I keep wanting to call Donald Trump an “idiot.” Every time I see him blathering on about “nobody remembers ’em”, “idiot” just pops into my mind. The conundrum is how an idiot could be so rich. So I won’t call Trump an idiot, but I’ll think it.
That brings us to the point. Barack Obama’s kindergarten teachers do remember him and here’s the proof courtesy of the Maui News, January 21, 2009.
Little Barry is on the left in the second row in front of teachers Aimee Yatsushiro and Katherine Nakamoto.

Detail from Obama Kindergarten class photo. Maui News.
“He was a cute, likable, heavy build-child,” Yatsushiro recalled. “I could visualize Barry smiling, dressed in his long-sleeved, white shirt tucked into his brown Bermuda shorts, and wearing laced shoes.”
Donald Trump is not the only idiot out there.
Donald Trump can certainly be an idiot. Keep in mind that he inherited his company and a lot of his money from his father. This is a man who somehow managed to bankrupt an Atlantic City casino back when owning one was a license to print money. He is a showman and a savvy self-promoter, not a business genius.
All birthers are, by definition, idiots or liars. Many, of course, are both.
An old joke from my grade school days in Arizona.
Guy gets a flat tire out front of the Arizona State Hospital. While he’s working on the tire a couple of patients come up to the fence to watch. As he goes to put the tire back on he realizes that the lug nuts have rolled down into the irrigation canal and are lost.
As he is cursing his stupidity for not paying attention, one of the patients calls out to him and suggests that he take one lug nut from each of the other three tires – that should hold them until he can get to a garage and replace them properly.
‘Wow’, the guy says, ‘that’s a really good idea. How did you guys from the hospital figure that out?’
‘Well’, says the patient, ‘we may be crazy, but we aren’t stupid’.
Moral of the story? Don’t underestimate crazy.
Can’t you feel the evil marxist muslimishness oozing out of that adorable child?
[/channeling birthers]
Pretty mediocre photographic fakery. 😉
Yatsushiro and Nakamoto are totally O-bots in the tank for Obama. I wonder how much hush money the Obama regime paid them to sell out their country.
Seriously though, young Barack Obama is a cute little scamp.
He still hasn’t grown into his ears.
Which is why all this running for President stuff is nonsense. He would never release his tax returns or fill out the financial disclosure statements. It might tarnish the “billionare” status.
I see that Trump has swallowed the entire birther meme, including the bogus story that Obama’s sister doesn’t know where he was born.
Even if Trump were to throw his hat in the ring, what are his chances of winning the nomination? He’s been divorced twice, he owns casinos, and his religious beliefs, in any, are murky. It’s hard to see him getting any support from the religious right.
Some commentators doubt that he will run because if nominated he would be under tremendous pressure to open up his finances to public scrutiny.
That Donald trump can be good at one thing but nutbag crazy when it comes to birtherism is not really surprising. In humans, genius and stupidity is highly compartmentalized.
Paul Vallely is a good example. Militarily he was a competent officer, and by all accounts, a respected strategist.
The rest of his life is a steaming pile of batshit crazy.
Oh come on, those are clearly prosthetic ears, you can practically see the Papier-mâché and wires… 😉
Yes, many successful people are not smart. (Conversely, many smart people are not successful.)
Trump may have inherited his father’s company, and may be considered by some to be charismatic. And he can also be an idiot, so I’ll say it for you, Doc: Trump is an idiot.
When Bush 2 was President, the word “idiot” would leap to my mind every time he opened his mouth, but I do not believe it’s true. In the political arena, there can be advantage in saying stupid things.
I ask this because I honestly don’t know. Are the records (school, passport, etc.), demanded by the birthers typical of records other US Presidents have disclosed in the past?
None of those are required. Financial statements, including income and assets are one of the few things that is
No previous candidate has ever shown his birth certificate, passport or school records (Bush and Kerry had their university grades leaked in 2004). Candidates aren’t even required to disclose if they have ever been arrested or convicted (we learned of Bush’s DWI through a leak).
> Yatsushiro and Nakamoto are totally O-bots in the tank for Obama.
And foreign-looking with foreign-sounding names – Japanese! Cue in the only midly masked racism (and Pearl Harbour references) of the birthers doubting their testimony for that reason alone.
It must really hurt them that the white Republican Linda Lingle confirmed Obama’s Hawaiian birth…
those are not kindergarten photos
children are too old
Actually, I thought they maight be these,
Seriously, I’ve seen smaller ears on a Ferengi…
Off topic breaking news quasi-related to birtherism. 95 year old WW2 veteran tries to apply for driver’s license, finds out he’s not a citizen.
Apparently the guy was born in Canada in 1916 to two U.S. citizen parents. His parents didn’t register the birth immediately. They don’t have birth certificates because they were born in Iowa before the state started keeping birth records in 1880.
All that may be true but like the old saying goes, IOIYAR.
It makes me question why you know so much about how old certain children look. How often are you caught staring at children?
I wonder at what point birthers will start arguing that Barack Obama was never even born? After observing the birther movement over the past couple of years, that would be their next logical step (and since we’re talking about birthers, I use the word “logical” as loosely as possible).
To a birther, this is definitive proof that Barack Obama never attended kindergarten. Pretty soon you’ll be asking for the release of his long-form coloring books and claiming that no one he played with at recess remembers who he is.