Barack O'Bama
“Irish President” was a phrase I found in a very old newspaper clipping about 19th century US President Chester A. Arthur. Arthur’s father immigrated from Ireland and only became an American citizen some time after the birth of our 21st President.
Equally unknown is the fact that Barack Obama is also Irish. It’s unknown in the United States, but not so much in Ireland, where the ancestral home of Barack Obama, Moneygall, can’t do enough tout the President’s Irish side, as reported by the Irish Press. The Irish know about birthers too, according to an article in the Independent yesterday.
He’s a stinkin’ drunk Irish pig. Thet’re all the same.
There’s no one as Irish as Barack O’Bama.
Does anyone doubt that if his name had been Barry O’Bama and his father an Irish citizen, that there wouldn’t be a single Birther making these claims about him today?
Depends on whether or not his father was Black Irish 😉
I wonder what they would be doing if he was Barry O’Bama and was a real liberal… (say he had the politics of Rep. Anthony Weiner) – would they still try to discredit him personally because they objected to him politically? My guess is: only if they could figure out (or make up) a way to do it…
funny thing article mentions only two white house occuppiers that were
not natural born citizens, both usurpers
regardless of race,color, or creed !!
And no one mentioned Chester’s usurpation until 2008, when conveniently, birthers began to lie about Chester’s history to malign a black President.
You guys are transparent.
what about Ronald “Dutch” Reagan who was born in the Netherlands?
HEY! I resemble that remark!
From reading this post it’s obvious that you, like every other birther, have no idea what the word “usurper” even mean. The fact that Barack Obama is the duly-elected President of the United States means that he is definitely not a usurper, but I wouldn’t expect a birther to have any grasp on reality.
The sooner you birthers stop trying to lie to people that are smarter than you (which would be anyone who isn’t a birther) the sooner the rest of us stop making fun of you. You’re only as ignorant and delusional as you choose to be.
Well said!
A usurper is someone who, by definition, is usurping his title or office from the rightful office-holder, generally by force.
In movies, when Lord Soandso sends his soldiers into the castle, throws the rightful king into the dungeon, and seizes power, he is a usurper.
But Obama did not steal the office from anyone – he was elected via the same process everyone else was, received double the electoral votes of his nearest competitor, and was certified the winner by the legislative body. He cannot be usurping the office because there is no “rightful holder” of the office he is taking it from – in fact, his opponents from said election all acknowledge him as the legitimate holder of the office.
Now if you want to claim him as ineligible and that he should be removed (he is eligible, but regardless) that is another issue – but he is not a usurper.
In august 1947, John f Kennedy traveled to Ireland. The trip was notable for several reasons. Kennedy was the first and foremost a good American, an American–so said the irish ambassador to the united states–who had all but lost his connection to the old county. Indeed, recalling how often jack Kennedy had visited emblems in the 1930s and early 140s without going to Ireland, the ambassador archly described Kennedy as an English American. Many people made much of his Irish ancestry, one of k English friends said. But he was European more English than Irish. Now at long last he was going home. That was not however how his father saw it. For Joseph Patrick Kennedy whose drive for social acceptance shadowed most of what he did, being described as an irishman was cause for private outrage. Goddam it he once spluttered afterBoston newspaper identified him that way. I was born in this country. My children were born in this country. What the hell dos someone need to do t become an American ?
So begins robert dalleck s an unfinished life (2003)– my spring break indulgence which I haven’t finished and won’t I fear until summer. Didn’t figure a relevant post, but…
This and the involvement of hidden forces behind the the scenes, I encourage yinz to read what conspiracy was 45 years ago. Poor mm.
It is a rather strange form of “usurpation” to go out and win 28 state primary elections and caucuses while winning your political party’s nomination over a formidible opponent, collect 69,456,897 popular votes in the General Election, get 365 Electors to vote for you, have your Electoral College votes counted and certified by Vice President Dick Cheney without objection from any of 535 members of Congress, be sworn in by Chief Justice John Roberts, win 92 lawsuits challenging your eligibility including 13 at the Supreme Court and receive the keys to the White House from George and Laura Bush while walking arm and arm with them as they return to Crawford, Texas. Then the Director of National Intelligence hands you the suitcase called “the nuclear football” containing the launch codes for every nuclear warhead in the US arsenal and the next day, you get the full “above top secret” security briefing from the Director of Central Intelligence telling you every secret that the sixteen intelligence agencies of the US Government are aware of.
IN summary, in case you birthers find Stanislaw’s explanation too complex to follow….
If you don’t want to be ridiculed… don’t be ridiculous.
When Orly Taitz (WBUH) calls Obama a usurper, she probably means impostor, The “one who called himself”, Samozvanets. It does not matter for Orly that Obama was not “called” President by a zemski sobor intimidated by Polish canon and sabres, but by a duly elected Congress who had every opportunity to object. You need to know some Russian history to understand Orly’s thinking:
In a English-language list of Russian Tsars, the first Samozvanets is usually called “Dimitri II (USURPED title)”. Perhaps, the Queen of Birfers (WBUH) will only be satisfied when she is chosen to ignite the fuse to the cannon that will blast Obama’s ashes from the Californian coast towards Hawaii. The irony, you cannot blast the ashes towards Kenya. You could balast them towards Ireland, but somehow I don’t believe Orly will settle for that.