new or as it had never been discredited before

    There’s always a temptation to re-cycle old articles (I’ve written 1147 so far). But it’s

    Obama Conspiracy Theories
    Made Fresh Daily
    Since 2008

  3. Black Lion says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: There’s always a temptation to re-cycle old articles (I’ve written 1147 so far). But it’sObama Conspiracy TheoriesMade Fresh DailySince 2008

    Agreed…And your freshness is appreciated…I guess the birthers can only lie so much until they run out of material…

  4. Black Lion says:

    Perfect example of pushing a discredited rumor….

    WND’s Cashill Thinks Obama ‘Quite Possibly’ Had Gay Sex
    Topic: WorldNetDaily

    One of the sleazy anti-Obama memes WorldNetDaily has pushed, on both the stealth and not-so-stealth levels — is the idea that Barack Obama has had gay sex at some point in his lifew. First it was the never-proven Larry Sinclair claims that WND gave prominent play to without bothering to fact-check them. Then, Jerome Corsi went the dog-whistle route last month by dropping the names of supposed gay-sex paramours familiar only to those (like Corsi) who hang out in the Internet’s most fetid corners of Obama-hate.

    Now Jack Cashill takes a dip in that pool of filth in his March 10 WND column:

    On the Hawaii front, Obama had to worry too about what Mendell would learn about poet, pornographer and card-carrying member of the CPUSA, Frank Marshall Davis.

    That relationship between Obama and Davis is succinctly illustrated in the poem “Pop,” which was published under the 19-year-old Obama’s name in a 1981 edition of an Occidental College literary journal.

    Instinctively protective of Obama, reviewers to a person decided that the “Pop” of the poem had to be Obama’s mother’s father, Stanley Dunham, the man Obama called “Gramps.”

    Not a one of them asked the most basic question: Why would Obama name a poem about the man he called “Gramps” “Pop”?

    Rebecca Mead, writing in the New Yorker, unhesitatingly describes the poem as a “loving if slightly jaded portrait of Obama’s maternal grandfather.”

    Obama biographer David Remnick makes the same point, “‘Pop,'” he says as though a given, “clearly reflects Obama’s relationship with his grandfather Stanley Dunham.”

    More oblivious still is British poet Ian McMillan. “There’s a humanity in the poem,” he writes in the Guardian, “a sense of family values and shared cultural concerns that give us a hint of the Democrat to come.”

    Family values? What family? Roman Polanski’s? The “Pop” of the poem is a drunken poet who is plying the underage Obama with alcohol and quite possibly sex.

    Does Cashill offer any proof of this claim? Of course not.

    Cashill, if you’ll remember, is the same man who’s quite put out that nobody takes his Obama-hating conspiracy theories seriously. Gee, wonder why?

  5. G says:

    Black Lion: Doc, I have seen a lot of this recently by the birthers. The recycle old debunked stories as if they are new or as it had never been discredited before….There is one birther over at Gratewire that keeps repeating the claim that “Obama was never certified” as if that was some sort of requirement…I think the birthers are getting desperate and recycling lies in some way keeps them and the paypal button going….

    Their tactic of doing this just reveals their TRUE mission.

    Birtherism is NOT about any of the “Constitution” claims, etc. that they make. Heck, its not even about “allegience” worries.

    It is all an intentional propoganda scheme to cast Obama as “the other”. They don’t care that their lies and myths and concern troll straw-man arguments are false or debunked. That only causes them to lie low for a little while on that particular lie…hoping nobody will notice, so they can bring it up again later.

    Their whole goal is hoping to repeat their lies often enough in the hopes that by keep saying it, more people will start to fall for their BS.

    It is nothing but a purely agenda-driven propoganda brainwashing tactic.

  6. Black Lion says:

    Another example of recycling the same discredited nonsense…

    butterdezillion; justiceseeker93
    The peculiar thing about this is that he told many African journalists in the earlier part of the last decade, 2000 – 2005, that he was born in Kenya. Some of those magazines had the interviews still archived as late as July 2008. I know, because I read quite a few.

    He even stated he was born in Kenya during a radio interview while running for an earlier office in Chicago.

    Everything – all of it – has been scrubbed from the media, as though it never happened.

    I had copies of some of it, including the radio interview, on my hard drive. But hackers, one from a Senate office building in Washington, D.C., and the other a few months later from Chicago, wiped both the hard drives.

    No doubt I wasn’t popular with the Obama campaign, as I kept telling people about what I had discovered.

    80 posted on Wednesday, March 09, 2011 7:20:23 PM by SatinDoll


  7. Loren says:

    “Births in the United States in 1961 are classified for vital statistics into white, Negro, American Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Aleut, Eskimo, Hawaiian and Part-Hawaiian (combined), and “other nonwhite.”

    Birthers, as above, regularly point out that ‘African’ is not on this list. And that that is somehow evidence of fraud, apparently.

    I have yet to see a Birther make the equivalent observation that ‘Caucasian’ is not on that list either. ‘White’ is. And yet Stanley Ann Dunham is listed as ‘Caucasian.’ It would seem that’s not a problem in their eyes.

    But a black man in 1961? Calling him anything other than a ‘Negro’ is apparently wrong.

  8. Black Lion says:

    More Obama rumors that refuse to die….

    To: AlexW
    If we follow the facts, it looks like obamas’s mother was sent to Kenya by her parents to make her sham marriage to obama’s sr. look legit. I beleve that it was their intention all the time to return to Hawaii just in time to have the child. obama arrived yearly and threw their plans out of whack. The grandparents went to the Hawaiian records department and recorded the birth of obama as being born in Hawaii. this is why there is a “record “ of obama’s in Hawaii. Of course without Doctor and Hospital information it never made it to the state registrars office and became a certified certificate of birth. obama and his attorneys has been attempting to “modify” the certificate to give it the appearance of being real. obama did not start claiming to be born in Hawaii until he started his campaign to run for President. when he ran for U.S. senator he was running as the first Kenyan born U.S. Senator.

    61 posted on Wednesday, March 09, 2011 11:08:15 AM by omegadawn

    To: SatinDoll
    Did you know that there were two witnesses to his birth in Mombassa, Kenya, in 1961?
    I’m aware of his supposed paternal grandmother supposedly telling and American clergyman in her native language – through an interpreter – that she was present at the birth. I don’t know who the other witness might be, other than perhaps the doctor whose name is on the Kenyan birth certificate, as displayed by Inspector Smith.

    75 posted on Wednesday, March 09, 2011 6:51:21 PM by justiceseeker93

    The Passport Office’s refusal to cough up the index cards for Ann’s passports tells me something, and what appears to be a forged Dept of State “cable” claiming the retention schedule for passport applications was changed and millions of records destroyed without leaving any of the required paper trail also makes me think there’s something pretty serious they’re hiding, to actually perjure themselves to keep it hidden.

    77 posted on Wednesday, March 09, 2011 7:11:02 PM by butterdezillion


    Speaking of Punahou School, imagine how many times he made the 5 minute walk from granny’s apartment to school and the basketball court. Countless times, right? Take a look at the map. Various links claim it’s a 5 minute walk and the map proves that. Now, take a look at what that big building is right smack in the middle of his walk. What?!? Could it be?!? Why, it’s none other than the Kapiolani Hospital for Women and Children!!! Now, someone please explain to me how he is so confused that he names two different HI hospitals as his miraculous birthplace.

    Do a street view and you can plainly see the hospital from the apartment building. He saw that hospital every day he lived there.

    86 posted on Thursday, March 10, 2011 11:34:36 AM by bgill

    “I just implying that it seems strange that mother would fly from Mombasa to Hawaii with such a newborn, and other reasons for his not being legal should be kept open.”
    There is a possibility that Baby Obama never saw Hawaii until his third birthday. Instead, his mom, Stanley Ann flew him from Mombasa to Seattle, Washington in time for class at the University of Washington the fall of 1961.

    24 posted on Wednesday, March 09, 2011 3:24:21 AM by jonrick46

  9. Lupin says:

    G: Birtherism is NOT about any of the “Constitution” claims, etc. that they make. Heck, its not even about “allegience” worries.

    I have yet to see any any birther prove that he/she posted/wrote about such issues BEFORE Obama became a candidate.

  10. y_p_w says:

    The “long form” Hawaii BC images circulating around the Internet do include “Caucasian” in the race field.

    Shouldn’t that debunk the claims that a Hawaii BC only lists certain categories?

  11. Black Lion says:

    Loren: Birthers, as above, regularly point out that African’ is not on this list. And that that is somehow evidence of fraud, apparently.I have yet to see a Birther make the equivalent observation that Caucasian’ is not on that list either. ‘White’ is. And yet Stanley Ann Dunham is listed as Caucasian.’ It would seem that’s not a problem in their eyes.But a black man in 1961? Calling him anything other than a Negro’ is apparently wrong.

    Loren, excellent point….

  12. Scientist says:

    Black Lion: I beleve that it was their intention all the time to return to Hawaii just in time to have the child. obama arrived yearly

    His poor mother, having to go through labor every year…

  13. Slartibartfast says:

    I really want to do a Fourier analysis of the ebb and flow of birther memes – I believe that each of the memes has a characteristic frequency (or frequencies) that could be demonstrated by such analysis…

  14. john says:

    If Obama was born in Kenya, Obama Sr. would have definitely considered himself African. But, in Hawaii (USA), Obama Sr. was a negro. As such, if the birthing information was forwarded to grandparents, Obama SR. would considered himself African if Obama was born Kenya. In that case, the COLB for which information given by the grandparents was derived could very well have said African on it.

    Even if Obama Sr. reported himself as “African” why didn’t Stanley Ann report herself as “American”? Doesn’t sound consistent. American is as much as a race as African is.

    [I had to approve this one from John/James/Tim… because it was so totally stupid. Doc.]

  15. G says:

    Slartibartfast: I really want to do a Fourier analysis of the ebb and flow of birther memes – I believe that each of the memes has a characteristic frequency (or frequencies) that could be demonstrated by such analysis…

    I think you are on to something here…

  16. Rickey says:


    But a black man in 1961?Calling him anything other than a Negro’ is apparently wrong.

    I’d have to research this further, but it’s quite possible that Obama’s father never referred to himself as “negro.” The word comes from either the Spanish or the Portuguese, and neither country ever had a significant presence in Kenya (although Vasco da Gama visited Malindi in 1498).

    The British may have referred to Kenyans as negroes, but I’d be interested to see if there is any evidence that Kenyans ever used that term to describe themselves.

  17. Slartibartfast says:

    If Obama was born in Kenya, Obama Sr. would have definitely considered himself African. But, in Hawaii (USA), Obama Sr. was a negro. As such, if the birthing information was forwarded to grandparents, Obama SR. would considered himself African if Obama was born Kenya. In that case, the COLB for which information given by the grandparents was derived could very well have said African on it.

    Even if Obama Sr. reported himself as “African” why didn’t Stanley Ann report herself as “American”?Doesn’t sound consistent.American is as much as a race as African is.

    [I had to approve this one from John/James/Tim… because it was so totally stupid. Doc.]

    Actually, the listed race being ‘African’ argues against a Kenyan birth – if the grandmother reported it, she would have likely listed Mr. Obama as ‘Negro’ and it is highly unlikely that the question of ‘father’s race’ would be seen as so critical to communicate from Kenya…

  18. Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    john: If Obama was born in Kenya, Obama Sr. would have definitely considered himself African. But, in Hawaii (USA), Obama Sr. was a negro. As such, if the birthing information was forwarded to grandparents, Obama SR. would considered himself African if Obama was born Kenya. In that case, the COLB for which information given by the grandparents was derived could very well have said African on it.Even if Obama Sr. reported himself as “African” why didn’t Stanley Ann report herself as “American”? Doesn’t sound consistent. American is as much as a race as African is.[I had to approve this one from John/James/Tim… because it was so totally stupid. Doc.]

    Yeah this is pretty stupid. What goes on the birth certificate is according to what the parents consider themselves to be. It would be odd for a Kenyan to refer to himself as Negro. Africa is a continent not a country just as America isn’t a continent but a country. The comparison is stupid. Americans arent a race

  19. Black Lion says:

    Slartibartfast: Actually, the listed race being African’ argues against a Kenyan birth – if the grandmother reported it, she would have likely listed Mr. Obama as Negro’ and it is highly unlikely that the question of father’s race’ would be seen as so critical to communicate from Kenya…

    Slart, you know that logic fails the birthers, especially John. His so called “theory” is probably one of the dumbest we have seen here….At least not counting Sven….

  20. Sef says:

    I really want to do a Fourier analysis of the ebb and flow of birther memes – I believe that each of the memes has a characteristic frequency (or frequencies) that could be demonstrated by such analysis…

    White noise!

  21. aarrgghh says:

    Sef: White noise!

    … which is all that birtherism really amounts to, both literally and figuratively.

  22. The Magic M says:

    > Obama SR. would considered himself African if Obama was born Kenya

    Huh? A Kenyan would “consider himself” something different depending on where his son was born? Now that is such desperate clasping at straws it’s not even in the same multiverse anymore.

  23. Dave says:

    My impression of ORYR’s site is that repetition is constant. Every article, even if it finds something new to report, winds up with a giant rehash of previous articles and embeds a handful of videos he’s posted before.

  24. Slartibartfast says:

    Black Lion: Slart, you know that logic fails the birthers, especially John.His so called “theory” is probably one of the dumbest we have seen here….At least not counting Sven….

    I think that this meme is especially dumb as, if examined closely, it casts doubt on the birther theories rather than support them…

    Sef: White noise!

    I don’t think so, but I’ll have to ‘do the math’, so to speak, to be sure…

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